Aggravation phase #7

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Jodi - "I got a kink in my neck from holding my head in the same position for this whole damn aggravation phase, gosh."...while getting her notebooks in order.
When I first turned on the trial, JA was sitting with her arms down and not visible, and the color of her shirt made it look like she was in court in a straight jacket! It took several minutes before she moved so that I could see it was a real shirt :D

I was like, wow so she is being a really unusual defendant in open court :D
My oh my, someone "recovered" her composure very nicely once the jury left....
I believe the writing on the edge of her journals says ARIAS in black marker... One edge also has another word...
There is NO way the jury will come back with anything other than a vote for 'especially cruel'.

Btw, LOVE the judge's blue pearl necklace and matching earrings:D
Lunch, then maybe 90 minutes to deliberate. A decision by 4 p.m., I think.
How long do you guys think deliberations will take? I'm thinking an hour or so, maybe.

I don't think this will take long at all. They'll come back within 30 minutes and then, off to lunch break, before sentencing. I hope, anyway.
Dear Jury,
I used to like you. I do not anymore.

Love to my sister inmates,

Sorry for the snark. I've treated and transported people with sharp force injuries, as well as just about every other injury and illness you can think of, and people feel pain no matter what the circumstance that lead to their injury. This endorphin defense is laughable. They literally scream and writhe in agony until I give them a loading dose of narcotics. Then they can feel the pain but can cope with it. (I'm having a little post paramedic PTSD)

Yes exactly. Truly laughable they are trying to use it.
Wow.. that look CMJA just gave Juan.. just a glimpse of what Travis saw behind him in that mirror!!

JA's lawyers should have insisted she wear sun glasses ...even if they had to make up a reason as to why...those eyes are the last nail in her coffin. It would be such sweet justice if the jury came back like in 'two minutes' with their verdict of the DP.
Camera men have been told to not focus on JA when she is speaking with her lawyers..
JA is now calmly packing up her papers and composition notebooks - she has taken off the glasses (no jury to hide from as they have exited the room).

Jodi sits quietly and appears to read or write something . . . .

Just another day in paradise . . . . . .tra--la--la-la-la

mitigation expert comes near her to interact and deflect camera away from JA's non-chalance (IMO)
Nurmi refers jurors back to jury instructions - pg 3 - don't be showing sympathy -
pg 7 - evidence back it up

some things have changed from what the state told you from last phase to this one - remember last evidence all this happened in 62 seconds - so no way this story true since only 62 seconds - now expand time 2 minutes to play emotions and sympathy - not what you suppposed to place decision on

Dr. Horn and Det Flores had diffrent versions of events . . .gunshot came first -

if gunshot came first then he was not suffering in way

Dr. Demarte and Samuels and Dr. Horn - all talked about fight or flight a scientifically viable phenomenon . . .brain reacts to subject of adrenaline . . Dr. Horn does tell you adrenaline does prevent pain

going back to . . .. . . being firmly convinced - have you been given proof beyond reasonable doubt adrenaline kicking into TA brain

should have known he would suffer . . . she should have known that when she committed suicide . . . or attempted to . . she experienced pain of the razor - . . .

didn't happen . . .it did happen months weeks after this event - after she was in jail for awhile when she tried to make this attempt

other issue not only fight or flight - consciousness of Ms. Arias - she has to be conscious of what is going on - you must be firmly convinced. . . Dr. Samuels, Dr. Geffner . ..

don't know if you agree with Dr. Demarte . . . she speculated JA had borderline - detachment from her parents - improper forming of herself - one of the characteristics are the extreme violent outbursts.....given you verdict what happened on June 4th was extreme violent outburst . . . one of the episodes was what was happening on 6/4/08 then she was under the affect that Dr. Demarte says she has.

putting emotion aside - only crime scene photos of this nature you have ever seen - separate cruelty in a technical sense something you never thought have to do . . States own experts telling you about her mental condition that exists. . she didn't know she was causing this pain.

proof beyond a reasonable doubt she should have known . .. aggravating factor was indeed not proven.

previously during closing JM told you only just closing argument now have to expand . . . rather than addressing the evidence what you do is talk about the person delivering the information
objection may we approach?

WENWE - you have been awesome and a blessing in this trial. Words are not thank you enough for how much your work has been appreciated.

Thank you so very much for what you have done. BRAVO - and much appreciation. How very unselfish of you to do this for us.
While JM was describing the events of the crime, Jodi was shaking her head 'NO'. Seems the fog has lifted?
How come sometimes there is no thanks button on here and sometimes there is? Not trying to be rude, just wondering...
I'm stating here that I'm giving everyone a Thanks :)
HLN is so far behind a verdict may be reached before they finish closing arguments.
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