aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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Please can someone tell me the question juror #8 asked regarding the hair/hair cut? Thanks!!

"You said transient global amnesia can be caused by sexual intercourse, immersion in hot or cold water and other things. Is the list you presented all inclusive, or could it also be caused by something such as the trauma associated with getting a bad haircut, for example?"
It's Hot.
Babysitting stubborn 3 year old.
Dogsitting ancient Mini-Dachs the big dogs think is a squeaky toy..
Dislocated hip and shoulder doing chores in the barn (happens daily, makes me grumpy)
Sam's nurse leaving early..and he is sick on 2 antibiotics..
Convicted Murderer migraine (JA must have infected me, got it yesterday)
Feeling awful for Travis' family's almost over!

Bright spot in my day..seeing how awful ja looks. Replaying stripes and chains shuffle..

LOL,,,I'm sorry. I can feel for you believe me.
I am so grateful that we can ease our anxiety on here with each other.
Yes dadgum it is almost over but there will be others.
Just came from the "Sequence of Events" thread... much more sane here!:bigfight:

EH, I just read your daughter's and your family's story. What a beautiful tribute to a courageous little girl. I feel your heartbreak, and what's greater, your love. How truly blessed and truly challenged you have been. You and your daughter will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but, yesterday I viewed an article on People magazines website that said a source close to CMJA stated that after she thought about what she said in the post conviction interview, she now would prefer life over death. Does anyone know if HLN had reported that and who the source may have been?

I know nothing about HLN but I do know that she was walking back her cray-cray statement to get off the whacko patrol(suicide watch).
@jeffgoldesq: I'm looking forward today to the victim impact statements of Tenisha and Samantha in #jodiarias
I'd crack up, too, but she won't be getting a cease and desist from CBS. The Survivor TV show logo - which includes the word "survivor" - is copyrighted, but the word itself is not.

One of my neighbors has a tee shirt with "Survivor" printed on the front and a breast cancer "Walk for the Cure" printed on the back. They are given to the breast cancer survivors who participate in the walkathon. Legal and laudatory.

What CKJA and ALV are doing is tacky as all get out and completely insincere, but not illegal.

Plus, 48 Hours is on CBS.
They have an update on this case on Friday - special night.
I bet they already have a request to interview JA for a post sentencing update. They frequently interview convicted prisoners. Anyone think JA would turn down 48 Hours?

I have to say I'm actually really shocked that Jodi's Mom isn't speaking for her today.

Having watched the police interview with Mum, I am not surprised she will not be speaking for the murderer. Just recalling her description of the murderer's behavior after her slaughter spree, the trip to AZ in late March early April, I can't see JM passing up the opportunity to face her with these questions. Mum opens a lot of negative doors concerning the murderer and she would be easily impeached if she tried to wriggle out of some things. Her testimony would end up being more supportive of the prosecution's case in reality.
I am sure the motion to withdraw counsel was due to Jodi's interview after getting convicted of First Degree Murder. She was trying to clean up her image but did so by trashing and blaming everyone except herself.

IMO her attorneys had no idea the venom that was going to spew out of her mouth.

:scared: :scared:

if ja gets up and speaks to the jury, i can see jw & nurmi with their hands in the air saying after than interview we don't know what she will say or who else she will blame. :moo:
It's Thursday - D Day for Jodi.

I awoke this morning with the full on feeling that I can not imagine Jodi pleading for her life in front of the jury. Instead, if she speaks, I see her summing up why Travis had to die and that she is indeed the victim. She will never stray from that posture.

God, give this jury courage.

She's sick enough to think she 's suffered more than Travis' siblings, and to try to out-victim them in her statement.
I don't believe Jodi will ever, ever apologize since she doesn't believe she did anything wrong. I truly believe she thinks Travis pushed her to kill him and it was all his fault.

I think she would say she is sorry she HAD to KILL Travis..not that she is sorry she slaughtered him.
Don't know if you are a parent, but I raised 3 kids and I'm hear to tell you it's a crap shoot. It's a combination of nature and nurture. Nurture can modify but not overcome a kid's basic nature, not unless the kid agrees to change.

I have one child who from a very young age decided that he didn't have to listen or do anything he didn't want to. We had him in and out of counseling since the age of 3 -- that's not a typo. By the time he was three we knew we had a very serious problem on our hands. Little did we know it would only get worse.

Here's the sad but very true reality of parenting a child. The only power a parent has over their child is the power the child allows them to have.

Once they decide not to listen there is not a whole lot you can do. You can't actually force them to go to school short of chaining them to a desk, which you can't do. You can't force them to do homework or housework for that matter. You can't force them to be honest or loving or caring.

We were hauled ad infinitum into school and threatened because he kept cutting classes. He stole our cars and wrecked them. We reported him to the police, but they refused to file charges.

Our whole family was hostage to his behavior. We were helpless and we had to house, feed and clothe him until he was 18. He always manged to never get caught crossing the line. The law said we were responsible for his actions, but we had no tools to make him listen or follow the rules.

When I watched her parents' interviews, I saw two people who had decades of trying to help their daughter and realized the futility of it. My heart went out to them.

It's really easy to sit and blame the family but the fact that her parents called the cops told me they had been trying for years to get her under control. Hence their desperation of turning their own child in.

You can't force a child to accept help. My son sat in therapy week after week for years on end refusing to participate. We tried individual, family, group sessions. We tried MFCC's, psychologists, shrinks. We tried meds (which he refused to take). We tried and tried and tried. And he just said "You can't make me" and did whatever he wanted.

I haven't seen my son in years. I love him, I worry about him, but I know full well what he is and I know that we tried to "fix" him and "failed". I been waiting for the call from the police since he was a pre-teen. It hasn't come yet and I pray it never will but if it does I won't be shocked and I know we will be blamed.

CMJA didn't happen overnight, but that doesn't mean her parents made her. It could just mean they couldn't "unmake" here.

I'm so sorry and understand how difficult it's been for your family. However, my opinion's about Sandy, the aunt and grandmother were based on their behavior not those of Jodi's.

These women have sat in that courtroom and rolled their eyes, laughed and mocked the Alexanders as they sat there bawling their hearts out while listening to how their brother was murdered. And, I have watched these three women show nothing but contempt and disrespect toward the prosecutor and Travis's family.

Perhaps if Sandy had focused her energy and time into showing some humility, respect and consideration for the Alexanders and the devastating pain they are feeling and others such as Martinez and Det. Flores rather than attempting to hawk fake letters to paint Travis as a pedophile, making false accusations against the jurors, having observers removed from the courtroom and participating in one of the many lies of Jodi's of depicting Travis as an abuser by wearing a DV ribbon everyday.

IMO, loving and supporting your child does not include supporting or enabling behaviors that are malicious, fallacious or deceitful.
This aspect of the case is fascinating to me. I only became aware of this case a couple of weeks ago having heard, and I paraphrase: Attractive woman viciously slays boyfriend in Mormon community. Controversial DP ruling expected, i.e. first pretty woman ever to get DP.

I read about it online in an English/Irish newspaper. It's seems the level of attractiveness does not dictate the crime but, perhaps, the sentence.

Throughout her life, it appears that Jodi may have relied on her looks to get what she wanted and to manipulate. Given that, I doubt it's been easy for her to get her head around her current reality and until recently was still standing tall on her self-made pedestel.

She has lost that 'attractiveness' I first saw when I read that article. She looked the part yesterday, appearing quite frightening and evil looking in court. Some of the looks she threw at the jurors - and particularly - Mr Martinez, were very ugly. I think since the Murder 1 verdict, she is now very aware of her public image. She didn't appear to have this awareness during the post-verdict interview, imagining a 50/50 split. I think that her own perceived image is now more aligned with her actual public image. It shows on her face. Enter Jodi the monster to the courtroom in Aggravation Phase.

Every human alive shows bias. A well-known study (2004) on infants show that even newborns show a preference for faces that are deemed attractive. Despite the fact that an attractive face happens to represent the prototype for a human face, this preference appears to be hardwired at birth.

A face is a record of a life lived. I think Jodi's has really begun to show on hers.

ITA. I watched a documentary about the infants study. Yes, JA has begun to morph into the evil that lives inside her.
I would imagine Jodi has actually made Nurmi and Willmont reflect on their career choice. I actually feel bad for them both. It's bad enough they're defending a murderer but at every turn she sabotages their efforts....

Cracks me up they tried to withdraw, again. ... Like rats from a sinking ship...

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Good Morning Everyone Today is going to be an emotional day. So glad I am able to be around such a great group of people.
I think everyone in the courtroom should have Cinnabons, and Strawberry Frappe's with big straws. Everyone except JA.

The cinnabons should be freshly prepared, steaming, placed in a plexiglass box on the defense table with a perforated top so that the wafting aroma continually assails her nostrils. The Strawberry Frappucinos should be slurped loudly by the Court Clerk and by Mike. He can rest his on his writer, and have an extra-long "reporter" straw which allows him to continually slurp as well. Judge Stephens should have hers brought in by Starbucks staff after first calling for a 30 second break for the event. Juan should "accidentally" trip, fall, and spill his all over the defense table and JA. Mr. Nurmi should have two.
CMJA reminds me of a less talented Betty Broderick. CMBB was at least able to sway one juror forcing a compromise verdict of M2. It you haven't seen her parole hearing, take a look. 20 odd years later she still blaming the folks she murdered for forcing her to kill them. No wonder the parole board set her next hearing for 15 years out. There are still people who support her story, but all the violence and terrorizing was on her side.

Good post cackle! Welcome to our group. :seeya:

looking forward to hearing more from you!

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