aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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@jeffgoldesq: I'm looking forward today to the victim impact statements of Tenisha and Samantha in #jodiarias

I'm not. But ...I rejoice in the siblings ability to finally speak out. It should be cathartic and a bit empowering for them.

It will be interesting to watch Jodi's reaction...

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Having watched the police interview with Mum, I am not surprised she will not be speaking for the murderer. Just recalling her description of the murderer's behavior after her slaughter spree, the trip to AZ in late March early April, I can't see JM passing up the opportunity to face her with these questions. Mum opens a lot of negative doors concerning the murderer and she would be easily impeached if she tried to wriggle out of some things. Her testimony would end up being more supportive of the prosecution's case in reality.

One of the shows on HHN said something pretty similar to this the other night. How it could backfire if they put her mom up there.
The cinnabons should be freshly prepared, steaming, placed in a plexiglass box on the defense table with a perforated top so that the wafting aroma continually assails her nostrils. The Strawberry Frappucinos should be slurped loudly by the Court Clerk and by Mike. He can rest his on his writer, and have an extra-long "reporter" straw which allows him to continually slurp as well. Judge Stephens should have hers brought in by Starbucks staff after first calling for a 30 second break for the event. Juan should "accidentally" trip, fall, and spill his all over the defense table and JA. Mr. Nurmi should have two. I'd love that:)

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I would imagine Jodi has actually made Nurmi and Willmont reflect on their career choice. I actually feel bad for them both. It's bad enough they're defending a murderer but at every turn she sabotages their efforts....

Cracks me up they tried to withdraw, again. ... Like rats from a sinking ship...

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personally i don't like either of them but its their job i suppose,and well what could they really do with a client like jodi?
Plus, 48 Hours is on CBS.
They have an update on this case on Friday - special night.
I bet they already have a request to interview JA for a post sentencing update. They frequently interview convicted prisoners. Anyone think JA would turn down 48 Hours?


She's gonna have to if the judge don't agree!
The question is - was it a sincere attempt to withdraw or was it a strategic move for a delay and/or setting a place or two at the appeal table.

Good questions and perhaps those in the legal field can answer this.

I personally have never heard of a team of lawyers wanting to withdraw from a death penalty case before it is over. I can't see it as strategy for a delay or appeal.

I also don't know what KN and JW were thinking if they were sincere and wanted off the case for whatever reason(s). There was no way the judge would allow that at this stage of the game.

In what situations do lawyers withdraw?

The only thing I can think of is that the convicted murderer wanted to fire KN and JW and they were just going along with the request.
It might sound unimaginable but just maybe her mother will be relieved. There's no rehabilitation that's going to take place and her heart might be just too drained and tired to keep up with Jodi.

There are many parents who give up at this point and she might just want everything "Jodi" to be over.

Yes, yes, yes, a 'new normal' and one without fear that her daughter will show up and create havoc.
beth said on HLN this morning that darryl IS going to speak for her. and that her mother won't be saying anything.

Any confirmation on this?

I haven't seen Beth Karas tweet this or put it on her FB page. She is someone I trust to verify things before committing herself to it; she otherwise states things as a rumor.

Doesn't really make sense that Darryl Brewer would voluntarily testify. When he was subpoenaed, he would not allow his face to be shown on camera. He was extremely vague with a lot of his answers on cross, so that Juan kept resorting to "Don't you remember saying XYZ in your deposition?".

Although so much of this whole mess does not make sense, beginning with the murder of Travis, so I guess anything is possible.
Here is my perfect ending to this trial...

Arias takes the stand and simply comes clean with everything. I mean everything. Last ditch effort for her to save her life - tells everyone exactly how it went down, why she did it, all the things she did to cover up/lie, apologize to the Alexander family, the jury, the State, Mike, etc...and begs for her life.

If I were in her shoes, that's the angle I would take. She has no shot of LWOP otherwise.

Jury deliberates and comes back with DP anyway.

Ha - suckah

Ummmmmmmm that would be perfect!:floorlaugh:
I have to say I'm actually really shocked that Jodi's Mom isn't speaking for her today.

I'm very wary of speculating based on nothing at all, but my guess is that Arias has intimated to her mother that mum needs to throw herself, her parenting, her other kids and her husband, under the bus in order to save the life of Arias herself.

Arias's mother baulked at this, so her usefulness to the convicted killer is now over.

As to the rest of this next phase, since I have now entered the thicket of Wild Assed Guessing, I predict Arias will quote from the Bible, The Book of Mormon and possibly Zen and The Art of Motorycle Maintenance.

She will strongly imply that, if given more time (eg a lifetime until natural death of old age) her Fognesia may lift. Indeed, some memories are already returning, and she just needs more time (and a book deal, all proceeds to victims of DV and Pedophilia, of course!) to piece them together.

She will insinuate that the Juror's should not cruelly deprive the family of the 'truths' she has to tell, and the 'closure' that is in her gift' by causing Arias more stress than she has already endured during this trial.
The question is - was it a sincere attempt to withdraw or was it a strategic move for a delay and/or setting a place or two at the appeal table.

I think it was totally sincere, as does every defense attorney who has been asked, on the air and in my hubby's legal world.
Wait a me out, folks.

I just went and read Beth K's twitter and I can't find where she says that Jodi's mom isn't speaking on her behalf.

Can someone link me up?
I would imagine Jodi has actually made Nurmi and Willmont reflect on their career choice. I actually feel bad for them both. It's bad enough they're defending a murderer but at every turn she sabotages their efforts....

Cracks me up they tried to withdraw, again. ... Like rats from a sinking ship.

I'm gussing only Nurmi tried to withdraw.

i've been meaning to ask you...where is that quote from in your sig? the one attributed to TA???

thanks :)

It's from the video where he is talking about his near death experience.

Here ya go! [video=youtube;LaEzgX5t5TA][/video]
Good questions and perhaps those in the legal field can answer this.

I personally have never heard of a team of lawyers wanting to withdraw from a death penalty case before it is over. I can't see it as strategy for a delay or appeal.

I also don't know what KN and JW were thinking if they were sincere and wanted off the case for whatever reason(s). There was no way the judge would allow that at this stage of the game.

In what situations do lawyers withdraw?

The only thing I can think of is that the convicted murderer wanted to fire KN and JW and they were just going along with the request.

This was a CYA position for KN and/or JW. They knew they would not be removed but wanted it on the record when JA claims she wants a new trial based on ineffective counsel. And she will use that.

Not a fan of KN or JW but they have to earn a living and protect their futures and this was a 'for the record' deal just like KN always asking for a mistrial.

They could not control their client, maybe no lawyer can, but they did their job.
The cinnabons should be freshly prepared, steaming, placed in a plexiglass box on the defense table with a perforated top so that the wafting aroma continually assails her nostrils. The Strawberry Frappucinos should be slurped loudly by the Court Clerk and by Mike. He can rest his on his writer, and have an extra-long "reporter" straw which allows him to continually slurp as well. Judge Stephens should have hers brought in by Starbucks staff after first calling for a 30 second break for the event. Juan should "accidentally" trip, fall, and spill his all over the defense table and JA. Mr. Nurmi should have two.

Ok screaming out loud here at work, good thing my boss is it a meeting as she could use this against me!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Jodi I can't wait until you are actually deprived of all that Travis will miss in life. And I mean all.
Good questions and perhaps those in the legal field can answer this.

I personally have never heard of a team of lawyers wanting to withdraw from a death penalty case before it is over. I can't see it as strategy for a delay or appeal.

I also don't know what KN and JW were thinking if they were sincere and wanted off the case for whatever reason(s). There was no way the judge would allow that at this stage of the game.

In what situations do lawyers withdraw?

The only thing I can think of is that the convicted murderer wanted to fire KN and JW and they were just going along with the request.

Their request to withdraw puts their dilemna on the record and deprives CMJA of her only chance to appeal based on ineffective counsel.
me too Katie......I find it even more shocking that no one from her family will speak for her life, if what we are hearing is true.

Maybe DB will be used to condemn the Arias family for egregious offenses against JA he observed during their 4 yr. relationship. If so, it makes sense for her family to sit there and not respond, rather than getting on the stand and seeming to be nice folks who've suffered a lifetime of abuse at JA's evil hands.
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