aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I hope the family knows she's a psychopath and it will just go in one ear and out the other. If they really want to dig her, they should finish with, well off to get a Cinnabon and Strawberry Frappe.

Would it be inappropriate for them to bring said Cinnabon and Strawberry Frappe to court and have them within reach while reading statements?
:eek:fftobed: See you all tomorrow, sleuthers. Don't let the emu bite.
Do y'all REALLY think she will take the stand? I don't. It's my opinion she knows she is a loser and whatever she might say will not be respected by these jurors.

She will always think she's the smartest person in the room. So I'm sure she will. The interesting part is that when she's alone in her cell, she will be.

Ha! I've been waiting for the "zenaida Gonzalez did it" the whole time!

I can't imagine Jodi Arias sitting on her hands when given the chance to weave her web of deceit in front of the jurors and especially Travis Alexander's family and friends who she wouldn't even have to look at coward that she is.

She already knows the Jurors don't believe her or even like her. She is calculating but her calculating days are OVER. We will see tomorrow.....She doesn't even have any saving qualities that I know of.
Is mom (Sandy) expected to take the stand? We've barely heard a peep out of her.

Will she plead for her daughter's life? Jodi does not have a prior criminal record. Is this a factor?
You better believe it - This monster thought she was going to control these jurors but she didn't.....I hope she gets a slow drip of migraine meds for the next couple of days - We are almost there, friends...

Obviously by the short time it took the Jury to come back with today's verdict, they are definitely leaning in the right direction as far as her fate.

Do y'all REALLY think she will take the stand? I don't. It's my opinion she knows she is a loser and whatever she might say will not be respected by these jurors.

Just try and stop her .. she has absolutely no idea, she still thinks she's a convincing liar IMO :floorlaugh:
I think WindyCityGirl has a pretty darned good point. Your response is reasonable, but she does have a point about social double standards with regard to gender bias where sexuality and labeling is concerned.

It is a good point, but I see the gender bias and labeling coming solely from the defense side.

During this trial I did not see any evidence of gender bias or labeling by the prosecution. However, I did see a large amount sexual labeling by the defense because of TA's religion. The same religion as JA, but she was given a pass on being labeled by the defense, because, according to them, she was woman simply wanting to please her man. That is some serious gender bias.
:seeya: :eek:fftobed:

I'm going to Pennsylvania to visit my mom, aunt, sister and BIL with my brother tomorrow, and gots lots a stuff to do.
Hope you have a nice visit Steely, travel safe.
Was today's court session streamed online? Is there any way I can watch video online?
Seriously you guys think she'll testify? She is arrogant enough, so you're probably right. Oy vey!
Yesh, a while back on her eBay account I saw she ordered the complete Bible on CD's.

She went from vampire-wanna-be Buddhist-wanna-be Mormon, now to Christian.

She certainly has had time to memorize a few bible verses!
I haven't felt sure about too many things throughout the trial but I feel pretty confident she will speak tomorrow. She is arrogant, spiteful, vengeful, cold, and has no remorse or self-awareness or ability to reflect on the situation as it is. She would not pass up an opportunity to speak down to and bash Travis and his family one last time, to tell everyone who has condemned her that she has found it in her kind heart to forgive them, so on and so forth. It's all about her all the time and tomorrow will be yet another moment for her to take the stage.

Anyone who gives a media interview minutes after being convicted of 1st degree murder would be arrogant to do this. And it would earn her a place on DR. Therefore, go for it, JA! Get up there and lie some more!
Does anyone know which sister was sitting behind Samantha off to her right in the courtroom today? I don't recall seeing this sister before today.
:scared: According to the facebook page "Def. counsel advises they will be calling Alyce LaViolette at the mitigation phase of the trial"

Nooooooo.... Don't they get that the jury didn't believe ONE word of what she said?
Hey all - I just watched DDrew on DVR, so the Juror 8 interview has probably already been discussed, but just wanted to give my thoughts -- he seems like such a good juror and good guy in general. And the haircut question was from him!!! I felt like he was holding back a little bit since the trial is still on-going....he seemed careful not to say anything too inflammatory. Also interesting that he disliked Samuels even more than ALV! I also loved his comment about how when he saw the DSMIV book with Samuels, he thought anyone could find some diagnosis from there b/c it was so big. I hope other jurors feel the same, and don't give much weight to Jodi's psychological state of mind, which is where I feel the defense is going with in mitigation.
I think he really tried to keep an open mind, like he said. Jodi will not be able to go anywhere on appeal - these jurors sat through her BS, and they STILL tried to keep an open mind. They are doing their job, and hopefully it will get through to a death conviction.

Also, I'm getting really sick of DDrew and his "compassion" and today Jenny Hutt actually felt some sympathy for Jodi....TODAY OF ALL DAYS???? Today when we heard HOW CRUEL the murder was and what pain she inflicted on Travis?? DDrew said be prepared for twitter-attack, well yeah, that is just mind-boggling that on the day we hear about each stab wound, scalloped neck slash, divets in skull - and then she comes on and said TODAY she felt some sympathy for Jodi???

I love when Mark Eiglarsh put DDrew and Jenny in their places with....don't you think all people on death row have some mental problems??? That's just common sense. They're not reasonable people, reasonable people don't murder other people. What is wrong with DrDrew?? Does he want to get rid of the justice system and "treat" all of these people....well what happens when the "treatment" doesn't work?? Someone like Jodi is not treatable, I'm sorry. I have seen that very clearly with Jodi. DrDrew can try on her, and all she'll end up doing is PRETENDING he's making her better, MANIPULATING the psychologist/doctor/whoever. Ain't no way anyone can fix her.
Yesh, a while back on her eBay account I saw she ordered the complete Bible on CD's.

She went from vampire-wanna-be Buddhist-wanna-be Mormon, now to Christian.

Well she is going to need them all. :) jmo
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