aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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They need to keep her off the witness stand. Otherwise, they need to bring some marshmallows, Hershey bars, graham crackers and skewers so that when her pants burst into flames, the whole courtroom can make s'mores.


(Yikes! That looks like Michelle Bachmann!)

[KZ runs screaming from the thread...."My eyes...."]
Yes...but I'm not sure it would be necessary at this point. I think this jury has got her number.

Isn't this jury awesome? I'm beginning to think that concerning these jurors, there was some divine intervention here, if you know what I mean. And did you see juror #8 on Dr. Drew tonight? He seems like such a good guy, such a shame he was dismissed. Even he cares more about what happened to Travis than JA does. He is still carrying that burden, feels he let them down, yet this man never even knew Travis. What does that say about her, that empty, hollow shell of a being with no conscience, filled with apparently nothing but evil.
Welcome!!! That was a great first post!!! I agree with everything you said...

Thanks. I share the same sentiments as most people's here. Justice for Travis. Put the woman with the violent rage away forever.

she thought that after her interview, WE"D ALL UNDERSTAND. We'd be like, oh Jodi we forgive you, how could we have GOTTEN IT SO WRONG????

The part that got me was her saying her reluctance to look at the Alexander family stems from their resemblance to her "abuser." It's just to painful for Jodi. Like I said. "Something Is Wrong with Jodi." I can't imagine how the victims' statements will affect her. Possibly not at all.
I wonder why they aren't calling Brewer... Did he refuse?
Juror #8 asked the bad haircut question! LOL. I love this juror!

All I want for my birthday is the DP for Jodi Ann Arias.

I love you guys :heartbeat:, ever since i've joined WS in February, it's been quite the ride and a learning experience.


Happy Birthday ElleElle, we'll see what we can do about making that wish come true.
One of THE MOST memorable 3 minutes of this entire trial, picture this.

Me, sequestered in the handicapped stall of the ladies room outside the courtroom, waiting for the verdict today, playing this on my iphone LOUD and holding myself a little dance party all by myself. Only one person came in that I could tell toward the end.

I danced all by myself in there for the entire song, occasionally my dance moves setting off the automatic flush.

Thanks to our dear poster jayarohh for this brilliant piece of ...what, well, brilliance.

Trust me, just listen:

(ps jayarohh is the poster who made that brilliant graphic I was able to gift Juan Martinez the day of the final closing argument, in person!)

:floorlaugh: I LOVE this! I can just picture you dancing. :purplebananna: I'm sure the flushes added to the rhythm. I wonder if jayarohh could add them to the track. Somehow they seem appropriate.
Hey all - I just watched DDrew on DVR, so the Juror 8 interview has probably already been discussed, but just wanted to give my thoughts -- he seems like such a good juror and good guy in general. And the haircut question was from him!!! I felt like he was holding back a little bit since the trial is still on-going....he seemed careful not to say anything too inflammatory. Also interesting that he disliked Samuels even more than ALV! I also loved his comment about how when he saw the DSMIV book with Samuels, he thought anyone could find some diagnosis from there b/c it was so big. I hope other jurors feel the same, and don't give much weight to Jodi's psychological state of mind, which is where I feel the defense is going with in mitigation.
I think he really tried to keep an open mind, like he said. Jodi will not be able to go anywhere on appeal - these jurors sat through her BS, and they STILL tried to keep an open mind. They are doing their job, and hopefully it will get through to a death conviction.

Also, I'm getting really sick of DDrew and his "compassion" and today Jenny Hutt actually felt some sympathy for Jodi....TODAY OF ALL DAYS???? Today when we heard HOW CRUEL the murder was and what pain she inflicted on Travis?? DDrew said be prepared for twitter-attack, well yeah, that is just mind-boggling that on the day we hear about each stab wound, scalloped neck slash, divets in skull - and then she comes on and said TODAY she felt some sympathy for Jodi???

I love when Mark Eiglarsh put DDrew and Jenny in their places with....don't you think all people on death row have some mental problems??? That's just common sense. They're not reasonable people, reasonable people don't murder other people. What is wrong with DrDrew?? Does he want to get rid of the justice system and "treat" all of these people....well what happens when the "treatment" doesn't work?? Someone like Jodi is not treatable, I'm sorry. I have seen that very clearly with Jodi. DrDrew can try on her, and all she'll end up doing is PRETENDING he's making her better, MANIPULATING the psychologist/doctor/whoever. Ain't no way anyone can fix her.

Oh good grief....I wanted to slap Jenny upside her head. "Oh she is mentally ill blah blah." Big difference between Axis I and Axis II disorders...but of course these two have no psych backgrounds so they just act clueless. I swear, a couple of my past very combative patients with schizophrenia (off their meds) could come up and whack them both upside their heads and they wouldn't realize that they were mentally ill. I will say it again..DD...go back to Loveline!
More than likely. I think DB and MM are done with Jodi. They were protecting her to a certain point, but they have retreated. :moo:

I wonder why they aren't calling Brewer... Did he refuse?

All I want for my birthday is the DP for Jodi Ann Arias.

I love you guys :heartbeat:, ever since i've joined WS in February, it's been quite the ride and a learning experience.


I remember when you joined :) Happy birthday, sweetie!
Yes. The especially cruel verdict. I wanted to see her reaction.
I think she was expecting it this time. She wasn't prepared for her first verdict so you saw real raw emotion (for herself, but that's as real as it gets with her).
Today she was more prepared. You still saw it though....if you watch it again. This time it was pure hate and anger. Subtle, but there.
Juror #8 does not believe the pedophilia claims. Thank you, thank you, juror #8!
I'm still sticking to my prediction CMja will be her own witness for the mitigation stage of trial, and she will attempt, with promting from her DT, to force out an apology of sorts. I also predict that knowing ja has to add extra details, she'll quickly be unmasked by her own words, as the uncaring, unremorseful "de-edified" fake that she is.

Don't feel you have to thank me for the run on sentences, they come easy for me. ;)
:floorlaugh: Dan Gibb didn't not buy the "global amnesia". Sheesh, the DT really messed up with their experts hey.
(Yikes! That looks like Michelle Bachmann!)

[KZ runs screaming from the thread...."My eyes...."]
K_Z :)
I have a question about this AZ only has "one dose left" business...

Why can't they use something else?
Say... Propofol? (Worked on MJ) *not for the death penalty but,
what is the problem?

Too much red tape? Laws involved with new drugs?

*** I'm just a peds nurse so I do not know anything about
anesthesia drugs... other than Propofol is easy to wake up from
when reversed/stopped
and I didn't get post op nausea (in my personal experience)
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