GUILTY AK - Mindy Schloss, 52, abducted & murdered, Anchorage, 3 Aug 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
After more than 2-weeks of searching the Anchorage Police Department (APD) has a 'person of interest' in the Mindy Schloss case.

Investigators are looking for a man who could have involvement with the missing Anchorage Nurse. The Anchorage Police Department (APD) released photographs obtained from an ATM in the Sand Lake area.

It's unclear if the man was attempting to access Schloss' account. Police are telling CBS 11 News that they slowly began pulling video from various establishments during the first two days of Schloss disappearance. They say this video is of particular interest, but they aren't revealing why.
I will never understand why ATM's have cameras in them if you can't get a decent picture of someone? Come on! This guy wasn't even trying to disguise himself, and all we get is the bottom half of his face and his left hand??? What's the point of a camera for pete's sake?


(stepping down now)
MISSING NURSE: Police say man isn't a suspect, but is a "person of interest."


Police spokesman Paul Honeman also said investigators plan to widen the search for Schloss to the Seward Highway south of Anchorage near Mile 113, where the body of a 37-year-old man was found alongside the road early on Aug. 14. Police have so far refused to say how the man, Nickline Percy Noatak, died, only that his death is "suspicious."

The ATM photo, which shows only the bottom half of the man's face, a bandana and puffy jacket, was taken at a cash machine in the Sand Lake area at 5 a.m. the day Schloss missed a flight to Fairbanks, police said. The bandana appears to be black and the jacket is a dark color, Honeman said. The man may be wearing a backpack.

Police came up with the image when they canvassed stores in the Sand Lake and Jewel Lake neighborhoods near Schloss' home, looking for photographs or video taken by security cameras. Detectives singled out this man as a "person of interest" in part because he was using a card not his own, police said.

more at link

The article mentions that this mystery ATM guy was using a card that wasn't his but it wasn't Mindy's either.
This is a hot topic of conversation at the office - this POI has been stated did NOT use Mindy's ATM card, but was using an ATM card that was not his. I assume they found him by the canvassing of the local video feeds that they describe in the article but WHAT IN THE WORLD makes them think that he is related to Mindy? Did they see him arrive in her car? Is it just because he was using someone elses ATM card around the time she disappeared? On TV her friends say that they have no idea who this person is. When I first saw the video I assumed he must have been using her ATM card and when I saw the bandana around his neck thought maybe she had been carjacked, but now I'm at a loss. Our LE is very good at keeping things to themselves but it can be incredibly frustrating.

It's unclear if the man was attempting to access Schloss' account. Police are telling CBS 11 News that they slowly began pulling video from various establishments during the first two days of Schloss disappearance. They say this video is of particular interest, but they aren't revealing why.

The ADN (anchorage daily news) article this AM states that he was NOT using mindy's account but was using an account that is not his.


"Honeman stressed that the man in the photo is not a suspect but may be connected in some way to the case. He said detectives indicated the man was not using Schloss' ATM card and refused to release the exact location of the ATM."
Police spokesman Paul Honeman also said investigators plan to widen the search for Schloss to the Seward Highway south of Anchorage near Mile 113, where the body of a 37-year-old man was found alongside the road early on Aug. 14. Police have so far refused to say how the man, Nickline Percy Noatak, died, only that his death is "suspicious."

little homeless men don't get down there on the highway 15 miles from the shelter unless someone took them there. But I don't think its related to Schloss, but I may eat my words.
Three weeks ago tonight was the last time Anchorage nurse Mindy Schloss was seen before she went missing.

And tonight, police say they are frustrated they haven't found her and her friends are just looking for answers about what's happened to her.

Tonight, Kathy Emmons went to Schloss' home and tied roses to her front porch as a sign of friendship and concern.

"She's a good person, she's a good nurse, nurse practitioner. She was like the very best of the best. She wanted to be good at everything she did," Emmons said.

It has been three agonizing weeks for Schloss' friends, day after day of not knowing whether she is alive or dead.
Anchorage police want to talk to Joshua Wade about the disappearance of Mindy Schloss.

The FBI wants to arrest him for bank fraud.
Wade, acquitted four years ago in a sensational murder trial, was identified Wednesday by the FBI as the man in a security photo using a Sand Lake ATM at 6 a.m. the weekend Schloss, an Anchorage nurse who often worked in Fairbanks, vanished.
Anchorage police want to talk to Joshua Wade about the disappearance of Mindy Schloss.

The FBI wants to arrest him for bank fraud.
Wade, acquitted four years ago in a sensational murder trial, was identified Wednesday by the FBI as the man in a security photo using a Sand Lake ATM at 6 a.m. the weekend Schloss, an Anchorage nurse who often worked in Fairbanks, vanished.

So he had a good lawyer getting him off the first time with a minor sentence for the crime. We reach a point that sparring in court is a detriment to society when these thugs are allowed out again. There is a fine line to the right to defense for violent criminals and the rights of society to be protected from them.
The ADN (anchorage daily news) article this AM states that he was NOT using mindy's account but was using an account that is not his.


"Honeman stressed that the man in the photo is not a suspect but may be connected in some way to the case. He said detectives indicated the man was not using Schloss' ATM card and refused to release the exact location of the ATM."

The new article says he WAS accessing her account. Hopefully they find him soon and if he did this he doesn't get off again.
Break in the Case of Missing Anchorage Woman

ANCHORAGE - There has been a major break in the case of a missing woman in Anchorage. Mindy Schloss came up missing August 3rd. Today, on Wednesday, the District Attorney's (DA) office broke its silence saying that Joshua Wade, a man acquitted of murdering a Native woman 4-years ago could be connected with the case.

The F.B.I. is looking for Wade, investigators told us today that Wade was using Mindy Schloss's ATM card and making withdrawals from her bank account after she disappeared.

Police say Schloss and Wade were next door neighbors but they aren't certain of the type of relationship they had.


At the time of his original arrest Wade was also a suspect in the murders of five different Native women in the Anchorage area. Today he has a warrant out for his arrest on charges of Aggravated Identity Theft, bank fraud and fraud with an Access Device.

The F.B.I. says it found Wade's DNA on the steering wheel of Schloss's car. Charging documents indicate that Wade withdrew a thousand dollars from Mindy Schloss's bank account, two-days after she went missing.

~still more at link~
So he had a good lawyer getting him off the first time with a minor sentence for the crime. We reach a point that sparring in court is a detriment to society when these thugs are allowed out again. There is a fine line to the right to defense for violent criminals and the rights of society to be protected from them.

AMAZING DEVELOPMENTS. I'm just floored that its Wade at the ATM.

He deserved to be aquitted for the last murder. It went something like this - we've had a several native women killed around town over the past few years - mostly drunk women putting themselves in bad situations. A couple of more missing. Lots of speculation that there is a serial killer about preying on native women.

Some schmuck (Wade) told some gangsta-wannabee friends that he killed a woman and took them to see the body which was in a shed off of Spenard. Someone squealed and he was arrested. There was lots of speculation that he was the serial killer.

Except that there was a catch. The victim had someone elses DNA and not Wade's in a vaginal swab. Wade claimed that he told the story to his friends to look tough and that he had just found the body in the shed. And no matter how hard the investigators looked there was no evidence that Wade killed the woman. Not a shred. If I had been on the jury, I'd have aquitted too. I might have put him in jail for being a complete moron (which they did...) but not for murder.

But now....with Mindy missing and Wade using her ATM card, I'm going to assume he is capable of murder. And I'll bet they will be reopening cases like crazy.

But how did she meet up with loser Wade. And did the deceased gentleman on the turnagain arm see something and Wade killed him? And Where Is Mindy?
The new article says he WAS accessing her account. Hopefully they find him soon and if he did this he doesn't get off again.

My coworkers brother went to school with him, he says he's dumb as a rock and that he's probably going to be easy to find, staying with some friend. I hope thats true. Certainly his friends were happy to turn him in last time.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The FBI has turned up the heat on their search for a missing Anchorage nurse, Mindy Schloss. They are trying to get their hands on, Joshua Wade; someone they say may know what happened.
In 2003 Wade was charged with murdering Della Brown. He was acquitted of the murder charges, but found guilty of evidence tampering.
The FBI says Wade lived right next door to Schloss and used her bank card just 34 hours after she was last seen.
Nine days after asking for the public's help in identifying a man in an ATM photo, the FBI said Wade was the one caught on film using Schloss' card.
FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said Wade is facing charges in connection with the activity.
"We're asking for the public's help in finding Joshua Wade," Gonzalez said. "He is wanted on these federal charges relating to the use of Mindy Schloss' ATM cards."
In 2003, Wade was charged with murder, rape and evidence tampering in the death of Brown. Her body was found in a Spenard shed and Wade allegedly bragged about the killing and brought friends to see the body.
Wade spoke out to Della's mother, Daisy Piggot, during the trial.
"The only thing at all with this case that I'm sorry for is that I did not call the police whenever I found that lady's body. The only person I'm sorry to is her mother. That's it," Wade said.
Piggot was convinced that Wade killed her daughter and in 2004 she said she feared what his future might yet hold.
"I think he's very capable of doing it again. And they had him in custody, but they couldn't hold him. If this happens again they better be very careful about their investigation," Piggot said.
Now, four years later, Wade has again crossed paths with police. However, authorities won't say if Wade is a murder suspect this time around.
The FBI said Wade's DNA was found on the steering wheel of Schloss' abandoned car. It also said Wade made two $500 withdrawals from her bank account at separate ATMs the same weekend she went missing.
Anchorage Police Department Spokesman Lt. Paul Honeman said Wade is being considered a person of interest.
"We really would like to talk to Mr. Wade and find out what his role, if any, is in the disappearance of Ms. Schloss. We'd like to talk to him," Honeman said.
Anyone who has seen wade is asked to call police or the FBI. Investigators consider Wade unpredictable and said to avoid making direct contact with him if you see him.
Schloss' friends are offering a $5,000 reward for information about her disappearance. Victims for Justice has also set up an account for donations at Northrim Bank.
Contact APD at 786-8911, Crime Stoppers at 561-STOP or the FBI at 276-4441.

We're getting closer and closer to figuring out what happened to Mindy Schloss, a nurse missing since the beginning of this month.

Last week, CBS 11 News showed you a security photo taken at a bank. Police and FBI agents say the man in that video is Joshua Alan Wade. According to them, the 27-year-old man was using Schloss' ATM card the same weekend she vanished.
The man police are looking for, Wade, has a notorious past. Seven years ago, he was charged with the brutal murder and sexual assault of a Native woman. Wade was originally charged with murder. He went to trial, but was acquitted of murder. He instead faced jail time for tampering with evidence in the case of Della Brown, a 33-year-old Native woman. She was found mutilated in Midtown back in 2000.
Anchorage police say Wade is the same man who used Schloss' ATM card. His name was connected to the brutal murder of Brown. Her beaten body was found in an abandoned shed on Spenard Road in 2000. Before Wade was arrested, witnesses say he bragged to gang members-- telling them he killed the Native woman and had sex with her corpse.
Wade was arrested weeks later, but his story changed. He said he was just telling lies to impress friends. During his trial in April 2003, he faced eight charges, including murder and sexual assault. His defense team told jurors there was, "not one shred of physical evidence." With that, he was only found guilty for tampering with evidence, serving just over four years in jail.

At his sentencing, he had this to say about the case:
  • September 5, 2003
  • "The only person I'm sorry to is her mother and her family. But other than that, I'm not sorry for all of the hell you guys had to go through, lying and trying to get a conviction on me."
More info in this mornings Paper - apparently Wade was living next door to Schloss and probably has been suspected since the very, very beginning.
Its kind of a nice neighborhood - I'm almost wondering what he was doing there.

Joshua Wade, acquitted four years ago of the rape and murder of a woman in a Spenard shack, is wanted by Anchorage police and the FBI in connection with the disappearance of nurse Mindy Schloss.

Authorities acknowledged for the first time Wednesday that the 52-year-old Schloss, last seen by acquaintances Aug. 3, is probably dead. They said they found Wade's DNA on the steering wheel of her car but refrained from identifying him as a suspect, calling him instead a "person of interest."
They just want to talk to Wade, said Anchorage Police Department spokesman Lt. Paul Honeman.
The feds however, want to arrest him.
Wade, who was living next door to Schloss, used her ATM card to withdraw $1,000 from her bank account the weekend she went missing, said the FBI. The U.S. Attorney has charged Wade with bank fraud and identity theft.
Wade remained at large late Wednesday and is listed by police as armed and dangerous.
AMAZING DEVELOPMENTS. I'm just floored that its Wade at the ATM.

He deserved to be aquitted for the last murder. It went something like this - we've had a several native women killed around town over the past few years - mostly drunk women putting themselves in bad situations. A couple of more missing. Lots of speculation that there is a serial killer about preying on native women.

Some schmuck (Wade) told some gangsta-wannabee friends that he killed a woman and took them to see the body which was in a shed off of Spenard. Someone squealed and he was arrested. There was lots of speculation that he was the serial killer.

Except that there was a catch. The victim had someone elses DNA and not Wade's in a vaginal swab. Wade claimed that he told the story to his friends to look tough and that he had just found the body in the shed. And no matter how hard the investigators looked there was no evidence that Wade killed the woman. Not a shred. If I had been on the jury, I'd have aquitted too. I might have put him in jail for being a complete moron (which they did...) but not for murder.

But now....with Mindy missing and Wade using her ATM card, I'm going to assume he is capable of murder. And I'll bet they will be reopening cases like crazy.

But how did she meet up with loser Wade. And did the deceased gentleman on the turnagain arm see something and Wade killed him? And Where Is Mindy?

Apparently he lived next door to her. Do they think the man whose body was found is related to her case?

Where is Mindy is the biggest question of all.
Apparently he lived next door to her. Do they think the man whose body was found is related to her case?

Where is Mindy is the biggest question of all.

I do not think the man they found was related to her case. Its possible though.

And Mindy is either in the inlet water, or she's in the Conor Bog parkland across the street from my house. Its right near where her car was found.

But she's gone for sure. Its very sad.
I do not think the man they found was related to her case. Its possible though.

And Mindy is either in the inlet water, or she's in the Conor Bog parkland across the street from my house. Its right near where her car was found.

But she's gone for sure. Its very sad.

It is surely possible that the man is somehow related to the case. I hope Mindy is found soon. So sad for her friends and family.

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