AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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Where did the picture of the guy with the dogs come from? It looks familiar, but there's no link.

"Israel Keyes" google image search. I think it went back to the Facebook page that has been posted so many times in this thread that is run by Sam Koenig's father.. no idea where he would've originally gotten it.. nowadays google image searching his name brings up a standard set of pics and this is always among them.. HTH
Lucky1's encounter sounds so much like the encounter my husband I had on June 4th or 5th 2011(see post # 263). When you mentioned that he asked if you dog was a pug a chill went through me. We have a pug and I have seen a picture of him with a pug.

Bringing vtmeme's post forward:
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.

Yes vtmeme, I remember reading your account and thinking that sounded very like the encounter I had with him. I really think we met him on the trail in April of 2009 but can't prove it, and that he broke into my house in June of 2011 but the dates published do not support it. So all in all I could be completely full of caca but I really don't think so. And once I started thinking about it all, and putting together all the weird things that had happened over the years I started to go hmmmmmmmmm. I think we were either both very lucky or he simply wasn't ready for us at that point. Still playing his cat and mouse games.

Knowing that the Curriers had bought a gun two days previous really gives me the willeys. I don't know if we were on the agenda for that 2011 trip or not or if my beer bottle door alarms did anything at all besides get his rocks off.

I had had an appointment the Friday before for someone to look at the house and had a very strong feeling that we were being watched. The following Monday the door was standing open. In fact, that was what allowed my DH to write the event off; He thought we had opened that door and not gotten it shut properly.

Given how many miles he would clock on these trips, and the fact that it was only 300 - 325 miles (round trip) between our homes, he could have been bouncing back and forth between my place and Essex Jct. IMHO, toying with all of us at the same time.

In fact, how do we know the FBI has ALL his rental car records??

I will say that I saw a small, compact white car pass my home several times during this period and my walks often took me down to that abandoned home. At one point I am certain I saw a small white car with an Enterprise-Rent-A-Car sticker on the back of it parked behind that house. And yes, Enterprise has a location in Conway, in fact, on the street where I used to work.....


What if he was renting multiple vehicles with fictitious names and paying with cash? Fly into a city, rent a car in his name, drive to one of his stalking victims, rent another car in another name, use stolen vehicles part of the time (as we know he did)......how could any of what the FBI has released as mileage possibly be accurate?

IMHO he could have been almost anywhere doing all kinds of mayhem.

I was just looking at that picture earlier today! So may as well share it here since I still have it in my browser history -


Yes GGE, I had seen that picture. It is what made my brain remember the conversation about whether our Boston terrier was a pug or not. He stated that he had pugs FWIW.

Chilling to say the least.
GGE...NOTICE**** Photo's on the refrig..........Is there anyway to enlarge them???...Sure would like to know who the people are in the photo's...if this is in IK home....maybe that could be his Victims....Just a thought

I don't know about his girlfriend but I would question having pictures of random strangers on my refrigerator. ESPECIALLY scantily clad women. I think IK was far cagier that that.
My husband is skeptical and keeps me grounded so I showed him this photo comparison and he looked closely and said that he thinks the nose, eyes, and cheekbones as well as the general size and shape of his face appear to be a match.

That tells me that it's worth turning in since he's so quick to tell me when he disagrees with me!

Well could I ask a favor of your husband GGE? Would you ask him what he thinks of my photo and IK's arrest photo I posted? I would like to hear his opinion. :seeya:
Originally Posted by TickleB
OK so I'm going to give you guys a tid bit of info that I heard through the grapevine, I'm NOT sure if this is true so don't hold me against it. But it has been the talk around the water cooler if you know what I mean.

Rumor: The reason Bill bought the gun was because Lorraine had felt uneasy the past couple days before their disappearance. No one knows if she was threatened.

The police were at UVM yesterday going through Bill's locker. It was a sad day for the co-workers, and reality sank in for my fiance that Bill may never be coming back

just found this on the Currier forum.....the above lady lived in Essex and it almost says that Lorraine knew something was just not right, what stuck out to me in this posts was COUPLE OF DAYS...........Keyes stayed there for a COUPLE of days before he did the killings!!!!

I just feel IK LOVED to do these little things or Stalk people and sadly before or after he killed, My inside gut tells me after he picked a certain person to be the next victim, he wanted them to be more scared and it made him feel much bigger or powerful when he went to kill them...that way he got to see them suffer more as his sick mind LOVED????

ITA digndoodle. I hadn't really thought about it in that way until you said it, but you are right. So fits in with how his mind would work and he all but spelled it out in his suicide note.

Speaking of that, what did you make of the fact that he placed that note under his body (in his crotch area IIRC) then laid down on top of it and did the deed??? I always thought there was probably some symbolism there....IDK what but it must have meant something to him or why bother?
ITA digndoodle. I hadn't really thought about it in that way until you said it, but you are right. So fits in with how his mind would work and he all but spelled it out in his suicide note.

Speaking of that, what did you make of the fact that he placed that note under his body (in his crotch area IIRC) then laid down on top of it and did the deed??? I always thought there was probably some symbolism there....IDK what but it must have meant something to him or why bother?

Lucky 1.....Yes I'm sure in his sick mind there was a symbolism for this but I sure don't begin to know why,and to prove APD was messed up in this case or someone was really pushing them.....They released this note because the day he killed himself (supposedly) they sealed all documents in this case.....that is about the time they released the 1st timeline also......then I believe it was FBI too this back to court to get documents un-sealed??? They only agreed on re-opening a certain amount and in one of the newer articles it told that IK's lawyers are also STILL working on this case????????????.....Why in the world would his attorneys still be working on the case?????????????That really sent this mind into orbit along with some of the people still following this case....When he killed himself..legally the case and charges could have been dropped and a motion went into the system in Anchorage, but due to them having more leads and etc...The FBI stepped up and Thank GOD they said they will follow through with this case....there can be no-one of course charged but IMO I think they have tons and tons of info and leads and FBI felt it too necessary to close the case

I do NOT know this to be a true fact, but several have speculated that he did not really kill himself....some think he cut a deal and has now gone Underground...that would be a total name change, different look and etc.When this was brought up in another group I go to I told them that was nuts, but one person put the law right in front of all our faces...If he was hired as a hit man for someone or some group of people, he could have cut a deal to bring forth names and etc. in exchange for going BLANK in the system...I know it sounds totally off the wall but you have to get in and really read and study some of the people he associated with...Very possible someone hired him but they also speculated he may have done his known victims for "himself" for pleasure along with others he was hired to kill
WOW, to me...lol.......that is a possibility as to why APD at 1st went mum on telling how he killed himself.....and then wanting all documents sealed...they would of course wanted all info. of IK out of their system and the quicker they got everything sealed the sooner they could get FBI away from Anchorage
IDK.....This got way beyond what I could possibly understand nor do I know about cutting a deal and going underground or blank.....but when you read the options for doing this legally by law.....It is possible...It left me totally dazed and confused...lol
I believe my husband and I ‘ran into’ Israel Keyes on the Arethusa Falls trail in Crawford Notch, NH sometime between 2008 and 2010. So I dug up the photos and well……you be the judge.

Compared to his arrest photo from here: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20121209/NEWS02/312090023/SPECIAL-REPORT-When-the-killing-ended-The-capture-of-Israel-Keyes-Currier-Samantha-Koenig-Anchorage-Texas-Arizona-serial-killer-Ted-Bundy

(photo by KTRE-TV 9, Lufkin, Texas)

Our original photo - by Lucky's DH:

Bumping your photos so I can see what my hubby thinks... I'm afraid he's going to say the closeup is still too small and dark to really tell much though.

One thing that I notice is that the guy in the white shirt with the dark vest is there with another guy with longer dark hair parted in the middle.. I always assumed you meant the guy in the white shirt and dark vest but I guess I better make sure that's who you mean before I ask him!
Bumping your photos so I can see what my hubby thinks... I'm afraid he's going to say the closeup is still too small and dark to really tell much though.

One thing that I notice is that the guy in the white shirt with the dark vest is there with another guy with longer dark hair parted in the middle.. I always assumed you meant the guy in the white shirt and dark vest but I guess I better make sure that's who you mean before I ask him!

GGE - that is not a white shirt. That was his very unusual skin. He was wearing a "wife-beater" t-shirt in black like the one he was wearing when he was arrested.

Not trying to influence your husband or anything, but the biggest thing that struck me from the photograph is the definition (he was extremely, exceptionally muscular but thin - not bulky like a bodybuilder) from his deltoid muscle, especially compared to the arrest photo.

I have no idea who the long haired guy was. He was alone when we met him on the trail.
I do NOT know this to be a true fact, but several have speculated that he did not really kill himself....some think he cut a deal and has now gone Underground...that would be a total name change, different look and etc.When this was brought up in another group I go to I told them that was nuts, but one person put the law right in front of all our faces...If he was hired as a hit man for someone or some group of people, he could have cut a deal to bring forth names and etc. in exchange for going BLANK in the system...I know it sounds totally off the wall but you have to get in and really read and study some of the people he associated with...Very possible someone hired him but they also speculated he may have done his known victims for "himself" for pleasure along with others he was hired to kill
WOW, to me...lol.......that is a possibility as to why APD at 1st went mum on telling how he killed himself.....and then wanting all documents sealed...they would of course wanted all info. of IK out of their system and the quicker they got everything sealed the sooner they could get FBI away from Anchorage
IDK.....This got way beyond what I could possibly understand nor do I know about cutting a deal and going underground or blank.....but when you read the options for doing this legally by law.....It is possible...It left me totally dazed and confused...lol

I really, really, really, really hope they are wrong digndoodle. But he was Army.......and he did start this right after his honorable discharge IIRC. Uggg. That could help explain how he got so good.

I was reading an article about Rumspringa and wondering if that had anything to do with his shunning. Usually starts around 14:

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumspringa"]Rumspringa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I remember the thing written by his sister saying she was looking forward to throwing herself headlong into sin. She was 13 so Rumspringa would have been the following year for her and IK would already have been in it. IDK. Thought I would throw it out there.
Well, nooo...actually it doesn't help. lol The rules say all pictures must have links. Just because a picture shows up in a google search doesn't mean it's the person you searched. If I post in this thread and search "Israel Keyes", my avatar will probably come up in a google search for AK.

I seem to remember this picture from early in Sam's case. I'll search and see if I saved it somewhere with the link.

"Israel Keyes" google image search. I think it went back to the Facebook page that has been posted so many times in this thread that is run by Sam Koenig's father.. no idea where he would've originally gotten it.. nowadays google image searching his name brings up a standard set of pics and this is always among them.. HTH
All of the image finders I checked credit this ws post as the original source of the photo:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7697496&postcount=56"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 1 Feb 2012 - #5[/ame]

Registered User \

Whoa! I don't know why I didn't think of this before...but, there is an open directory on the keyesconstruction website. Some of the pics are not part of the webpages. Just looking through them now.

Here is the directory: http://keyesconstruction.net/yahoo_s...assets/images/

Creepy pic: http://keyesconstruction.net/yahoo_s...60.7080135.jpg

The links no longer work.
Well, nooo...actually it doesn't help. lol The rules say all pictures must have links. Just because a picture shows up in a google search doesn't mean it's the person you searched. If I post in this thread and search "Israel Keyes", my avatar will probably come up in a google search for AK.

I seem to remember this picture from early in Sam's case. I'll search and see if I saved it somewhere with the link.

oooh okay, didn't realize that about pictures. I usually post screenshots of maps and things I make myself, so though I thought I was knowledgable about the rules with this stuff. :blushing:

I guess I was wrong, I"m sorry I completely missed your not-so-subtle hint. :blushing: :blushing:
Whoa! I don't know why I didn't think of this before...but, there is an open directory on the keyesconstruction website.

Brilliant! Likewise - I used to back into directories all the time "back in the day"... it's been a long time since I've had reason to go snooping around anyone's website though. :rockon:

edit - ahh I see, that was the original post from awhile back... I figured the links didn't work now because of being truncated with periods of ellipses, didn't realize that even the originals don't work now. I'll have to check google's cache of the site.
I hadn't seen these exact quotes before:

"Eleven days later, Keyes was back in the investigation room discussing what happened while he was in Texas after the Koenig murder. He went there to get rid of the murder weapons and was arrested there.

Police knew he had robbed a bank while he was in Texas, but he offered to tell them more.

"If you want, I can give you arson in Texas. I burned a house down
, but I want a cigar for it," he said before laughing.

Keyes described how he was "kind of out of control a little bit" after all of the attention he received for the Koenig case. He told authorities that his original goal had always been to avoid any attention for his crimes, but once he tasted publicity, he found himself feeling "high" on it and wanting more. He described getting sloppy with checking the news for coverage of the crime.

"[I was] amped up and decided that I wanted to go out and do something, preferably take someone," he said.

"I was going to grab somebody from an ATM and take them to a house, but there were a lot of cops in Texas so I guess I kind of chickened out a little bit," he told investigators with a hint of embarrassment. "

"It was at this point that he began to unravel.

"After the stuff in Alaska, I couldn't concentrate anymore on anything but that sort of thing, and just lost interest in work and whatever day-to-day stuff there was," Keyes said. "That's always the reason I've done the kind of things I've done, mostly for the adrenaline if not really for money."

"It's not so much why I did it, it's just more like, why not?" he said.

When Keyes had previously wanted to check on publicity, he would be very careful to drive to libraries to use the computer or use computers at airports when he was traveling.

But as he grew addicted to the attention, he said he would find himself having a few glasses of whiskey late at night at home and using his own computer to scan the publicity.

"I knew that I was getting stupid, I guess," he said."

Much more at link

When Keyes had previously wanted to check on publicity, he would be very careful to drive to libraries to use the computer or use computers at airports when he was traveling.

But as he grew addicted to the attention, he said he would find himself having a few glasses of whiskey late at night at home and using his own computer to scan the publicity.

"I knew that I was getting stupid, I guess," he said."

Much more at link


GGE, that is what I was saying a few posts back, IN the last article that released more of his timeline, if you look at the investigator at the desk, it says endless days he is spending going through where they know definitely Keyes traveled, and then turning around and going through KEYES HOME COMPUTER, that is why I would say tons and tons of possible victims, or well could have been his victims are on that computer, I'm sure there are various locations and it's all in connecting them I personally think to places he traveled and get what victim belongs where because in IK mind as sick as it was, even though using his own computer I'm sure he would have been smart enough to not link victims with names of the places he kidnapped or killed...it may be a jumbled mess just as his suicide note was also

On his Construction Company....MOP....I feel Keyes used this as a cover up for his dirty work.....Yes he did do some work because a few have come forth and bragged how meticulous he was with his work, but also he used this as a front I feel to keep his GOOD NAME that he was so intent on making sure it was kept that way???..........1 man Operation.....that is ODD to me.....If it were a real construction company and legal, Why would Keyes not hire 1 or 2 workers if his work was that plentiful, Because he was too busy traveling all over the US killing and using this business I'm sure to tell his girlfriend and probably some family members he had to take a trip for this job and that job, when in hindsight there was no jobs................His 2 brothers also own a similar type building and company in Maine and it is also called Keyes Construction
About his travels : I am curious about him flying to various places,staying only a day or so, and then flying back. I wonder if he flew standby on those trips ? If he actually booked his trips for such short stays, I am somewhat surprised that Homeland Security didn't want to sit down and talk to him.

And I also wonder where he got the $$$ to fly so often. jmo
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