AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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Holy crap! I can't believe the volume of information we have to work with now on this case.

I believe it was Wondergirl who said, "where do we even start?". I agree!

I simply don't have the time to invest to cover off all bases, and I'm going to guess that even CGE, the superhuman on this forum, does either! (Thanks soooo much CGE for all of your continued hard work!)

As I read through the new info released from the FBI and watched the video releases I was overwhelmed. Lucky has put forward so many great ideas. I think some of you (not me :blushing:) should follow some of those up. No doubt something will come of them.Perhaps we should 'divide and conquer' by each picking a time period or a geographic focus?

Now, some simple observations or ideas....

regarding the videos, at first I thought that IK came across EXACTLY like a recent video I watched of Paul Bernardo. The atmosphere was one of holding back information, complaining about another group in the legal system causing problems for their cases, and avoiding moving the discussion/process along. It was almost uncanny.

But then, in IK's later videos, I saw him slouch, and weaken....holding himself as more deflated. Perhaps he wasn't quite as narcissistic as Bernardo. He seem shamed that information would get out there that his daughter would see at a later stage in her life. In the end though, he didn't care about the people that he murdered. He did show some weakness when the FBI mentioned that Vermont LE wanted to release the Currier's home to their family. I actually think that IK had wanted a 'real family'...and that his existing family never really cared about him (unless he followed the strict guidance by the "church"!).

I don't mean to sound empathetic, as he was truly evil, but I wonder if this is one guy that could have simply benefited from some basic love when he was growing up.

Regarding the FBI interviews, it was great to see IK squirm when he was alone in the interview room. Can you imagine what he felt like? A boring room, with nothing of interest to look at and IK was used to a lot of physical activity and mental 'planning' activity. That interview room simply stripped him of that. I also thought that the FBI interviewers did a fantastic job of biding their time and developing a trust relationship with IK. (Along the lines of Ontario Provincial Police's Det. Jim Smyth and his incredible interview of Col. Russell Williams.... the former a true hero of mine!)

Finally, I would like to add one suggestion for a possible victim. How about Delmar Sample? Here is his NAMUS profile:

Delmar was last seen at approximately 11:00am at a gas station in the vicinity of I-5 and Harrison in Centralia, WA. His red and white 1992 Ford Ranger was later located at a roadside pullout on South Shore Rd. near Lake Quinault in Quinault, WA. Delmar may have a 24" red Mt. Fury Roadmaster mountain bike in his possession.

Delmar disappeared around the time that IK was out and about in the lakes and rivers of Washington state. While Delmar's disappearnce date doesn't exactly match up with the specific FBI dates of boat rentals, it certainly falls within that time zone.

Keep up the great work everyone! I have no doubt that we will solve some of these cases.
bbm: digndoodle, I feel a little naive to have to ask, but: I've noticed several times you have used wording that indicates you may doubt that IK really is deceased. Can you tell me, in a nutshell, why that is?

Backwoods, I don't know how far I can go to explain this, but just let me say, How many times have you heard of people taking a plea deal in exchange for very important information, maybe involving a gang related crime, being a hired hit man and etc, then in turn the proper authorities gives them new names, sometimes even plastic surgery to altar their appearence and then will provide a place and sometimes a home to get them out of society, yet all the while they are free and happy to live under their new name but also have certain regulations they have to abide by from those that helped work all this up...I am NOT saying this is what happened in Keyes case at all, but STOP and think about all this...He tried to escape on his 1st time in court, he broke the ankle restraints and had actually made if over the part of wood behind him, they had to tazer him to stop him from running out the door.....And near his death he was put in confinement because they found a metal object in his cell that would work as a handcuff key, Keyes had made this from various things he was allowed on his food tray and etc....
I may not be a great sluether, but I am one that sits and observes many things in which I think "details" are very important...I am just one that would not dare look for a possible victim until I read everything available released on Keyes and NOTE*** IMO....did no-one get on the last video released they were asking him a question and he replied something like "Oh well Yes, I know I tried to escape yesterday..does that make me more bad"?????? Please correct me if I'm wrong here but that tells me he had tried to escape even up to the last 4 days before they released he (supposedly) committed suicide...that may not be exact words but very close imo.......
May I add even GGE posted a few pages back that if she did not have info. from FBI that he committed suicide that some more recent cases she had looked at, she would think Keyes was still doing his dirty work because they were so close to what his supposedly MO would have been.....
and I will leave it at one point to deeply consider......Why is his attorney's still working on this case???......RED LIGHT for me....Personally I have never heard of an attorney working on a dead person's crime case have you???
and this is just my own silly thinking, but lets say IK somehow managed to escape somehow as we know he has tried....Can you imagine if FBI released this info to the public...I feel the whole US would be in a state of worry and turmoil given the things so far that has been released on IK...........and remember when they were forced to give an answer as to how he committed suicide...the 1st time they went "MUM"....huuuummmmm Why would they not want to talk or release this??? but later released he gained access to a razor...Oh well, this case has mysteriously got way too deep in my poor brain...and I mean that literally....I actually feel sometimes if I see him if I am out doing errands and one being last week, I went into the country and actually got a vision of him behind a tree of a house I had to pass while driving...LOL......All of this is my own opinion, but I dare say that I am not alone in wondering if he is truly deceased...and by that I do read various posts by people that post under newly released articles and etc
That could very well be, but it could be something much more simple. Montreal is probably the closest large, cosmopolitan city to IK's upper NY State place. Tupper NY is a 2.5 hour drive to Montreal and a 5 hour drive to NYC (and a 5.5 hour drive to Boston).

Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here and thanks for letting me posts here
Have you googled his home in Tupper NY to Long Island and Giglo Beach??...I did and it was scary to me to say the least and almost a straight drive, I believe only 1 big turn to make...and do we know for sure during the times he states he was at his home in NY that he didn't take a little drive down to LI or Giglo???...sure would have been a nice day's trip...LOL
GGE, I owe you another THANK YOU for making the photo's larger!!!
I am trying...ha ha ha...I really am, but remember I would think I am older than some here and older brains do not do and absorb as they did when we were younger and I have a significant hearing loss in my left side due to an odd surgery I had about 6 yrs ago...makes the video's released very hard at times for me to get it all in...but I am trying hard to get this new jazzy "stuff" you talk of down pat...Thanks for being patient with me on this forum
Backwoods, I don't know how far I can go to explain this, but just let me say, How many times have you heard of people

<respectfully snipped by me>

Thanks, digndoodle, for your answer. I thought I kind of had where you were coming from, but just wasn't sure ...thought I'd missed something maybe (sure would be easy to miss plenty amidst ALL this info) ... so finally got up the nerve to just bluntly ask, LOL.

The ankle restraints thing ... that struck me as truly odd.
<respectfully snipped by me>

Thanks, digndoodle, for your answer. I thought I kind of had where you were coming from, but just wasn't sure ...thought I'd missed something maybe (sure would be easy to miss plenty amidst ALL this info) ... so finally got up the nerve to just bluntly ask, LOL.

The ankle restraints thing ... that struck me as truly odd.

May I ask You if you know WHY his attorneys would still be working on this case??
That part gets me, his charges were dismissed due to his supposedly suicide, there is no-one to charge, nothing to protect as far as IK...but why would his attorneys still be working this case???
In this photo, to me it looks like the photo laying in front of the lady investigator is of 2 children and one of them having a small guitar...What do you all think??


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I personally think that he was doing professional hits (his talent for killing discovered during his army career and recruited for this) and once discharged technically from the army, he picked up this 'second career'. I also think that he enjoyed this so much that he started doing some just for his own personal fun. After digndoodle introduced the idea, I started looking at timeframes on the timeline and the fact that his *trips* early on were generally short. It was later that he started taking very long, looping driving trips. This fits with digndoodle's theories.

I find it beyond ironic that they cannot determine how he got the razor, the razor wasn't recovered, the continuing work of his attorneys and the swift takeover of several long cold homicide/missing persons cases by the FBI.

This piece of information came from a blog. She says she got the info from his website, however most of that has now been taken down. I haven't been able to verify this info anywhere else, but I think it should be on the table:

Keyes is awarded an Army Achievement Medal, for "meritorious service while assigned as a gunner and assistant gunner from the second of December 1998 to the eighth of July, 2001 in the Alpha Company 60mm mortar section." He participates in MORTEP (Mortar Training and Evaluation Program) and live mortar round training. (21)

http://israelkeyes.blogspot.com/search/label/Citations / Sources
21 Keyes, Israel. Keyes Construction. 19 March 2012. Accessed 16 February 2013: http://web.archive.org/web/20110109005852/http://keyesconstruction.net/


“MORTEP is important to use because it evaluates our ability to move tactically and technically as a battalion mortar platoon,” said Keeran. “It takes all the skill from team and crew drills to our higher level skills like processing a call for fire and lets us know where we are at.”

The evaluation can be quite difficult, however many of the Soldiers have fired mortars in Afghanistan and some even in Iraq. The battalion has also performed rigorous training in mortar systems prior to the evaluation.

“Well if it was easy there would be no reason to do it,” said Hunt. “The MORTEP is designed to push the platoon, to be fast and accurate at all tasks. But I wouldn’t say it’s hard, more stressful than anything.


Spec. Evan Green, squad leader of the 120 mm mortar crew for the 2nd gun, A Troop, 3-89 Cavalry, said he’s confident in his crew’s abilities to emplace and fire their mortar system on target.

“With this crew, they normally get (the system) up in a minute, 30 (seconds),” Green said. “The time standard is two minutes, 15 seconds, and my crew usually smokes that.”

A 120 mm mortar system crew consists of five members: a squad leader; two ammo bearers, who carry the ammunition and lay out directional poles; the assistant gunner, who moves the system left or right; and the gunner, who adjusts the sight mechanism.

“This training is critical to the very survival of the men that will be moving house to house, ridgeline to ridgeline in terms of getting some indirect fires,” Machen said. “We’re trying to earn the taxpayers’ dollars and make sure these guys are trained to standard – trained to the standards the American people would expect them to be trained – so that way the more they’re trained to standard the greater the likelihood of all of us coming back safe and sound.”

Also note, IK was stationed at Fort Lewis, Tacoma WA:

1998 - 2001: Served in U.S. Army; processed out of Albany, New York. July 9, 1998 - July 8, 2001

1998 - 2001: U.S. Army duty station - Fort Lewis, Washington


Joint Base Lewis-McChord is a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power-projection base west of the Rocky Mountains. Its geographic location provides rapid access to the deep water ports of Tacoma, Olympia and Seattle for deploying equipment. Units can be deployed from McChord Field, and individuals and small groups can also use nearby Sea-Tac Airport. The strategic location of the base provides Air Force units with the ability to conduct combat and humanitarian airlift with the C-17 Globemaster III.[1]

Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition, is one of the largest and most modern military reservations in the United States. Consisting of 87,000 acres (350 km²) of prairie land cut from the glacier-flattened Nisqually Plain, it is the premier military installation in the northwest and is the most requested duty station in the army.[4]
Back to my point about the sheer volume of information and the suggestion to divide and conquer....I've sliced the FBI info and timeline a different way. I've organized it by geographic region. That way, if someone wants to focus on a certain geography, they can. Here is my first rough cut at it (including a few questions I have in red).


Israel Keyes – Travels by region

• Jul 98 – Jul 01 - In army, much of time at Fort Lewis (near Tacoma)
• Jul 01 – Oct 01 - suspected 1st murder (while living in Neah Bay WA)
• July 2001 – 2007 - murdered couple. Buried ‘near a valley’.
• 2005 - boat trips. IK said murdered 2 separate individuals, dumped in lakes (one in Crescent Lake)
• Aug/Sep 07 (after moved to Alaska) – prior to flight to UT
• Dec 4 & 16 2007 - car rentals/ferries/hotel in Sequim. [How did IK get to WA? Had flown back from LA to AK in early Nov. How did he get back to AK after his trip to IN/WA?]
• Feb 6 – 15 2008 - car rental (1,152 mi) and ferries in WA – flight back to AK on Feb 11??
• Apr 1-7 2009 - car rental (637 mi) [prior to trip out east where kidnapped/murdered woman]

• Dec 2005 - Gresham OR
• May 2006 - flew out of Portland to San Diego

• Oct 2004 - flew to NH. Drove 1745 mi.
• Nov 2 - ? 2008 - multi-city trip to east coast. Flight to Boston. [When returned?] [follows convoluted trip to Salt Lake/Phoenix/San Fran.] Why no more details about this trip??
• Apr 7-14 2009 - flight from Seattle to Manchester NH. Car rental – 1,047 mi. [robbed bank in Tupper Lake NY; buried murder cache in VT; told LE that he murdered a woman and transported her across several state lines]
• Oct 15-25?? - flight to Boston. Car rental. “in Maine”.
• Jun 2-15 2011 - Flight to Chicago. Car rental. Vermont. (Killed the Curriers) [back via San Fran – convoluted]

• May 10-15/06 (Portland OR to San Diego) - why from Portland?? Crossed border into MX.
• Apr/May 2007 (Oakland/Napa/MX??/Headsburg/Santa Rosa/Oakland) - [why into Mexico?]
• Oct 29 – Nov 2 2007 - L.A. (car rental – can leave state)
• Sep 16-19 2008 - flight to L.A. (car rental – 991 mi.)
• Feb 23-27 2009 - flight to Burbank
• Jul 9-12 2010 - flight to Sacramento ; in Auburn [FBI thinks crime committed on trip]

• Feb 6-13 2004 - Utah
• Feb 2007 - Las Vegas
• Sept 2-6 2007 - UT/WY
• Dec 8-11 2007 - IN [in WA before and after; car rental brought back 1 day late, why?]
• Jul 3-7 2008 - trip to Salt Lake. Car rental. (mileage??) [why twice to Utah?]
• Oct 25 – 31 2008 - flight to Grand Forks ND….followed by flight Phoenix to San Fran..back to Seattle. [followed immediately after by flight to Boston! “multi-city trip” Lots of convoluted travel in this time period!]
• Jul 17-22 2010 - Flight to Denver. Transactions in Las Vegas. Unknown flights.

• Sep 1-7 2006
• Moved to AK in March 2007
• Jun 20/09 - hotel rental
• Sep 10/09 - hotel rental
• Oct 6/09 - flight to Kenai AK [why?]
• Apr 23-25 2011 - flight to Juneau AK
• Apr 28 2011 - transaction @ North Fork Eagle River Trailhead. [did he bury cache here? did he kill someone here?]

• Apr 26 (23?) 2006 - one night in Victoria. Rented boat. [Could boat have been used to go back across channel to WA to dump a body? - why go to Victoria for a day and rent a boat?]
• Mar 1-9 2007 drove from Neah Bay WA to Anchorage AK through BC/Yukon

South of Border & Hawaii
• Oct 3 -31 2005 Belize [where? Why so long? Belize in not cheap]
• Oct 22 2006 - MX (to CA - day trip? How did he get to CA?)
• Apr 30 2007 - MX (to CA - day trip? Had been in CA before/after.)
• Dec 5-7 2008 - to Hawaii from AK [why so short??]
• Dec 11-25 2008 - Trip to Cancun from AK. car rental. (Merida, Cancun, Isla Mujeres)

• Jan 28 – Feb 6 2008 - trip from AK to Mobile, then back to WA [with time in LA. Did he take a cruise?]
• Dec 17-29 2009 - trip to Orlando; cruise in eastern Caribbean
• Feb 2-17 2012 - flight to Houston. Car rental 2847 mi. in Lafayette and New Orleans. Cruise? Bank robbery in Azle TX.
• Mar 6-13 2012 flight to Las Vegas. Travel through AZ, NM, TX. Arrested in TX.
In this photo, to me it looks like the photo laying in front of the lady investigator is of 2 children and one of them having a small guitar...What do you all think??

Hi digndoodle, i hope you don't mind but I flipped your picture upside down so we can see the photos from his point of view:


To me the one right by his fiingers looks like a man wearing all white holding a large assault rifle in a canvas or similar bag. The only other one that I can sort of make out is the one to the right which looks to me to be a bank surveillance camera image taken from above and in front of a person wearing all white and some kind of tan/wooden box...

so hard to tell!


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To me, the photo that the female interviewer is showing IK appears to be a child, wearing an aricle of yellow clothing,possibly a T shirt, and carrying something.jmo moo Possibly another child in that photo, to the left of the figure wearing yellow ? moo Yes, it is hard to tell. jmo

Going to look more... guess it might be very relevant to know the last convo the interviewers had with IK before he killed himself. I don't think he felt bad about anything the FBI showed him,or anything he had done. I remember reading that he shivered with excitement as he recounted some murder specifics. He likely didn't know or understand what remorse felt like. jmo moo

Wonder if he was scared witless about the other inmates finding out he had done some things which even they could not condone ? jmo moo
I personally see a child with yellow clothing on maybe in a diving position with both arms extended forward??? and to the farther right, could this be a surveilance camera shot as GGE suggested and to me it looks like it is looking down on a white vehicle sitting at an ATM machine..moo of course but the white in the photo if more like a car caught with video...Oh well maybe another shot of his robbing banks???

Israel Keyes – Travels by region

• Jul 98 – Jul 01 - In army, much of time at Fort Lewis (near Tacoma)
• Jul 01 – Oct 01 - suspected 1st murder (while living in Neah Bay WA)
• July 2001 – 2007 - murdered couple. Buried ‘near a valley’.
• 2005 - boat trips. IK said murdered 2 separate individuals, dumped in lakes (one in Crescent Lake)
• Aug/Sep 07 (after moved to Alaska) – prior to flight to UT
• Dec 4 & 16 2007 - car rentals/ferries/hotel in Sequim. [How did IK get to WA? Had flown back from LA to AK in early Nov. How did he get back to AK after his trip to IN/WA?]
• Feb 6 – 15 2008 - car rental (1,152 mi) and ferries in WA – flight back to AK on Feb 11??
• Apr 1-7 2009 - car rental (637 mi) [prior to trip out east where kidnapped/murdered woman]

• Dec 2005 - Gresham OR
• May 2006 - flew out of Portland to San Diego

• Oct 2004 - flew to NH. Drove 1745 mi.
• Nov 2 - ? 2008 - multi-city trip to east coast. Flight to Boston. [When returned?] [follows convoluted trip to Salt Lake/Phoenix/San Fran.] Why no more details about this trip??
• Apr 7-14 2009 - flight from Seattle to Manchester NH. Car rental – 1,047 mi. [robbed bank in Tupper Lake NY; buried murder cache in VT; told LE that he murdered a woman and transported her across several state lines]
• Oct 15-25?? - flight to Boston. Car rental. “in Maine”.
• Jun 2-15 2011 - Flight to Chicago. Car rental. Vermont. (Killed the Curriers) [back via San Fran – convoluted]

• May 10-15/06 (Portland OR to San Diego) - why from Portland?? Crossed border into MX.
• Apr/May 2007 (Oakland/Napa/MX??/Headsburg/Santa Rosa/Oakland) - [why into Mexico?]
• Oct 29 – Nov 2 2007 - L.A. (car rental – can leave state)
• Sep 16-19 2008 - flight to L.A. (car rental – 991 mi.)
• Feb 23-27 2009 - flight to Burbank
• Jul 9-12 2010 - flight to Sacramento ; in Auburn [FBI thinks crime committed on trip]

• Feb 6-13 2004 - Utah
• Feb 2007 - Las Vegas
• Sept 2-6 2007 - UT/WY
• Dec 8-11 2007 - IN [in WA before and after; car rental brought back 1 day late, why?]
• Jul 3-7 2008 - trip to Salt Lake. Car rental. (mileage??) [why twice to Utah?]
• Oct 25 – 31 2008 - flight to Grand Forks ND….followed by flight Phoenix to San Fran..back to Seattle. [followed immediately after by flight to Boston! “multi-city trip” Lots of convoluted travel in this time period!]
• Jul 17-22 2010 - Flight to Denver. Transactions in Las Vegas. Unknown flights.

• Sep 1-7 2006
• Moved to AK in March 2007
• Jun 20/09 - hotel rental
• Sep 10/09 - hotel rental
• Oct 6/09 - flight to Kenai AK [why?]
• Apr 23-25 2011 - flight to Juneau AK
• Apr 28 2011 - transaction @ North Fork Eagle River Trailhead. [did he bury cache here? did he kill someone here?]

• Apr 26 (23?) 2006 - one night in Victoria. Rented boat. [Could boat have been used to go back across channel to WA to dump a body? - why go to Victoria for a day and rent a boat?]
• Mar 1-9 2007 drove from Neah Bay WA to Anchorage AK through BC/Yukon

South of Border & Hawaii
• Oct 3 -31 2005 Belize [where? Why so long? Belize in not cheap]
• Oct 22 2006 - MX (to CA - day trip? How did he get to CA?)
• Apr 30 2007 - MX (to CA - day trip? Had been in CA before/after.)
• Dec 5-7 2008 - to Hawaii from AK [why so short??]
• Dec 11-25 2008 - Trip to Cancun from AK. car rental. (Merida, Cancun, Isla Mujeres)

• Jan 28 – Feb 6 2008 - trip from AK to Mobile, then back to WA [with time in LA. Did he take a cruise?]
• Dec 17-29 2009 - trip to Orlando; cruise in eastern Caribbean
• Feb 2-17 2012 - flight to Houston. Car rental 2847 mi. in Lafayette and New Orleans. Cruise? Bank robbery in Azle TX.
• Mar 6-13 2012 flight to Las Vegas. Travel through AZ, NM, TX. Arrested in TX.[/QUOTE]

Snoopster, unfortunately we would all like to know a lot of why's and how's...the only 2 I might be able to answer for you is that he traveled to Mexico several times because his GF was having some type of surgery there and I knew only that they moved to Anchorage in 2007
and YES there was a cruise sometime during Feb 2nd, the day he killed Samantha, he went inside and begin to pack for his cruise that was planned I believe it was in the next 2 days...I am not sure how he traveled to New Orleans, but that is where Carnival Cruise left from and this was supposed to be with daughter and GF also
May I ask You if you know WHY his attorneys would still be working on this case??
That part gets me, his charges were dismissed due to his supposedly suicide, there is no-one to charge, nothing to protect as far as IK...but why would his attorneys still be working this case???

You may certainly ask ... but I don't have any great answers for you, I'm afraid!

Just ideas that float into my head: Maybe some civil actions pending against his estate -- would that even be possible? Perhaps he left some journals or recordings or something of that nature with his attorneys and there are efforts from LE to get them?

I just don't know.

Is that how cases are disposed of, usually, when a suspect commits suicide? By dismissing the charges ...? Or is there sometimes some other action, some other "label", that is applied? I realize the charges have to be "dealt with" in some manner, since they can't go forward, but "dismissing" them does seem weird to me.
Hi digndoodle, i hope you don't mind but I flipped your picture upside down so we can see the photos from his point of view:


To me the one right by his fiingers looks like a man wearing all white holding a large assault rifle in a canvas or similar bag. The only other one that I can sort of make out is the one to the right which looks to me to be a bank surveillance camera image taken from above and in front of a person wearing all white and some kind of tan/wooden box...

so hard to tell!

You may be correct. I remember reading in the "Acting at Random " article by Molly Kaneski that interviewers did show IK some photos of the bank surveillance video. They informed him that they intended to prosecute him for bank robbery. But, imo, the smaller figure wearing yellow looks to be a child. jmo moo


  • Keyes4novermberphoto_zpsf4914e83.jpg
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Interesting that his attorneys are still acting for him. I wonder if,when he retained them, that one of his conditions was that they would attempt to keep the public from learning about any other victims.moo That could have been what he stated when he paid his lawyers.jmo IK did not want his daughter to be aware of the things he had done.

Consider this : the FBI told IK that if they could just get the names of some other victims, they would then be able to control the investigation,and keep it quiet in the media. jmo moo
I just finished watching the Nov 29 interview. As to the photos shown to him, I believe they were about the search of the Constable, NY property and what was found there. They went over it, with IK telling them they weren't going to find anything because he hadn't done anything serious there, or even been there for any length of time since he got out of the army.

I think the second set of photos were of the weapons stash they dug up.




They were telling him that they found a perfect finger print in the tray that was holding the ammo and the stunned look on his face was priceless! I think he said "oh well, I guess I was in a hurry" lol!
I just finished watching the Nov 29 interview. As to the photos shown to him, I believe they were about the search of the Constable, NY property and what was found there. They went over it, with IK telling them they weren't going to find anything because he hadn't done anything serious there, or even been there for any length of time since he got out of the army.

I think the second set of photos were of the weapons stash they dug up.




They were telling him that they found a perfect finger print in the tray that was holding the ammo and the stunned look on his face was priceless! I think he said "oh well, I guess I was in a hurry" lol!

Lucky 1, when i enlarged the photo that the female investigator is showing IK it looks to be a child,or a person of small stature. moo There is an area of yellow that appears to be clothing that the person is wearing ? moo It doesn't resemble a home depot bucket lol...jmo I would so love to have the photos enhanced. jmo moo
May I ask You if you know WHY his attorneys would still be working on this case??
That part gets me, his charges were dismissed due to his supposedly suicide, there is no-one to charge, nothing to protect as far as IK...but why would his attorneys still be working this case???

BBM, May be the reason IK's Attorneys are hanging around months later, digndoodle; a civil suit by his family for authorities allowing his suicide while incarcerated. Not sure that IK would not have pre-planned this scenario. Psychopaths are very calculating, creative, manipulative, and deflective..
Many of the actual revelations made by IK will turn out to be 180 degrees from the truth..imo..


<sniped & BBM>
Alaska prisons officials refuse to say how confessed serial killer Israel Keyes obtained a razor before his jail-cell suicide. The state Department of Corrections denied a public records request from The Associated Press that seeks to determine whether the 34-year-old Keyes was allowed to have a razor, which he used to slit a wrist. The state cites prisoner confidentiality and "anticipation of litigation."
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