AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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FBI Releases Keyes Timeline, Asks for Public's Help

"Keyes admitted responsibility for robbing several banks during this time frame, two of which investigators have corroborated. Keyes used the proceeds from his bank robberies to pay for his travel, along with money he made as a general contractor. Keyes also admitted traveling to various locations to leave supplies he planned to use in a future crime. Keyes buried caches throughout the United States. The FBI has recovered two caches buried by Keyes – one in Eagle River, Alaska and one near Blakes Falls Reservoir in New York. The caches contained weapons and other items used to dispose of bodies. Keyes indicated the other caches he buried throughout the U.S. contain weapons, money, and items used to dispose of victims.
Investigators believe that Keyes did not know any of his victims prior to their abductions. He described several remote locations that he frequented to look for victims – parks, campgrounds, trailheads, cemeteries, boating areas, etc. Keyes also told investigators that prior to the Currier case, his victims’ disappearance received little if any media coverage. Based on his own research, Keyes stated that one of his victims has been recovered but authorities ruled the death accidental. Investigators have not identified this victim or where this crime occurred."

Lots more at link. Here's the timeline:

10/05/2004 to 10/16/2004 Eastern US
04/20/2005 to 04/25/2005 WA, British Columbia
05/10/2006 to 05/15/2006 Western US
09/01/2006 to 09/07/2006 Alaska
10/21/2006 to 10/23/2006 Western US, Mexico
11/08/2006 to 11/16/2006 Alaska
02/05/2007 to 02/08/2007 Southwest US
03/01/2007 to 03/09/2007 WA, Canada (drove to Alaska)
04/24/2007 to 05/04/2007 Western US, Mexico
08/26/2007 to 09/06/2007 Western US
10/29/2007 to 11/02/2007 Western US
11/12/2007 to 11/13/2007 Western US
12/04/2007 to 12/17/2007 Midwest and Western US
01/05/2008 to 01/08/2008 Western US
01/28/2008 to 02/15/2008 Southern US and Western US
05/11/2008 to 05/17/2008 Western US
07/03/2008 to 07/07/2008 Western US
09/16/2008 to 09/24/2008 Western US
10/24/2008 to 11/05/2008 Southwest US, Midwest US and Western US
12/05/2008 to 12/07/2008 Hawaii
12/11/2008 to 12/25/2008 Mexico
02/23/2009 to 02/27/2009 Western US
04/01/2009 to 04/14/2009 Eastern US, Western US
09/11/2009 to 10/03/2009 Southern US
12/17/2009 to 12/29/2009 Southern US
01/11/2010 to 02/25/2010 Western US
03/01/2010 to 03/10/2010 Western US
04/24/2010 to 04/30/2010 Western US
05/19/2010 to 07/18/2010 Midwest US and Western US
07/18/2010 to 07/22/2010 Southwest US
10/15/2010 to 10/25/2010 Midwest US, Eastern US
06/02/2011 to 06/16/2011 Midwest US, Eastern US
09/15/2011 to 09/25/2011 Western US
02/02/2012 to 02/18/2012 Southern US
03/06/2012 to 03/13/2012 Southwestern and Southern US


Is there information somewhere that indicates with states/cities are included in these various regions? Specifically 06/02/2011 to 06/16/2011 Midwest US, Eastern US?
GGE, I want to personally THANK YOU for spending so much time on an awesome travel timeline for us to use!!!

but can we ALL STOP!!...Think About This!!!..........Go back up above and just look at GGE'S timeline....You really think in all this traveling done by Keyes, there were just 11 victims???................NOT ME.......above link was to the last released article a few months back....I feel it really had a lot of new travels.....in the newly released article they make no mention of him being tied to Orlando Florida in 2009, Alabama and some more places.................I personally feel for every trip he took like this there was a victim of victims and some he confessed in the latest article were covered by arson???....that would be even more victims,
He stated he idolized Bundy...OK, he has already outranked Bundy in mileage coverage and Keyes was strong willed...I feel in the end (if they truly keep working on this case) he will have out-numbered Bundy and several others he idolized
I'm just interested in seeing how many of you believe there will be only 11????

I personally have never known anyone that traveled this much! I've read so far about the bank robberies, home invasions and robbery, and his construction business. All I can say, he had a heck of a lot of money! Traveling isn't cheap. AND wonder what his girlfriends and neighbors, associates, etc thought about all that traveling? Wonder what excuse he gave? Maybe he didn't? Maybe I haven't read enough yet to find out. But WOW! I would say more than his admitted crimes were done, and more murders than he admits to. Perhaps bits of truth among the lies. Scary to think how the mind works. How someone can pretend to be one person, and be another. Just weird, and I pray I never lose my mind to the point of anything as sinister as this! Makes one wonder just who is normal and what normal actually is!!! SCARY!!!!

Now back to reading.... :seeya:
I have a question related to the chance that Blanche Campbell was a victim of IK. IK was still in the army in May 2001. How much time off do these people get? Do they get blocks of time off? or do they get 1 or 2 days off at a time?

If Blanche was murdered on a Tuesday night and IK received his DUI the next weekend, does this line up with his potential flexibility in the army? (Sorry, but I don't know much about being in the US military.)

Snoopster, in 1969, I won the Lottery; the Vietnam Draft lottery. The lucky winners were normally assigned to the US Army Infantry. Once training was completed, depending on your assignment location, it was like a normal job as far as leave time. In one unit one soldier got the rest of the day off after the morning formation(5AM), if he had the best spit shined boots & starched fatigues, etc..



Every soldier, from brand-new recruits in their first days of training to the most senior general, earns the same vacation time, which the Army calls “leave.” Compared with many civilian jobs, the military benefit of earning 30 days of Army leave a year is terrific. In general, a soldier serving on active duty earns two and one-half days of leave each month, or 30 days a year. A soldier may also take leave for personal reasons and emergency situations.

Also, from time to time, a soldier’s unit may declare what is called a “training holiday.” This is a free day off that recognizes extra work done, perhaps by training through a weekend. These days are not counted as leave.

While leave is considered a right, that doesn’t mean that you can take it whenever you wish. As with any civilian job, your leave time will have to be approved for it to be valid.


Space Available Travel, better known as Space A, is a unique travel privilege provided to soldiers and their families. Under the program, eligible passengers can pay discount rates to fill unused seats on DoD aircraft once all the space-required passengers and cargo have been accommodated..

08/29/2013 at 11:10 pm
Behind the scenes in Vermont for our ON THE RECORD special “Confessions of a Serial Killer”

ON THE RECORD recently headed to Vermont to track down the story of Israel Keyes, one of the deadliest predators in America. The FBI believes Keyes committed as many as 11 murders from 2001 to March 2012. You will see our special “CONFESSIONS OF A SERIAL KILLER” Friday night (unless there is breaking news in Syria). Check out these pictures from our Vermont trip and tune in Friday at 10pm/ET for an in-depth look at this chilling case.
Originally Posted by digndoodle View Post
GGE, I want to personally THANK YOU for spending so much time on an awesome travel timeline for us to use!!!

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but can we ALL STOP!!...Think About This!!!..........Go back up above and just look at GGE'S timeline....You really think in all this traveling done by Keyes, there were just 11 victims???................NOT ME.......above link was to the last released article a few months back....I feel it really had a lot of new travels.....in the newly released article they make no mention of him being tied to Orlando Florida in 2009, Alabama and some more places.................I personally feel for every trip he took like this there was a victim of victims and some he confessed in the latest article were covered by arson???....that would be even more victims,
He stated he idolized Bundy...OK, he has already outranked Bundy in mileage coverage and Keyes was strong willed...I feel in the end (if they truly keep working on this case) he will have out-numbered Bundy and several others he idolized
I'm just interested in seeing how many of you believe there will be only 11????

RE: I'm just interested in seeing how many of you believe there will be only 11????

digndoodle; the true total victims of serial killers are seldom released. The truth would be an indictment of investigators and the Justice System, imo. It is usually decades later before a true estimate is released. A good barometer of IK's total victims would be his reply when asked why he did what he did. His response was; "Why not"?..
I must stay hidden under a rock! First I've heard of this guy was on Dr. Drew just now. Well I guess it was a repeat from last night. But of course I hopped onto WS to see what's up, and good grief! 46 pages already! Maybe I best just read. As someone who normally doesn't lock doors. I just came back from locking my doors. EEEKKKSSS!!!

LOL, 2Hope4, the problem is that snakes such as Israel Keyes, may be hidden under the same damn rock.
Locking doors is analogous to having burglar bars on your doors & windows, and a fire breaking out.. What if their already inside when you get home.. BTK, waited for hours in the home for one of his targeted victims. He finally gave up and aborted the mission...
I never realized just how sadistic Israel Keyes was, until pondering on the motives for IK's behavior in the Samantha Koenig abduction; both before and after her brutal and torturous death.
Guess, after studying the deviant behavior and inhumane acts by malignant predators/serial killers for years. Decapitation, mutilation, dismemberment, necrophilia, torture, etc.,
are obvious signs of extreme escalation that are expected, yet often overlooked.

IK, had cash from his cache in TX which were proceeds from his prior bank robbery. Cash from SK's ATM cards could not have been needed by IK.. IK was simply taunting LE/FBI, imo.
Although the FBI is brought in on bank robberies. Samantha Koenig, was likely the first abduction by IK, where the FBI was involved. Due to the high profile national MS Media coverage. IK was finally getting the over due recognition that he thought he deserved.. IK, planned the ransom ruse while on the cruise to taunt SK's family, the FBI BAU, while increasing the national media frenzy, imo...

Why else would IK demand a ransom from SK's dad. IK didn't need the money. If he did need cash, bank robberies had become second nature for him..


RE: IK's probable victim total will be synonymous to green river Gary Ridgeway's total, imo(70+). IK was much more intelligent & creative than GR, yet both hunted their prey for approximately two decades, oblivious to law enforcement. GR's IQ was around 80, yet was thought by LE to be idiot savant....Military trained(marines), GR simply honed his skills for two decades, as they all seem to do..imo..


Ridgway went from having sex with prostitutes 'to just plain killing 'em'

By Ray Rivera
Seattle Times staff reporter

Green River Task Force detectives took Ridgway, center, with foot on the rock, on 24 trips throughout King County so he could point out where he may have placed his murdered victims.
*Where 48 victims were found

Gary L. Ridgway was good at one thing, he would tell investigators, "and that's killing prostitutes." It was an obsession he came to regard as his "career."
<sniped-read more>

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Ridgway"]Gary Ridgway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

GR's teenage years, however, were troubled; when he was 16, he stabbed a six-year-old boy, who survived the attack. He had led the boy into the woods and then stabbed him through the ribs into his liver.[5] According to the victim and Ridgway himself, Ridgway walked away laughing and saying, "I always wondered what it would be like to kill someone."

Footnote: The 6 year old boy asked GR, "why did you kill me"? The 6 year old boy survived and attended GR's sentencing hearing.

A mother of one of GR's victims stated at the hearing, "I have an aching hole in my heart that only my daughter can fill"...


Oregon teen remains may be Green River victim
By William McCall
Associated Press Writer / December 15, 2009
Foxfire - thanks for the input on leave in the Army. I had considered the same question as Snoopster, but you answered that handily. One further question, however.....IF he hadn't put in for leave (paper trail), would he be allowed to leave the base for an extended period of time on the Monday night/Tuesday morning that Blanche was murdered?

A rough estimate of time between them is 7 hours travel time, one way. Nothing to IK as we now know, but who knows if he was actually able to pull that off that day, back at the beginning, KWIM???

Some say that when children steal change from their Mother's purse, it shows a desire to "steal some love/attention".
Ik, seemingly needlessly demanding ransom from SK's father, as Foxfire suggested, makes me think of IK trying to " steal" Father figure attention.
I think it would be great if we could do a poll of members, see just how many victims we all think will be the final tally.

Me, personally? We will never know. They will never find all of them, nor be able to link him to them if they do. Because in the beginning, I think this was all about killing and torturing things, quietly, getting his rocks off. Didn't want to get caught because he would have to stop. And back then, he was really careful. Hid things really well. Later on, his ego got the better of him and he wanted the notoriety and fame he saw other, "lesser" killers receiving....wanted his due. IIRC he expressed disdain for BTK because he confessed and said he was sorry, IK thought that was lame and weak.

And, FWIW, ITA with Foxfire on him getting himself caught with Samantha's ATM card. That was incredibly stupid, reckless, and completely unnecessary. He HAD to know that was going to lead them straight to him. IMVHO.....and apparently didn't care, or wanted that. IMO, either for the fame and notoriety, which would be utter BS if what he claimed about wanting to protect his daughter were true. Unless!! he thought that getting caught, giving up enough information to get the death penalty quickly and quietly and go away forever would be protecting her. Hmmmmmmm.

He was at one of his younger sisters weddings. Any father would be thinking about his daughter growing up and getting married. Her future. Not to mention that his family was preaching at him at every turn, for hours at a time. Maybe he thought him getting caught would be the best way to secure her future.

Just my demented ramblings for the day. :twocents:
I think it would be great if we could do a poll of members, see just how many victims we all think will be the final tally.

Me, personally? We will never know. They will never find all of them, nor be able to link him to them if they do. Because in the beginning, I think this was all about killing and torturing things, quietly, getting his rocks off. Didn't want to get caught because he would have to stop. And back then, he was really careful. Hid things really well. Later on, his ego got the better of him and he wanted the notoriety and fame he saw other, "lesser" killers receiving....wanted his due. IIRC he expressed disdain for BTK because he confessed and said he was sorry, IK thought that was lame and weak.

And, FWIW, ITA with Foxfire on him getting himself caught with Samantha's ATM card. That was incredibly stupid, reckless, and completely unnecessary. He HAD to know that was going to lead them straight to him. IMVHO.....and apparently didn't care, or wanted that. IMO, either for the fame and notoriety, which would be utter BS if what he claimed about wanting to protect his daughter were true. Unless!! he thought that getting caught, giving up enough information to get the death penalty quickly and quietly and go away forever would be protecting her. Hmmmmmmm.

He was at one of his younger sisters weddings. Any father would be thinking about his daughter growing up and getting married. Her future. Not to mention that his family was preaching at him at every turn, for hours at a time. Maybe he thought him getting caught would be the best way to secure her future.

Just my demented ramblings for the day. :twocents:

More of my demented ramblings; IK hid cash from his bank robberies in with his kill kits or nearby. If his daughter welfare was truly his concern. What good would the hidden treasures/caches of money do, if no one knew their locations? Imo, the money from the bank robberies was only a means to an end and a challenge for him; an adrenalin rush...
Was IK's self imposed rule violations and cat & mouse games with the FBI in the final days before his capture to gain notoriety insuring probable financial gain for his family's future?


&#8216;Son of Sam&#8217; laws 2004
The Simon & Schuster decision

<sniped &BBM>

Currently, more than 40 states have such laws on their books. The pattern emerging is that when states pass such laws, state courts strike them down.

For much of 1976 and 1977, serial killer David Berkowitz terrorized the city of New York, killing six people and injuring seven others. Berkowitz was called the &#8220;Son of Sam&#8221; because he claimed that a spirit named Sam told him (through a neighbor&#8217;s dog/black lab) to murder his victims.

After hearing reports that Berkowitz was being offered a substantial amount of money for the rights to his story, the New York Assembly in 1977 passed a law requiring that an accused or convicted criminal&#8217;s income from works describing his crime be deposited in an escrow account. The funds from the escrow account were then to be used to reimburse crime victims for the harm they had suffered.

Since Simon & Schuster, several state courts have invalidated Son of Sam laws on First Amendment grounds. The clear message from these decisions is that legislation must be narrowly crafted to survive constitutional challenges. However, many states still have Son of Sam laws on the books.

Alaska Citation: ALASKA STAT. § 12.61.020 (Mathew Bender 2000)
History: Enacted in 1984.
Alaska Stat. § 12.61.020 (2001)
Sec. 12.61.020. Money received as the result of the commission of a crime
(a) Every person contracting with an offender with respect to the reenactment of the offender&#8217;s crime by way of a movie, book, magazine article, radio or television presentation, live entertainment of any kind, or from the expression of the offender&#8217;s thoughts, feelings, opinions, or emotions regarding the crime, shall pay to the state any money that would otherwise be owing to the offender.
OK, I guess I don't understand Foxfire.

AK has a Son of Sam law. That will not benefit his family, so......?

Was IK's self imposed rule violations and cat & mouse games with the FBI in the final days before his capture to gain notoriety insuring probable financial gain for his family's future?

The family cannot gain from memoirs, book deals, movies, etc. So he didn't do it for that (if he knew about this). That leaves "kill me now" from what I can see.

What am I missing?
HLN: Nancy Grace, Jane Valez Mitchell, Dr Drew, and Fox News: Greta Van Susteren, all
covering specials on serial killer Israel Keyes, within days of each other. Why, and why now?
Why didn't FBI VICAP identify IK's pattern of activity over possibly the past two decades? or did it...
"Silence is the predators most lethal weapon"! The American public is the only investigative resource/tool that can defeat jurisdictional linkage blindness in missing/murdered person's cases...


FBI Requests the Public&#8217;s Assistance in Case of Serial Killer Israel Keyes
FBI Seattle
August 13, 2013

Public Affairs Specialist Ayn S. Dietrich
OK, I guess I don't understand Foxfire.

AK has a Son of Sam law. That will not benefit his family, so......?

The family cannot gain from memoirs, book deals, movies, etc. So he didn't do it for that (if he knew about this). That leaves "kill me now" from what I can see.

What am I missing?

All charges were dropped when IK committed suicide. IK was not convicted for any of his many crimes....doubtful if the son of Sam Laws would apply...IK, was a thinker and played the Justice system like a fiddle.. always staying one step/move ahead of them..

Even if due to a loophole or technicality in the law, it did apply: Currently, more than 40 states have such laws on their books. The pattern emerging is that when states pass such laws, state courts strike them down.

Alaska investigators say Keyes felt a high from serial killings

One thing's for sure: Keyes was meticulous. A national expert on serial killers retained for the case said Keyes was among the top three organizers, thinkers and planners he'd studied, said Russo.

Bringing these things forward from Foxfire's link, for the newbies.


They are not delineated like this, but I am separating for emphasis, BBM, my comments in parenthesis:
Investigators believe Keyes did not know any of his victims prior to their abductions. (True - he didn't KNOW them, but once on his radar, depending upon the type of victim, they were either killed quickly {within a day or so} and disposed of, or stalked {cyber & RL} for an extended period of time until he decided to "take them". IMVHO.)

He described several remote locations that he frequented to look for victims&#8212;parks, campgrounds, trailheads, cemeteries, boating areas, etc. (Many cases I have looked at, I find a cemetery usually near where they are taken from. Trailhead was where I ran into him. Dennis Kunkel was supposed to be helping his family move a boat...etc.)

Keyes also admitted to frequenting prostitutes during his travels, and it is unknown at this time if he met any of his victims in this manner. (Prostitutes, like single male victims, generate very little publicity.)

Keyes indicated the victims are male and female and range in age from late teens to the elderly. (His first admitted rape was a teen, Blanche Campbell was 80.)

Keyes told investigators prior to the murder of Bill and Lorraine Currier in Vermont, his victims&#8217; disappearance received little if any media coverage. (This was the case where he learned he LIKED media coverage, which would be part of his undoing IMO.)

Investigators believe Keyes is responsible for 11 homicides. (IMVHO - not even close.)

Keyes stated his murders occurred in less than 10 states but did not disclose all of the locations.
What I'm getting at is, this is not "random" -- it's a complex, personal, and symbolic sort of layered geo-historical fetish sites.

Keyes described crossing into multiple states during the abduction, murder, and disposal of a victim. It is not unlikely that in some cases Keyes abducted a victim from one state, transported the victim to another state where he or she was murdered, and potentially drove the victim to a third state to dispose of the body. (I believe they are talking about Debra Feldman here, but I also think this is true of Dennis Kunkel.)

Keyes admitted to burglarizing 20 to 30 homes throughout the United States and talked about committing arson as a means to cover up a homicide. (Blanche Campbell was found murdered, sitting on her sofa, with the house burned down around her at 4am, IK got a DUI 5 days later. "I've got to drink everyday to forget these things." This is the right time period for his first murder. )
I think it would be great if we could do a poll of members, see just how many victims we all think will be the final tally.

Me, personally? We will never know. They will never find all of them, nor be able to link him to them if they do. Because in the beginning, I think this was all about killing and torturing things, quietly, getting his rocks off. Didn't want to get caught because he would have to stop. And back then, he was really careful. Hid things really well. Later on, his ego got the better of him and he wanted the notoriety and fame he saw other, "lesser" killers receiving....wanted his due. IIRC he expressed disdain for BTK because he confessed and said he was sorry, IK thought that was lame and weak.

And, FWIW, ITA with Foxfire on him getting himself caught with Samantha's ATM card. That was incredibly stupid, reckless, and completely unnecessary. He HAD to know that was going to lead them straight to him. IMVHO.....and apparently didn't care, or wanted that. IMO, either for the fame and notoriety, which would be utter BS if what he claimed about wanting to protect his daughter were true. Unless!! he thought that getting caught, giving up enough information to get the death penalty quickly and quietly and go away forever would be protecting her. Hmmmmmmm.

He was at one of his younger sisters weddings. Any father would be thinking about his daughter growing up and getting married. Her future. Not to mention that his family was preaching at him at every turn, for hours at a time. Maybe he thought him getting caught would be the best way to secure her future.

I think that part of the appeal- the adrenaline rush- is sweating about getting away with it. And that he was too good at covering his tracks, and never got the gratification of the cat and mouse game, so he had to get more outrageous. He had that fantasy of abusing his vics further by using their ATMs and thumbing his nose at the police.
As far as his daughter was concerned, I believe it is the same as Bundy and Gacy- he didn't want ANYONE to speak about his necrophillia or greater sexual sadism. He wanted to be celebrated as a crafty evil man, but not known for the seriously perverted aspects of it. Hence his asking to see pics of the decomposed couple, for a thrill, and the drano and lengths he took to submerge or burn victims to eliminate all traces of sex abuse. I think his bigger concern was if he gave up bodies locations, they would find he had sexually abused more corpses. Even Bundy lied about that in the end. Amazing to think they draw a line as to what is shameful, isn't it?
Cat>Feline>Female>Overbearing/Protective Mother...jmo

Good catch- when he staked out houses, he was avoiding dogs too. He could have easily shot them with his silencer. His favorite prey was women. I think he only took couples to up the torture factor and force the men to watch.

All this "angry at society" crap is just what they tell themselves to justify the selfish crap they are doing, IMHO. Nothing more.
Quote: Lucky1
And, FWIW, ITA with Foxfire on him getting himself caught with Samantha's ATM card. That was incredibly stupid, reckless, and completely unnecessary. He HAD to know that was going to lead them straight to him. IMVHO.....and apparently didn't care, or wanted that. IMO, either for the fame and notoriety, which would be utter BS if what he claimed about wanting to protect his daughter were true. Unless!! he thought that getting caught, giving up enough information to get the death penalty quickly and quietly and go away forever would be protecting her. Hmmmmmmm.

Lucky1, in the last 50 years there has only been 3 federal executions carried out. Timothy McVeigh was fast tracked, and it still took over 6 years before he receivied his fate. Imo, IK's demand to be executed in one year was only a ruse. IK, knew that there are automatic appeals in a death sentence and that the wheels of justice turn very slowly. The Ft Hood shooter, which was a military trial took four years just to go to trial. There will now be years/decades of automatic appeals. He will also be required to have legal representation in the appeal process.

FL executed a death row inmate a few months ago that had been sentenced over 3 decades ago...Most death row inmates die of natural causes, after decades on death row, as in the case of Adam Walsh's killer; Otis Toole. Night Stalker; Ramirez died recently of cancer while awaiting execution on California's death row. He was sentenced 08/1985; 29 years ago.. Our justice system is broken, imo..

Timothy McVeigh - White; sentenced to death in June 1997 for the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995. The United States Supreme Court denied review on March 8, 1999. McVeigh was scheduled for execution on May 16, 2001 but was granted a 30 day stay by Attorney General John Ashcroft after it was discovered that the FBI did not disclose over 3,000 pages of document to McVeigh's defense team. McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001.

Federal Executions 1927-2003 - Death Penalty Information Ctr..
Lucky1, in the last 50 years there has only been 3 federal executions carried out. Timothy McVeigh was fast tracked, and it still took over 6 years before he receivied his fate. Imo, IK's demand to be executed in one year was only a ruse. IK, knew that there are automatic appeals in a death sentence and that the wheels of justice turn very slowly.

so how do you explain his subsequent suicide?
so how do you explain his subsequent suicide?

To: Control the investigation, while taunting the investigators & prosecutors by preventing Justice from being served.. 'Checkmate'.. Assistant U.S. Attorney for Alaska Frank Russo doubts all the bodies will be found. "I feel like we lost this case,"

* increase his notoriety..
*prevent releasing the identities & locations of his unknown victims & caches; his only *assets/possessions..

"The question is not why, but why not"? Quote: Israel Keyes
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