AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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Originally Posted by websurfer View Post

And nobody who knew him saw any of this going on?
Or did they just ignore it maybe?

Yeah! What Websurfer said!!!

I'm surprised this guy hadn't gotten the FBI's attention for possible domestic terrorist link! A construction worker, with a travel history like this, and no agency was alerted to it? Weird if you ask me, though I know you didn't. ;)

<mod snip>

Seriously, IK, wasn't a construction worker, but owned a construction co., and passed himself off as a contractor. It wouldn't be unusual for a contractor to travel across the US to locations after a natural disaster; hurricanes, tornadoes, or fires, etc., to place bids. Imo, this was only a ruse/front for his true objectives; laundering the bank robbery money which enabled him to pursue his true passion; hunting & killing humans..
IK was an artist; an actor living in a dark reality.

At an early age(14/15), IK became aware that he was different than others. Imo, IK realized that he was an anomaly; a sociopath that possessed no conscience, nor other human emotions. Imo, like the many before him, this is when his other self was born; Good Israel/Bad Israel..

IK, was very observant, perceptive, and learned to emulate the personality traits, character, and emotions portrayed by others to appear normal and fit in; the very deceptive Good Israel...imo..
Over the years, IK, perfected the art of hiding behind this evil mask of normalcy. Those around him, including friends and family members had never met the Bad Israel Keyes, until March 2012, when we all learned of Israel Keyes' true identity...

< Russo said. "At some point he realized he was different. He always thought other people were pretending to be nice to other people and then he realized at some point only he was pretending. He described an incident when he was younger -- how he tortured a cat in front of his friends and everybody got sick and ran away from him. He realized he should shut up about this stuff because he was different.">
Sniped & BBM - http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/alaska-investigators-say-keyes-felt-high-serial-killings


Imo, why Israel Keyes staged/buried kill kits strategically across the USA:


{{sfn|Keppel|2005|pp=62-66}} ==Ted Bundy's Arrest and first trial == [[File:Ted Bundy murder kit.JPG|left|thumb|upright|alt=The murder kit includes a sports bag, garbage bags, ski mask, nylon stocking with holes, flashlight, crowbar, an ice pick, and some gloves.|Items found in Bundy's Volkswagen, Utah, 1975]] Bundy was arrested in August 1975 by a Utah Highway Patrol officer in [[West Valley City, Utah|Granger]], a Salt Lake City suburb near Murray, after he failed to pull over for a routine traffic stop.<ref name="Gehrke2000" /> The officer, noting that the Volkswagen's front passenger seat was missing, searched his car; he found a ski mask, a second mask fashioned from pantyhose, a crowbar, handcuffs, trash bags, a coil of rope, an ice pick, and other items initially assumed to be burglary tools. Bundy explained that the ski mask was for skiing, he had found the handcuffs in a [[dumpster]], and the rest were common household items.
From observation IK's Rules of prey:

* Always go dark & change modes of transportation a minimum of three times.
* Never abduct close to home base
* Always choose strangers
* Never leave witnesses alive
* Never have a motive.
* Never follow an obvious pattern.
* Never carry a firearm after use.
* Beware of leaving indictable residue; clues, forensics, bodies..
* Abort the mission that may have potentially undesirable or disastrous consequences.
* Never hunt twice in the same geographical area ot jurisdiction.
* Never share your secrets with others.
* Never carry kill kits in your vehicle.

IK, learned from the mistakes by T Bundy, and many others...
The obvious signs, patterns, and residue left in IK's wake, paints a very tragic, evil, & bleak picture, imo... His total unknown innocent victim count will be much higher than investigators project..jmo..
Very interesting article that sums up IK's deviant behavior, imo..


Serial Killers - A Homicide Detective's Take
By Lieutenant Nelson Andreu (Retired)
Miami Police Department
Submitted May, 2005


Credentials and Interest
Common Knowledge
Genesis of a Serial Killer
Victim Selection
Victim Objectification
Case Histories

4. Victim Selection <Sniped & BBM -read more>

Unexpectedly, I have observed that most serial killers never actually find and kill their "dream victim."
Ignoring for a moment the disparity between deviant human and normal feline behavior, a serial killer can be compared to a hungry lion that lies in wait for his favorite meal. It may be the lion knows an impala has the most tender or tasty meat. He waits for an opportunity to kill and eat the impala and in doing so may allow easy but not-so-attractive prey to pass unmolested. In time, hunger pains growing and no impala in sight, the famished lion will settle for an unwary bird that happens by. After devouring the bird, which gives his hunger a brief respite, the lion again has time to savor the taste of an impala, and the cycle begins again.

Like the lion, a serial killer just will not defer acting out his urge to kill simply because his "ideal" victim refuses to materialize at his beck and call. But his reason for settling for something less divulges from that of the lion. There are two basic, interrelated reasons for this disparity. The first centers on the extra caution exercised by a serial killer in his search for a victim; the second, upon the nature of the compulsion that drives him to violence.
From Foxfire's link:

3. Genesis of a Serial Killer

Serial killers frequently suffer from low self-esteem, often complicated by some sort of sexual dysfunction. Many were themselves the victims of sexual abuse and/or were raised in violent households. Never having received much training in social graces and lacking in confidence, they tend to be introverted and friendless. Some, like emotional adolescents that never reach adulthood, maintain unhealthy ties to a family member, often the mother. And although certain serial killers have counted their mothers among their victims, in my belief such instances are not sexual in nature, but more a revenge or to halt years of real or perceived domination. In nearly all cases, deviant and recurring sexual desires and fantasies are what drive these people to murder multiple victims.
Serial Killers: JMO

Imo, Kenneth McDuff(TX), Otis Toole(FL), and Henry Lucas(TX) are 3 of the worst. The numbers are so many. It is difficult to classify the worst.. Serial Killers seldom tell the truth or give up all their victims. Investigators/prosecutors rarely reveal the complete victim totals to prevent scaring the bejeezus out of the public, imo.. The most notorious serial killers have yet to be identified, imo. In 2004, a state LEO contacted the FBI BAU2 and alerted them that there was an extremely high number of females being located near interstates. The FBI began the Highway Trucker SK iniative in 2009. 500 victims and 200 POIs & suspects were connected via FBI VICAP. That was 4 years ago. Not sure what the totals are now.

Highway Serial Killings
New Initiative on an Emerging Trend
The Long Island Serial Killer's nickname is 'LISK'..

If you think about it, the total number of active serial killers has grown tremendously in the USA since 2005 when a serial killer was redefined and the total victims were lowered from 3 to 2 by the FBI BAU2 symposium attendees. It would be logical to conclude that Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, and other cities with gang wars, drivebys, and extremely high homicides rates would have an abnormal rate of serial killers in their midst, jmo.

FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit-2
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime

Serial Murder Symposium 2005

The different discussion groups at the Symposium agreed on a number of similar factors to be included in a definition. These included:

&#8226; one or more offenders
&#8226; two or more murdered victims
&#8226; incidents should be occurring in separate events, at different times
&#8226; the time period between murders separates serial murder from mass murder

In combining the various ideas put forth at the 2005 Symposium, the following definition was crafted:

Serial Murder: The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events.
Guess, the FBI is receiving tips and is progressing in the Israel Keyes investigation due to the tremendous awareness being generated in this case. From 8 total suspected unknown victims to a total of 11 unknown victims..

Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???
Started 9 months ago by SheWhoMustNotBeNamed - 1,221 post
Israel Keyes, accused in the kidnapping and killing of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig, is dead in an apparent suicide and is suspected in at least seven other deaths outside Alaska, authorities said Sunday. [snip] We believe there are four victims in Washington state," one in New York state, and a couple from Essex, Vt. Authorities said Sunday that Keyes had confessed to the kidnapping and murder of...

'Fast forward 9 months'..

Israel Keyes Update: Alaska serial killer linked to at least 11 ...
(CBS/AP) ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The FBI on Monday released an updated timeline of travels and crimes by Israel Keyes, a confessed Alaska serial killer...

The timeline sheds some new light on a mysterious case that left a trail of unsolved killings around the country. FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said the goal of releasing the information is to identify victims who remain unknown, and provide some closure to their families.

"We've exhausted all our investigative leads," Gonzalez said.
I still can't believe none of his family, girlfriend, mother of his daughter, neighbors, etc., aren't coming forward to saying SOMETHING! Heck IK was on the road more than at home. Doesn't look like he ever spent an entire month at home! Zooming here there and everywhere, and no one questions WHY? Not like he had a job that required extensive traveling. I just don't understand it all. And yes, thank you, thank you, I just finished reading every page on this thread!
Hopefully Fox News Greta Van Susteren's investigative report will air soon:
Behind the scenes in Vermont for our ON THE RECORD special &#8220;Confessions of a Serial Killer&#8221;

Rescheduled - time & date to be announced:
ON THE RECORD recently headed to Vermont to track down the story of Israel Keyes, one of the deadliest predators in America. The FBI believes Keyes committed as many as 11 murders from 2001 to March 2012. You will see our special &#8220;CONFESSIONS OF A SERIAL KILLER&#8221; Friday night (unless there is breaking news in Syria). Check out these pictures from our Vermont trip and tune in Friday at 10pm/ET for an in-depth look at this chilling case.

Focus 5 Report: The man behind the Currier investigation
Essex Police Lieutenant George Murtie shares his story
UPDATED 10:36 AM EST Feb 01, 2013

Read more: http://www.wptz.com/news/vermont-ne...18358140/-/p9bamcz/-/index.html#ixzz2dgYYnfb7

I still can't believe none of his family, girlfriend, mother of his daughter, neighbors, etc., aren't coming forward to saying SOMETHING! Heck IK was on the road more than at home. Doesn't look like he ever spent an entire month at home! Zooming here there and everywhere, and no one questions WHY? Not like he had a job that required extensive traveling. I just don't understand it all. And yes, thank you, thank you, I just finished reading every page on this thread!

I feel in between all you mentioned above lies a big story, Neighbors said they kept to themselves, was known to have about 2 parties a year, said they would wave at you, but apparently never had conversation with any neighbors...The mother of his child lives on the reservation and something had to have happen because he got custody of the daughter, and from the Mother's choosen religion I doubt she knew much of anything, she had one of the Pastor's of the Church of Wells speak for her while traveling to Wash. state for his funeral and said she had only heard bits and pieces of some of the things her son was supposed to be involved in...I highly doubt they have internet access, phones or anything like that, they are also known to live off the land....but I have said from a very early time, The girlfriend knows something, just how many lies could he have made up about all this traveling before she would have caught on something was very wrong here???....and when he gained custody of the daughter, I'm sure even at 10 yrs old she got a clue that something was just not right in that household...but REMEMBER*** Keyes did not own that house, it was in the GF'S Name...so I feel he showed some of this violent behavior at home, or either she was one of the dumbest women ever put on this earth to live....I feel the big answer will lie right there...she had to know certain things, maybe not about his killing but I have questioned her by myself...did she sense when he come in from a murder spree, was he more talkative, did he go into some room and become quiet all the while on the computer watching media coverage of his recent crime, did he drink more than usual, was his conversation somewhat different and many more things.....being married for several years, I got to where I could look into my husband's eyes and tell if he had overspent on something, he was very happy, always joking around with me so I would not question him, usually he would offer to take me out to a good resturant to eat....he was more antsy as I call it.....If you are with someone for several years, it's just natural to notice small things about that person...but this is moo but I still say she had to have known something just was not right with him
Interesting read that confirms many suspicions.


Forensic Experts Pick Sides, Research Shows

Forensic psychologists and psychiatrists are ethically bound to be impartial when performing evaluations or providing expert opinions in court. But new research suggests that courtroom experts&#8217; evaluations may be influenced by whether their paycheck comes from the defense or the prosecution. The research is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

The findings reveal that experts who believed they were working for prosecutors tended to rate sexually violent offenders as being at greater risk of re-offending than did experts who thought they were working for the defense.

&#8220;We were surprised by how easy it was to find this &#8216;allegiance effect,&#8217;&#8221; says psychological scientist Daniel Murrie of the Univ. of Virginia. &#8220;The justice system relies often on expert witnesses, and most expert witnesses believe they perform their job objectively &#8212; these findings suggest this may not be the case.&#8221;
<sniped-read more>
KA was IKs girlfriend right? I'm assuming that the FBI has extensively interviewed her about IK to corroborate info relating to the IK timeline. Hard/weird position to be in, the significant other of a serial killer "who has no idea" but is one of the closest people to the killer.
I believe that my husband and i may have encountered Keyes on the morning of June 4th or 5th 2011. We live in Essex Jct Vt and were working in our garden that is part of a community garden, when we were approached by a man with a back pack and a heavy jacket. He asked if we needed help with the garden and said that he was staying with his aunt who lived near by and that he had been "down on his luck". He talked for about five minutes and left. My husband remarked that there was something about the guy that made him uncomfortable. A few days later we heard the Curriers were missing. My husband immediately said "Its the guy from the garden" Several months late Keyes' picture was posted in connection to the Curriers and he said again he looks the the guy from the garden. He was right he did look like the same guy. I know it was said that he arrived here on June 7th but we wonder if LE are sure that is when he did arrive or is that just when he checked into Handys. The Curriers lived close by. The garden is in an old tree farm that is somewhat isolated. There was another person in the garden but we are unsure if he was there when we talked to the man. On the other side of the "tree farm" is RT 15 then a park that would lead to where the Curriers lived. We both really believe that it was him and he was here before the 7th. We did contact the FBI and haven't heard anything so maybe they do have proof that he wasn't here then. Sorry if I rambled but I'm kind of freaked that we could have been victims.
Wow, that is crazy. Wonder if he approached the Curriers in the same way. You don't want to mistrust people but you have to in order to protect yourself. You and your husband must wonder if things might have turned out differently if you interacted with him differently. Gives me chills...
ITA with you...I wondered the same thing. I also had wondered how IK paid for his flights. Did he use a credit card ? if so,his monthly bills must have been huge.can't see how he ever paid the bills,as he rarely seemed to work at a job. Also don't see how he used a debit card to pay for the same reason. I know he robbed banks. Most bank robbers get away with a few thousand dollars, loose money is very bulky ? Some of the bank money probably had dye on it too,making it unspendable.moo And didn't he supposedly bury his cash ?

I do know that it costs a fortune to fly anyplace from Anchorage. Even flying from there to Seattle isn't cheap... Wonder if IK had another source of income ? jmo moo

Well break ins were his thing- he was always scouting houses and quite comfortable, (remember the fur coats in the house he burned down?) so I am guessing between that and whatever he could get off his victims. He might have made a habit of getting PIN #s too- since we know so little about the time of death etc of any of them, he might have made it a habit to take a bit of money each time. He seemed way too comfortable doing that in Alaska for me to believe it was his first.
Well break ins were his thing- he was always scouting houses and quite comfortable, (remember the fur coats in the house he burned down?) so I am guessing between that and whatever he could get off his victims. He might have made a habit of getting PIN #s too- since we know so little about the time of death etc of any of them, he might have made it a habit to take a bit of money each time. He seemed way too comfortable doing that in Alaska for me to believe it was his first.

Truthy, possibly, but IK was too careful to hide the body's to prevent their discovery. This was to leave investigators scratching their heads as too whether the victims had went missing on their own volition, or had met with foul play. ATMs have cameras and would alert authorities that the victims had met with foul play.
IK, had been burglarizing homes since he was a young child...
Seems, I remember IK pilfering gold/silver coins from the Curriers. I am sure he took valuables from his many other burglaries, as this would be the primary motive for burglarizing a home..
Truthy, possibly, but IK was too careful to hide the body's to prevent their discovery. This was to leave investigators scratching their heads as too whether the victims had went missing on their own volition, or had met with fowl play. ATMs have cameras and would alert authorities that the victims had met with foul play.
IK, had been burglarizing homes since he was a young child...
Seems, I remember IK pilfering gold/silver coins from the Curriers. I am sure he took valuables from his many other burglaries, as this would be the primary motive for burglarizing a home..

It would be interesting to see if any pawnshop owners or resale jewellery merchants, recognize IK or any of his stolen loot?
Wondering also if IK had a girlfriend, wife or mistress or two, tucked away in different parts of the country sporting any of his "blood diamonds"?

Is there any indication that IK sexually assaulted males but would not reveal? If so, maybe a few young men might be in possession of some " gifts'?
It would be interesting to see if any pawnshop owners or resale jewellery merchants, recognize IK or any of his stolen loot?
Wondering also if IK had a girlfriend, wife or mistress or two, tucked away in different parts of the country sporting any of his "blood diamonds"?

Is there any indication that IK sexually assaulted males but would not reveal? If so, maybe a few young men might be in possession of some " gifts'?

Imo, it is doubtful that IK would use a pawnshop due to the ID requirements & LE monitoring. Pawnshop's pawn tickets are monitored by local PD monthly.
Imo, IK would have only stolen small valuable objects; cash, firearms, jewelry/diamonds, gold & silver bullion/coins. Imo, he would have buried it in his caches with the cash from his bank robberies.
Gold/diamonds/jewelry, is often traded for drugs. This may explain IK's Mexico trips..

Imo, IK would not have taken the info of the location of these caches to the grave. Imo, someone knows the cache locations.. Sure hope his home was searched with a fine toothed comb.. The shed or imediate area where IK held SK would be a likely place to hide maps, etc.

An old treasure hunting friend of mine told me that folks who don't trust banks, etc., will many times hide/bury their money in a location that they can see from their bedroom window..
KA was IKs girlfriend right? I'm assuming that the FBI has extensively interviewed her about IK to corroborate info relating to the IK timeline. Hard/weird position to be in, the significant other of a serial killer "who has no idea" but is one of the closest people to the killer.

Yes you are correct on the name, and Yes I feel she was put in a very difficult place and I don't begin to know who she felt the 1st time they took the swat team to their Anchorage Home....I'm sure they questioned her but don't know how extensive it would have been
I have some friends in Anchorage, said she did a radio show there and claimed she didn't know him too well, she only met him there???????????
That is not anywhere near the truth....they knew each other for several years, she was living in Vegas but that is where he traveled with her to mexico because she had some type of surgery there and then in 2007 they moved to Alaska

As you all know by now, I'm stubborn as can be when I form an opinion that I feel is truth....I just feel there is a whole new story right in that area with nothing more being said.......but personally I found it odd at how calm and right on target he felt to take Samantha to his shed, and after killing her, just keep her there for 2 weeks.....kinda tells me that he was assured enough and had enough confidence that maybe he had done things like this before also
What if the neighbors did like he did when he was a child...Broke into his garage???......he would have been caught right there, he was just too confident with Samantha's case for my comfort

And we now can add his 3 methods were Strangulation, Guns and in the Nov. 29 questioning he admitted that a knife probably would have some blood traces if they found it and took it apart....so the creep used stabbing also....He was just flat out a demon possessed messed up "thing"
Quote: digndoodle
And we now can add his 3 methods were Strangulation, Guns and in the Nov. 29 questioning he admitted that a knife probably would have some blood traces if they found it and took it apart....so the creep used stabbing also....He was just flat out a demon possessed messed up "thing"

digndoodle, IK likely used the knife for dismembering the victim/s imo. The victim's blood/DNA would be found if the knife were disassembled..imo


Israel Keyes Update: Remains of at least 5 victims of Alaska serial killer are in Washington, FBI interviews indicate

He said, "Yeah," when asked if the knife was associated with one of the Washington killings.

FBI Special Agent Jolene Goeden probed deeper, asking if a body were found at the bottom of a lake, would it still be intact.

"Were they contained in something or were they just tied to the milk jugs?" she asked.

"No," he responded.

She pressed, "I mean, is it something where we, we might possible actually still get an intact ..."

"No," Keyes repeated, cutting her off.

He later indicated the folding blade wasn't the primary means of death.

Asked if the victims were shot or strangled, Keyes replied after chuckling, "You'll get the whole story eventually."

He then relented and said the only victim shot was Bill Currier in Vermont. All others were strangled except one Washington victim, who was hit in the head and killed as Keyes tried to subdue him.

Bessie - Today, 02:32 AM #1
WS Super Moderator

Israel Keyes: General Discussion

This thread is to post general comments and observations. Use the geographical threads to discuss cases possibly related to IK. Other threads are designated for specific topics, and more can be added where needed. Feel free to make suggestions. Also, please be conscientious about posting in the appropriate thread.

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