AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 1 Feb 2012 - #1

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Another girl from Common Grounds (owner/operator) subscribes to his FB page... is he a frequent visitor of the Common Grounds? MOO
Google his stage name, Whyte Tyson....
Here's a map of the area where Common Grounds Espresso is located:

[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Express+Yourself+Coffee+LLC,+1050+West+Dimond+Boulevard,+Anchorage,+AK+99515-1504&sll=64.472794,-130.693359&sspn=30.255503,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=Express+Yourself+Coffee+LLC,&hnear=1050+W+Dimond+Blvd,+Anchorage,+Alaska+99515&ll=61.141578,-149.898491&spn=0.049214,0.102654&z=12"]Express Yourself Coffee LLC, 1050 West Dimond Boulevard, Anchorage, AK 99515-1504 - Google Maps[/ame]

The coffee stand is in such an open area and next to Seward Highway, which looks to be a busy thoroughfare. Someone would be awfully brazen to taken her in the open like that. Of course, it would have been dark by 8:00. Hopefully, someone did see something and LE can get surveillance footage from the coffee stand and nearby businesses.
Wow! He looks like an unsavory character. In the photo posted by SurfieTX, I notice the "907" behind him. There's a bracket to the right of the number. I wonder if the words "ride the" appeared to the left of the numbers but were intentionally cut off in the photo. This guy may have an obsession with Samantha. I don't blame her for feeling intimidated by him. I hope LE finds Samantha soon, and pray that she is returned safely to her family.

Wow! He looks like an unsavory character. In the photo posted by SurfieTX, I notice the "907" behind him. There's a bracket to the right of the number. I wonder if the words "ride the" appeared to the left of the numbers but were intentionally cut off in the photo. This guy may have an obsession with Samantha. I don't blame her for feeling intimidated by him. I hope LE finds Samantha soon, and pray that she is returned safely to her family.


I know he's been linked to her through the court records, and I find it interesting she was a no-show in court, causing the charges to be dropped. Do we know if he is linked to her any other way......like could he be currently or could he have been at one time her boyfriend? I know the sexual assault charge makes it seem unlikely, but she certainly wouldn't be the first girl attracted to a "bad boy", nor would it be the first stormy relationship where charges are brought and dropped against each other at one time or another.
I just noticed MR907 in the video Knox posted (http://www.datpiff.com/PEDAROCK-Mr90...pe.271357.html). Maybe the writing behind GB/Whyte Tyson in the photo says "MR907." Not sure what the MR alludes to.

I posted this upstream ... Mr907 is who I believe to be Samantha's brother or step-brother. He is an aspiring rap star and I think the connection between CB and Samantha is through the brother. CB and he are the same age and have each other's songs on a recording mix.
I have a really stupid question. I'm really sorry for my ignorance but I have no experience in this area. Are gangs made up of men and then the women involved are their girlfriends/wives? Are women equal parts of these big gangs? I just always see them as a very masculine group, and thought that maybe they didn't initiate women?????
All the cash in the stand went missing when Samantha vanished, said Common Grounds owner Michelle Duncan. The stand's door was locked and the windows boarded and also locked, which is normal closing procedure, she said. But what's unusual is that the security alarm wasn't set and nothing was cleaned, Duncan said.

Still, that wasn't enough to immediately raise concerns, Duncan said.

"We didn't even have a red flag," Duncan said. "We didn't know anything was wrong until we found out she hadn't been heard from."

Later, surveillance footage showed someone leaving the coffee stand on foot with Samantha at the end of her shift, Duncan said. Samantha and the other person walked out of the stand, across the parking lot and out of view, Duncan said.


I haven't heard LE mention a cell phone or cell phone records?
I did a search on women in gangs....I'm sorry I did...jeesh.....what happened to the white picket fence ideal.
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