Have you watched any of the live streams of the BLM protests? I have watched a lot of them, beginning with Ferguson. I have watched, with my own eyes, the aggressive, antagonistic, hateful chants that hundreds repeat, for days at a time.
People stand within inches of officer's faces and scream vile curse words at them , especially the black officers---they call them 'House Negros. Uncle Toms, ' Traitors. They get right in their faces and scream hateful insults at them. I have seen it done dozens of times. They scream ' Fock Da PohLEEce' over and over. How is that , in any way, a means to gain respect and equality?
My kids are both mixed race. I know quite a bit about race relations in our society. So please do not assume I am prejudiced. It is actually the opposite. It pains me to see young people of color, acting in this hateful, erratic way. To see them blocking intersections, and then jumping up on cars, screaming at random people, trying to scare them and bully them---it really works against what they say they want to do.
They say ' why do the police assume we are violent?' ---and then they go and set cars on fire and throw bricks through windows and throw bottles at the police. It makes no sense.
The attention they are bringing is negative attention. They say they want to end the automatic negative connotations of POC---they can do so like my kids did. By graduating from college, getting good jobs, raising their families, being positive role models for others. :cow: