AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 3

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My question is would Brittany have already talked with the LE before she went missing? Or... was she scheduled to talk to them in the near future? Was she asked to come to her uncle's house or lured there instead of the theory it was her idea to go there for drugs or whatever? I can certainly understand why she felt she had to lie to her mother about where she was going.

My heart goes out to the entire family. So sad!

Hi! Nice to meet you!

My thought about that is that if LE had already talked to her or if she was scheduled to talk to them then I don't think they would have been so quick to distance themselves from the idea that her uncles are involved in her disappearance. Appearances don't mean everything, but it appears, from local coverage of the case, that they don't believe the uncles have anything to do with her disappearance. That may not be the case, maybe they are just being quite about it. But, it seems they see no relation and I would think if they had had prior contact with Brittney that they may not dismiss it UNLESS the perps. have an alibi of some sort within some important time frame. I think even then it wouldn't allow them to rule out some involvement or knowledge of her whereabouts.

I wonder if they have been polygraphed. That's what I'd really like to know.
My guess is they have only been polygraphed if the uncles themselves asked for it.
I've been tryinv for days to catch up but its really hard to do on my phone lol.

I originally found out about it by being mutual friend with most of the people involved on FB. In this area, its hard not to be. But mostly, I just know the area.

That said, the area Brittany left from that night, Quimby Dr area, is not a bad area but along Three Notch Rd and Old Pascagoula Rd its known you can pick up prostitutes. Strange for a residential area, I know. I lived in that area a couple of times and last year had to walk home from work more than once. I was usually offered a ride and sometimes propositioned. It was kind of unbelieveable- I was in scrubs and everything.

I am not at all trying to say anything about her character or what she may have been into, just shed some light on the area and what sort of situation may have arose.

Once when I wore white tights to work, my boss made a comment about guys having "nurse fantasies." Maybe some thought the scrubs made you look hot! *LOL*
In answer to questions about psychics and tarot readings, we don't do any of that on Websleuths.
Reading back through the last few pages got me to thinking about something. In Mobile county, you can't steal Sudafed- it's behind the counter and you have to show ID and sign for it. At least the kind they use to make metb. The people who want it will pay upwards of 50 a box for someone to go in and buy it for them. This is because if you buy it too often, your name goes on a list and you start getting watched. J think they kind of run these in batches- like a few months worth at a time to see if some names pop up more often than normal and those go on this list.

But wouldn't it be worth it to run the lists from pharmacies to see if her name has come up in the past month? It would show the location and most have cameras. If nothing else, it would show that her or someone was using her ID. Long shot, but it's something.
I join in the outrage expressed here about the seemingly lax approach to finding BW!

Strictly with regard to BW’s disappearance, I continue to fail to understand the silence from LE, the media, family, friends and search organizers. Does everyone believe or know she is dead?

Unfortunately, without new info, the public moves on just as we have seen the number of people diminish here who are following this case.

Why did it take the family approximately 3 weeks to realize BW’s height was incorrect on flyers? What does BW’s driver’s license show for her height?

Stomp your feet family!

Where’s info on the searches? Are they even still active?

I’ve stopped looking at the BW FB site as there are so few updates.

Where’s the LE press conference or press releases with updates on BW?

Once when I wore white tights to work, my boss made a comment about guys having "nurse fantasies." Maybe some thought the scrubs made you look hot! *LOL*

Lol. I may have looked hot, but it wasn't the scrubs. Cleaning hotel rooms and walking 3 miles had more to do with that!
just another thought, why aren't missing people's posters put up in rest areas? Sometimes people hang out in the lobbies (waiting on family to do their business) and look at the maps and where they are.

I wish the iceberg would start melting, interest is dropping and we need Britt found!
I am leaving to do a few things in about an hour. I will be happy to print the flier now and fax it to the place where it can be passed along to the truckers. Does anyone have the fax number (Honesty?)?

Did Honesty post it and I miss the post?
So what can we do? Are LE still looking for Brittney or not? Her family is working on a new flier, which is great, but it's been almost a month since she was last seen (that we know of). A month is a long time.

What to do... what to do... I swear if I didn't have young kids at home I would be out looking today. I know they searched around Styx River but I think they need to just move out from there little by little until they reach Grand Bay. They also searched an area of Grand Bay. OK, let's just keep going until we meet in the middle.

Come on somebody, sound the dang alarm!! Why not have everyone in both counties out searching their properties, searching the rivers, searching everywhere. I wish LE would make an appeal to the public to get involved. I bet people want to help, they just don't know what to do.

Who has an alibi for the time period from Wednesday, May 30th @ 7:30 pm to Sunday, June 2nd at midnight? Who are the players, where were they within a somewhat narrow time-period, can they prove that's where they were, have they been polygraphed?? Somebody knows something.

Had to get that out.

I started researching homeless shelters this morning. There are a few in the area, but they have no FB or email addresses listed. I was going to try to call a few to see if I can email fliers to them. Does anyone have a better thought on how to get in touch with these folks? Does anyone belong to a local church that has outreach programs for homeless folks?

Also, are there any free medical clinics or visiting nurses associations in the area? Visiting nurses are often aware of things going on within their travel area because of the amount of time that they spend on the road.

What about local utility companies? Phone line and cable repair people might be a good avenue to pursue. Is there a way to get fliers out to these folks?

None of the above will help if BW is no longer with us, but if she is, maybe someone will see her and call it in.
I join in the outrage expressed here about the seemingly lax approach to finding BW!

Strictly with regard to BW’s disappearance, I continue to fail to understand the silence from LE, the media, family, friends and search organizers. Does everyone believe or know she is dead?

Unfortunately, without new info, the public moves on just as we have seen the number of people diminish here who are following this case.

Why did it take the family approximately 3 weeks to realize BW’s height was incorrect on flyers? What does BW’s driver’s license show for her height?

Stomp your feet family!

Where’s info on the searches? Are they even still active?

I’ve stopped looking at the BW FB site as there are so few updates.

Where’s the LE press conference or press releases with updates on BW?


Unfortunately, I think that the family has suffered some backlash and lost some support due to the allegations against RSW and DK. In this case, media attention may only further distract the public from the fact that BW is missing. Not having law enforcement's support in their efforts to locate BW is not helping either.

I also think that they are probably very overwhelmed and worn down emotionally. I am sure that many of these people are trying to hold down jobs while they deal with BW's disappearance and the other family issues. They really are in a very difficult position.
The Hometown search for Brittney Wood Her father continues to search for her dailey, and until MPD or someone can give us a lead we're not able to have scheduled searches.

The above is from the FB page :(
Reading back through the last few pages got me to thinking about something. In Mobile county, you can't steal Sudafed- it's behind the counter and you have to show ID and sign for it. At least the kind they use to make metb. The people who want it will pay upwards of 50 a box for someone to go in and buy it for them. This is because if you buy it too often, your name goes on a list and you start getting watched. J think they kind of run these in batches- like a few months worth at a time to see if some names pop up more often than normal and those go on this list.

But wouldn't it be worth it to run the lists from pharmacies to see if her name has come up in the past month? It would show the location and most have cameras. If nothing else, it would show that her or someone was using her ID. Long shot, but it's something.

I think law enforcement would have to pursue this avenue and they don't appear to believe that BW is missing. It is an idea worth pursuing though. Handing out fliers to the pharmacies might not be a bad idea. If they can post it, perhaps someone will see her if she comes in to make a future purchase.
Giving a shout out to my friend OEJ who has joined us... :great:

Don't be shy, chime in with your thoughts & theories! :D

Haha! Thanks for welcoming me. I don't EVEN know what to think about this case right now. The truly worrying part is the Uncle committing suicide right after Brit disappeared. Too much of a coincidence for me, but I do hope I'm wrong.
just another thought, why aren't missing people's posters put up in rest areas? Sometimes people hang out in the lobbies (waiting on family to do their business) and look at the maps and where they are.

I wish the iceberg would start melting, interest is dropping and we need Britt found!

They are in some! Not all but some. I suspect it has to do with whoever is managing a particular rest area. The link I provided yesterday also lists rest areas and the fax numbers for those as well.
I wonder what is happening with Klaas Kids...were they told by LE to stop participating? I can't imagine they would leave a family hanging...
The Hometown search for Brittney Wood Her father continues to search for her dailey, and until MPD or someone can give us a lead we're not able to have scheduled searches.

The above is from the FB page :(

A few hours or so ago someone on that FB page commented on the updated flier that was posted on the page on yesterday and asked about Brittney's age. Then she made reference to seeing another that had listed Brittney's age as 14 and the AGE OF THE GUY SHE IS WITH as 19.
A few hours or so ago someone on that FB page commented on the updated flier that was posted on the page on yesterday and asked about Brittney's age. Then she made reference to seeing another that had listed Brittney's age as 14 and the AGE OF THE GUY SHE IS WITH as 19.

There is a 14 year old girl in TN who is missing, suspected to have been with a 19 year old male. I think someone is confused. Dontcha just love "telephone"

Edited to correct myself. The young lady is 13. Her name is Shyanne Belcher.
Suggestion, do a test fax for legibility. Colored fonts & photos don't always translate well into black/white. I may be showing my age, but there's a lot of businesses still receiving faxes the old fashioned non-digital way.
I'll be back on later tonight and help dig up names & numbers if it's still needed.
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