AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 3

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See I believe she got a call to go there that night and HAD to bring the children with her!

I could see that! Also, we have a few battered women shelters in our area (couple hours south of chicago) and women ALWAYS go back and ALWAYS bring their kids with them. I NEVER get's better, but it's a cycle of abuse that isn't easily ended. There are secret meetings taking place everyday that are against the law and I believe this was one of them. IMO, I see lots of drugs and abuse happening in this family and it's covered up by them as well.

What was BW's brother charged w/ (assuming he's been charged)??? I must of missed that one, I knew he was in there just never heard why. THANK YOU!
This is exactly what im thinking!
I think WWH received a call and rushed there!

but does anyone remember when (BW) she was spotted on the swing?
what day and what time of day?

I think that the neighbor or family friend said it was Thursday which would have been the 31st. I also believe that it has been ruled out by LE. Certainly doesnt mean that it isnt true but that there is enough evidence to cause LE to believe that it isnt credible. I find that most evidence in this case can be found to be suspect.
This is exactly what im thinking!
I think WWH received a call and rushed there!

but does anyone remember when (BW) she was spotted on the swing?
what day and what time of day?

Doesn't give a date, but the article was published June 7th ?! I couldn't find an exact date on the siting, but I'll keep looking :)

P.S. also some pretty in depth comments made my the family at the bottom of the article

Just saw on the comments below this article: Ritchie White · · Top Commenter · Frisco City High School
What day did the woman see her in the swing? Thursday or Friday?
Reply · Like · Follow Post · June 8 at 5:43pm

Sonya Wood · Mobile skill center
they found out it was a neighbors daughter that eerily favored my niece
Reply · 1 · Like · June 9 at 7:10am

Ritchie White · · Top Commenter · Frisco City High School
Ah thanks. Weird coincidences.
Reply · Like · June 9 at 10:44am

Not sure if we can believe the family---but that's their story ?!
What's a "bucket drive"?

See page.

PPL on this forum are knocking themselves out to do things this family SHOULD be doing.....

Klass Kids said they would supply the posters i read that on the FB page ...
They said they were leaving but would help sooooooooooooooooo
my question is Why are there no posters up?????
If you go and ask this on the FB page it will get deleted!

I quoted the above two statements for relevance to my post. It is not meant to single anyone out.

I know this has been relayed to folks several times but I just want to reiterate once again to hopefully shed an even brighter light on the situation.

LE and Crimestoppers have told the family that even though Brittney is classified as a missing person they will not provide any government allocated funds to her case for a REWARD because and I quote again, "There is no evidence of foul play"...

PLEASE READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AGAIN... We ALL know that notion is totally inconceivable because this girl who has never lost contact with family or friends has been missing off the face of the earth for over a month!

There are one or two family members who search for her every day because they are the only people who are not working or taking care of small children.

It is absolutely NOT due to a lack of caring, concern or effort on their part. They are more desperate than ever for help. They are not wealthy, they do not have a disposable income to fund searches or set up a reward fund.

The family is doing a bucket drive to help raise money for a reward fund since NOT ONE SINGLE FOUNDATION, GOVERNMENT AGENCY or WEALTHY PRIVATE DONOR will provide them with a single dime.

The public's interest in helping them has dried up. Nothing new being reported on the news, rampant gossip about BW just taking off to get high, the allegations against the uncles, "friends & extended family" moving on with their lives and ignoring the situation, people removing flyers just to be hateful or whatever their motive may be... pick your poison folks... the "reasons" are endless.

NONE of those "reasons" make it just or right. THIS FAMILY NEEDS HELP AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING IT.

They are at the end of their rope. They are emotionally, physically & financially drained. They are not public relations experts, attorneys, law enforcement or any sort of expert with how to manage a missing person case.

I will also say again, the family reads here. IMO, we should not be commenting or critiquing the perceived lack of effort from the sidelines.

I am certain that reading negative sentiments must feel like a kick in the stomach when they are already on their knees.

Please... consider taking positive steps & measures to help this family. Even if we cannot contribute financially or physically... kind words of support are valuable to their emotional wellbeing.

I'm sorry if I have not written this in a gentle manner or if I have hurt anyone's feelings. That was not at all my intent. Please understand that I am simply trying to convey a very important message for your consideration.

Thanks y'all... :please:
Could someone have requested for it to be put out of srvice?

No, I don't think so. I probably did something wrong. Twitter newbie - still learning the ropes... :waitasec:

Come on y'all know me; I've been a WBS member for years and STILL forget TOS rules sometimes.

I quoted the above two statements for relevance to my post. It is not meant to single anyone out.

I know this has been relayed to folks several times but I just want to reiterate once again to hopefully shed an even brighter light on the situation.

LE and Crimestoppers have told the family that even though Brittney is classified as a missing person they will not provide any government allocated funds to her case for a REWARD because and I quote again, "There is no evidence of foul play"...

PLEASE READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AGAIN... We ALL know that notion is totally inconceivable because this girl who has never lost contact with family or friends has been missing off the face of the earth for over a month!

There are one or two family members who search for her every day because they are the only people who are not working or taking care of small children.

It is absolutely NOT due to a lack of caring, concern or effort on their part. They are more desperate than ever for help. They are not wealthy, they do not have a disposable income to fund searches or set up a reward fund.

The family is doing a bucket drive to help raise money for a reward fund since NOT ONE SINGLE FOUNDATION, GOVERNMENT AGENCY or WEALTHY PRIVATE DONOR will provide them with a single dime.

The public's interest in helping them has dried up. Nothing new being reported on the news, rampant gossip about BW just taking off to get high, the allegations against the uncles, "friends & extended family" moving on with their lives and ignoring the situation, people removing flyers just to be hateful or whatever their motive may be... pick your poison folks... the "reasons" are endless.

NONE of those "reasons" make it just or right. THIS FAMILY NEEDS HELP AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING IT.

They are at the end of their rope. They are emotionally, physically & financially drained. They are not public relations experts, attorneys, law enforcement or any sort of expert with how to manage a missing person case.

I will also say again, the family reads here. IMO, we should not be commenting or critiquing the perceived lack of effort from the sidelines.

I am certain that reading negative sentiments must feel like a kick in the stomach when they are already on their knees.

Please... consider taking positive steps & measures to help this family. Even if we cannot contribute financially or physically... kind words of support are valuable to their emotional wellbeing.

I'm sorry if I have not written this in a gentile manner or if I have hurt anyone's feelings. That was not at all my intent. Please understand that I am simply trying to convey a very important message for your consideration.

Thanks y'all... :please:

Thank you for all you are doing. Thank you for being an advocate for BW and for her family. My heart goes out to all of them. I am praying for all of them, all of the time. Let's all remind them that missing persons DO come home. This is a horrible situation but it is not a hopeless situation. I appreciate CW coming out and talking about BW. I do not agree with those who have said ugly things about the Chaplain either. God bless him and God bless BW's parents and siblings. Anyone who questions their love for BW need to go back and watch that first video that came out of her father. It is his face and tears that keep me coming back, reading, looking, praying.
Personally, I feel a little browbeaten by that tongue lashing.
I quoted the above two statements for relevance to my post. It is not meant to single anyone out.

I know this has been relayed to folks several times but I just want to reiterate once again to hopefully shed an even brighter light on the situation.

LE and Crimestoppers have told the family that even though Brittney is classified as a missing person they will not provide any government allocated funds to her case for a REWARD because and I quote again, "There is no evidence of foul play"...

PLEASE READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AGAIN... We ALL know that notion is totally inconceivable because this girl who has never lost contact with family or friends has been missing off the face of the earth for over a month!

There are one or two family members who search for her every day because they are the only people who are not working or taking care of small children.

It is absolutely NOT due to a lack of caring, concern or effort on their part. They are more desperate than ever for help. They are not wealthy, they do not have a disposable income to fund searches or set up a reward fund.

The family is doing a bucket drive to help raise money for a reward fund since NOT ONE SINGLE FOUNDATION, GOVERNMENT AGENCY or WEALTHY PRIVATE DONOR will provide them with a single dime.

The public's interest in helping them has dried up. Nothing new being reported on the news, rampant gossip about BW just taking off to get high, the allegations against the uncles, "friends & extended family" moving on with their lives and ignoring the situation, people removing flyers just to be hateful or whatever their motive may be... pick your poison folks... the "reasons" are endless.

NONE of those "reasons" make it just or right. THIS FAMILY NEEDS HELP AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING IT.

They are at the end of their rope. They are emotionally, physically & financially drained. They are not public relations experts, attorneys, law enforcement or any sort of expert with how to manage a missing person case.

I will also say again, the family reads here. IMO, we should not be commenting or critiquing the perceived lack of effort from the sidelines.

I am certain that reading negative sentiments must feel like a kick in the stomach when they are already on their knees.

Please... consider taking positive steps & measures to help this family. Even if we cannot contribute financially or physically... kind words of support are valuable to their emotional wellbeing.

I'm sorry if I have not written this in a gentile manner or if I have hurt anyone's feelings. That was not at all my intent. Please understand that I am simply trying to convey a very important message for your consideration.

Thanks y'all... :please:

Thank you, FootballMom! I've tried to get this point across, but I haven't said it as well as you did.

Some people have an idea of how things should work in a case like this. Some people have an idea of what organizations like KlaasKids do to support a family.
Some people have an idea of what the individual family members should be doing.

The problem with these ideas is they're based on assumption. They're based on other cases, other families in other social and/or economic classes, other cities, other missing people. They're not based on this case, these circumstances. They're not based on real knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes. And it's hurtful.

Websleuths has been the #1 google hit for the most current info on Brittey Wood since the media coverage ran dry almost 2 weeks ago. So if people come here looking for information, what do they see? Talk of the family knowing more than they're telling (who says and does that mean the whole family or one individual?), talk of posts being deleted from the facebook page (What were the posts about? Help finding Brittney or more of the inflammatory criticisms that help no one?), talk of the family trying to keep the story out of the media?

I am so disappointed.
I quoted the above two statements for relevance to my post. It is not meant to single anyone out.

I know this has been relayed to folks several times but I just want to reiterate once again to hopefully shed an even brighter light on the situation.

LE and Crimestoppers have told the family that even though Brittney is classified as a missing person they will not provide any government allocated funds to her case for a REWARD because and I quote again, "There is no evidence of foul play"...

PLEASE READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AGAIN... We ALL know that notion is totally inconceivable because this girl who has never lost contact with family or friends has been missing off the face of the earth for over a month!

There are one or two family members who search for her every day because they are the only people who are not working or taking care of small children.

It is absolutely NOT due to a lack of caring, concern or effort on their part. They are more desperate than ever for help. They are not wealthy, they do not have a disposable income to fund searches or set up a reward fund.

The family is doing a bucket drive to help raise money for a reward fund since NOT ONE SINGLE FOUNDATION, GOVERNMENT AGENCY or WEALTHY PRIVATE DONOR will provide them with a single dime.

The public's interest in helping them has dried up. Nothing new being reported on the news, rampant gossip about BW just taking off to get high, the allegations against the uncles, "friends & extended family" moving on with their lives and ignoring the situation, people removing flyers just to be hateful or whatever their motive may be... pick your poison folks... the "reasons" are endless.

NONE of those "reasons" make it just or right. THIS FAMILY NEEDS HELP AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING IT.

They are at the end of their rope. They are emotionally, physically & financially drained. They are not public relations experts, attorneys, law enforcement or any sort of expert with how to manage a missing person case.

I will also say again, the family reads here. IMO, we should not be commenting or critiquing the perceived lack of effort from the sidelines.

I am certain that reading negative sentiments must feel like a kick in the stomach when they are already on their knees.

Please... consider taking positive steps & measures to help this family. Even if we cannot contribute financially or physically... kind words of support are valuable to their emotional wellbeing.

I'm sorry if I have not written this in a gentile manner or if I have hurt anyone's feelings. That was not at all my intent. Please understand that I am simply trying to convey a very important message for your consideration.

Thanks y'all... :please:

I agree that the most important thing is getting BW home and that get's lost in the mix!!!! With that said----people ARE hiding and not coming forward. Donnie has now been confirmed of giving brittney a ride. I'm sure this isn't based off of some random pedestrian that "so happened" to see a car w/ Donnie and BW....this most likely came from the family IMO (or w/in the inner circle). Donnie is dead so it didn't come from him directly. :banghead:

Look at the other cases we follow here, the families are forth-coming (unless they are suspects). You have family saying Donnie "wouldn't abuse anyone"....yet abuse allegations are NO JOKE. They don't just order your kids away on a whim. Also, family was saying Donnie would never pick up BW....but yet he did.

I agree that the drug-use has nothing to do with anything. We have a missing person who is a mother and needs to be home! Same with the fliers---it's horrendous they have been taken down (if that's the case), but we are not there...we do not know who is doing this, if anyone.

Just my peace :)
I quoted the above two statements for relevance to my post. It is not meant to single anyone out.

I know this has been relayed to folks several times but I just want to reiterate once again to hopefully shed an even brighter light on the situation.

LE and Crimestoppers have told the family that even though Brittney is classified as a missing person they will not provide any government allocated funds to her case for a REWARD because and I quote again, "There is no evidence of foul play"...

PLEASE READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH AGAIN... We ALL know that notion is totally inconceivable because this girl who has never lost contact with family or friends has been missing off the face of the earth for over a month!

There are one or two family members who search for her every day because they are the only people who are not working or taking care of small children.

It is absolutely NOT due to a lack of caring, concern or effort on their part. They are more desperate than ever for help. They are not wealthy, they do not have a disposable income to fund searches or set up a reward fund.

The family is doing a bucket drive to help raise money for a reward fund since NOT ONE SINGLE FOUNDATION, GOVERNMENT AGENCY or WEALTHY PRIVATE DONOR will provide them with a single dime.

The public's interest in helping them has dried up. Nothing new being reported on the news, rampant gossip about BW just taking off to get high, the allegations against the uncles, "friends & extended family" moving on with their lives and ignoring the situation, people removing flyers just to be hateful or whatever their motive may be... pick your poison folks... the "reasons" are endless.

NONE of those "reasons" make it just or right. THIS FAMILY NEEDS HELP AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING IT.

They are at the end of their rope. They are emotionally, physically & financially drained. They are not public relations experts, attorneys, law enforcement or any sort of expert with how to manage a missing person case.

I will also say again, the family reads here. IMO, we should not be commenting or critiquing the perceived lack of effort from the sidelines.

I am certain that reading negative sentiments must feel like a kick in the stomach when they are already on their knees.

Please... consider taking positive steps & measures to help this family. Even if we cannot contribute financially or physically... kind words of support are valuable to their emotional wellbeing.

I'm sorry if I have not written this in a gentile manner or if I have hurt anyone's feelings. That was not at all my intent. Please understand that I am simply trying to convey a very important message for your consideration.

Thanks y'all... :please:

I would hope that nothing that I have said would be construed as condemning or criticizing this family directly. I do not, personally, know the degree of action or inaction that each member has taken to try and locate BW. I cannot imagine the amount of anguish and helplessness that CW and those within the nucleus of this family must be feeling at this time. Sometimes we forget that BW was a mother, a daughter, a sister and a niece. We forget that the removal of her from the day-to-day life of some inside this family has been catastrophic. I think it is very telling that no government agencies will help find this young woman but we can waist millions on bridges and roads to nowhere, allow government agencies to take long extended vacations at resorts with no productive agenda or true reason for them being there and fill the pockets of greedy corporations that continue to drag the economy downward. Sorry for the political rant but all of this while an American family is struggling to find a member of their family that has gone missing and they can’t get one red cent to help them. Pathetic, distasteful and a pure outrage. My Senator and Representative will hear about this. I believe they were in town for the announcement of the Airbus contract with Mobile where the state has given Airbus over 200 million in tax breaks to build their facility here. A good boost for the economy, locally, but again, no money can be allocated to a family searching for their child? Again, sorry for the rant, just sickens me.
No, I don't think so. I probably did something wrong. Twitter newbie - still learning the ropes... :waitasec:

Come on y'all know me; I've been a WBS member for years and STILL forget TOS rules sometimes.


You have done alot of work on this case FB
Alot of Hard work!
And i hope thats not the case!

LOL i dont like twitter i cant figure it out!
I agree that the most important thing is getting BW home and that get's lost in the mix!!!! With that said----people ARE hiding and not coming forward. Donnie has now been confirmed of giving brittney a ride. I'm sure this isn't based off of some random pedestrian that "so happened" to see a car w/ Donnie and BW....this most likely came from the family IMO (or w/in the inner circle). Donnie is dead so it didn't come from him directly. :banghead:

Look at the other cases we follow here, the families are forth-coming (unless they are suspects). You have family saying Donnie "wouldn't abuse anyone"....yet abuse allegations are NO JOKE. They don't just order your kids away on a whim. Also, family was saying Donnie would never pick up BW....but yet he did.

I agree that the drug-use has nothing to do with anything. We have a missing person who is a mother and needs to be home! Same with the fliers---it's horrendous they have been taken down (if that's the case), but we are not there...we do not know who is doing this, if anyone.

Just my peace :)

The confirmation that DH picked up BW is from phone records obtained by LE, not by witnesses or family members. There's been no media coverage since LE released this information, so it's no wonder it's news to people here.

The problem I see is that the use of the term "family" is too all-encompassing for this group. Obviously there are certain members of the family who are highly suspect for at least their honesty. I tried to be careful to refer to her immediate family or parents. To my knowledge, they're hiding nothing from LE. They've told the good, bad, and the ugly. Anything to help find Brittney.
I would hope that nothing that I have said would be construed as condemning or criticizing this family directly. I do not, personally, know the degree of action or inaction that each member has taken to try and locate BW. I cannot imagine the amount of anguish and helplessness that CW and those within the nucleus of this family must be feeling at this time. Sometimes we forget that BW was a mother, a daughter, a sister and a niece. We forget that the removal of her from the day-to-day life of some inside this family has been catastrophic. I think it is very telling that no government agencies will help find this young woman but we can waist millions on bridges and roads to nowhere, allow government agencies to take long extended vacations at resorts with no productive agenda or true reason for them being there and fill the pockets of greedy corporations that continue to drag the economy downward. Sorry for the political rant but all of this while an American family is struggling to find a member of their family that has gone missing and they can’t get one red cent to help them. Pathetic, distasteful and a pure outrage. My Senator and Representative will hear about this. I believe they were in town for the announcement of the Airbus contract with Mobile where the state has given Airbus over 200 million in tax breaks to build their facility here. A good boost for the economy, locally, but again, no money can be allocated to a family searching for their child? Again, sorry for the rant, just sickens me.

I dont think the gov usually gives money to missing adult where no foul play is suspected.

Now as i see it the person thats now missing goes to see someone and that someone commits suicide and our victim is never seen or heard from again...To me that is a crime.......and should be investigated as such.
but its not!!! so that says to me LE must know way more than any of us know.
The confirmation that DH picked up BW is from phone records obtained by LE, not by witnesses or family members. There's been no media coverage since LE released this information, so it's no wonder it's news to people here.

The problem I see is that the use of the term "family" is too all-encompassing for this group. Obviously there are certain members of the family who are highly suspect for at least their honesty. I tried to be careful to refer to her immediate family or parents. To my knowledge, they're hiding nothing from LE. They've told the good, bad, and the ugly. Anything to help find Brittney.

well damn wow! dh did pick her up? Part of that family just lies to cover themselves (can't say I wouldn't do the same). That means some of them have been lying since this whole thing started. Wonder if the real truth had/would/will be told Britt would already been found.
Thank you, FootballMom! I've tried to get this point across, but I haven't said it as well as you did.

Some people have an idea of how things should work in a case like this. Some people have an idea of what organizations like KlaasKids do to support a family.
Some people have an idea of what the individual family members should be doing.

The problem with these ideas is they're based on assumption. They're based on other cases, other families in other social and/or economic classes, other cities, other missing people. They're not based on this case, these circumstances. They're not based on real knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes. And it's hurtful.

Websleuths has been the #1 google hit for the most current info on Brittey Wood since the media coverage ran dry almost 2 weeks ago. So if people come here looking for information, what do they see? Talk of the family knowing more than they're telling (who says and does that mean the whole family or one individual?), talk of posts being deleted from the facebook page (What were the posts about? Help finding Brittney or more of the inflammatory criticisms that help no one?), talk of the family trying to keep the story out of the media?

I am so disappointed.


I agree with most of what you have said, however, I don't think that websleuths, and please correct me if I am wrong here, was designed to be a "Rah-Rah" site. This is a place where democracy within the bounds of respect for the individuals can be displayed. The very essence of investigating is to question everything. I believe that a lot of the points brought out by posters here are valid questions and, in most cases, they go out of their way to state that it is an opinion or assumption and not a fact. If something is distasteful or out of the bounds of what is permissable then it has been noted and corrected. I share in the family's frustration though I have no idea the amount of suffering they have had to endure the last month or so. I think the greatest blessing and travesty of all is that this site is the #1 google hit for the most current info on Brittney Wood. So sad...

Personally, I feel a little browbeaten by that tongue lashing.

Please accept my apologies, as I indicated in my post it was not meant to be taken personally or by any specific individuals.

Inthedetails04's post greatly highlights the frustration that I am personally battling and I am not a resident of Alabama or a family member. If I was in their shoes and my son was missing I would probably be locked up in a psych ward from a nervous breakdown.

I would kill me to think someone would consider my anguish & mental state as that of a parent who was not doing enough or who didn't care.

Again, it was not directed at you or the other poster but please accept my apologies.

I would hope that nothing that I have said would be construed as condemning or criticizing this family directly. I do not, personally, know the degree of action or inaction that each member has taken to try and locate BW. I cannot imagine the amount of anguish and helplessness that CW and those within the nucleus of this family must be feeling at this time. Sometimes we forget that BW was a mother, a daughter, a sister and a niece. We forget that the removal of her from the day-to-day life of some inside this family has been catastrophic. I think it is very telling that no government agencies will help find this young woman but we can waist millions on bridges and roads to nowhere, allow government agencies to take long extended vacations at resorts with no productive agenda or true reason for them being there and fill the pockets of greedy corporations that continue to drag the economy downward. Sorry for the political rant but all of this while an American family is struggling to find a member of their family that has gone missing and they can’t get one red cent to help them. Pathetic, distasteful and a pure outrage. My Senator and Representative will hear about this. I believe they were in town for the announcement of the Airbus contract with Mobile where the state has given Airbus over 200 million in tax breaks to build their facility here. A good boost for the economy, locally, but again, no money can be allocated to a family searching for their child? Again, sorry for the rant, just sickens me.

Absofreakinlutley! Could not have said it better myself.

It is worth noting that there are specific funds allocated to rewards for missing persons. No government official is going to miss their round of golf at the club or fishing trip from providing those funds for their intended purpose.

Thank you!
The confirmation that DH picked up BW is from phone records obtained by LE, not by witnesses or family members. There's been no media coverage since LE released this information, so it's no wonder it's news to people here.

The problem I see is that the use of the term "family" is too all-encompassing for this group. Obviously there are certain members of the family who are highly suspect for at least their honesty. I tried to be careful to refer to her immediate family or parents. To my knowledge, they're hiding nothing from LE. They've told the good, bad, and the ugly. Anything to help find Brittney.

I dont for one second think her mother or father are hiding anything at all.

But i do feel a family member is responsible for whatever happend to her
and thats just My opinion!
I dont for one second think her mother or father are hiding anything at all.

But i do feel a family member is responsible for whatever happend to her
and thats just My opinion!

I dont question the sincerity of CW or those in BW's immediate family unit. There are, more than likely, those outside her immediate family unit that are equally as sincere. But, with the contradictory statements made by different ones within this family, speaking generally and loosely, one begs to question "What else are these individuals hiding?"

I agree with most of what you have said, however, I don't think that websleuths, and please correct me if I am wrong here, was designed to be a "Rah-Rah" site. This is a place where democracy within the bounds of respect for the individuals can be displayed. The very essence of investigating is to question everything. I believe that a lot of the points brought out by posters here are valid questions and, in most cases, they go out of their way to state that it is an opinion or assumption and not a fact. If something is distasteful or out of the bounds of what is permissable then it has been noted and corrected. I share in the family's frustration though I have no idea the amount of suffering they have had to endure the last month or so. I think the greatest blessing and travesty of all is that this site is the #1 google hit for the most current info on Brittney Wood. So sad...


I'm not saying it should be all "rah rah" or anything like that. I've been on here telling some not so pretty facts about BW's background, but it was all done to provide information that could be used to help find Brittney. That is what I thought this site was for--helping the missing and their loved ones.

The problem I have is that for many of the assumptions that case a negative light on the "family", I, and sometimes others, have explained the reality to hopefully quash the continued repetition of assumptions. Yet they continue.

May I ask that when someone is posting and referring to WWH or MWK when talking about "family" being dishonest, holding back information, etc., just say who you're referring to. When the term "family" is used, it implies other people in the family, namely the parents, who have not done anything to be labeled dishonest.
I'm not saying it should be all "rah rah" or anything like that. I've been on here telling some not so pretty facts about BW's background, but it was all done to provide information that could be used to help find Brittney. That is what I thought this site was for--helping the missing and their loved ones.

The problem I have is that for many of the assumptions that case a negative light on the "family", I, and sometimes others, have explained the reality to hopefully quash the continued repetition of assumptions. Yet they continue.

May I ask that when someone is posting and referring to WWH or MWH when talking about "family" being dishonest, holding back information, etc., just say who you're referring to. When the term "family" is used, it implies other people in the family, namely the parents, who have not done anything to be labeled dishonest.

That is why I said that I agree with most of what you said. I believe that this site was designed to share the details of this case in the hopes of bringing the missing home safely. Personally, I don't care if DH's suicide had anything to do with BW's disappearance or not. If his name had never been included in the original statement of a person she could have been going to see then I would see no reason or relevance in even mentioning it. The same goes for the uncles. My only desire in every word that I post here is to try and offer sound opinions, with others, mixed with the few facts we know. Just remember this, the opinions stated and constant activity here may just be the reason that this site is the #1 google hit, not the facebook page, not twitter, not any other news outlet.

I agree that the best approach is to say who it is that we are talking about if it is known who said it. I think we are trying to walk a fine line and be respectful concerning WWH and MWH, considering neither has been charged with a crime. The use of "family" is too general and can be damaging to the efforts to gain support for the search.
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