AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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I read the bit that her ex wrote (almost in laughing or "whatever" manner) about the fact he attacked someone with an AXE and got off with probation but now he's "right with the lord" so all is well. :eye roll: That to me (alibi or not) would make me pause and start looking at her associates a tad closer, along with how the manage their anger.

I don't buy she carried a gun because of crazy ex boyfriends as CW stated. The ex is saying he was defending the missing BW over some nasty comments someone made. Dealing drugs would be the more obvious reason to me. How did a mother know her daughter carried a gun with 2 bullets and not step in realizing her daughter is in a dangerous situation? Or her brother who is her "protector"? Especially when BW takes off for several days at a time.

I do think her exes had issues but none of them ended up with her gun when she disappeared.

And let me add a shout out to WWH. How are thing going girl? Any more charges looming?

Sent from my Rezound
to clarify I meant the likelihood of BW dealing drugs and carrying the gun.

Can't edit posts from my phone

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What strikes me as odd is that I really do believe that certain persons or entities/groups want the story of BW's disappearance to slip into obscurity. To me, and this is my humble opinion, that automatically throws up red flags and points to guilt. I am not, let me repeat, not saying that those persons or entities are responsible for BW's disappearance but I am saying that they are trying to cover something up.

Now, I am not a detective nor have I ever had the distinction of serving with law enforcement but I believe that reedus23 "hit the nail on the head" with the post showing all the activities surrounding BW's disappearance that should be enough to warrant a deeper more thorough investigation. I have never claimed to be the "sharpest tool in the shed" but if I can see the necessesity based on what little evidence I have to go by then how can a seasoned, well trained investigator not see it? I cannot, in a million years, believe this nor do I believe that LE, of its own volition, has chosen to simply ignore the circumstances and put forward this insane idea that a young social teen, attached at the hip to her phone, never been more than a few dozen miles from home, constantly in need of support from friends and family, mother of a beautiful little girl and whose life was not perfect but was riddled with poor decisions (sounds familiar to me) just gets up one day and decides to run away from everyone and everything.

We may not know the exact contents of the bag she carried but unless she was a magician at some point in her life or Mary Poppins then she probably only carried one or two nights worth of clothes, four or five at most. The nagging thought in my head is that she, potentially, knew way more about the sex abuse that was rampant in her mother's side of the family than most would suggest and that she, based on what we have learned, was probably a victim of some of these men at one point or another.

Now, I am no conspiracy theorist and never have been but where there is smoke, there is generally a fire and that loud siren in my head is screaming foul about right now. There is, in my opinion, no question that some powerful people, perhaps friends or family of some associated, are pulling out all the stops and calling in lots of favors to try and keep BW out of the news and squash any thoughts contrary to that accepted by LE regardless of the reasons why.

Truth is that we may never learn why BW decided to go with her uncle that night or exactly why that uncle decided, not 48 hours later, to commit suicide with BW's gun. Without further physical evidence or some kind of witness testimony I cannot see how this case will ever be solved. It doesn't mean that we lose hope or give up on justice for BW.

As we continue to move forward and stay vigilant in searching for the truth of what happened May 30th 2012 we must also evaluate the slow response of LE and the evident disregard of countless reasons to investigate this with an open mind to all possibilities prior to issuing an "all's well" statement to the public. We must also evaluate our lives. This gives us a chance to look at how we teach and educate our children. The breakdown in society is placed, squarely, at our feet as parents. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves. This allows us to evaluate our own lives knowing that none of us are promised tomorrow. I know that I have hugged my children a little tighter and been a little more thankful for having them close to me since becoming involved in this case.

May BW be found, the truth be known and the subsequent justice come swiftly.

This deserves an extra thank you. I am dumbfounded that LE could possibly make a claim of no connection.

Sent from my Rezound
I don't buy she carried a gun because of crazy ex boyfriends as CW stated. The ex is saying he was defending the missing BW over some nasty comments someone made. Dealing drugs would be the more obvious reason to me. How did a mother know her daughter carried a gun with 2 bullets and not step in realizing her daughter is in a dangerous situation? Or her brother who is her "protector"? Especially when BW takes off for several days at a time.

I do think her exes had issues but none of them ended up with her gun when she disappeared.

And let me add a shout out to WWH. How are thing going girl? Any more charges looming?

Sent from my Rezound

I have never carried a gun so I have no idea on the mindset of 2 bullets or whatever or why that's so specific. I don't think it's over crazy ex's (albeit I do think they are off their rockers but that's the sort you get when it's all drug fueled, high drama people in your life).

Brittney had a LOT of drama on her Facebook. If any of us have read it, she wasn't exactly side stepping it, she provoked it often. She probably carried that gun for a few reasons. Maybe all people in that sort of demographic do carry guns? Maybe it was the drugs? Maybe it was the combo of whom she dated along with their current girlfriends + random friends she's upset?

If one of my kids or someone I loved was missing, despite if all the facts or rumors pointed to death - I would be an insomniac and combing the fields, water .. houses .. retracing the routes. I wouldn't stop. Now, if this was years later I could see the drop off in physically searching but online and stuff? That takes NO real investment in time and lord knows he has enough of it. I mean, he can add underage girls and take photos with his shirt off, get tattoos and whatever .. so I'm sure he can fit Brittney in "somewhere".
BW having a gun at 19 is a red flag to me. What 19 year old girl would need a gun? The only things I can come up with are if she were a member of a gang or trained and legally had a concealed carry permit.
Her family even knew about the gun and how many bullets were in it!
What is up with that? How many here have a 19 year old carrying a gun?
Regarding BW's gun...
Did CW have first hand knowledge herself that BW only carried 2 bullets...or was she told that by someone? She may have stated that to MSM as fact but was that a fact she knew or a "fact" someone else knew?
Just throwing this out there....the law in Alabama.

Persons under 21 years of age cannot own a pistol. 18 U.S.C. § 922.
Regarding BW's gun...
Did CW have first hand knowledge herself that BW only carried 2 bullets...or was she told that by someone? She may have stated that to MSM as fact but was that a fact she knew or a "fact" someone else knew?

Brittney supposedly acquired the gun not long before she disappeared. Her mother either saw it or Brittney told her about it. It's been so long now that I can't remember the details, but I believe she actually saw it (Brittney was "proud" of it). When Brittney acquired it, it only had 2 bullets and she never got more.
Fox10 had a video clip of the vigil.
Family and friends gathered in a circle, holding hands, where Britt was last seen.
Short interview with Chessie.

I'm sure they will post it on their news site/FB.
Have been lerking this case for a while, praying for the return of brittney! Much live from the land down under xoxox
:bump: 'Cause it bears repeating.

Been away due to Hurricane Isaac and just as I get back on, here it comes again, well, the remnants anyway.

I can speak as to the efforts of local LE concerning BW's case, as I am sure that a few others here can too. If it seems or appears that the MPD has done little or nothing to locate BW or determine the actual reason for her disappearance then please do not be fooled, that is exactly what they have done, little to nothing.

In every case, whether drugs, murder or theft, the MPD has begged for community support and vigilance to bring the perps to justice. This is evidenced by the great number of pleas to the community by LE and city officials. However, they have been strangely silent concerning BW's case. And when they do speak they sound defensive as if their very integrity is being assaulted unjustly.

We are talking about a missing citizen that has, dispite their constant denial, disappeared under suspicious circumstances and their best effort is to respond to tips as they come in?

Every officer takes an oath to serve and protect the citizenry from those that would do harm. When last I checked there were no exceptions to that oath nor was there fine print located on the badge they wear that allows them to give less than their best just because the citizen, in this case, is a teen that has had a run in with the law or is a known drug abuser. She is still a human and a resident of Mobile County and lives within the three mile jurisdiction zone of the MPD. She has had a job in the past and, though she has had her ups and downs, I cannot find where she has been arrested nor has warrants out for her arrest.

By all accounts, BW is a teen that has made poor decisions in her past. Thank God that nothing like this happened to any of us when we were teens and made poor decisions because I hate to think that any of us would be treated in such a way by those who have sworn to protect us.

If this is seen as a scathing review of the way the local LE has handled the BW disappearance case then good, because I believe they haven't done enough. I believe they became reactive from day one instead of being proactive. Someone looked at her case and decided that, for whatever reason, it did not deserve or warrant the high level of effort that other cases may have received in the past or since. What those reasons are may never be fully known and that is, perhaps, the greatest travesty of all, because I believe that the majority of our LE officers do their profession justice but the actions of the department, at least in this local's mind, brings their ability to serve and protect without prejudice and with the upmost respect for the position they have obtained through the badge they wear into question.
If they have no evidence of foul play what do You want them to do?
make up evidence?
As i see it her Mom's sister might KNOW exactly what happend to her.
She said she was with her Hubby that night and donnies son said she (BW)was seen while his father was in the hospital said she was seen with an unidentified male...Now if these ppl dont give LE any answers and im sure LE knows alot more than you and I know and maybe they are not sharing with the family because the entire FAMILY is linked to everything thats going on.

What if someone in her family is HIDING her every think about that?

Now i dont know what happend to her and id bet my last dollar it has everything to do with all that has happend since she went missing but i do not think we have all the pieces of the puzzel.

I just do not think its LE's fault and LE gets blamed every time a case goes cold....

Maybe a private detective can help the family!
Klass Kids is there and they even stopped searching so my guess is
they have an inkling as to what may or may not happened to her.

Im not saying LE is perfect but these men and women do have families
and wouldnt just leave a girl out there and not care!

They need clues they need tips INFORMATION!
and i dont think they are getting much of that!

So i guess we can agree to disagree!

The point is you can't get information if you're not out asking the questions. LE deals with people who are not forthcoming every single day. That is no excuse to not at least ask the question, hit the pavement, rattle some heads. Just MHO
I don't think LE has done enough at all, however after reading the above post I have stopped and thought:
This is only one family in the area, with all of these issues-& there are a lot IMO! I am wondering if LE isn't doing much because this is ONE family. What kind of other issues and how many is LE having to deal with in that area? I am not being naive and giving them a pass, but this is one group with 6 people that are having legal/family/issues. How does LE get anything done?

I can tell you what they don't do if they want to get anything done. They don't sit back and do nothing. Maybe they are doing more than we are aware of, that's why I had asked some questions earlier on to try to get a sense. Additionally, LE's own statements that there is no investigation tells me they're doing nothing. I'm not in LE so I don't know everything that they've done, but for starters, I probably would have tried to get polygraphs from some of the players before they got arrested (and even now, though I doubt the lawyers would allow it). While I'm sure there was a lot of blood in DH's car, did they send any off for testing to determine if any of it was Brittney's? Those are just a couple things that come to mind before I go to bed.
Brittney supposedly acquired the gun not long before she disappeared. Her mother either saw it or Brittney told her about it. It's been so long now that I can't remember the details, but I believe she actually saw it (Brittney was "proud" of it). When Brittney acquired it, it only had 2 bullets and she never got more.

Do you know how many bullets were left in the gun after DH shot himself? Was there still one left? If the gun was empty, then that itself should warrant a full investigation.
In an article on 16 Jul, 2012 and updated 7 Aug 2012, Fox 10 quoted BCSO Major Anthony Lowery. He said the two cases were not connected, and BC's sex abuse case was going on before Brittney was reported missing.

On 20 July 2012, Chessie Wood told a reporter for Fox 10 that she was told by authorities that Brittney was a victim of her uncle Donald Holland.

On 22 Aug 2012, Fox 10 reported that officials say there is no proof the two cases are tied together.

It has always nagged at me that “authorities” told Chessie that Brittney was a victim in the sex abuse case. I wasn’t aware that LE made that kind of statements in an on-going case, but maybe I am wrong? Does anyone know? I also considered Chessie might have misspoke or made the statement intentionally.

I know both agencies say they work well together, but does the Mobile Police Department and Baldwin County Sheriff’s office really have a good cooperative working relationship? It seems that in some areas (ex. logistical) it would be more difficult to work with another agency.

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