AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 6

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I found these teens listed on the Alabama Missing Child Map using info gathered from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) . I've indicated the last seen date, age, and city. I have no idea how much coverage they have received. Brittany Robinson is the only one of the four I've seen on the news.

Maya Ellis
11/18/12 Birmingham 17
Jerica Magee
09/07/12 Birmingham 17
Abrihet Wallace
07/04/12 Birmingham 17
Brittany Robinson
06/14/12 Mobile 14

Must be part of the conspiracy. MOO
While hoping and praying Brittney is alive and well, I also have a wild theory in my head that she was intending to eventually head to Grand Bay Area for some reason. All speculation, based on her drug of choice: methamphetamine. Suppose she hitches a ride from one of her other two uncles or brother to STYX River area to "make a transaction" with Uncle Donnie for some prescription pills, which she was planning to take to Grand Bay Area to make a transaction for meth. Suppose her driver and Donnie had a confrontation that ended up with Brittney in the crossfire. As a coverup, her driver continues the original plan to Grand Bay, and somewhere along the way, or afterwards, disposes of Brittney. If I'm not mistaken, I believe one of Brittney's brothers was in jail at the time, the other not. Would explain Chessie's inconsistent statements, mourning the loss of Brittney while trying to protect son (maybe brother(s)) for a perceived accidental death during an illegal transaction.

Not such a wild theory, maybe, because that is exactly what I've always thought happened.
However, the rape investigation against all of these players throws me off a bit. I'm not sure whether Donnie killed himself because he knew he'd spend the rest of his life in prison for sex abuse charges or because he killed Brittney -- or both? There IS a chance that he had no idea what happened to Brittney, but then again, there's the gun factor. Leaves one's head spinning, to say the least!
The only school of journalism in the state is at the U of A. Media bias has long been a problem in this state WAY before BW disappeared. I could state many examples dating back to the days of Bear Bryant. It is so entrenched that it's become the norm here. Is it the ONLY factor? No, and I never said it was....but it IS a very big reason that this whole case has been kept on the media back burner. I know that ruffles some feathers, but that's just the way it is here. Journalists like to keep their jobs in a profession that is losing ground already.

There's lots of chatter on private forums, and some photos that are quite interesting, but none of that will be published in mainstream media in this state as the case stands now.

As for Natalee Holloway....CNN made that a world-wide story....not the local media. Her brother, IIRC, called CNN and got someone there interested in her disappearance.

I live in Alabama, so I understand that. But this football player is not BW's brother or a very close relative, and I think that if there were a closer relation there that there would be more reporting on this.

HOWEVER. DK is this football player's UNCLE. You would think that SOMEONE in the media down here would find that out and run with it. There are Auburn fans here as well. :)

ETA: BW's story has been on the national media and no one has run with it like with Natalee Holloway. Her story was reported DAILY on the national news for what seemed like an eternity. Everyone knows her name. No one knows BW's. And I stand by my opinion that it is because Natalee was rich, white, and from an upper class family.

ETA yet again: There are indeed journalism programs all over the state. I worked for many years for a state college here in Alabama. (I took your statement as "the only school of journalism that MATTERS", though, instead of "it's the only school of journalism." Not sure which you meant.)
Not such a wild theory, maybe, because that is exactly what I've always thought happened.
However, the rape investigation against all of these players throws me off a bit. I'm not sure whether Donnie killed himself because he knew he'd spend the rest of his life in prison for sex abuse charges or because he killed Brittney -- or both? There IS a chance that he had no idea what happened to Brittney, but then again, there's the gun factor. Leaves one's head spinning, to say the least!

I have a theory along these lines too. Have to admit I also find DHs suicide the most confusing thing. Particularly since by all accounts he was alone at the river for some time. Why didn't he do it then? Instead he waited til he was back near home. Almost seems as though the place he was found is significant in some way. or else the timing is.
When Brittney disappeared, both of her brothers were detained in some manner. DW was in jail. The younger brother TJW was in juvenile detention or jail. Neither of Brittney's brothers would have been able to give her a ride to Grand Bay or anywhere.

On this the last day of the search, one person very important to Brittney showed up for the first time. Her older brother Derek.

"I love you more than anything. Please come home." Brittney disappeared while Derek Wood was in Mobile Metro Jail. He was released last night. He believes if Brittney is watching she will reach out to him. "I want her to call my cell phone. ***-**** I love you and miss you. Please call me."

Chessie Wood said her oldest son, Derek, called her and said he was turning himself in to authorities but first he wanted to see T.J., who was just released from jail himself.

"I try to be strong; I am going through a lot of stuff right now. I mean my sister, you know I wasn't out whenever she went missing and I couldn't help look for her," said T.J. Wood. "And now my brother, the only one I got left, and the first person I want to see when I get out is him, and then he goes to jail."
I have a theory along these lines too. Have to admit I also find DHs suicide the most confusing thing. Particularly since by all accounts he was alone at the river for some time. Why didn't he do it then? Instead he waited til he was back near home. Almost seems as though the place he was found is significant in some way. or else the timing is.
i found the suicide of DH very strange. Was it suicide ? WWH -was she involved ? Did Brittney kill him in self defense then run ? Deep down i think he killed Brittney during an assault -maybe sexual assault - got drunk ,then killed himself rather than face prison.
Just more long festering questions:

Did DH long plan to cause himself serious harm OR to check-himself-out-of-this-life before that scheduled Friday interview/meeting with LE on the sexual abuse investigation building against DH? Did DH plan/hope to pin his gun shot injury OR “suicide” on BW??? Reportedly, it was her gun after all. Could DH have been hoping to survive the gun shot? And then, could he have planned to tell LE that BW shot him and, afterward, she “fled”? He was reportedly found quickly and did survive a number of days after the gun shot.

Did BW know too much that could impact person/s close to DH? As a victim of child abuse [intentionally understated to avoid modsnip], had BW long sensed the alleged despicable actions of many OR had she been told directly about those alleged acts OR did she have firsthand knowledge of those alleged acts??

Could DH have taken out BW to protect/limit close person/s to DH from prosecution? Son? Wife? After DH’s “suicide”, if wife was truly innocent wouldn’t she have fessed up to LE about DH’s past actions? As we all now know, MWW has since been charged with despicable acts – as has DH’s son.

Could someone else have taken out BW to eliminate her possible testimony against some other character/s in these cases?

CW’s behavior/actions/inactions, since BW went missing, continues to baffle me and has continued to prompt me to question the depths of her possible ?involvement?/?knowledge?/?cahooting?/?covering-up? of the various nefarious activities reported in these cases.

It’s now been seven-plus months, I’m believing more and more that BW’s remains will never be found.
I live in Alabama, so I understand that. But this football player is not BW's brother or a very close relative, and I think that if there were a closer relation there that there would be more reporting on this.

HOWEVER. DK is this football player's UNCLE. You would think that SOMEONE in the media down here would find that out and run with it. There are Auburn fans here as well. :)

ETA: BW's story has been on the national media and no one has run with it like with Natalee Holloway. Her story was reported DAILY on the national news for what seemed like an eternity. Everyone knows her name. No one knows BW's. And I stand by my opinion that it is because Natalee was rich, white, and from an upper class family.

ETA yet again: There are indeed journalism programs all over the state. I worked for many years for a state college here in Alabama. (I took your statement as "the only school of journalism that MATTERS", though, instead of "it's the only school of journalism." Not sure which you meant.)

A difference between Natalee's case and Brittney's case is that Natalee's case had many "newsworthy" factors on the surface, while you have to dig deeper to see why Brittney's case is interesting. Natalee was an upper middle/upper class blonde teenager who went missing during a school trip to Aruba. That's compelling to the media right there and I haven't even added in the narcissistic suspect Joran, her fighter of a mother, or even mentioned the circumstances of her disappearance.

TBH; I am still surprised that Lauren Spierer's case didn't get as much national coverage as Natalee. Lauren is blonde, upper middle/upper class, petite, a student at a Big 10 school. I felt like her parents were pretty active using the media too. You have multiple suspects too to make for more of a mystery. The case never seemed to generate much media/public interest outside of Bloomington, though. I mean, the case did get some national attention, but it never "blew up". And if Lauren's case can't get that much national coverage, is it surprising that neither can Brittney's?
Very few missing persons cases, even those of babies, stay in the media for,long without new information. Not much coverage of Lisa Irwin, Isabel Celis, and almost none of Baby Joshua from Texas, missing almost two years. so getting attention for teens is even more difficult. Natalee was just one of those Jon Benet-type cases, the rarity. And even with the mass media, she is not likely to ever be found.

I wish i could imagine a way that Brittney is alive, but i cannot.
I have a theory along these lines too. Have to admit I also find DHs suicide the most confusing thing. Particularly since by all accounts he was alone at the river for some time. Why didn't he do it then? Instead he waited til he was back near home. Almost seems as though the place he was found is significant in some way. or else the timing is.

He killed himself only hours before he was to be interviewed by detectives about the rape/incest case. I wonder if he just waited until the very end? (If he had something to do with BW's disappearance -- and I personally think he did -- was it just too much to take? Was he just too, pardon me, screwed?)
He killed himself only hours before he was to be interviewed by detectives about the rape/incest case. I wonder if he just waited until the very end? (If he had something to do with BW's disappearance -- and I personally think he did -- was it just too much to take? Was he just too, pardon me, screwed?)

Yeah it seems semi-obvious - he knew he was done for after someone happened to BW and waited til the last minute to get out of it.

Somehow it just seems off to me though- I have at times wondered if he was (if this is possible given that he was such a vile human being) 'heartbroken' about something happening to BW.

I guess maybe its that none of the others seem that concerned, and they'd all been getting away with it for years- I bet they thought they'd be able to make it look like those poor girls were lying. So I'm not sure he'd really be that scared. Then again maybe he had a moment of conscience.

IMO he definitely had something to do with BWs disappearance, as did his wife, and very possibly some other family members.

Did someone maybe think it was BW bringing the charges? I'm presuming LE wouldn't have told him the identity of the victim. Maybe they thought it was her... Didnt WWH say she'd spoken to LE that night? That could be a lie like all the many other things she said, but maybe it wasn't and she somehow got the impression that the victim reporting them was BW.
Just more long festering questions:

Did DH long plan to cause himself serious harm OR to check-himself-out-of-this-life before that scheduled Friday interview/meeting with LE on the sexual abuse investigation building against DH? Did DH plan/hope to pin his gun shot injury OR “suicide” on BW??? Reportedly, it was her gun after all. Could DH have been hoping to survive the gun shot? And then, could he have planned to tell LE that BW shot him and, afterward, she “fled”? He was reportedly found quickly and did survive a number of days after the gun shot.

Did BW know too much that could impact person/s close to DH? As a victim of child abuse [intentionally understated to avoid modsnip], had BW long sensed the alleged despicable actions of many OR had she been told directly about those alleged acts OR did she have firsthand knowledge of those alleged acts??

Could DH have taken out BW to protect/limit close person/s to DH from prosecution? Son? Wife? After DH’s “suicide”, if wife was truly innocent wouldn’t she have fessed up to LE about DH’s past actions? As we all now know, MWW has since been charged with despicable acts – as has DH’s son.

Could someone else have taken out BW to eliminate her possible testimony against some other character/s in these cases?

CW’s behavior/actions/inactions, since BW went missing, continues to baffle me and has continued to prompt me to question the depths of her possible ?involvement?/?knowledge?/?cahooting?/?covering-up? of the various nefarious activities reported in these cases.

It’s now been seven-plus months, I’m believing more and more that BW’s remains will never be found.

Until about 6 weeks ago I believed Donnie was responsible for Britt's disappearance ~ now I believe differently. I believe there was more than one person involved - probably 2-3. I also believe 3-4 people know exactly what happened.

MOO :cow:
It's good to read all your posts questioning things from all angles.

I'm one that has always doubted DH actually killed himself because he was afraid of facing the charges. Heck, this man was callous and fearless enough to do all the other things he did! Someone else might have wanted to quiet him before their own name came out. (and perhaps the same with Brittney) I won't say this is my firm opinion though, as it's just another angle to try to understand what went down.
It's good to read all your posts questioning things from all angles.

I'm one that has always doubted DH actually killed himself because he was afraid of facing the charges. Heck, this man was callous and fearless enough to do all the other things he did! Someone else might have wanted to quiet him before their own name came out. (and perhaps the same with Brittney) I won't say this is my firm opinion though, as it's just another angle to try to understand what went down.

I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed (it's hard on here), but I also read that DH was left handed and the 'suicide' enter and exit wounds would be from the right hand....
I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed (it's hard on here), but I also read that DH was left handed and the 'suicide' enter and exit wounds would be from the right hand....

Did you mean you read it on here or elsewhere? There was a clever post from MotherOcean about it where the rumoured entry and exit wounds would imply he had to be left-handed. The post is here:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AL AL- Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #3
(hope the link works, I'm on the iPad and don't trust it entirely)
I believe I've posted my opinion on this topic previously, but I've had the flu and can't be sure about much right now so I'll post it again....or for the first time...:waitasec: This post also may or may not make sense due to my medicated state as I am writing it so please take that into consideration as you read....

As someone who grew up in the western FL panhandle, has lived in Birmingham for the last 13 or so years, is a huge Auburn fan and is married to a huge Alabama fan.....I think I have a pretty good grasp on the Auburn/Alabama rivalry and the depths its darkness can sometimes reach among fans in this state, as well as the various media biases that exist on both sides. I have zero doubt in my mind that the lack of media coverage for this case has absolutely nothing to do with her connection to UA's QB and everything to do with the local media's coverage (or lack thereof) of the case. Mobile/Pensacola media has never been known to set the world on fire with its hard-hitting, investigative journalism and its not trying to make any changes in that reputation with this case.

The details of JUST the cases involving various family members who have been arrested from this ONE family for various alleged sexual crimes against minors, WITHOUT THE BW DISAPPEARANCE, should supply any adequate journalist with more than enough material to churn out multiple pieces that would be salacious enough to grab the entire state's attention immediately yet those articles haven't been written. Throw in the BW details and you have a potential blockbuster crime story just waiting to be written, but no one is rushing to write it. Why? Just as so many others have pointed out, no one is writing that story because there is no one on the side of BW pushing for it to be written and for the details to be known to as many people as possible as you have in other cases, such as Natalee Holloway. If it had not been for Beth Twitty does anyone really think the "Mountain Brook angle" alone would have carried that story?? Even the "rich, white, blond teenager" aspect of a story like this can only do so much and looses its steam pretty quickly without another driving force behind it to continue pushing it out in front of the public, pushing the journalists to continue digging/writing and pushing the LE to continue investigating with the same intensity.

The one thing I have been surprised about is the fact that NO ONE has picked up this story and attempted to use it as a way to smear AJM, even on the various fan message boards where trolls are constantly on the hunt for ANYTHING connected to a player/coach/fan of the rival school that could even have the slightest potential to be unflattering. Somehow the trolls haven't made the connection between DK, BW and AJM and neither have the other 98% of either fan base because no one has told them that one exists. Its my personal opinion that AJM's connection isn't newsworthy and has no valid purpose in any news article/report unless he chooses to make it newsworthy on his own by using his position to help publicize the search for BW, etc. I don't blame him at all for not wanting to become publicly "tied" to this story considering the fact that he's 20 years old (or however old he is) and has more than enough on his plate already without introducing the additional issues/distractions/stress that would come along with a story like this becoming widely known/reported. I know I couldn't imagine any of my family members being accused of similar crimes and the embarrassment that would come along with it and no one even knows who I am!!

I'm pretty sure I just wrote a bunch of nonsense, so I'm sorry you guys had to read it. I hope to be out of my med-induced haze sometime soon :crazy:

BTW, can someone post BW's DOB for me please? I have access to the AL court system and will check it to see if I can find the charges that were being discussed earlier. A quick search didn't find anything that jumped off the page at me, but I may have overlooked something and will look again when I know her DOB. If the charges were from when she was a juvenile or she was charged as a juvenile, then I won't be able to see those. I also won't be able to see charges that are filed against individuals by most municipalities in AL since 99% of them don't file their cases in the statewide court system. I can see charges that have been filed in district and circuit courts in each county, which is going to include any significant crimes. The only things that are usually missed are things like DUI's, misdemeanor property crimes, sometimes domestic violence/simple assault type crimes, etc.
Very few missing persons cases, even those of babies, stay in the media for,long without new information. Not much coverage of Lisa Irwin, Isabel Celis, and almost none of Baby Joshua from Texas, missing almost two years. so getting attention for teens is even more difficult. Natalee was just one of those Jon Benet-type cases, the rarity. And even with the mass media, she is not likely to ever be found.

I wish i could imagine a way that Brittney is alive, but i cannot.

I think that once a case stops getting regular national coverage (mentioned on at least a weekly basis), it's very hard to get back into the news cycle. When a new development happens, and I don't mean something like finding the victim or an arrest, producers probably figure that since they haven't mentioned X case in months/years that the viewers aren't interested or don't remember the case.
As NotPennysBoat said, she used to live there and CW did say earlier that she had friends there. Yes, there could have been closer places to send the text from if you were trying to make it seem like she was running off but maybe not as believable. Also, it establishes some distance. It's not really that far of drive. All interstate.

As I said before, I could be completely wrong. DH and WWH may not have had anything to do with her disappearance but it would be a heck of a coincidence.

Just speculation and an alternative theory to ponder but perhaps DH dropped off Britt at or near one of the friends she was texting back & forth with while she was at Styx River.

Maybe a couple of those friends live very close to CW's neighborhood. Maybe those friends have recent drug and/or assault arrests (setting the hypothetical dynamic of potential drug deals combined with physical violence).

Maybe that cell tower near CW's and/or perhaps another nearby were used by KlaasKIDS & MPD to determine the most recent search areas.

Even with the above scenario I don't doubt for a minute that DH didn't tell SOMEONE where he dropped off Britt - whether that person was WH, DK or MK or all of the above... one or more of them knows exactly where DH & Britt went that evening.

JMO of course...
Just speculation and an alternative theory to ponder but perhaps DH dropped off Britt at or near one of the friends she was texting back & forth with while she was at Styx River.

Maybe a couple of those friends live very close to CW's neighborhood. Maybe those friends have recent drug and/or arrests for assault (setting the hypothetical dynamic of potential drug deals combined with physical violence).

Maybe that cell tower near CW's and/or perhaps another nearby were used by KlaasKIDS & MPD to determine the most recent search areas.

Even with the above scenario I don't doubt for a minute that DH didn't tell SOMEONE where he dropped off Britt - whether that person was WH, DK or MK or all of the above... one or more of them knows exactly where DH & Britt went that evening.

JMO of course...

Footballmom!! Good to see you here!!!!!!!! Always love your insight!!!!
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