AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 6

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Just speculation and an alternative theory to ponder but perhaps DH dropped off Britt at or near one of the friends she was texting back & forth with while she was at Styx River.

Maybe a couple of those friends live very close to CW's neighborhood. Maybe those friends have recent drug and/or assault arrests (setting the hypothetical dynamic of potential drug deals combined with physical violence).

Maybe that cell tower near CW's and/or perhaps another nearby were used by KlaasKIDS & MPD to determine the most recent search areas.

Even with the above scenario I don't doubt for a minute that DH didn't tell SOMEONE where he dropped off Britt - whether that person was WH, DK or MK or all of the above... one or more of them knows exactly where DH & Britt went that evening.

JMO of course...


Does Courtney live "very close" to CW?

Could DH have dropped off BW at Courtney's house?

Or, was the Courtney story all fabrication?


Does Courtney live "very close" to CW?

Could DH have dropped off BW at Courtney's house?

Or, was the Courtney story all fabrication?


I wasn't hypothesizing about her (Kourtney). ;)

IIRC, she was the one who came forward to say that Britt was with DH which turned out to be accurate.
I wasn't hypothesizing about her (Kourtney). ;)

IIRC, she was the one who came forward to say that Britt was with DH which turned out to be accurate.

How close is that meth house where DW was staying to CW's house? Is that "very close" to CW's?

Or, is the "very close" house and/or inhabitants one/s which hasn't yet been referenced in MSM or beyond?

How about Granny Wood's house?

DK/MWK's house?

Do each of the charged offenders who have been released on bond all have monitoring anklets on now?

DK? Yes
RSW? ____
Brown___? ____
DH, Jr? _____

WWH & DW are still in custody, I believe.

Did I miss any?
So is it possible BW went to DH's because he had decided to kill himself and wanted her gun? And BW traded her gun and then returned to somewhere near to CW's, to trade what she'd traded? Maybe heading back to see the friend she spoke to who couldn't remember what they said on the phone.

And actually vanished quite near to where she started out?

That would imply LE was right all along about DH's death and BW's disappearance not being connected.
How close is that meth house where DW was staying to CW's house? Is that "very close" to CW's?

Or, is the "very close" house and/or inhabitants one/s which hasn't yet been referenced in MSM or beyond?

How about Granny Wood's house?

DK/MWK's house?


I wasn't hypothesizing about her texting with anyone who was arrested during the Dozier meth bust... ;)

DK & MWK do live in the same neighborhood as CW but I wasn't hypothesizing about them either or Grandma Wood being the folks she was texting with that evening.

Although it is technically possible that DH dropped her off at DK/MWK's and not at one of her texting friend's houses, but for this alternate theory's sake I was hypothesizing about her being dropped off at a non-relative's house instead.

AFAIK those friends have not been identified in MSM nor really spoken about. This is really just an exercise for looking at angles that have not been explored previously since our focus has been primarily on immediate family members and not the friends she was communicating with that evening just before she disappeared.
I wasn't hypothesizing about her texting with anyone who was arrested during the Dozier meth bust... ;)

DK & MWK do live in the same neighborhood as CW but I wasn't hypothesizing about them either or Grandma Wood being the folks she was texting with that evening.

Although it is technically possible that DH dropped her off at DK/MWK's and not at one of her texting friend's houses, but for this alternate theory's sake I was hypothesizing about her being dropped off at a non-relative's house instead.

AFAIK those friends have not been identified in MSM nor really spoken about. This is really just an exercise for looking at angles that have not been explored previously since our focus has been primarily on immediate family members and not the friends she was communicating with that evening just before she disappeared.

I have been following (mostly lurking) this case since the beginning and have always felt that DH killed (whether accidental OD or intentional??) Brittney and tried to cover it up with the help of WWH and possibly several others (CW??). I really never looked at it from the perspective that someone other than a family member could be responsible for BW's disappearance...this puts a whole new spin it! I still think DH and WWH know what happened to BW, whether they are involved directly or indirectly.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say was...Great sleuthing everyone...especially FootballMom!! Saying "thanks" just didn't seem like rock!:rocker:
So is it possible BW went to DH's because he had decided to kill himself and wanted her gun? And BW traded her gun and then returned to somewhere near to CW's, to trade what she'd traded? Maybe heading back to see the friend she spoke to who couldn't remember what they said on the phone.

And actually vanished quite near to where she started out?

That would imply LE was right all along about DH's death and BW's disappearance not being connected.

BBM - I don't recall them saying that "it wasn't connected" per se... I mean he DID have her gun so that in and of itself creates a connection. If they did say anything similar to that they probably meant that she was not a suspect as it was determined to be self-inflicted. (which I am still not totally sold on it being self-inflicted but definitely do NOT think Britt had anything whatsoever to do with it aside from being the owner of the gun - see below for additional thoughts on this.)

Although it is possible she did "sell" her gun to DH something about that just doesn't sit right. I mean she acquired it for a "good reason" and especially if she was making a drug deal it wouldn't be very wise to walk into the transaction unarmed especially with the folks she would be making the exchange with.

There must have been a darn good reason for DH to drive her back across the bay (80 miles round trip) after midnight. Who does that??? Unless they were also benefitting from whatever was transpiring at the other end. Drugs? Sex? Both? Something else all together?

If his intention was to acquire her gun with the purpose of committing suicide why didn't he just drive back to Styx that night and pull the trigger there? His kids weren't around so no worries about them (so much for being concerned about their only mode of transportation). Why wait another day and a half? Why drop off WWH at her friend's house & then take their only vehicle to BCSO knowing he wouldn't be leaving? Wouldn't the logical thing be for WWH or someone else to drive him and leave the vehicle with her?
Remembering that WWH was awake in the middle of that night BW was last heard from. WWH posted around 2 or 3am (?) that out of habit and odd-ball message about a sick kid and needing to take him to the doctor in the morning, or something like that.

And IIRC a couple of posts placed her in different locations during those critical hours as though she was driving around.

What was she up to?

(Note: All from memory - pls forgive errors and correct at will. Thx)
Remembering that WWH was awake in the middle of that night BW was last heard from. WWH posted around 2 or 3am (?) that out of habit and odd-ball message about a sick kid and needing to take him to the doctor in the morning, or something like that.

And IIRC a couple of posts placed her in different locations during those critical hours as though she was driving around.

What was she up to?

(Note: All from memory - pls forgive errors and correct at will. Thx)

I don't recall it showing she was in multiple locations late that evening but you could be correct. I have learned A LOT about pings and cell towers over the past few months and might be able to add a little insight to why that might happen. You can have two towers within an area that give off different "signal strengths/frequencies, etc..." Meaning that you can be in a stationary location and ping off Tower A but only a minute later you might ping off Tower B even though you haven't moved from your original spot.

If you want to narrow down the location of the cell phone (that doesn't have GPS) you would need the frequency data from the provider which would come from a field engineer. The providers won't go to that trouble just for an investigation. They only do it if there is an actual court case/trial. (Just ask OCSO when they were trying to narrow down Casey A.'s locations based on her pings. AT&T flat out told them they would not provide it "prematurely" and risk setting a precedent.)
BBM The sister of the defendant's wife: Mendy is the wife, Wendy would be her sister. She was charged with a misdemeanor of 'child endangerment'.

Chessie are Sonja are also the sisters . Is there a reason it has to be Wendy who was confided in . Genuine question as I'm skimming to catch up
Coincidences in missing persons cases always make me uneasy. Like the suicide of DH, so close to when BW disappeared, and the friend not high enough to forget the call, but high enough to forget what it was about.

I am thinking it's wise to explore other angles though, and not get fixated on one version of what happened or who did it. This case is almost all angles!
What does SH think happened to BW? TIA

Quoted from link:
"Although police will not confirm, her family insists those alleged crimes have something to do with her disappearance.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist," said stepmom Stephanie Hanke. "I mean, you would have a better chance of winning the lottery than this not being connected."

But there is also this quote from Brad Dennis from the same article:

"Part of this is a process of elimination," said Dennis. "Eliminate as many key areas as we possibly can. If we find nothing, then that's still critical to the investigators because they can rule that out and start focusing in other places."
I don't recall it showing she was in multiple locations late that evening but you could be correct. I have learned A LOT about pings and cell towers over the past few months and might be able to add a little insight to why that might happen. You can have two towers within an area that give off different "signal strengths/frequencies, etc..." Meaning that you can be in a stationary location and ping off Tower A but only a minute later you might ping off Tower B even though you haven't moved from your original spot.

If you want to narrow down the location of the cell phone (that doesn't have GPS) you would need the frequency data from the provider which would come from a field engineer. The providers won't go to that trouble just for an investigation. They only do it if there is an actual court case/trial. (Just ask OCSO when they were trying to narrow down Casey A.'s locations based on her pings. AT&T flat out told them they would not provide it "prematurely" and risk setting a precedent.)

I have to disagree with the bolded. Cell phone tracking has become routine for many LE agencies. Some have even installed in-house systems for this purpose. Others pay cell providers for information, and the providers are more than happy to oblige by offering packages of for-fee services.

The New York Times
March 31, 2012
WASHINGTON — Law enforcement tracking of cellphones, once the province mainly of federal agents, has become a powerful and widely used surveillance tool for local police officials, with hundreds of departments, large and small, often using it aggressively with little or no court oversight, documents show.

The practice has become big business for cellphone companies, too, with a handful of carriers marketing a catalog of “surveillance fees” to police departments to determine a suspect’s location, trace phone calls and texts or provide other services. Some departments log dozens of traces a month for both emergencies and routine investigations.

While cell tracking by local police departments has received some limited public attention in the last few years, the A.C.L.U. documents show that the practice is in much wider use — with far looser safeguards — than officials have previously acknowledged.

And in Arizona, even small police departments found cell surveillance so valuable that they acquired their own tracking equipment to avoid the time and expense of having the phone companies carry out the operations for them. The police in the town of Gilbert, for one, spent $244,000 on such equipment.

Cell Phone Records -- Training Manuals

August 15, 2012

A federal court has ruled that warrantless cell phone tracking by police is legal.

September 10, 2012

What we have learned is disturbing. While virtually all of the roughly 230 police departments that responded to our request said they track cell phones, only a tiny minority reported consistently obtaining a warrant and demonstrating probable cause to do so.
Many law enforcement agencies track cell phones quite frequently. For example, based on invoices from cell phone companies, it appears that Raleigh, N.C. tracks hundreds of cell phones a year. The practice is so common that cell phone companies have manuals for police explaining what data the companies store, how much they charge police to access that data, and what officers need to do to get it.

As for Casey Anthony, within two months after Caylee was reported missing, her cell phone pings, texts and call logs, and the content of her text messages was released to the public, and members here had put together an extensive ping map

All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community'

Brittney has been missing over seven months now. Presumably, the investigation of the child sex offender ring was in place before BW disappeared. I'm confident LE has amassed a great deal of information about the players' cell phones, and know the who, where, and when on all of them. As long as their cell phones had working batteries, that is.
I'd like to know more about Billy Brownlee's role in this mess. He seems the odd man out, no relation to the family, yet he's arrested on related crimes.

Can we sleuth William Bonny Brownlee?

Published : Monday, 23 Jul 2012, 12:26 PM CDT

A fifth arrest was made over the weekend in an on-going sex crimes investigation in Baldwin County. Although not related to missing teen Brittney Wood, family members said he is a friend to the family.

William Bonny Brownlee, 48, was arrested Sunday in Baldwin County. His charges include sodomy and sexual abuse.

Although officials said the investigation started before Mobile County teenager Brittney Wood went missing, she is a common factor among all of the suspects.

The four men arrested previously are all related to Wood, and investigators said Brownlee was a friend of Donald Holland, Sr. Holland was Wood’s uncle and was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound two days after Wood went missing

Very few details have been released regarding the sex crimes arrests, and Monday was no different. Brownlee appeared before a Baldwin County Magistrate for his bond hearing, a hearing where cameras were forbidden. No new facts came to light, but the state requested and was granted a $100,000 bond on each charge: sodomy second degree and sexual abuse second degree.

The magistrate set several other conditions for Brownlee making bond. He can have no contact with the victim or the victim’s family. He cannot have any contact with children under 18. He cannot possess any weapons, and he’ll remain under house arrest with electronic monitoring.

Brownlee has until August 21 to request a preliminary hearing or his case will automatically be bound over to the grand jury. His next scheduled court appearance is set for August 10.

Why is Brittney Wood a common factor among all of the suspects!!?
Why did the Grand Jury have William Brownlee rearrested 12-19-2012!

Status: In Jail
Booking No: BCSO12JBN008229
Booking Date: 12/19/2012 14:24:28
Age On Booking Date: 48
Bond Amount: $200000.00
CELL Assigned:
Facility: BCSO , Dorm: C , Pod: C , Cell No: 016 Visitation Schedule
BBM - I don't recall them saying that "it wasn't connected" per se... I mean he DID have her gun so that in and of itself creates a connection. If they did say anything similar to that they probably meant that she was not a suspect as it was determined to be self-inflicted. (which I am still not totally sold on it being self-inflicted but definitely do NOT think Britt had anything whatsoever to do with it aside from being the owner of the gun - see below for additional thoughts on this.)

Although it is possible she did "sell" her gun to DH something about that just doesn't sit right. I mean she acquired it for a "good reason" and especially if she was making a drug deal it wouldn't be very wise to walk into the transaction unarmed especially with the folks she would be making the exchange with.

There must have been a darn good reason for DH to drive her back across the bay (80 miles round trip) after midnight. Who does that??? Unless they were also benefitting from whatever was transpiring at the other end. Drugs? Sex? Both? Something else all together?

If his intention was to acquire her gun with the purpose of committing suicide why didn't he just drive back to Styx that night and pull the trigger there? His kids weren't around so no worries about them (so much for being concerned about their only mode of transportation). Why wait another day and a half? Why drop off WWH at her friend's house & then take their only vehicle to BCSO knowing he wouldn't be leaving? Wouldn't the logical thing be for WWH or someone else to drive him and leave the vehicle with her?

Exactly -- why wouldn't Wendy go to the police station with him? I wouldn't go to my friend's house if my husband were about to be questioned for sex crimes. I'd be there with him so that I could find out what was going on, especially if it involved my own kin!

How DH got possession of Brittney's gun is a huge question.
I have to disagree with the bolded. Cell phone tracking has become routine for many LE agencies. Some have even installed in-house systems for this purpose. Others pay cell providers for information, and the providers are more than happy to oblige by offering packages of for-fee services.


I believe you may have misunderstood the specific context of my post. I didn't mean to imply that records & pings could not be obtained during an investigation. I meant that the ability to narrow down a more precise location of the actual phone (when the signal bounces back & forth between multiple towers) requires the assistance of a field engineer... to which AT&T is unwilling to allocate those resources until the prosecution phase.

refer to page 6, item dated August 1, 2008: MBI Agent William Moore and AT&T National Compliance.
Why did the Grand Jury have William Brownlee rearrested 12-19-2012!

Status: In Jail
Booking No: BCSO12JBN008229
Booking Date: 12/19/2012 14:24:28
Age On Booking Date: 48
Bond Amount: $200000.00
CELL Assigned:
Facility: BCSO , Dorm: C , Pod: C , Cell No: 016 Visitation Schedule

Grand Jury Indictment
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