AL - Carlethia “Carlee” Russell, 25, faked own abduction, Birmingham, 13 Jul ‘23 #4

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I’m curious as to who initiated and organized this birthday celebration, CR or her Mom? There’s some red flags to me of possibly a narcissistic parent who controls by manipulation with financial support. Just a theory but may explain the immature rebellion in her actions. She obviously has to be held accountable but there also may be something to learn.
None of that seems to be going on here. not inthe least. 25 year old people do stupid stuff allllllll the time, I see them in the hospital. I wouldn't read too deep into parental dynamics here, there's not enough information.
CR's Stmt, as Conveyed to Hoover PD by her Atty, July 24.
Excerpts from below:*
"this was a single act done by herself"
"she made a mistake in this matter"

Nope, Nope, NOPE. NOT a SINGLE mistake, NOT a SINGLE act.
Saying SINGLE two times does not make it true.

CR made a whole LOTTA mistakes.
Like, online searches, 2(?) days prior tend to show premeditation for making a false report to LE, which is a crime.
Plus robe, other things, if stolen from Woodhouse Spa (Thur night?). Crim theft.
IF CR broke & entered a house (like Goldilocks & the Three Bears?), a crime.
Then continuing w various actions.
Amounting to MULTIPLE CRIMES, imo.

Does CR have the constitutional right to issue this stmt thru atty and NOT admit to any crimes?
Absolutely, positively yes.
Did the stmt (purportedly from CR, lol) DENY any CRIME(s)?
NOPE. (Well, she has not yet been charged, so why deny?)

And we wait.
July 24. Statement from Russell's attorney, Emery Anthony, reads as follows:
"There was no kidnapping on Thursday, July 13, 2023. My client did not see a baby on the side of the road. My client did not leave the Hoover area when she was identified as a missing person. My client did not have any help in this incident — this was a single act done by herself. My client was not with anyone or any hotel with anyone from the time she was missing. My client apologizes for her actions to this community, the volunteers who were searching for her, to the Hoover Police Department and other agencies as well and to her friends and family. We ask for your prayers for Carlee as she addresses her issues and attempts to move forward, understanding that she made a mistake in this matter."

I cannot agree with you enough on this.

Attorney trying to mollify and soft-pedal the truth of the matter.

that’s an interesting statement. The parents were horrified by the accusation, not the fact she actually lied about the whole ordeal? Maybe I’m reading too much into it.
Possibly so, hard to say. I'd be horrified too if my kid was accused of something. And she is accused, to factual and fair. Charges haven't filed as of yet though I'm sure they are coming
The end game is all of this ending, punishment being meted out. This all does need to end, we can't keep dragging it on and on so yes, we need to get to the end game of all of this. There's no child in crisis, she isn't kidnapped, so it needs to be dealt with and over with. What he said was appropriate

The end game for Sherry Papini came 4 years after she miraculously returned home from her fake kidnapping.

Resulting in 18 months in prison. 3 years on probation. $310,000 restitution
CR's Stmt, as Conveyed to Hoover PD by her Atty, July 24.
Excerpts from below:*
"this was a single act done by herself"
"she made a mistake in this matter"

Nope, Nope, NOPE. NOT a SINGLE mistake, NOT a SINGLE act.
Saying SINGLE two times does not make it true.

CR made a whole LOTTA mistakes.
Like, online searches, 2(?) days prior tend to show premeditation for making a false report to LE, which is a crime.
Plus robe, other things, if stolen from Woodhouse Spa (Thur night?). Crim theft.
IF CR broke & entered a house (like Goldilocks & the Three Bears?), a crime.
Then continuing w various actions.
Amounting to MULTIPLE CRIMES, imo.

Does CR have the constitutional right to issue this stmt thru atty and NOT admit to any crimes?
Absolutely, positively yes.
Did the stmt (purportedly from CR, lol) DENY any CRIME(s)?
NOPE. (Well, she has not yet been charged, so why deny?)

And we wait.
July 24. Statement from Russell's attorney, Emery Anthony, reads as follows:
"There was no kidnapping on Thursday, July 13, 2023. My client did not see a baby on the side of the road. My client did not leave the Hoover area when she was identified as a missing person. My client did not have any help in this incident — this was a single act done by herself. My client was not with anyone or any hotel with anyone from the time she was missing. My client apologizes for her actions to this community, the volunteers who were searching for her, to the Hoover Police Department and other agencies as well and to her friends and family. We ask for your prayers for Carlee as she addresses her issues and attempts to move forward, understanding that she made a mistake in this matter."

* Me thinks with all the stuff she should have said in that short little post-it note slapped on letterhead, an awful lot of vowels and consonants were used up in the following (which I don’t believe for a second) assuring her public there was no other. I do wonder if she could say she didn’t contact or speak with anyone during those 49 hours in question before she walked through her front door.

My client did not have any help in this incident — this was a single act done by herself. My client was not with anyone or any hotel with anyone from the time she was missing.
Both of these quips from the attorney posted above, say to me, that they were fishing for information, and got nuthin'. Just as I expected, the LE is continuing their investigation, and will NOT be showing their cards at this time.

Dude is looking for a quick plea and settlement. they say..

And for hin to say he expects charges, then it was a great meeting…. Idk, makes me think the charges will amount to little of nothing. I guess we will see.
I have stepped away from this for the past several days, so I'm sure I've missed something. I don't understand the absolute hate and calls for her to rot in jail. I look at all of the cases on this board and wonder if this really rises to the same level...? Yes, she put in a false report and wasted people's time. She is safe, there is no toddler left in the darkness. Let them prosecute her for stealing things from work? She already got fired, right? Does she need to go to jail for stealing a roll of tp?

I don't get it.
I have stepped away from this for the past several days, so I'm sure I've missed something. I don't understand the absolute hate and calls for her to rot in jail. I look at all of the cases on this board and wonder if this really rises to the same level...? Yes, she put in a false report and wasted people's time. She is safe, there is no toddler left in the darkness. Let them prosecute her for stealing things from work? She already got fired, right? Does she need to go to jail for stealing a roll of tp?

I don't get it.

Indeed. It would be much more valuable for her to get back to working and contributing to the economy rather than sitting in jail. Let her do hours of community service and save the jails for those who are a danger to society.
Sherri Papini. How Many Restitution $ Has She Paid?
The end game for Sherry Papini came 4 years after she miraculously returned home from her fake kidnapping.
Resulting in 18 months in prison. 3 years on probation. $310,000 restitution

My question: The title says it all.
Anyone? TiA.

I could not recall when sentenced, but found this, verifying sentencing info:
"In September 2022, she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined $300,000.[5]"

Gen. background re case.
wonder if Ms. Russell got the idea for her hairbrained scheme from Chloe Stein? If so she should have paid closer attention to how that case played out

Stein was charged with false alarm to agency of public safety, false reports, obstruction of administration of law and other governmental functions, and disorderly conduct.
No way. I would never let this woman around children or around women in a shelter. She'll just use the experience to validate that she's "better than them" because she comes from money. She doesn't have humility.

She needs to do grunt work and manual labor. If it were me I would put her on a clean up crew with the "adopt a highway" people. This way she can walk through the brush and woods in the hot sun like everyone else did when they were looking for her.
Tru Dat!
Seems like it. I just can’t imagine what the Last two weeks have been for those who love CR. CR is ‘kidnapped’ and then returned safely. Before they can start enjoying her being back home, the internet explodes with comments and opinions about your family, daughter, and her situation. Then to find out she LIED ABOUT everything? Your entire Life has blown up. it truly boggles the mind.
And if her attorney knows what he's doing, he's telling her not to talk about anything to her parents even. She can take the fifth during an interrogation or trial, but others she talks to cannot, right?
Good info here
*Thank you.

Jay Town, former U.S. District Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, said it is “absolutely a possibility” that Russell will have to pay law enforcement departments back for their time and resources.

“The most likely charge, if she is charged, is filing a false report with law enforcement, which is a class A misdemeanor,” Town said.

“If there were any obstructive behaviors by any individuals, especially as it might relate to federal law enforcement, that’s certainly a much more serious offense.”

“I can certainly understand the public’s demand, or sort of outcry, for some sort of consequences here for this 49 hour hoax,” Town said.

“I think that we have to appreciate the fact that there were other victims of crime that were not getting the attention to those investigations that perhaps happened during that forty-nine-hour period. “

D.A. Washington said there have been no discussions so far on anything nefarious that could lead to charging Russell’s parents.
Does she need to go to jail for stealing a roll of tp?

I don't get it.
Yes, it’s fortunate that she is safe and no child was in danger at all.

However, IMO what Carlee did is 1000x more consequential than stealing a roll of toilet paper.

When a police report/911 call is a hoax, HUNDREDS of people are involved, both LE and citizens who plunge in to help. Money and time are spent on a phantom. Money and time that could have been spent on the very real tragedies happening every day. Diverting time, attention and money from real missing persons to hunt down a ghost is tragic because money and LE’s time are not infinite.

For the Black community, this seemed to be a watershed moment—finally the attention that pretty blonde white women get, but it was a farce.

She told police that she saw a lone baby endangered on a highway. She told police she was kidnapped. Those were lies and lying to police is a crime.

I really personally don’t care about the toilet paper except inasmuch as it was a clue.

The pain she caused her family, if they did believe it, is obscene but I imagine that is not criminal and is a family matter.

JMO she deserves to be charged. I don’t care if she does community service instead of jail but reducing this to “just a roll of tp” is, IMO, very inaccurate.
Yes, it’s fortunate that she is safe and no child was in danger at all.

However, IMO what Carlee did is 1000x more consequential than stealing a roll of toilet paper.

When a police report/911 call is a hoax, HUNDREDS of people are involved, both LE and citizens who plunge in to help. Money and time are spent on a phantom. Money and time that could have been spent on the very real tragedies happening every day. Diverting time, attention and money from real missing persons to hunt down a ghost is tragic because money and LE’s time are not infinite.

For the Black community, this seemed to be a watershed moment—finally the attention that pretty blonde white women get, but it was a farce.

She told police that she saw a lone baby endangered on a highway. She told police she was kidnapped. Those were lies and lying to police is a crime.

I really personally don’t care about the toilet paper except inasmuch as it was a clue.

The pain she caused her family, if they did believe it, is obscene but I imagine that is not criminal and is a family matter.

JMO she deserves to be charged. I don’t care if she does community service instead of jail but reducing this to “just a roll of tp” is, IMO, very inaccurate.
Well said.
Yes, it’s fortunate that she is safe and no child was in danger at all.

However, IMO what Carlee did is 1000x more consequential than stealing a roll of toilet paper.

When a police report/911 call is a hoax, HUNDREDS of people are involved, both LE and citizens who plunge in to help. Money and time are spent on a phantom. Money and time that could have been spent on the very real tragedies happening every day. Diverting time, attention and money from real missing persons to hunt down a ghost is tragic because money and LE’s time are not infinite.

For the Black community, this seemed to be a watershed moment—finally the attention that pretty blonde white women get, but it was a farce.

She told police that she saw a lone baby endangered on a highway. She told police she was kidnapped. Those were lies and lying to police is a crime.

I really personally don’t care about the toilet paper except inasmuch as it was a clue.

The pain she caused her family, if they did believe it, is obscene but I imagine that is not criminal and is a family matter.

JMO she deserves to be charged. I don’t care if she does community service instead of jail but reducing this to “just a roll of tp” is, IMO, very inaccurate.
That was poor wording on my part. Obviously there has been more damage.

Restitution and community service is definitely called for. I still don't understand the calls for her head...or the assumption that she has no idea of accountability, etc. (And perhaps I have missed that she has been held accountable for anything in her life along the way...very possible)
I have stepped away from this for the past several days, so I'm sure I've missed something. I don't understand the absolute hate and calls for her to rot in jail. I look at all of the cases on this board and wonder if this really rises to the same level...? Yes, she put in a false report and wasted people's time. She is safe, there is no toddler left in the darkness. Let them prosecute her for stealing things from work? She already got fired, right? Does she need to go to jail for stealing a roll of tp?

I don't get it.
Well said.
Absolutely, Spot On! Thank you for summing up my exact thoughts! Also, she did more than steal tp from her job, she prob stole money and more, she caused chaos there, the business started receiving hate messages and threats.
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