Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #2

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I feel like the word "special" has lost all meaning these days.

Vicky and Casey had a "special" relationship, kind of how Putin is running a "special military operation."
I would tend to agree with you on this.

Trying to get into Canada is not an easy task these days.

1. Need a valid Passport.

2. Provide proof of COVID Vaccination

3. Within 72 hours of intended Border Crossing you must fill out ArriveCAN information either through a phone app or go online. The app requires that you advise the Border Service where you plan to cross, what day, and time. You are not getting across without all of this.

If they were planning on leaving the Country, Mexico is the easiest by far.
Where I live you can boat across to Canada, pull up on shore and walk anywhere you like. Further east there are vast areas where you can just walk across a cornfield and be in Canada. Outside of major roads and other crossings it is largely unguarded on either side.

But I agree, I don't actually think that is an option. They would be in a new place where they would be spending US dollars for everything with no local connections or insight. Canada would be a good place to get caught fast.

I don't think they will venture all that far from where they started. There are tons of places to hide in the deep south where you almost never have to see another person again in your whole life. We will see how smart she is- she had a plan and she must have done some research. LE is right now trying to find the tell-tale research she must have done. If she hid that well it could be very difficult to find them. In one of the article it mentions the Secret Service being involved. That is cash related. There are tools they have to trace cash. The bank knows which bills were in your ATM machine and the secret service knows the serial numbers that show up if deposited by a merchant they pay.

The hopeful thing is that the reward is still low- that usually means LE is on the trail and really isn't seriously looking for the public's help.
Coming from a job in this field, he is insanely dangerous. However his history is over a period of years. And he is no doubt volatile in the moment but thats why I brought up drug or alcohol abuse during his acts of violence. Not as an excuse, but as a catalyst.

We have subjects here that are fine and respectful and liked when they are sober and then become insane when intoxicated. We have others that are not regular users that are extremely volatile all the time.

He could absolutely be in control when he needs to be. He has been grooming and convincing this woman for two years.

He had to not pressure her too much. He could express anxiousness but not with anger to keep her motivated. He had to be careful in his words and temperament.

Thats a degree of awareness and control that is dangerous, but not volatile.
I get how substances can trigger anomalies and someone could present in a different way sober. My background is in psychology…and while I haven’t treated him…I think his long term history demonstrates erratic and volatile behavior and unhealthy, impulsive thinking patterns.
People lead secret lives all the time. It isn't uncommon at all for a woman in her 50's who is a little sexually frustrated to get the hots for a guy 15/20 years younger than her.
You'd think, though, that his history and basically--who he was, would be a turnoff. Whatever happened to women going for doctors and lawyers, lol? But we know from her failed marriage, that she didn't have a good "picker"; maybe didn't notice or act on red flags, since she married a guy who turned out to be a druggie.

That's all we know, so that situation is up for interpretation, but it looks like she didn't have good judgment in partners. It would be helpful to have some basic info on the ex, like: profession? Her friends'/family's opinion of him? That might tell us if she made an honest mistake, or if she overlooked signs of instability, and has a weakness in that arena, which would establish a pattern.

Obviously, this opinion is speculative. MOO
Say they're laying low at a pre-arranged, well-stocked, remote place within a few hours drive of the jail, which seems likely. The next question that keeps popping up in my mind is how long can Casey actually just quietly lay low? He seems to me way more volatile than strategic.
Yes- we all know from that pandemic how hard it is to sit in your house for weeks on end... Throw in a volatile personality....
Just my opinion on some things:

1) I doubt they would head to Canada. Besides their accents they would be clueless as to how to deal with that kinda cold when winter arrived.
2) Mexico presents a language problem along with very possibly some rough barebones living for a least awhile.
3) More likely they are still here in the US. VW had a lot of time to find a secluded area like Eric Rudolph and set it up. She has access to a ton of cash and we don’t know how much she has with her. It’s not hard finding people that don’t ask questions for cash in hand.
4) Right now, VW is an asset as others have said. She can go into stores without attracting too much attention etc. Eventually though, especially if CW decides he wants to change their location, she is a liability and causes them to attract attention as a 6’9” guy and short female…”like that couple that escaped”… as opposed to just him, just some tall dude.
I don't think a language barrier would be that major for Mexico to be an option. They make pocket translators that you can just speak English into and the device translates and "speaks" for you, and they work vice versa as well. Phone apps can do the same thing and she may have been trying to learn Spanish for these 2 years they've been planning.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had supplied him with his own burner phone while he was at Lauderdale.
Say they're laying low at a pre-arranged, well-stocked, remote place within a few hours drive of the jail, which seems likely. The next question that keeps popping up in my mind is how long can Casey actually just quietly lay low? He seems to me way more volatile than strategic.
That’s a very good point. I wonder too how long he could hunker down and wait it out. Doesn’t seem to be the patient and in control kinda guy.
I don't think a language barrier would be that major for Mexico to be an option. They make pocket translators that you can just speak English into and the device translates and "speaks" for you, and they work vice versa as well. Phone apps can do the same thing and she may have been trying to learn Spanish for these 2 years they've been planning.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had supplied him with his own burner phone while he was at Lauderdale.
Agreed. Many Americans take beginner Spanish in school. And many Mexicans speak some English too.
This might be a welcome kind of laying low to him though. Beats being locked up 24/7. "Freedom" may be worth it to him to hang in an RV or a cabin least until his alleged impulsiveness kicks in (or he runs out of alleged meds). Who knows? On paper, he knew what he was signing up for. Real life though? Who really knows? She may be constantly talking sense to him. JMO
I think she's the one who will break first. She is accustomed having a life, interacting with the world. Long-term co-workers and friends, her mother, brothers, her nephew, her mother-in-law, her ex husband, her dog, the people at the post office, neighbors. The sudden loss of all those connections to people and to the world in general is going to be much more of a shock and adjustment for her. He's used to this kind of separation from the world, she is most definitely not. It'll be interesting to see how she copes with the sudden total isolation and a complete lack of social support. Especially when it truly hits home that this is what the rest of her life is going to look like and that she can't make new friends or build a new life to replace the old one. It's going to take her a minute to realize the sheer depth of the creek she now lives in. jmo
Agreed. Many Americans take beginner Spanish in school. And many Mexicans speak some English too.
I was a jailer at a city police department in my early 20's. This was in CA so there was a higher Spanish speaking population there as compared to AL (I would assume). I took Spanish in high school and could get by in Mexico if I wanted a beer or needed to find the bathroom. BUT! I could speak fluent enough to book someone who spoke Spanish. Just comes down to commonly used phrases for questioning/answering.
I think she's the one who will break first. She is accustomed having a life, interacting with the world. Long-term co-workers and friends, her mother, brothers, her nephew, her mother-in-law, her ex husband, her dog, the people at the post office, neighbors. The sudden loss of all those connections to people and to the world in general is going to be much more of a shock and adjustment for her. He's used to this kind of separation from the world, she is most definitely not. It'll be interesting to see how she copes with the sudden total isolation and a complete lack of social support. Especially when it truly hits home that this is what the rest of her life is going to look like and that she can't make new friends or build a new life to replace the old one. It's going to take her a minute to realize the sheer depth of the creek she now lives in. jmo
This has occurred to me as well. If he becomes volatile or threatening or just goes off book and increases her own risk of being discovered, a huge pile of regret might set in. If her disappointment prompted a verbal argument, it could escalate toward one of them trying to end the other’s life. While I’d lean toward him offing her, it’s possible she could pull the trigger on him as well.

I highly doubt she’s just try to sneak off in the middle of the night. Where could she even go from here? If her mental health isn’t strong (and I doubt it would be under the circumstances), that kind of depression and pressure would make for a dark place to be.
Isn't the whole point of leading a double life is that one doesn't know about the other...? People do it all the time.
For sure. Do you think she was leading a double life the whole time?

I don’t think I do. I think she was who she said she was. But she reached a midlife crisis or breaking point, potentially was overcome by depression or anxiety, and it was perhaps accelerated by watching her ex endure the slow decline of Parkinson’s and then die from it. I see it as a mental break, more than a lifetime of living a double life.
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