Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #5

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I am curious why you see him as a malignant narcissist. We see many of those on these boards but I am not seeing that here yet. From all I have read it seems he may be lower in IQ and have mental health issues that run along the lines of schizophrenia. When medicated his lawyer and others have said he is a totally different guy. Because he needs medication and often had no access to it on the outside, he often self medicated with meth and any drug he could get his hands on is my understanding. When self medicating off his prescription is when the monster emerged. I am going to say MOO and look for the one article I have in mind. Things have moved so fast I am having trouble finding it. ALL IMO

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I don’t think he’s a malignant narcissist either. As you say mentally ill with substance abuse problems.
Very beautifully said.
I’ve heard of fugitives evading police for 8 and even 20 years (I researched this when people thought Brian Laundrie was a fugitive from justice, before it became known that he’d committed suicide). I thought for sure that VW had a plan of them living happily as lovebirds in Mexico. She apparently didn’t.
I wonder if she did have a longer range plan, but once the aliases were made public, she was absolutely frozen? I don't recall the details, but I think the aliases were in the media a few days after they took off. If only she lived to answer all of these questions...
I don't think she/they had a plan to disappear and live happily ever after. They had the head start, the money and the luck on their side and yet they sabotaged it with regularity. Who deliberately abandons a truck IN the car wash or on a dead end country road when he cold just as easily parked it on a side street and be picked up?
For that matter, who takes a truck to a car wash in the middle of the day if you are TRYING not to be noticed? A dirty truck would be less likely to stand out.
Also, I wonder if she left the unaccounted for money somewhere where her mother could access it. She may never have taken it all with her. MOO MOO MOO
I live somewhat close to this area and my son and his family are living in the same area that Casey White is from. I am not sure where you got your information, but you cannot buy a livable house in Lauderdale County for five digits. I can't think of any city in Alabama where you can buy or rent a livable house for 5 digits. There are so many misconceptions about the south. I have been to NYC and all over Europe. Smaller cities in Alabama are quieter, but it is not what you think it is like. I hope that she had some friends. People in Alabama move at a slower pace overall, and to run out and admit that you are friends with Vicky White while she has done what she did does not ring true. I would think that some would be trying to figure out what in the world was happening first.
I'm from the deep south and I can relate to everything you've started. Sure you do have lower rent apartments/homes but the majority of the homes in our region are expensive and is a challenge for individuals to purchase starter homes due to the higher price bracket. Our family has been fortunate to travel extensively but choose to remain in our peaceful laid-back area. Here, not only friends and neighbors lend a hand in time of need but kindly strangers too.
Ultimately the couple spent only six days there, and according to Shaw, the man who made the booking has now taken occupancy of the room.
The only thing surprising to me was where they were hiding out. I have felt they wanted to go out in a hail of bullets. I think Vicki romanticized it all and Casey simply would rather die than go back to prison. IMO
So many questions that may never be answered. VW is dead and doesn't seem to be one person out there that had a clue about her double life. No one seemed to pick up on any changes with her.
Wonder if she felt connected and shared interest in "certain" tattoos and beliefs he had. And with the enpowerment of those kinds of groups recently, she could have thought they were going to live off grid with those kinds of people.
Ultimately the couple spent only six days there, and according to Shaw, the man who made the booking has now taken occupancy of the room.
Good for him. They should give him the abandoned pick up too!!
Ultimately the couple spent only six days there, and according to Shaw, the man who made the booking has now taken occupancy of the room.
How is the accomplice not arrested?
Just my opinion, but despite CW’s pre-escape statements to his lawyer about orchestrating a suicide by cop, and despite his statements to police after his capture yesterday about getting ready to have have a shootout with cops if only they hadn’t wrecked, I don’t think he had any intentions of those things. I feel sure he and VW talked about going out in a blaze of glory and not being taken alive but when push came to shove, she had the guts to follow through as tragic as that is for her family. CW is simply back in custody.
I have no doubt CW is dangerous and doesn’t mind hurting other people, just don’t hurt little ole CW.
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