Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #6

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I read that it was his mother who said he was diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic - I wondered if he received two different diagnosis from two different doctors.

Could be, or could also be self-diagnosis. A lot of people show up having diagnosed themselves (or their family diagnosis them) with 10 different illnesses and it turns out they only have 1 or none.
Hi - have been following as you all have. It is just a puzzle how she thought they would get away with the escape. And, she had so much planned, why not a plan to get far, far away from there? I am totally baffled by the whole scenario. I'm sure she could have an appropriate boyfriend, lover, whatever, why pick a prisoner? Thanks all. Katt
IMO I stand by what I said in earlier posts about the context of the 9-11 call. She felt the safest at the hotel, and wanted to go back to that. Regardless of how the call was activated at some point they knew they were on the call however, briefly. I have a hard time believing it was LE saying "her finger is on the trigger" and not Casey saying this. Firstly I don't think LE will ever release that information of who said that. But, clearly the person who said "her finger is on the trigger" had to be in the car because it was audible fully just as what Vicky had said was audible. If LE was saying that why didn't we hear anyhing else from that voice regarding Vicky's tragic action. Because CW was driving and was focusing on trying to either get away or stop if if it was safe to do so. LE was under the valid assumption that CW was not going to stop. Further if it was LE saying the statement there had to be other communication we did not hear in that audio. We only heard what we heard. Why did we hear Vicky, are we to believe that Casey said nothing and it was only LE. I don't think so. Anyways the sequence and context are important to me.
I suppose what happened in the car and how it played out particularily for Vicky are either funny or the laughing emoji in response means that the unnerving audio should be taken in slight without the context actually meaning very little to nothing (lightly.) NO!
I do think she was hiding something about herself. She willfully went about armed, like if she wanted to show her peaceful intentions (not that LE would have believe her) she could have left all her weapons and a note saying she just wanted to run away with CW and is now unarmed. I see her being heavily armed as a mortal threat to LE as well as innocent bystanders where it's not like what she did could be her just trying to save someone she thought was misunderstood.
To me, it just illustrates how far out in left field Vicky really was. Did she seriously think her own small personal cache of weapons was a match for the 50 US Marshals, FBI, county police and city police in some kind of showdown? A reasonable, rational person would completely understand they were woefully outmatched in such a situation. Her utterance of "let's just get out and run" tells me what kind of fantasy land she was living in.

A rational person would understand you don't just get out and run when there are 30 LE vehicles literally right behind you. Vicky was seriously deluded if she thought they could just get out and run or engage with an LE fire fight.

The whole caper was folly from start to finish. Why Vicky thought she would be some kind of "exception" escapes me. But then again, people always do, don't they? IMO
Its possible it was after the crash but I believe it was sometime before the crash. I could be wrong but I believe Vicky shot herself before the crash.
If you watch the LE bodycam video, you will hear some of the same dialogue that the 911 recording captured -- not what was said inside the Cadillac before it stopped, but what the LE surrounding the Cadillac said after it came to a stop -- you can match it to those same comments on the 911 recording, and from there you can determine at what point in the 911 recording the vehicle comes to a stop -- I think it's earlier than you think.

The bodycam video shows the one LE officer standing directly next to the Cadillac and then actually climbing or being lowered inside the Cadillac to retrieve VW's gun and then to remove her from the car -- I think through the sunroof thought I'm not 100% sure on that. Anyway he is clearly close enough for his voice, and some of the other LE right next to him, to be heard on the 911 recording.

If that LE says he heard a gunshot while he was giving the Cadillac occupants verbal instructions to put their hands out the window, that is clearly after the Cadillac has come to a stop, because he was only standing next to the car giving them instructions after it had stopped.

O/T, but how on earth can anyone expect a police force or sheriff's department to keep it's citizens safe when they are paying those rates? I am not doubting you at all, but found that very eye-opening. I pray for your safety, and for the safety of your neighbors and community.

Not only that, but how can counties be surprised if their officers become involved in graft, theft, corruption and intimidation of its citizens? If there is a void something will fill it up.
I don't think it matters if its male or female. None of this would have happened if someone immediately refused to let her break protocol and walk out with him by herself. I don't care about her position. They could have immediately called HER supervisor for their permission. jmo.

The problems, though, appear to be incremental. They didn't just appear over night. I was really surprised when the security cameras in the sallyport were not at the accurate time. It was stated so nonchanlantly as if it was no big deal. How does that work when you're supposed to bring in a prisoner at xx time and it appears you show up either 1 hour too late or one hour too early. Do they joke at the intake station saying stuff like, so did you did prisoner x to the Tastee Freeze for his last state of a chilidog? It's all those little things that reach a level where the whole organization is working with a loosey goosey framework and no one seems to see it. MOO
They might have been in a rush and focusing on spending time together at a Motel--not so concern with setting up a great escape plan that would have included leaving the area and homesteading in a different State or country. The sloppy vehicle swapping and staying within proximity to the jail break and Vicky's home town also indicates to me that they were not viewing the prison break with enough seriousness--otherwise, why not make sure you'll successfully get away and won't be found by the public or law officials before indulging in your honeymoon?
It’s almost as if they were unaware of exactly how national and international their crime had become in the media:

We’re out of Alabama so we can stay at this Indiana motel; although we can’t check in by ourselves with ID, once we pay someone to do it, we can hang out for 2 weeks. No one will be checking cctv footage or linking an abandoned truck to us……
I'm having trouble keeping up so I only skimmed, but in skimming, I found at least two references to Casey having bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Just as an FYI because the media gets it wrong all the time, there is no such thing. People who have bipolar disorder with psychosis are diagnosed as bipolar disorder with psychotic features. People who have psychosis with mania (a key distinguishing feature of bipolar disorder), are diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

Does Casey have one of these? I don't know. But I can tell you that a lot of people in prison have some mental illness. But VERY few convicted murderers have legitimate schizophrenia. A lot of times, they're labeled as such because the symptoms of psychosis mimic the symptoms of drug intoxication/addiction. I don't know Casey's history and I don't know if any articles discussed the reason any diagnosis was made, but thought I'd weigh in because the media always seems to mess it up.
Exactly. And that is why you never land on a diagnosis when your client is a substance abuser until the substance is removed from the differential. Under the influence of methamphetamine (which Casey reportedly abused) he could very well have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or even schizophrenia at various points unless the meth use was considered. Amphetamine psychosis is a very real and very common thing and no diagnosis of mental disorder should have been made while he was using.

It may indeed be the case that Casey White suffers from either bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but as you point out those diagnoses are mutually exclusive. The use of meth could certainly exacerbate the symptoms of either one, but a firm diagnosis would require long term observation of the client in the complete absence of substance abuse. I don't know that this was ever done.

From the various news articles I've read it seems that Casey was shuffled from jail to jail and mental facility to mental facility, resulting in conflicting diagnoses along the way. That's my personal read on the situation, anyway. IMO
To me, it just illustrates how far out in left field Vicky really was. Did she seriously think her own small personal cache of weapons was a match for the 50 US Marshals, FBI, county police and city police in some kind of showdown? A reasonable, rational person would completely understand they were woefully outmatched in such a situation. Her utterance of "let's just get out and run" tells me what kind of fantasy land she was living in.

A rational person would understand you don't just get out and run when there are 30 LE vehicles literally right behind you. Vicky was seriously deluded if she thought they could just get out and run or engage with an LE fire fight.

The whole caper was folly from start to finish. Why Vicky thought she would be some kind of "exception" escapes me. But then again, people always do, don't they? IMO
The part of her psyche involved with this crime was not functioning well. I’m sure she was capable of being rational and reasonable in situations where she’s not obsessively invested.

I’ve seen this, unfortunately, all too often in people because I come from a very dysfunctional family. I’ve even seen it in myself. When people are obsessed with something, their normal, rational self is replaced by a part of the psyche which Carl G Jung called “The Shadow”, and it doesn’t think well.
I could see this and if the sunroof had already been shattered or if it had been open then LE may not know of a second exit location of the bullet from the car. I guess they could count ammo from the box and compare that to what’s left?
By now they (LE) should know exactly how many shots were fired.. spent casings would be collected at the scene. JMO.
If you watch the LE bodycam video, you will hear some of the same dialogue that the 911 recording captured -- not what was said inside the Cadillac before it stopped, but what the LE surrounding the Cadillac said after it came to a stop -- you can match it to those same comments on the 911 recording, and from there you can determine at what point in the 911 recording the vehicle comes to a stop -- I think it's earlier than you think.

The bodycam video shows the one LE officer standing directly next to the Cadillac and then actually climbing or being lowered inside the Cadillac to retrieve VW's gun and then to remove her from the car -- I think through the sunroof thought I'm not 100% sure on that. Anyway he is clearly close enough for his voice, and some of the other LE right next to him, to be heard on the 911 recording.

If that LE says he heard a gunshot while he was giving the Cadillac occupants verbal instructions to put their hands out the window, that is clearly after the Cadillac has come to a stop, because he was only standing next to the car giving them instructions after it had stopped.

I don't dispute this. I'm only talking about the period shortly after Vicky's last statements or words upto the point she shot herself which I don't know and can't identify based on this audio that I heard. I guess to be more specific upto the point where the male voice (IMO its CW) saying "she's got her finger on the trigger."
The part of her psyche involved with this crime was not functioning well. I’m sure she was capable of being rational and reasonable in situations where she’s not obsessively invested.

I’ve seen this, unfortunately, all too often in people because I come from a very dysfunctional family. I’ve even seen it in myself. When people are obsessed with something, their normal, rational self is replaced by a part of the psyche which Carl G Jung called “The Shadow”, and it doesn’t think well.
That's why I partially blame "the system" for this fiasco. There should have been people or policies in place and enforced to identify and prevent an employee going off the rails like this. That literally no one saw it coming raises all kinds of questions for me. Questions about the system, not questions about Vicky White personally. IMO
Idk.... we all know Sheriff Singleton is wishy washy at best, but he did say early on that his jail had high turnover, and gave the poor pay as one reason.

I know this to be true for most rural jails and Sheriff departments. My rural Missouri County Sheriff just posted that they are hiring a full time detective and the starting pay is $12.36 an hour. The deputies ARE the jailers here as well. Minimum wage in my state is $11.15 an hour, so I'm leaning towards believing Sheriff Singleton on that bit.

Maybe CO's in large communities or at state prisons make better money as your research shows, but Lauderdale County isn't one of them.
Not one police officer in an administrative or supervisory role in the province of Ontario is voted in. I can safely say that applies to all police organizations in Canada. Recruits get the job based on personal suitability, expertise, community involvement like coaching little league, savvy with money, special talents like SCUBA, pilot license, multi-lingual to serve minority groups, etc. They don't get the job because they are the Staff Sergeant's nephew or because no one else applied.

I worked with OPP Commissioners who came through the ranks to the highest position in the organization. Our first female Commissioner took a leave of absence as an officer to get her law degree. If you want quality recruits and unimpeachable character it's better to have organizations that go beyond the little feifdoms that occur in small organizations. This is obviously my opinion but the bigger the budget an organization has the better staff training you get, the ability to weed out undesirables through psychological profiling, better equipment. I was shocked to hear that LE in Lauderdale were driving vehicles over ten years old.
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