AL AL - Felicia 'Lisa' Weaver, 52, Hayden, 5 Feb 2015

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is the son still spending time around the family or is he distancing himself? Also, was it common for everyone to leave her alone in the house? I am wondering because it would be odd if they were doing that, with them considering hospice and all I would have thought they would have made sure someone was with her at all times. Last question, where was the son during this? It appears as though he called her at 2:30 and said he would be home in about an hour, but with him not having a car or a job did the family expect him home with her? That part puzzles me. If he had to run an errand without a car, would someone need to give him a ride or is there maybe a store within walking distance? But then walking distance would probably been over an hour by then he probably could have either phoned his father to pick up something or wait until someone else came home to either relieve him or drive him to the corner store. I am so confused about his actions and just had several questions nagging at me. Thanks

still missing:
Bump.. this is an interesting case. I read where she was in bad health but people being placed on hospice these days does not necessarily mean they are expected to pass away. Hospice use to be this way but it has changed in the last few years and is more or less can sometimes be used as a home health program. Just a FYI bc I am a RN and did not find this out until recently.

I think this can go one of two ways, but I am leaning more towards her oxygen being highly flammable! Just putting Vaseline on the lips while using oxygen can cause a fire, there are so many scenarios here! Normally with copd people are chronic smokers so if the oxygen got within just a small amount of feet in contact of smoke then I could see this causing a small explosion which could be how the house burnt down rather quickly.

I remember seeing some case one time where people thought remains were missing but a second group of investigators came back to the scene and noticed one or two human bones under plenty of rubble.

The other option is a homicide but the whole concept of the fire being not intentionally set throws this whole theory off to me. I mean yeah a killer could come up with some scheme to set the house on fire without using gas or kerosine or whatever else, but that would be really planned out. This whole situation sounds like it happened spur of the moment.

Just my opinion

I hope this lady is found whether dead or alive, everyone deserve closure. Everyone deserves a proper burial
Bumping after reading about her case on another forum. This is so strange.

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