AL AL - J.B. Beasley, 17, & Tracie Hawlett, 17, Ozark, 31 July 1999 #4 *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Anymore information on this previous arrest? I thought he had nothing more than a traffic violation....

Was it a military police arrest? I’d like to see more info on that for sure

Also, I really really do not like the fact that they are saying he didn’t ask for a lawyer he just asked if there was a lawyer there.... that’s not good

And how in the hell does this investigator not know who Barrentine is?? Arghh the more I think about this the less I like it. Did they jump the gun on charging him so quick?
I genuinely hope McCraney gets a fair trial, as would most. The majority of people around here believe he is innocent, even with the DNA evidence presented. For alot of them, that sentiment is based of the preconceived belief of the high level of corruption that has always been associated with OPD. Of course with social media and 24/7 new sources, police in general, all are painted with that generalization. But I digress.

So obviously the DNA report is a big game changer. But here are some interesting caveats to ponder in relation to the DNA.

Semen was found on the sweater, underwear, and within the vaginal cavity. Which as the lawyer states only implies he potentially knew them, interacted with at least Beasley. Semen can be viable for up to 7 days I believe in the vaginal cavity (dependent on age of female, pH, etc), around the same time on clothes. Mind you, washing clothes doesn't necessarily rid them of stains AND can potentially spread to other articles that may be washed.

That means if the laboratory findings are correct, pointing to McCraney, then there is potential that they have met from the time of the prior weekend to the night of the murders. Figuring out what Beasley did in the afternoon/nights of the week would be insightful, school records of missing class or anything too. I'm inclined that any sexual encounter would be consensual unless it was a forced interaction say in a house at gun point.

Now, one must consider the sample collected from Beasley. How well preserved was the samples? So many variables that would compromise the stains/samples from the collection of them, handling of the bodies on scene, environmental factors. Assuming they were murdered between 12p-2am plus the 6 hours stuck in a fairly humid trunk, also the environment where the murders were committed all could skew the sample. Same goes for the sample the collected from McCraney. His would exclude the environmental factors aside from the room it was collected so it would be more with the person that collected, handled, packaged, and shipped it. Of course, human error in the lab can be prevalent. So in reality, even with the family tree created, matching the DNA, its still not 100% (its extremely strong, dont get me wrong) because even with the profile of the sample be it degraded, partial, whatever, I don't like that they base the claims on the probability of the match.

Hope this makes some sense, sometimes its difficult for me to adequately articulate all things medical lol.

I am going to type out my opinion on what could have happened, potentially tying in the McCraney DNA and his relationship with Beasley. This will be based on the what has been officially publicized. With that being, please correct me with anything I dont state being correct as for as the timeline and such that is deemed common knowledge

BBM...We all hope and fully expect he will get a fair trial. Any reason to believe he won't get a fair trial?

"The majority of people around here think he is innocent"? Oh really? Based on what? Was a poll taken to substantiate that claim?

"For alot of them, that sentiment is based of the preconceived belief of the high level of corruption that has always been associated with OPD."...12 different law enforcement agencies including the ABI and FBI were involved in the initial investigation. I hardly believe all of them are corrupt."

"Semen was found on the sweater, underwear, and within the vaginal cavity. Which as the lawyer states only implies he potentially knew them, interacted with at least Beasley. " Yes he knew-carnally knew her. Your DNA or semen doesn't get on someone by just knowing them. I know a lot of people, but my DNA and certainly my semen isn't on or in them.

"then there is potential that they have met from the time of the prior weekend to the night of the murders. Figuring out what Beasley did in the afternoon/nights of the week would be insightful, school records of missing class or anything too. I'm inclined that any sexual encounter would be consensual unless it was a forced interaction say in a house at gun point." If CM had a consensual sexual relationship with Beasley, would he have denied ever knowing her as he did to the Police. His story may change along the way, especially after his attorney tells him the DNA on and in Beasley ties him to her. If it does and he says they were in a relationship, that means he lied initially about knowing her. So, there is at least one lie he has told.

"So in reality, even with the family tree created, matching the DNA, its still not 100% (its extremely strong, dont get me wrong) because even with the profile of the sample be it degraded, partial, whatever, I don't like that they base the claims on the probability of the match." You are correct. It is not 100%. But as reported, the odds of a mistake are something like 13 million to one. Would you play those odds?
They better have more or else McCraney is walking. That’s where I am at with it right now.

Guilty or innocent of the murders......McCraney holds the answers. If he is innocent he better provide one hell of a story.
I agree!!! If they don't have a lot more hidden gems then he's going to walk!!
While a great deal of what was revealed yesterday is circumstantial, we all know that many cases are built on just that. These are the things that, for lack of a better phrase, got my attention:
  • CM's continued denial that he knew the victims when interviewed/interrogated earlier this year (all the while his clown, er I mean, attorney, claiming that he did because how else is the DNA explained?)
  • CM's lying about where he was living at the time of the murders when interviewed/interrogated earlier this year (said he was living with his mother which would have been further from the store and where the car was abandoned)
  • CM's apparent changing of his residence within 18 days after the murders (assumption on my part based on the utilities and water being turned off at that address)
  • CM's possible ownership of a firearm consistent with what was used to kill the girls
  • CM's record (which we were told previously was *spotless*) revealed an assault on someone under the age of 16 (although I haven't seen any other details so I don't know how old he, himself, was at the time nor the nature of the assault)
That's all I can think of right now. I'm at "work" lol and my focus is not where it should be at the moment! ;)
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I agree!!! If they don't have a lot more hidden gems then he's going to walk!!

I don’t think they need a lot more hidden gems... handprint or finger prints on the car would do it enough for me.

I think we are going to find out he was looking up stuff about DNA on his tablet after he was initially questioned.
DNA inside a 16 year old girl from a 26 year old man who lived in another town does NOT speak of a consensual relationship when she and her friend ended up dead and stuffed in the trunk of her car. And it's pretty damning evidence unless the mathematical probability is ignored. This isn't a civil rights case. It is a double homicide of two precious children. My so so psychic abilities tell me that he will go to trial, he will be found guilty, he will get the death penalty and he will appeal, appeal, appeal though a death penalty conviction brings an automatic appeal. You would think a "man of the cloth" would understand that he is fair caught and now must render unto Caesar.
Anymore information on this previous arrest? I thought he had nothing more than a traffic violation....

Was it a military police arrest? I’d like to see more info on that for sure

Also, I really really do not like the fact that they are saying he didn’t ask for a lawyer he just asked if there was a lawyer there.... that’s not good

And how in the hell does this investigator not know who Barrentine is?? Arghh the more I think about this the less I like it. Did they jump the gun on charging him so quick?
That investigator wasn't around for the whole Barentine snafu so my guess is he didn't want to speak on a case he wasn't present for.
@CoolJ I think you are right about the tablet.

And I really hope they are holding close the fact that's his handprint on the trunk, or better yet, they got the gun and it's a match.

I was thinking yesterday that if he is convicted, he is going to appeal this to the bitter end.
While a great deal of what was revealed yesterday is circumstantial, we all know that many cases are built on just that. These are the things that, for lack of a better phrase, got my attention:
  • CM's continued denial that he knew the victims when interviewed/interrogated earlier this year (all the while his clown, er I mean, attorney, claiming that he did because how else is the DNA explained?)
  • CM's lying about where he was living at the time of the murders when interviewed/interrogated earlier this year (said he was living with his mother which would have been further from the store and where the car was abandoned)
  • CM's apparent changing of his residence within 18 days after the murders (assumption on my part based on the utilities and water being turned off at that address)
  • CM's possible ownership of a firearm consistent with what was used to kill the girls
  • CM's record (which we were told previously was *spotless*) revealed an assault on someone under the age of 16 (although I haven't seen any other details so I don't know how old he, himself, was at the time nor the nature of the assault), but it apparently did involve the firearm mentioned above
That's all I can think of right now. I'm at "work" lol and my focus is not where it should be at the moment! ;)
From what I saw understood he got the assault charge while in the military and that was between 94-98 that charge resulted in him not being allowed to posses a firearm..He was later found in possession of a firearm in 04 but it was not stated what led them to find him in possession of it ( as in was he in some sort of trouble, traffic stop or what).
DNA inside a 16 year old girl from a 26 year old man who lived in another town does NOT speak of a consensual relationship when she and her friend ended up dead and stuffed in the trunk of her car. And it's pretty damning evidence unless the mathematical probability is ignored. This isn't a civil rights case. It is a double homicide of two precious children. My so so psychic abilities tell me that he will go to trial, he will be found guilty, he will get the death penalty and he will appeal, appeal, appeal though a death penalty conviction brings an automatic appeal. You would think a "man of the cloth" would understand that he is fair caught and now must render unto Caesar.
Wasn't she 17 and he would have been 25?? and a 17 year old dating and having sex with a 25 year old is not unheard of around here even then!!!
From what I saw understood he got the assault charge while in the military and that was between 94-98 that charge resulted in him not being allowed to posses a firearm..He was later found in possession of a firearm in 04 but it was not stated what led them to find him in possession of it ( as in was he in some sort of trouble, traffic stop or what).
Where are you seeing this info?
She would've been only 16 at the time they are trying to infer that a relationship took place. She only turned 17 the day before she was killed. The field party was in part to celebrate her seventeenth birthday.[/QUOT
Where are you seeing this info?
It was just commented in another thread..It came up that he could not have been charged wile in the military in 04 since he got out in 98.
Well, I'm not really sure what, if anything to make of the day's events. I believe the prosecution showed just enough evidence to bind the case over to the grand jury and nothing more. I can't help but feel like they have more "face cards" than they are showing. I think the defense team is desperate and are fighting an uphill battle, hence the challenge to the DNA. It will be interesting to say the least.

Exactly correct Ted.
The Grand Jury is a tool for the prosecutor/state.
1. Charging tool.
2. Investigation tool.
They have wide latitude in both functions and it takes almost the lowest of bars to get a case in front of them. I have never seen a case presented that was not bound. In fact, if it were not bound over in this case the District Attorney could submit it directly to the Grand Jury.

I agree, there is more information that will be in the discovery package post-indictment. Thus, the lack of disclosure still met the weak threshold

Quo Vadis
I will add this...As I told someone this morning, I believe there is something that is just not adding up here. I think LE must have more evidence than they are letting on. Maybe, the palm print on the trunk, or something found inside the car that points to CM? I really look for a key piece of evidence to be presented later. I don't think the semen/DNA alone is all the prosecution has. M.O.O.

You are correct. Take it to the bank. See my prior reply
Like a song it will have multiple choruses.

Quo Vadis
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Tedmac, I want to address your comments that you made from my post.

I personally dont believe there was any corruption by OPD or any other agencies involved. My comment about the majority of people stating they feel that way is from my own dialogue with people I know. Be it in person or on social media. No polls taken. The majority of these people are African American that expressed this. Also Catmammy, I fully understand it's not a civil rights case but as memention just a second ago, there are a large number of people that no matter what will throw race in the mix.

Think about any hot topic that is a sensitive matter in today's world. People live in this sort of post truth world where everything is literally based on emotional feelings and/opinions, ignoring facts. Now factor in a community where the majority of African Americans live below the poverty line, living a lifestyle that opposes the law, having family members they feel have been wrongly targetted and arrested, when they see after 20 years of an unsolved cold murder is now potentially solved and the suspect is what appears to be an upstanding African American citizen/family man randomly picked out of now where they scream police cover up.

Also, the many rumors stemming early on involved police, drug conspiracies, "old money " political figures relatives, it breeds this weird train of thought for many that adds further blindness to what is factual or not. It also doesn't matter that the chief of police is black, everyone knows him, under their breath he will be either an "uncle Tom " or "he was coerced by any white politician within dale county, his hands being tied or whatever.

Why do you think his lawyer made that comment in the first press conference about the car passing the jail, having protestant white Anglo saxons shouting he is innocent? And how he was and is painting this wholesome religious persona. Because he knows that gravity of how the race card will get throw in real quick.

TedMac: I dont believe there is or has been any attempts to cover things up or signs suggesting minor or wide scope of corruption. I'm pointing out at potential problems that could be mentioned in the case against the DNA evidence. The ABI and FBI weren't on the scene the day the bodies were discovered and the bodies were sent for autopsy that day, so OPD, Dale County sheriff's office, Dothan officers were on scene and if it were not for Dothan the girls bodies would be further compromised as who knows when someone in dale county would have figured out you could open the trunk from the inside.

Who knows at this point why he stated he didnt know them? Maybe he didnt believe his sample would come close to the results obtained. Maybe deep down he is a pathological liar and much worse, a cold murder. But if the match is strong enough yes its damning for sure and he knew and had sexual relations with Beasley consensually or if it wasnt consensual, then maybe their was an additional person there at the crime holding the gun and it was enough to instill enough fear that she would have sex with him, making it rape without looking like rape since the first autopsy report showed no signs of rape, vaginal trauma.
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She would've been only 16 at the time they are trying to infer that a relationship took place. She only turned 17 the day before she was killed. The field party was in part to celebrate her seventeenth birthday.

Oh I see...I still don't find that unheard of around here..And certainly not against the law. Her sister also stated that the party was not to celebrate birthday, which would make sense to me since they never made it and only had around a hour before they were to be home.
And you would be surprised at how easily DNA can spread and how far even with little to no contact be it throw handling items, droplets from a cough or sneeze. Granted they will likely degrade fast but you see the point. So you'yo likely passed your DNA to many without even knowing
And you would be surprised at how easily DNA can spread and how far even with little to no contact be it throw handling items, droplets from a cough or sneeze. Granted they will likely degrade fast but you see the point. So you'yo likely passed your DNA to many without even knowing

Yes DNA can transfer easily but not semen in her vaginal area. That one is not so easily explained, especially since he said he didn't even know the girls.
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