AL - Jack Wiley & Glenna Cavender for child sexual abuse, Conecuh County, Jan 2006

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DNA Solves
Thanks, that is the one. I couldn't for the life of me think of the name and apparently I wasn't coming close in search terms.
Man what a sad the article it says

Police arrested Wiley for repeatedly raping the 3-year-old and sodomizing her older brother. Officers also arrested Cavender, charging her with two counts of child molestation.
Man people are sick, and those people really look like wierdo's too:furious:
Mabel said:
I find it odd that Bill Fryant, over a period of months living with the family, never noticed anything strange with the children but Tracie Dean took one look at the little girl and knew something was wrong. Not that I'm accusing Fryant of anything, it's just strange how some people are more aware or observant.

I remember Tracie saying that the little girl clinging to her and the sad look in her eyes is what drew her attention to the poor little thing. She also said that she got the feeling that the man who called to the little girl wasn't her father. Tracie was right on every feeling that she had. Thank God she followed her feelings and because she did that little girl is safe tonight.

I will be surprised if these children end up belonging to this couple. The boy is 17 yrs. I wonder what he has said about this couple and who they are? It wouldn't surprise me if these kids weren't kidnapped to be used by the creeps.
They could use them in their scams to get money from different organizations. A person would get more money for 4 people in a family.

I was amazed at the number of organizations that Tracie phoned trying to tell someone what she saw and what she thought. She phoned everyone from LE to Missing Persons to America's Most Wanted. Everyone blew her off.
Thank God the police officer that came into the store while Tracie was watching the video took action and found these creeps. Maybe the officer is still young enough and new enough on the force that his ego hasn't outgrown his heart and head.
Marie said:
Some one who has to make a point of saying "we didn't kill them" is probably lying. Unless she was asked the direct question "Did you kill any children?" then why in the heck would she say that. I think this is going to wind up being a very sick & twisted trail of abuse & possibly murder.

It sounds to me that she is saying that it was no big deal that they raped and molested kids....after all, they didn't kill them. Kind of like the remark that Wiley made about people comparing him to Manson. I think he said that in a sarcastic way meaning....Manson was a real bad guy compared to him. All he did was rape and molest little kids and everything else that he has done...he didn't feel it was anything compared to Manson so why are people making a big deal of it.
Bobbisangel said:
It sounds to me that she is saying that it was no big deal that they raped and molested kids....after all, they didn't kill them. Kind of like the remark that Wiley made about people comparing him to Manson. I think he said that in a sarcastic way meaning....Manson was a real bad guy compared to him. All he did was rape and molest little kids and everything else that he has done...he didn't feel it was anything compared to Manson so why are people making a big deal of it.
But how can we be sure that is what is going on? Somehow his comments reminded me of Duncan. I believe at one point, Duncan made mention that he was doing anything wrong (then he made a kind of tongue in cheek comment about at least nothing they know about). Kind of like a way of bragging. "well yeah you might have me for raping those kids, and you might know about the others- but you don't have me for murder". That was the feeling that I got. Almost made me wonder if we shouldn't be looking for a murder with a similiar MO to the Tate murder, since that is the one he referenced.
Shadow205 said:
Hawsey said Wiley is wanted in California on arson charges and is a suspect in a murder there. Cavender has charges in Texas, and Hawsey said it's unclear what convictions are on her record.

I wish there was more info on the murder that he is a suspect in. Was it an adult or a child? A time frame would be great too.

I found an article on the Calif. charges.
mysteriew said:
But how can we be sure that is what is going on? Somehow his comments reminded me of Duncan. I believe at one point, Duncan made mention that he was doing anything wrong (then he made a kind of tongue in cheek comment about at least nothing they know about). Kind of like a way of bragging. "well yeah you might have me for raping those kids, and you might know about the others- but you don't have me for murder". That was the feeling that I got. Almost made me wonder if we shouldn't be looking for a murder with a similiar MO to the Tate murder, since that is the one he referenced.
He's just old. Charlie Manson is reference point that straddles two generations re crime. Like John Dillinger or Al Capone was for the one for our grandparents, and Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer is for mine (late boomers). Oddly enough, younger criminals tend to make reference to Hannibal Lecter, who wasn't real, even though the crimes he committed were based on actual killers.
I wonder how long it will take to get the DNA results back. I'm so anxious to find out if these kids really do belong to this woman and what her real relationship with Wiley is. I will not be suprised if they are father and daughter.

Kudos to Oprah for picking up this story!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
If I remember correctly, funds from NCMEC will help speed up the DNA testing. Maybe this week. I'm like you, very curious about the relationships.
CourtTV is covering this case right this moment.
DA says they are anxiously awaiting results of DNA testing. America's Most Wanted is looking for victims. Tracy Dean just rocks. This is a true case of guts to open.
I've been looking every day this week and haven't found anything. They were pretty definite that they would be hearing something early this week, so I wondered if they have them back and are possibly preparing more charges based on them?
NewMom2003 said:
Thanks Liz. Is there any news on the DNA results?

You're welcome! Like CP said, they are still awaiting DNA results (seems like forever). The woman, Glenna Faye(?) is claiming that both are her biological children.
Glenna Faye says they are her biological children. I would think that while awaiting the DNA results they would have checked for birth certificates and maybe even hospital records.

I watched the coverage on CTV yesterday. Tracy Dean thought that the little girl was Emily Rimel. From what you can see in the store video, she does look like her. I guess that has been ruled out though.
Here is the link for Emily Rimel. I haven't seen a picture of the little girl that Tracie saw other than the ones they've shown on TV with her face blurred out.

I did read a statement somewhere from America's Most Wanted that said Tracie Dean thought the little girl she saw was Emily Rimel, and that the tip was forwarded on to LE working Emily's case. Haven't heard anything else. Emily was born in 1999 and has a scar on her face. It's seems to me that she could have been ruled out or identified pretty quickly.

This story is just so sad.

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