Found Deceased AL - Paighton Houston, 29, left bar with 2 men, Birmingham, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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Oh Paighton, it seems you fought hard here on earth and I’m sure rallied back, more times than any of us “internet strangers” know. I hope that you have finally found a place of peace.
You can rest easy now, while we ensure justice for you and your family.
Not the news we wanted to hear, but we were afraid it would be Paighton.
Fly High dear Paighton.
Prayers for her family and friends as while they now know where she is and that unknown fear is gone, they now need strength to carry on and forward.

I am so very sorry @Tddj! Was still a bit hopeful for a fundamentally different outcome... It's difficult/almost impossible to find any consolation after such a horrible tragedy, but at least she can be brought home and we get closer to finding who did this and justice. I am so sorry for your loss!
I'd be right behind you...crawling in. No way would I hav the grace and strength that this family has shown!

I have to say, I have never seen a more "put together, humble family" as PH family. When my brother died at 24, I literally watched my family fall to pieces. Its also when I became a neurotic mother myself. I had to 2 small children at the time and going through something like that changes a person. Especially when my brother was murdered by his "so called" best friend. Hes doing life in Angola and pray he never sees the light of day.
Brand spanking new here. This case is what made me aware of this page.

I could be completely off, as I just found out about this case yesterday. But I am speculating

perhaps she did leave with two people she didn’t know. I have read that abandoned house is a known trap house (again speculation) and maybe she went to get high. Ended up doing too much or perhaps it was this Heroin laced with fentanyl that has popped up everywhere and she ends up dead. People she is with panic and dog a shallow grave and then leave.

I feel horrible for her family and friends, but hopefully they can get some closure and justice if fowl play was afoot.
I have to say, I have never seen a more "put together, humble family" as PH family. When my brother died at 24, I literally watched my family fall to pieces. Its also when I became a neurotic mother myself. I had to 2 small children at the time and going through something like that changes a person. Especially when my brother was murdered by his "so called" best friend. Hes doing life in Angola and pray he never sees the light of day.
Angola as in the country?
These cases of people being killed by "friends" are making me paranoid, Jesus what a nightmare.
Brand spanking new here. This case is what made me aware of this page.

I could be completely off, as I just found out about this case yesterday. But I am speculating

perhaps she did leave with two people she didn’t know. I have read that abandoned house is a known trap house (again speculation) and maybe she went to get high. Ended up doing too much or perhaps it was this Heroin laced with fentanyl that has popped up everywhere and she ends up dead. People she is with panic and dog a shallow grave and then leave.

I feel horrible for her family and friends, but hopefully they can get some closure and justice if fowl play was afoot.

Welcome to WS.
And there it is. Oh Paighton, I am SO so sorry. We rooted for you. You defeated a lot of demons, sweet girl. You deserved to be allowed to live your life.
And there it is. Oh Paighton, I am SO so sorry. We rooted for you. You defeated a lot of demons, sweet girl. You deserved to be allowed to live your life.

So well said @Beth11311 .... She did achieve what many could not ... She deserved to live and thrive... :(
I don't quite get the thought process of burying a person that overdosed. Why? For what? It's not like the family suffered any less. They didn't know where Paighton was, if she was alive or not since December 20. They spent the holidays not knowing where their daughter was and why she wasn't coming home. How does that make it any better or easier? Unfortunately, drug overdoses happen every single day. What was the worse that could have happened to the people that were with her? I don't know, it doesn't make sense if it was just an accidental overdose.

My mom's cousin OD'd about 15 yrs ago. He and a friend were using together. They both passed out and my mom's cousin never woke up. Friend "woke up", panicked, moved him to the bath to try to get him to come to. Then fled when he realized he was no longer alive. While he did not bury him, he also did not call for help.

I suspect something similar may have happened here. JMO

If foul play is involved of any sort, I hope for swift justice.
Interesting and I'm sure you are right about variance. I have always wondered if it was thought I was spared not having to identify my son because I worked in LE field or what was done. I hope for the families sake this was a tragic accidental OD as opposed to worse.

Whether OD or not, it seems to me that there is real heartbreak with an assumption (not a fact) that PH was in the company of one she trusted on Dec 20, and her death was concealed. She did not bury herself. My personal speculation only.

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Burying after an OD could be to protect other users, protect drug pipeline, panic, etc.

But it would’ve been a whole different story if 911 was called and an attempt to save her had been made. Her family wouldn’t have worried for the last two weeks, the resources used to find her could’ve been spent on other cases and most importantly, Paighton would’ve at least been shown a shred of human decency.

RIP, Paighton, you deserved such a different life.
I am not saying that Paighton overdosed... not at all... we don't know enough to suggest this... but something to keep in mind in general....

Abstaining from a substance for a period of time will lower tolerance meaning that overdose can happen with much less than the person consumed in the past. We see that all the time in the hospital... And then, of course, you never know what you really get. Just a few days had patient that thought he bought a oxy on street and it was actually fentanyl and he ended up intubated...

In any case, Paighton deserved SO MUCH better... RIP Paighton... :(
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