AL - Paighton Houston, 29, left bar with 2 men, Birmingham, 20 Dec 2019 *arrests* #6

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DNA Solves
I hope he has stepped over the State Line of Alabama into Georgia. He maybe even be States away. No matter he is marked. "Wanted"
I would think a State Jumper Registered Sex Offender would have a BOLO across Agency's of LE
Crossing States as a SO
the further he runs the stiffer the charges.
I agree. Since Hampton is thought to have crossed state lines into Georgia the U.S. Marshals Service is likely involved in the search. The U.S. Marshals Service is the nation's premier fugitive hunter.

It was the U.S. Marshals that captured Ibraheem Yazeed who is the suspect in the Alabama murder of Aniah Blanchard.
As far as the way PH died...Occam's Razor. No wild scenarios.
The wild scenario that
I am focused on is the horrific undignified way in which - fh (No caps to his initials) aka diggum tossed Paighton. ie shallow grave
And that he is a Registered SO
Who has flew the coop.
He also has the Answers to why, how who and to himself stand accountable to his CHARGES.
I am sure this grief has reached all those she knew and in outreach from her rehab program.
May Paightons Story be told.
RIH Paighton
This seems like a bit of wishful thinking and pretty unlikely. Like something out of a Hallmark movie.
I have no idea how decomposed PH was at the point of discovery or if they can tell if the death was accidental or intentional. I just hope that a hair follicle test is also performed. That will tell if she has been doing drugs for a while.

She was buried for a reason, and it wasn't because she accidentally overdosed. I would think that the people involved would not want her tied to that house in any way, shape or form. Why wouldn't they just dump her body? Why take the time to bury it at the home of a relative? I believe that FH was listed as a renter on that house.
Was he someone known to her via work? Or was peripheral member of her work related group of friends/coworkers?

PH worked in the trucking industry for many years --and she was good at her job. I also know there are many employees (drivers and white-collar alike) in recovery that work in the industry. Many participating in company-sponsored events for related recovery fundraising programs.

Ultimately, it's not difficult to find a seller -- no matter the source. PH knew the ropes.
Squatters usually squat and don't leave. They are very hard to get rid of. I wonder what happened two months ago to make her leave? Did Fredrick Hampton start coming around. I don't think there was any urgency to break the police barricade. All the activity drew her to the scene. I would not show up with all the police activity and media attention if I had anything to hide. I would stay quietly on the sidelines. I think she is shocked. ("Neighbors who live on Chapel Drive say the person who lived at the home had only lived there for a few months and they hadn’t seen much activity at the home recently. They say the neighborhood is typically quiet, so the discovery has brought a jolt of shock and sadness.")
She did give the reporter a somewhat "statement" or information. I would not want to be on camera either. The other male neighbor wanted to stay anonymous and his head was cut out of the video. ETA: all my opinion only

Respectfully, family squatters are different (maybe the term squatter misleading). They typically start out in the house with permission i.e, I need a place to crash for a couple of days that translates to months. I also wouldn't be surprised if this person was on the equivalent level of FH in regards to a family connection to the property.

One of the neighborhood residents interviewed put it best when he said much of the neighborhood was kin. In other words, the typical profile where unless their own property being damaged or trespassed, nobody is going to call the police.

Her family got her back. That's really all they wanted. Strictly my opinion only...edited to say, her family wanted her back. They got her back but not the way they hoped for.
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I am not on Facebook and unless her mother is still begging for our help, I think we ought to leave it alone. There are evidently warrants out for the person that took her and buried her but I believe he is long gone.
I have no idea how decomposed PH was at the point of discovery or if they can tell if the death was accidental or intentional. I just hope that a hair follicle test is also performed. That will tell if she has been doing drugs for a while.

She was buried for a reason, and it wasn't because she accidentally overdosed. I would think that the people involved would not want her tied to that house in any way, shape or form. Why wouldn't they just dump her body? Why take the time to bury it at the home of a relative? I believe that FH was listed as a renter on that house.

Authorities already have preliminary toxicology results for PH. We already know that the examiner was able to determine (from her buried body) that there was no physical trauma to the body. Being buried for two weeks is not likely going to prevent crucial findings to her cause of death.

I believe PH was buried to delay finding her body and give the perp(s) an opportunity to distance themselves. Even if this is deemed an accidental OD -- Alabama law provides for the supplier or anyone that assisted in procuring an illicit drug to be charged with felony murder. That's a very good incentive to bury a body. MOO
I will admit that, at first, I thought that PH relapsed and accidentally OD'ed. However, after giving it a lot of thought and doing some research, I agree with you. I don't think that PH knowingly did drugs that fateful night.

I am now speculating that some of PH's coworkers were still doing drugs and associating with the drug dealers. Because PH was clean (for two years, I believe) and refused to relapse, they were paranoid that she would turn them in or turn in the dealers to police.

Maybe, that's why they set her up. They thought that this would be the perfect murder type of situation where it will look like she relapsed and died from an OD.

I think that PH went out that night to keep an eye out on her younger coworkers/friends, sort of as a mother hen watching over her chicks. If it were not a setup, I don't believe her coworkers would have any interest in hanging out with an older, straight person.

Birds of a feather flock together. PH was no longer one of those birds.


ETA: On a recent episode of Dr. Oz, there was a lawyer who talked about a doctor that tried to get one of his patients to inject or brush the lawyer with Fentanyl to kill him. Dr. Oz explained that a very tiny amount of Fentanyl was enough to kill a human. Here's a link to the story. A Doctor Attempts to Murder an Attorney | Medical Justice Blog

I believe PH's COD will be drug-related but I don't believe it will be related to heroin. I think she likely kept clean from heroin but I do not discount that PH was a victim of counterfeit drugs that are flooding the country.

The counterfeit drugs appear to be pharmacy grade Rx complete with pill stamp, coating, and scoring. No user expects to die from popping a pill (unknown to be fake) that is also known prescribed by medical doctors and available at the pharmacy.

As noted above -- the counterfeits are laced with fentanyl which can kill you almost instantly. A simple google search for fentanyl will frighten you. (My local high school hosted a funeral for 4 students that accidentally died of fentanyl over Thanksgiving).

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I believe cause of death will be released. If cause of death is homicide; I do not below method would be released until trial.
I disagree.

The arrest and charging document against a suspect will reveal the probable cause and evidence of the homicide years before the defendant steps foot in a courtroom for jury selection!

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Cause of death will be undetermined in my opinion because the timing of all this is very suspect. No tips until two weeks after being buried. Convicts know how bodies decompose.
Authorities already have preliminary toxicology results for PH. We already know that the examiner was able to determine (from her buried body) that there was no physical trauma to the body. Being buried for two weeks is not likely going to prevent crucial findings to her cause of death.

I believe PH was buried to delay finding her body and give the perp(s) an opportunity to distance themselves. Even if this is deemed an accidental OD -- Alabama law provides for the supplier or anyone that assisted in procuring an illicit drug to be charged with felony murder. That's a very good incentive to bury a body. MOO
After I watched the Dr. Oz episode where Dr. Oz talked about Fentanyl brushing (meaning just a mere scratch with a syringe containing Fentanyl) is a real thing and can put enough Fentanyl into a person's system to kill him/her, I started to think that this could have happened to PH. Here's a link to the Dr. Oz episode. True Crime: “Dr. Revenge”: Doctor Busted For Trying To Murder His Enemy By Fentanyl Injection

Someone in a nightclub could easily have brushed by her, with her skin being mildly scratched and put enough Fentanyl in her system to incapacitate her or even worse. After a few weeks, that scratch may not be visible to the eye. I don't know, though.
I realize we don't necessarily know everything LE does. That said, I wonder what evidence led the police to suspect kidnapping? The published story is that PH left with FH and was still coherent and aware enough to text someone her concerns about her safety an hour and a half later.

The legal definition of kidnapping was not only the easiest reason to detain FH for 36 hours (general hold) but also granted an additional 12 hours under this suspicion (i.e., FH was held on extended 48-hour hold before released). Alleged kidnapping by FH simply means he "held" her while she was alive.

Investigators had evidence PH was seen with FH Friday night and then made no contact with anyone after 12:15 AM. She also did not show for previously scheduled plans or collect her vehicle without explanation. Unfortunately -- investigators still did not have proof that PH was not a voluntarily missing adult on Dec 28 when FH was released. MOO
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Just wondering: The autopsy revealed no signs of trauma that would have led to her death; if she did die from a heroin overdose (emphasis on "if"), would needle marks be considered a sign of trauma?
I clipped this definition off of Wikipedia:

"Physical trauma is a serious injury to the body. Two main types of physical trauma are: Blunt force trauma—when an object or force strikes the body, often causing concussions, deep cuts, or broken bones. Penetrating trauma—when an object pierces the skin or body, usually creating an open wound."

"A trauma patient is someone who has suffered a serious or life threatening injury as a result of an event such as a car accident, gunshot wound or fall. Traumatic injuries may affect many parts of the body, including the brain, the extremities and internal organs."
She was buried for a reason, and it wasn't because she accidentally overdosed. I would think that the people involved would not want her tied to that house in any way, shape or form. Why wouldn't they just dump her body? Why take the time to bury it at the home of a relative? I believe that FH was listed as a renter on that house.

Care to share a link or cite your source for that? TIA
As far as the way PH died...Occam's Razor. No wild scenarios.

Normally I would agree with that, but this case isn't exactly "normal". There's a ton of speculation that PH ended up where she did due to her own search for drugs that night. None of us know if that's actually true. Nor do we even know if illegal street drugs had anything at all to do with why/how she died. Basically, we know she was alive, then she wasn't, and a RSO is on the lam, charged with abuse of a corpse and nothing else.

That's a lot of missing info, to realistically apply Occam's Razor.

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