All About Chloroform#2

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If the Anthony's had cleaned the trunk there wouldn't have still been dirt and hair in it. I also think the chloroform was there from a soaked rag she used to sedate Caylee. (My heart breaks at the visual).
If it's not from the rag, perhaps the bottle rolling around had leaked.
And my last stab in the dark...if Caylee got into Caseys bottle of chloroform and drank it, it might have seeped from her pores while her body was in the trunk.
I still think it was the rag though.
My understanding is that chloroform is sweet, pungent, and can be found in may air fresheners.

Dear Lord, I hope that isnt true hubby is in love with spraying air fresheners. I will be reading every bottle now. I get 10 bottles and if I dont hide it he will use it all in one week... I will now put this idea in his head so he will stop with the air freshener, he kills us with it..:eek:
Dear Lord, I hope that isnt true hubby is in love with spraying air fresheners. I will be reading every bottle now. I get 10 bottles and if I dont hide it he will use it all in one week... I will now put this idea in his head so he will stop with the air freshener, he kills us with it..:eek:

Turns out chloroform is used in quite a few household items - that's why I wondered if the car smelled like one of those really strong car air fresheners. There are also claims that it forms in the shower as the chlorine in the water evaporates. Between the health scares and the uh, "off-label" uses, I'm surprised it's not more closely regulated.
If the flies and maggots were alive and Chloroform kills flies, maggots and bugs, then wouldn't that mean that the Chloroform was introduced to the trunk after it was picked up? Bug spray/insect repellent contains Chloroform, I think GA sprayed it in the trunk to kill the maggots, flies, etc...
If the flies and maggots were alive and Chloroform kills flies, maggots and bugs, then wouldn't that mean that the Chloroform was introduced to the trunk after it was picked up? Bug spray/insect repellent contains Chloroform, I think GA sprayed it in the trunk to kill the maggots, flies, etc...

I believe so. There had to be a large amount of chloroform in the trunk too. I wonder if the individual cleaning the vehicle just poured the entire bottle into the trunk of the car without even thinking? George would know the dangers of chloroform. I assume Cindy would know the dangers of chloroform. Would Casey? That amount of chloroform could probably kill anybody. So I wonder why they would use such a major amount?
Was there a large amount? Some sites say a lot and some say traces and was it pure chloroform or can they tell if it came from a cleaner or bug spray mixture?
Was there a large amount? Some sites say a lot and some say traces and was it pure chloroform or can they tell if it came from a cleaner or bug spray mixture?

It was pure chloroform fore sure. It would take a lot of chloroform to saturate the air so I believe it would have to be a large amount
All of the news websites say traces, only the blog websites say significant levels.

Alcohol and/or chlorine mixed with urine can create chloroform.

DNA can be extracted from urine.

Borrowed from a website
Cadaverine is the decarboxylation product of the amino acid lysine.

However, this diamine is not purely associated with putrefaction. It is also produced in small quantities by living beings. It is partially responsible for the distinctive smell of urine and semen.

Isn't Cadaverine what the dogs are trained to hit on?

So if there was urine in the trunk, couldn't it account for both the chloroform and the decomp?
I know I'm grasping, I'm just looking for any possible way that they could have this evidence and Caylee still be alive.
Whoops! Am I going to get into trouble for posting the other website addresses??
I recall reading on one of these threads that CSI was one of Casey's favorite tv shows. Right now on CBS, CSI Miami is on (it's a rerun), and on the show tonight, the blonde CSI woman (Callie) is chloroformed and kidnapped. She is sitting in a warehouse with her captors, and she just told the guy to smoke a cigar to hide the smell of decomp.

I wonder if Casey saw this particular episode, and I wonder if her car smelled like cigar smell when it was searched by LE. I'm watching to see if there are any other similarities to this show and the Caylee case.

I had a thought last night and just got around to looking into this. Pardon me while I rattle of a theory:

casey first took Caylee to a swampy area hoping that an alligator would take her. she put her in the water a bit and went to her car and watched, waited. no alligator. she is afraid of getting caught she has been there too long (stay with me) she has to wade into the water to retrieve caylee (hence the need for that shower at JG's) and puts her back in the trunk. caylee is cover with algae and every other kind of ick you would find in a swamp. then after settling on another resting place...she is off to clean the car. There are alot of cleaners that contain chlorine, and when algae and chlorine mix, the algae produces chloroform. I have been to a few sites to get this info and one stated that "marine algae produce chloroform as a defense
against predation" . I googled algae chloroform to get alot of info. Also, as a side note, if she retrieved Caylee from a swampy palce or even waded in the water to leave her, it is also interesting that chlororform is often an industrial byproduct and would be found in factory waste, like those um, recess pnds or, I can't think of it right now. You know what I am taking about. I have a reallllly strong feeling about this algae stuff. They say it doesn't take much chloroform to kill, and with the amount of saturation they say the car had, it doesn't make sense.
Sorry if posted already.

Criminal profiler Pat Brown:“I think it’s pretty damning information,” Brown told TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira on Friday. “There’s no reason for chloroform to be in that trunk.“It would only be in some kind of criminal act,” Brown opined
I keep getting stuck on one thing. If the levels of chloroform were as strong as they say, then there is no way that the chloroform got there before it was towed, due to the breakdown rate of chloroform when exposed to air. If the chloroform got there after the car was towed, well I don't even want to think about that because it would support a Cindy statement and the idea of a Cindy statement being true makes me feel as if I have fallen down the rabbithole.
The whole chloroform leak as we have it now doesn't make sense or connect to things much for me. I am hoping if there is a trail it will be an ah ha! and it will all make sense then.

I don't see it as something casey used to get Caylee to sleep while she parties, I think it seems a crazy thing to clean with. I wonder why, if it was so darn strong in that trunk, why anyone at towyard, the Antony's cleaning, or CSI collecting evidence didn't fall out.

The chloroform just doesn't jive up for me.
Something posted in another thread has got me thinking about the chloroform.

As far as I know, the chloroform info came from "sources close to the investigation."

What I'd like to know is, has LE specifically made any statements confirming there is evidence of chloroform in the trunk? If so, link please? TIA
The whole chloroform leak as we have it now doesn't make sense or connect to things much for me. I am hoping if there is a trail it will be an ah ha! and it will all make sense then.

I don't see it as something casey used to get Caylee to sleep while she parties, I think it seems a crazy thing to clean with. I wonder why, if it was so darn strong in that trunk, why anyone at towyard, the Antony's cleaning, or CSI collecting evidence didn't fall out.

The chloroform just doesn't jive up for me.

Chloroform only makes sense in one context.

Obviously, there are safer easier kinds of cleaners to use and obtain. There are also easily obtained, cheap and effective over-the-counter meds to make a child sleep.

I think Casey used it to deliberately kill Caylee or knock her out to kill her another way. Those are the most commonly known uses for chloroform. Taxidermists use it to humanely kill animals.

What was googled, imo, will tell the story.
It is hard not to wonder if dads law enforcement background doesnt play a significant role in the complexities of this case. Either she had help or she was more observant than anyone could have guessed. I would imagine that the placement of Caylees body and the difficulty people are having finding her also stems from a knowledge of organized crime. I mean seriously wouldnt the best place to bury a body be in a cemetary, ironically its probably the last place anyone would look.

Sooo true.
If the flies and maggots were alive and Chloroform kills flies, maggots and bugs, then wouldn't that mean that the Chloroform was introduced to the trunk after it was picked up? Bug spray/insect repellent contains Chloroform, I think GA sprayed it in the trunk to kill the maggots, flies, etc...

I think we forget that KC was searching chloroform on her computer.
I think we forget that KC was searching chloroform on her computer.

But we don't know it was Casey who was searching. We don't know the timeframe the alleged computer search(es) took place. And as far as I know, the whole chloroform thing is an unconfirmed media leak.

I'm not totally discounting it, I could be wrong. I'd just like to see a link that the chloroform evidence was confirmed by LE.
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