All About Chloroform#2

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My son dropped a cholorine puck into the liner of the pool. The puck literally bleached the dark blue plaid lining white....Huge white spot.

So, most likely you would have seen a white bleach stain....

The A's did not use cholorine in their pool. They used something that was biodegradable.
On Issues now - JVM talking a lot about chloroform and the tests being done. LP speaking.

Saying air test of Casey's car turned up large amount of chloroform. Tests being done in Monte Carlo.

break, and then talk about RK.
On Issues now - JVM talking a lot about chloroform and the tests being done. LP speaking.

Saying air test of Casey's car turned up large amount of chloroform. Tests being done in Monte Carlo.

break, and then talk about RK.

Yes LP was going on about his theory that it was urine and pool chemicals. However we know the A's used a bio friendly cleaner. That and wasn't the whole urine and cholorine (pool cleaner) theory debunked anyways?

Wonder if LP can explain why kids all over the counry dont pass out when they pee in the pool.
Yes LP was going on about his theory that it was urine and pool chemicals. However we know the A's used a bio friendly cleaner. That and wasn't the whole urine and cholorine (pool cleaner) theory debunked anyways?

Wonder if LP can explain why kids all over the counry dont pass out when they pee in the pool.

Actually...there is a problem with chloroform in indoor/public pools:

However the A's didn't use a chlorine-based pool treatment
Yes LP was going on about his theory that it was urine and pool chemicals. However we know the A's used a bio friendly cleaner. That and wasn't the whole urine and cholorine (pool cleaner) theory debunked anyways?

Wonder if LP can explain why kids all over the counry dont pass out when they pee in the pool.


OMG! That's too funny! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
No one is going to believe that Casey didn't either make or get hold of chloroform after researching it online before Caylee went missing.
Yes LP was going on about his theory that it was urine and pool chemicals. However we know the A's used a bio friendly cleaner. That and wasn't the whole urine and cholorine (pool cleaner) theory debunked anyways?

Wonder if LP can explain why kids all over the counry dont pass out when they pee in the pool.

Exactly! I heard him tonight and wanted to throw a mug at the TV. Poor irrelevant LP.
I've brought this up before and got thrashed because there's no evidence but here's a thought. While researching chloroform, I also found a site for other "uses" of chloroform, ink removal or "washing" checks. Casey did have a "thing" about other people's checking accounts. Gee, sedation and payments at the same time. Erase the pay to name and insert Casey. Have a Zenaida I'D and steal checks from someone with that name. Just a theory. Please be kind enough to let me duck first before you throw things at me!
He is so full of carp it is just sickening. I will join you in that mug throwing. He has flopped sides so many times he gets lost on his stories anymore.
[Swancat63]I've brought this up before and got thrashed because there's no evidence but here's a thought. While researching chloroform, I also found a site for other "uses" of chloroform, ink removal or "washing" checks. Casey did have a "thing" about other people's checking accounts. Gee, sedation and payments at the same time. Erase the pay to name and insert Casey. Have a Zenaida I'D and steal checks from someone with that name. Just a theory. Please be kind enough to let me duck first before you throw things at me!

Not going to throw a thing at you! As lazy as that girl is I could see her doing a two for one on anything. Always working a scam.
I've brought this up before and got thrashed because there's no evidence but here's a thought. While researching chloroform, I also found a site for other "uses" of chloroform, ink removal or "washing" checks. Casey did have a "thing" about other people's checking accounts. Gee, sedation and payments at the same time. Erase the pay to name and insert Casey. Have a Zenaida I'D and steal checks from someone with that name. Just a theory. Please be kind enough to let me duck first before you throw things at me!

No worries, Swancat! It's a viable theory. KC is so devious that anything is possible. After CA cut her off from her money, who knows what avenue KC was ready to take to insure she could pay her cell bill and keep up appearances. I put nothing past her.
I've brought this up before and got thrashed because there's no evidence but here's a thought. While researching chloroform, I also found a site for other "uses" of chloroform, ink removal or "washing" checks. Casey did have a "thing" about other people's checking accounts. Gee, sedation and payments at the same time. Erase the pay to name and insert Casey. Have a Zenaida I'D and steal checks from someone with that name. Just a theory. Please be kind enough to let me duck first before you throw things at me!

Everyone is entitled to their thoughts and yours are as good as ours :)
Everyone is entitled to their thoughts and yours are as good as ours :)

Hi Brattigirle, There was chloroform in the trunk.BodyFarm has a good run down on it.They said there was too much to have been made from Caylees remains.(in their words).They said a 3 year old couldn't produce that much. It's a good read~google BodyFarm Caylee Anthony.I got hooked and read for hours!:blowkiss: Take care.
Hey WS :)

So, what I got from this information is, the SA is making sure to cross their T's and dot their I's on the issue of chloroform. Before now, when I thought of this case I left out the chloroform because it was being "debated." In my own mind, I didn't know/understand if the State was going to "accuse" Casey of using something to knock Caylee out. But, now I think that is what they are going to show. If I'm wrong someone please correct me.

So, do we think Casey did (inject?) Caylee with chloroform? I wonder if they have more evidence of chloroform than what we have seen?

Do you think the gatorade bottle or the syringe was Casey's?


Monte Carlo E-mail Shows Casey Prosecution's Strategy
Prosecutors Claim Casey Anthony Knocked Out, Killed Daughter
POSTED: 11:26 am EST November 9, 2010
UPDATED: 6:43 pm EST November 9, 2010

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A single document released by the prosecution in the Casey Anthony murder case shows the state is looking to Europe for help in supporting its theory of premeditation.

Prosecutors want to eliminate any possibility that their own investigators could have introduced chloroform into Anthony's car while processing it for evidence.

more at the link:

DOC: Email From Bluestar To Prosecution
Bluestar is a product that identifies blood stains. It can identify stains even after an area is cleaned and blood may not appear to the naked eye.

Bluestar Forensic
A photo from Bluestar shows how the product can highlight latent blood stains. More

From his offices in Monte Carlo, Bluestar's president wrote, "There is no chloroform or similar product in the manufacture of the Bluestar, and the chemical reaction cannot create chloroform."

"That eliminates another dart on the board, another smudge of mud on the wall," said Deen.

The defense claims the state cannot say how Caylee died, I believe they can and will show cholorform was used in Caylee's's not chlorine, it's not just gases the body produces at death, it's more concentrated than usually found in deceased persons....poor Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Neckbreaking, household weapons, shovels, and missing kids was also looked up on casey's computer, so I doubt if she was trying to use chloroform in any other plot. I still think she was going to set up a home invasion or carjacking, but something went wrong or she waited too long after Caylee died, because she didn't want to be away from Tony or give up her vehicle just yet.
Actually...there is a problem with chloroform in indoor/public pools:

However the A's didn't use a chlorine-based pool treatment

The articles above are more related to how minute amounts of chloroform are related to miscarriages the other article just uses a non-descript generic "health concerns".

The article mentions the levels are 20 times higher then chlorinated drinking water in some swimming pools.

Here is an article that explains some standard ppm and ppb levels for chloroform.

A couple of excerpts from that article:

"The state groundwater standard for chloroform is 6 parts per billion (ppb). The state and federal drinking water standard for total trihalomethanes in chlorinated, municipal drinking water supplies is 100 ppb."

"Immediately or shortly after exposure to a level of 100 ppm of chloroform in air, a person may feel tired, dizzy, and have a headache."

Your articles above seem more interested in its other long term health effects like cancer, liver damage, and reproductive issues.

So even at 20times greater then the standard for drinking water as stated in one of the articles, that's still not enough to cause kids to pass out at the pool side. If someone knows off the top of their head. Do we know what level of chloroform was found in ICA's car, or was it just stated as abnormally high?

All kind of moot though since the A's used a non chlorine pool cleaner. That and chloroform dissipates rather quickly in the air which is why there seemed to be more concern in the article about indoor pools.

Just hearing LP going on about the chloroform in the car being related to the A's pool sounds silly to me after seeing all the good info WS members have dug up on this topic over these past two years.
Resp snipped Marspiter:
Just hearing LP going on about the chloroform in the car being related to the A's pool sounds silly to me after seeing all the good info WS members have dug up on this topic over these past two years

I agree, I was just being cheeky. There are many reports linking competitive swimming to asthma, I guess I didn't grab one.

Besides the chloroform in the air sampling, there were swabs of the trunk liner that tested positive for chloroform - not by-products or mixtures - which to me suggest an intentional rather than incidental introduction of chloroform in the trunk. I don't recall the actual air levels but IMO there was some professional debate over what he air levels indicated. There was no debate about the swabs that I recall, except perhaps an attempt to blame the luminol product by the defense.
Neckbreaking, household weapons, shovels, and missing kids was also looked up on casey's computer, so I doubt if she was trying to use chloroform in any other plot. I still think she was going to set up a home invasion or carjacking, but something went wrong or she waited too long after Caylee died, because she didn't want to be away from Tony or give up her vehicle just yet.

And later, when she had "shovel" on the brain from this search/plan, and she needed some gas..her dinky little brain thought "ah-hah! A shovel will act as a perfect break into dad's shed!"
My thought only, but perhaps the Burner shovel would not fit in the crack in the doors of the shed properly, so she returned it.
I'm bumping the shovel thread with this lest I stray way way off into O/T land...prolly will find that someone already thought of this or debunked it, but I'm giving it a shot!

ETA-This post will live and die here in this thread....of course the best sleuthers known to man (WS'ers, on the shovel thread) already figured out that she used it to break into the's been too long since I have visited some of the older threads, may take a dive into them now....

I have read what other people have to say, here at WS, on the net in general, and the docs that have been released. But I have never had a strong feeling about what is truth or an opinion about the chloroform-the subject has been a bit over my head. :dunno:

It is enough for me, the lies and the unusual behavior and the duct tape that I have my personal opinion that Casey is guilty of what she is accused. I also, do not believe that LE, FBI, and the States Attorney's office have conspired to frame ICA for a crime to which she is innocent. And, I am a person who does not dismiss conspiracy theories. I want to believe there are :alien:

I really do believe there are and have been conspiracies to make innocent people look guilty. I just do not think this is one of those times. :shakehead:

I read what The Hinky Meter had to say about this subject, by following a link given by Websleuth Salvarenga on the Forensic Astrology: Caylee Anthony thread: #594 [ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #14 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

It helped me to understand more of what is going on with this subject. I have seen the gas chromatography used on Forensic Files. It is used quite often, often enough for someone like me who knows NOTHING about it: to have recognized the name of it as soon as I read it.

Now, didn't D. Simms say the defense is not going to argue the method, they are not going to argue that a gas chromatography works or is an accepted method. Right? They are going to argue the findings of that test. That was my understanding. I could be very, very wrong.

Although, now I do not understand what the Frye hearing is for? Isn't that to "decide what is commonly accepted in the scientific community?" TIA

IIRC, Tracey(the lady working for LP while Casey was on bond)stated that she asked Casey(or it was on the news)about the chloroform and Casey said, (paraphrased) "I keep cleaning supplies in my trunk." or "That's from the cleaning supplies." I just always found that the most suspicious reason I could believe Casey gave chloroform to Caylee. It makes me believe it, but I don't like to think about it. I would dismiss it except it is the SA who has this evidence, and I believe them.

If I have been wrong about any of what I have said about this subject, I wouldn't doubt it. Please feel free to correct me. :peace:
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