All About Chloroform#2

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Turbothink, your post was great! Thank you!! Once you've been around people who are abusers, it seems VERY likely Casey was using. From the start Casey has seemed like a clone of my cousin who has abused various drugs for nearly a quarter of a century. My cousin was beautiful and personable in the beginning also...which makes it difficult for people to believe because they don't look like what they "think" a user looks like.

I also was relatively certain she had caps on her teeth. This is the first time I've seen it mentioned, so glad to have some confirmation. :)
Meth can completely change a person! When I was 16 I dated a guy that was extremely smart and very kind. He started using meth and became a completely different person. He and I broke up when I found out he was using. I saw him a couple of years ago and I didn't even recognize him. He went from an intelligent young man to a high school drop out that has been in prison more times then I can count. His heart has turned cold as all he cares about is his next fix. He has stolen from his sick grandmother, his friends, and strangers alike.

It is such a nasty drug that can completely ruin lives.
That is a very thought provoking post Turbo. And a lot could apply.

If KC has BPD, which from my experience with several people who do, she appears to. The same problems can be attributed to being in a manic phase.

Whatever the cause Caylee was in a very dangerous environment. It's too bad CA hadn't gone to the therapist sooner, or she wasn't completely aware how serious the situation was.

All that said, when I mentioned the chloroform in the car to my 19 yo daughter the first thing she said was "someone's using meth." Hopefully all will be revealed in court.
You may be right Busylady, but on the other hand.....drug users are the masters of manipulation and will lie, cheat, and steal from anyone and everyone around them. They have no conscience when they are using.

Also sounds like bipolar disorder!
Drugs were the first thing that popped into my head in the beginning of this case. Casey stole thousands of dollars from her family, it wasn't all going to gas, groceries and trips to Target. Sure, some was used for going out to the bars, but thousands of dollars? I think Casey either had a meth or coke problem or she was helping her friends sell/transport the stuff. :confused:
Drugs were the first thing that popped into my head in the beginning of this case. Casey stole thousands of dollars from her family, it wasn't all going to gas, groceries and trips to Target. Sure, some was used for going out to the bars, but thousands of dollars? I think Casey either had a meth or coke problem or she was helping her friends sell/transport the stuff. :confused:

Did you see her phone bills? :confused:

Thats more than i spend on food shopping in a month ! :waitasec:
Quote: "No one in their right mind uses it as a cleaning solvent. If they can prove it was, that is insane."

Precisely. Emphasis on RIGHT MIND. This meth theory (use, or sale) presupposes that far too many-basically ALL-of KC's friends are also collectively LIARS. I don't believe this. Nor do I see any other signs. Someone w KC's emotional or psychological problems (and maybe guilty from negligent homicide) doesn't NEED drugs to make her act crazy or irratonal. Besides, while I believe the chloroform WAS only used afterward (in failed attempt to mask or destroy DNA) there's still the nagging question by WHOM and WHEN. Personally I don't believe it was KC or necessarily even before car was towed. (Could also be someone familiar w LE or, uhmm say... car detailing eg?) As a matter of fact CA's claims (after car was picked up from tow yard and iin days following crime lab's impounding car, and in defending her Stinky Pizza Theory) that a cleaning solvent was found in the trunk along w the pizza. BUT I'M NOT CONVINCED CHLOROFORM WAS PRESENT AT THE TIME THEY RETRIEVED CAR FROM TOWYARD (Mgr says NOTHING re this) OR BEFORE GA DROVE HOME. MORE CYB COVER YOUR...BASES... JMHO
I know Chloroform is used to make Meth but there was a cop on another board that said there are other things to use in place of chloroform that are safer and easier to get. He said he has been to a lot of meth labs working as LE and never seen chloroform used.

I wouldn't doubt however that maybe she had a drug problem. All her friends said she only used Marijuana but I don't think anyone would tell the cops "yea we used to do Meth with her all night." My dad is a drug addict also a pathological liar and I see so many similarities in the BS stories and lies they tell.
Quote: Did you see her phone bills?

No kidding! Having to be gone from the house (while pretending to work) also meant constantly eating out. And she paid other people's way (nice of her to be so generous with other people's money). Then there is Starbuck's, movies and oh don't forget image maintenance... can't see how she'd have much problems at all burning through the money.
Quote: I wouldn't doubt however that maybe she had a drug problem. All her friends said she only used Marijuana but I don't think anyone would tell the cops "yea we used to do Meth with her all night."

Okay then so none of THEM showed any signs of meth use either I guess... just asking...
I don't think that the chloroform has anything to do with meth. None of the groups that she hung out with seems to have been into anything of the sort.

I am very perplexed by the chloroform though. Why would someone choose to use it over other substances? Particularly in light of the fact that it would be problematic to either make or the very least, more so than other alternatives. It's just such a strange (and unheard of) choice.

What are the advantages of choosing Chloroform over another similarly effective substance???
I don't think that the chloroform has anything to do with meth. None of the groups that she hung out with seems to have been into anything of the sort.

I am very perplexed by the chloroform though. Why would someone choose to use it over other substances? Particularly in light of the fact that it would be problematic to either make or the very least, more so than other alternatives. It's just such a strange (and unheard of) choice.

What are the advantages of choosing Chloroform over another similarly effective substance???

I know...if I was trying to get rid of evidence or smells, I would use bleach or something. Not chloroform. I wouldn't even think of it.
BTW, according to, "Meth is second only to alcohol and marijuana in terms of drug popularity in many parts of the US."
Has anyone had the idea that someone in Casey's new circle of friends cooked crystal meth? Chloroform is an ingredient. This could also explain her need for gas cans, and her using other peoples' checks and credit cards to purchase ingredients.

I think maybe someone before mentioned the possiblity of Casey being on meth, but discarded that idea because she doesn't have sores and her teeth are okay. But if she was only helping to make it, and selling it, her complexion would be fine. And even if she did start using, it would not be physically noticable after only a couple of months.

This could also explain her trips to Target and other places with someone else's checks and credit cards - she didn't want the purchases of meth ingredients to come back on her.

I thought she might be on drugs at first. But after hearing all of her friend's interviews and seeing her behaviors, I don't think she was on drugs except smoking pot. I am 100% sure this woman is a sociopath and that drugs did not play a role in the death of her daughter. Just my opinion though :)
I have (unfortunately) first hand knowledge of meth. I abused it for almost two years and quite frankly other than losing alot of weight and acting like an idiot towards the end no one knew what was really going on. I became involved with it when I was working graveyard along with some of my coworkers. My teeth did not rot and fall out. I never had a sore on my body-but I didn't sleep as much as I should. I became rather extroverted and nothing could scare me. When I did finally quit I didn't go through withdrawals or anything. I just slept alot and started eating. I think it's entirely possible that Casey could have been using along with whatever friends and kept it hidden. I do not want to minimize the horrors that can be with meth use. I recall about roughly ten years ago some guy had been a very heavy user-he hallucinated that his son was possessed by the devil-proceeded to behead him and threw out the child's head on the freeway. It can go from one extreme to the other and perhaps Casey was an occasional user who had not escalated yet.
You are fortunate to have escaped the clutches of such a nasty drug (TG good for YOU). Maybe there is a better thread for this question but I got to wondering... if someone DID use chloroform (say hypothetically in an effort to destroy or disguise ghastly decomp odor eg), how does it have to be handled; what precautions; and what effects if not handled properly?
Meth does not show up on the skin and teeth for a number of years in young people. It is a misconception that people have sores all over their bodies. That rarely happens until someone is in their 30s.

Casey had her teeth all capped,(most likely Lumineers) so there was a problem with her teeth, but most likely not from meth.

In some of the pictures if you blow them up, you will see she did have some type of sore places on her face, and neck occasionally.
I noticed the "zits" on her face early on in the case and immediately thought METH. The photos mostly were of her holding Caylee, when she was probably one or less.

You may be right Busylady, but on the other hand.....drug users are the masters of manipulation and will lie, cheat, and steal from anyone and everyone around them. They have no conscience when they are using.

What tells me she was a likely drug user is her trail of manipulated friends, family and even police officers. ANYTIME you see a person steal from their parents, the odds are 99% they are drug users. What told me she was in a later stage of addiction was the stealing from her grandparents and her friend Amy. She knew she would be caught, but did it anyway. That is addiction.

Some blame her being a sociopath or manic depressive, but neither of those will steal knowing they are going to be caught. A sociopath will steal but they set it up where they are in the clear. In a manic stage of MD, they will spend excessive amounts of money but usually will not steal to do it.

I feel KC had reached the point in her addiction, there were no boundaries and no one was immune to her thefts. She was no longer manipulating to get money, but outright stealing knowing she would be caught. Many times addicts want to be caught because they want help. I do not see her there yet, I see her running the game as long as the friends held out and I believe she was headed to California for a whole new set of friends. I have decided she most likely destroyed Caylee in a meth/crack rage, and had no remorse because she saw that as her way to escape to California for more easier drugs. That is why she did not mind to burn her bridges with friends in Orlando.
I noticed the "zits" on her face early on in the case and immediately thought METH. The photos mostly were of her holding Caylee, when she was probably one or less.


I noticed too but when Caylee was one or less, Casey was what, 18? 19? Am I the only one who still got zits at that age every time I had a menstrual period? Or have the miracles of modern medicine eradicated zits along with polio and smallpox?

Actually, I have break outs even now (at 52) that are related to thyroid. I sure hope nobody looks at my photos and thinks, "Yep. She's a meth-head." Jus' sayin' :waitasec:
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