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LP on Nancy Grace last night mentioned Juliette Lewis (a girl CA referenced as someone she worked with at Universal) starred in Natural Born Killers. First, do you think Juliette Lewis the movie star is the person CA was referring to (why would LP say that?) and second of all, I haven't seen that movie, but on a movie review on the internet it says the movie is: ...about serial killers and their coverage by the media I just thought it's kinda weird about those two things.

Been a while since I saw it, but I think we own it. Young girl Mallory falls for Mickey. He comes to take her away from her abusive family. Not a great guy himself. I think he killed her family and they took off. She started killing people with them and they went on this giant killing spree. Did a bunch of drugs, got arrested and then there was a bunch of stuff that happened after that. BF says they were going to execute them and they escaped or something. Will go watch it again. I think they killed some more people after that and escaped and lived happily ever after. Weird, when she was writing the poem she was watching American Psycho
LP on Nancy Grace last night mentioned Juliette Lewis (a girl CA referenced as someone she worked with at Universal) starred in Natural Born Killers. First, do you think Juliette Lewis the movie star is the person CA was referring to (why would LP say that?) and second of all, I haven't seen that movie, but on a movie review on the internet it says the movie is: ...about serial killers and their coverage by the media I just thought it's kinda weird about those two things.

I have a Flix account and can watch movies on my computer with it. I will see if it is there.
I'm really not this old to have been an adult when this movie came out, but I have always liked old movies. I thought Casey was trying to look like the expression Susan Hayward had on her face in the movie "I Want to Live". It's about a woman being sent to the electric chair.

The only thing missing to connect Casey's script for her movie is just why Zenaida wanted Caylee, was Zenaida involved in something other than just wanting Caylee, why she had a script for 30 days, and what she was supposed to do afterwards. I think there was probably to be some ransom demand that only Casey could deliver.
Been a while since I saw it, but I think we own it. Young girl Mallory falls for Mickey. He comes to take her away from her abusive family. Not a great guy himself. I think he killed her family and they took off. She started killing people with them and they went on this giant killing spree. Did a bunch of drugs, got arrested and then there was a bunch of stuff that happened after that. BF says they were going to execute them and they escaped or something. Will go watch it again. I think they killed some more people after that and escaped and lived happily ever after. Weird, when she was writing the poem she was watching American Psycho

In American Psycho when Bale's character is being interviewed by police about a missing man, Bale tells police he has to get going because he has to go meet "Cliff Huxtable" for lunch.
I don't know about watching movies. But I did wonder if she followed the Melinda Duckett case.
She did. There is a picture of her on Brian's Dreams website at an event for Trenton Duckett (at least it really looks like her) and she is said to have had Trenton Duckett's MySpace as her friend.

Remember, she lies, she uses little bits and pieces of this and that to form her lies . . . maybe that makes her believe them more. I really think she is sick . . . really sick.
Well according to KC's yearbook page her favorite show was CSI so heres a CREEPY similar episode.

Quick review quoted from epsiode

Returning to Miami, Horatio joins his team to search for Calleigh, who has been abducted. The CSIs scour her Hummer, which is riddled with bullet holes. When Ryan and Natalia find traces of chloroform on the car, they wonder if there is a connection between Calleigh's kidnapping and Kathleen Newberry's abduction and murder.

the names are very similar...creepy

also long time lurker...1st time poster

(edited to add that) the shows Original Airdate: April 01, 2008
WARNING: If you haven't seen the movie, I'm going to ruin it for you!

GBG's little girl is missing and presumed kidnapped. What really happened is mommy accidentally overdosed baby, trying to insure she'd sleep soundly so mommy could go hang out with some guy. Mommy lies and lies, but eventually leads cops to the body. (This movie could have been only 15 minutes long if they'd edited out the "f" word. I've never heard it used so many times in any other movie.)

This movie wouldn't make Casey afraid of calling the cops in (and I don't believe for one nanosecond she was afraid of calling the cops because CAYLEE might be harmed) but it COULD give her some ideas about how to handle an accidental death.

:eek: uh...and we are basically watching this before our eyes
When we were doing the searches I mentioned to Det Yuri that there's a show, One Tree Hill where last season, the nanny of one of the main characters kidnapped their child. I prefaced it by saying, this might be a crazy idea....

He stated that other people have mentioned this as well and it could be possible that she could have gotten the idea from this.

The show is on Monday nights and appeals to young teenage audiences. The grandfather of the child rescued the child. The nanny then kidnapped the grandfather and in this season, she is holding him hostage.
My favorite is the REAL actress Zenaida Gonzalez, who has starred as DETECTIVE FLORES in LA Forensics!

I remember reading somewhere that Casey has introduced herself as Zenaida Gonzalez, and we all know she was conducting her OWN investigation searching for Caylee!!! Connection?!
My best Nancy Grace, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You mean there is a real actress named Zenaida Gonzalez? Who played a detective in LA Forensics?! And Casey introduced her previously as Zenaida Gonzalez?!"

OMG! Great find!!!!
:eek: uh...and we are basically watching this before our eyes
And is better than anything the very best Hollywood script writer could come up with! Life imitates art? No, IMO it is definitely the other way around! You can't make this stuff up!!!
Well according to KC's yearbook page her favorite show was CSI so heres a CREEPY similar episode.

Quick review quoted from epsiode

Returning to Miami, Horatio joins his team to search for Calleigh, who has been abducted. The CSIs scour her Hummer, which is riddled with bullet holes. When Ryan and Natalia find traces of chloroform on the car, they wonder if there is a connection between Calleigh's kidnapping and Kathleen Newberry's abduction and murder.

the names are very similar...creepy

also long time lurker...1st time poster

(edited to add that) the shows Original Airdate: April 01, 2008
Glad you posted! Good find! Stop lurking and come have fun with the rest of us!
I think she probably picked up the name from the movie. That was actually a really good movie, but odd. It showed a couple who killed together & loved the media attention. They became celebs in a way...groupies, autographs, etc. I can see how someone who isn't all there might become obsessed with the movie. Scary.
OK, so maybe life does imitate art after all!

I may have dreamed this, tho God knows how since I haven't had much sleep since I started sleuthing this case, but didn't Casey's myspace page say she was watching American Psycho? Or maybe it was listed as favorite movie or last movie watched?
My best Nancy Grace, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You mean there is a real actress named Zenaida Gonzalez? Who played a detective in LA Forensics?! And Casey introduced her previously as Zenaida Gonzalez?!"

OMG! Great find!!!! forgot to say BOMBSHELL!! :crazy:
Allow me to play a little bit with my red pen with your post. :blowkiss:
Whoops! I posted about her watching American Psycho just before I read your post!

One thing that strikes me is:
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies. Life will never be easy
On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken.

There's a player named BL. On his myspace page his avatar is a photo of (I assume) him and Caylee, who looks to be about a year old. The quote next to the avatar is:

"Ésos eran los mejores días de mi vida"
"Those were the best days of my life"

Today his mood is "drained" and today's status says: BL on the roller coaster of life

It's a very sweet picture and his page has made me feel sad every time I've seen it?

Anyone have any idea who he is and where he fits in?
When I read the docs and she said something about seeing it in movies...I thought immediately of the movie "Ransom" with Mel Gibson. It's not about a serial killer, but a Dad who takes finding the kidnapper into his own hands. Much like the grandiose story we've heard before.....while searching the clubs.


The kidnapper is a cop, etc.
Not a movie, but a soap. I don't watch them but I came across plot lines when reading about chloroform. The show was All My Children, which I think is popular with a younger crowd?

Anyway, I found that in October, 2007, it had a plot line about a character stealing chloroform and planning to use it on a rival. In the end though she doused herself with it and claimed that the rival used it on her and kidnapped her baby.

I found this plot line continued on into at least January 2008, with the details being recounted in a trial.

Maybe Casey was an AMC watcher and this plotline caught her particular attention or it is something she thought about when she needed to. Liars draw on everything when weaving their tales and plots.
Well, this just adds a whole new layer of creepy to KC's thinking.

You know, I'd often thought of the movie Gone Baby Gone in reference to this case. Another thing and you guys might think this one is crazy but when she told that she was to follow a 31 day script, my mind immediately jumped to The Blair Witch Project. The actors were placed out in the woods and each day were given a script to follow, left in a milk crate with food & other supplies for the days work. The actors had no direct contact with the director or any other crew during filming. It was just them and their own cameras that did the filming, so dialogue was basically up to them so long as they followed the premise in their daily scripts.
I just wanted to add, this is sick genius on KC's part. If this is what she's doing, she's playing out scenes & scenarios from different movies/tv shows. It's a heck of a way to detach oneself from reality. And she's going for the Oscar! This makes so much sense now in understanding her and her thinking. The trick is to figure out which movie/scene she's playing out at any given moment.
A movie that has come to my mind, not so much for outlining what has happened, but for use in her defense is: Fight Club. I know. . a little out there, but hear me out.

The lead character has this amazing friend who he (and we) don't realize until the end of the movie is imaginary and is really his dual personality.

It is not CASEY who harmed the baby. . .it is ZENAIDA. ZENAIDA is the club hopper. . so CASEY had to go "look for her" in the clubs. ZENAIDA wrote the bad checks, not CASEY. But alas, Zenaida doesn't exist except in Casey's altered reality.

Just for clarification, I don't buy this line of BS. . just saying could be her thought for insanity plea.

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