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Another brief statement from Kaine regarding visitation for the baby with Terri, from October 8, 2010. No video or audio, news article only:

Terri Horman Seeks Visitation
updated 10/8/2010 9:15:34 PM ET

Kaine Horman has mixed feelings about visitation, "Depending on the circumstances, the answer could be yes or no."
October 7, 2010

Judge delays Terri and Kaine Horman's divorce case until January, agrees Terri faces 'substantial legal risk'
Published: Thursday, October 07, 2010, 9:36 PM

Terri Horman, dressed in a blue suit, sat in between her two attorneys, while Kaine, wearing a white dress shirt and trousers, sat at the far end of a table, besides his two divorce attorneys. They avoided eye contact throughout.

The hearing began at 9:08 a.m. and broke at 11:18 a.m.

Kaine Horman said after the judge's ruling that he was fine with the brief delay.

"Hey that's 90 days, 3 months from now, " he said, speaking outside the courthouse's front doors.

He said it didn't upset him to see his wife in person for the first time since he left their house June 26. He said he stayed focused on his daughter and his family during the hearing. He declined to comment on whether he would want Terri Horman to be allowed any parenting time with Kiara.

Judge delays Horman divorce ruling until January
Story Published: Oct 7, 2010 at 11:20 AM PDT

Kaine said it was not difficult sitting at the same table with Terri during the hearing. He said he just stayed focused on Kyron and Kiara and doesn’t have time to worry about what Terri is up to.

When asked if he would support a plea deal – if prosecutors offered Terri a deal to talk to them about what happened to Kyron -- Kaine said he would leave that up to the district attorney’s office and didn’t want to comment further.
Kyron’s parents raise search funds at Roloff pumpkin patch
Posted on October 16, 2010 at 5:54 PM

While thousands of people packed the Roloff Farm in Helvetia Saturday to search for the perfect pumpkin, Kaine Horman and Desiree Young continued the search for their missing son.


"He loves little pumpkins," said Desiree. "Kyron loves to come and pick out just the right pumpkin, just the right size. So we got one for him today and we're going to go put it out at the Wall of Hope."


Kyron's parents said they're not giving up hope. "Ultimately just be on the lookout for Kyron always," Desiree said.

Article includes video interview

Transcribed from video:

Kaine: We're still looking for him. He's still out there.
October 12, 2010 - Kaine

I wanted to thank all of the Search and Rescue crews out on the search again the past two weekends and the days in between. We can’t thank you all enough, you are amazing. Our thoughts are with you all as work on Sauvie Island continues until closure; we hope for clues and/or information that can help solve the mystery of Sauvie Island on June 4th and aid in bringing Kyron home as quickly as possible!!

September 21, 2010 - Desiree

Thank you to all of our family, friends, and volunteers that continue to help Kyron and give support whether to our family or to others. We would not be able to get through this without the dedication, prayers, and support that everyone has given us. Though this experience is as horrible as we could have ever imagined, it is through the difficult times in our lives that we grow in strength, love, and faith. It is through these hard lessons that God teaches us what we need to learn. That is when all will be revealed. God is looking over Kyron for now, but he needs to be home so let’s bring him home.
October 7, 2010

Judge delays Terri and Kaine Horman's divorce case until January, agrees Terri faces 'substantial legal risk'
Published: Thursday, October 07, 2010, 9:36 PM

Terri Horman, dressed in a blue suit, sat in between her two attorneys, while Kaine, wearing a white dress shirt and trousers, sat at the far end of a table, besides his two divorce attorneys. They avoided eye contact throughout.

The hearing began at 9:08 a.m. and broke at 11:18 a.m.

Kaine Horman said after the judge's ruling that he was fine with the brief delay.

"Hey that's 90 days, 3 months from now, " he said, speaking outside the courthouse's front doors.

He said it didn't upset him to see his wife in person for the first time since he left their house June 26. He said he stayed focused on his daughter and his family during the hearing. He declined to comment on whether he would want Terri Horman to be allowed any parenting time with Kiara.

Judge delays Horman divorce ruling until January
Story Published: Oct 7, 2010 at 11:20 AM PDT

Kaine said it was not difficult sitting at the same table with Terri during the hearing. He said he just stayed focused on Kyron and Kiara and doesn’t have time to worry about what Terri is up to.

When asked if he would support a plea deal – if prosecutors offered Terri a deal to talk to them about what happened to Kyron -- Kaine said he would leave that up to the district attorney’s office and didn’t want to comment further.

Interesting stuff. They have something that makes them very suspect of her.
I wonder what it is?
Court doc: Kaine Horman rejects wife’s desire to see daughter
Story Published: Oct 22, 2010 at 5:57 PM PDT

Kaine said Friday that he really doesn’t understand why this desire to see K is coming now from Terri.


Kaine said he does not believe that Terri should see their daughter because it would not be in the best interest of the toddler. He also does not believe supervised visitation would be wise. In addition to the physical harm he believes Terri caused Kyron, he believes there is a risk of emotional and psychological harm with the two being in the same room.
June 25 - KGW
Raw: Kyron's parents; full interview
Posted on June 25, 2010 at 1:16 PM

Partial transcription @ -6:06

Reporter: Is he adventuresome? Is he an individual who's ever wandered off before or explored on his own, or is he...

Kaine: No.

Desiree: No.

Kaine: No. One of the stories that I tell when people ask me about that with him growing up as a, as a child, he'll, he sleeps very soundly. He sleeps for, he'll sleep for 12 or more hours every night. When he wakes up in the morning, he sits in his bed. He'll sit there till you come get him, and he may go get a book or he may go get a toy, be he'll go back to his bed and he'll sit there until you go get him.

So when people ask me if he's adventurous - he doesn't even venture out of his own bed in the morning, to go wake up mom or dad, or to sneak downstairs or watch TV. So if that gives you any indication, I'd say... not... adventurous when he's with us, but not when he's by himself.

Reporter: Is he shy?

Kaine: Yes.

Desiree: Very shy.

Reporter: So the idea of somebody asking him to come with them, or going with a stranger

Kaine: Relative to the setting. We've had some concerns...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: ...along with his teacher around listening to instructions from adults while at school.

So we've been working with him to try to understand that we need to work with the faculty there, the parents there, the volunteers there to make sure that when they give him instructions he's following those.

He normally does a very good job at doing that. Just occasionally we get a little bit of that behavior so we've really reinforced with him that if you're at school and you're working with a parent or a teacher, you need to follow their instructions.

So in that particular environment he would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult...

Desiree: Yeah.

Kaine: school. Outside of school he's very well versed in the stranger danger and everything else, but in that one particular setting that's the type of behavior that's been reinforced through all of us.

Desiree: Yeah.
Not sure of the exact date for this. It's a Today show interview from early July.

[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]
Moles on Kyron's cheek

Reporter: Tell us something we don't know about Kyron.

Desire: ... (comments not transcribed)

Kaine: He has a few...(edited/cut off?) One thing that we haven't talked a lot about are the moles on his face, a couple smaller moles on his face.

Desiree: Yeah. Moles. That I didn't even think about before. He's got one under his glasses right here, and one more on his right of his cheek. But yeah. Along with his birthmark on his forehead.

Interview Video:

Picture of Kyron showing the two moles:

The Oregonian

Kyron Horman's father recalls when marriage to Terri Horman began to sour
Updated: Friday, July 09, 2010, 1:00 AM

Kaine Horman added that he was upset about Terri occupying the family home, keeping him and his daughter out of it.

"Displacing a child for the comfort of an adult. I think we all have our opinions on how appropriate that is," he said.


Note: There are two videos on this page. The first video on this page has an additional interview from the presser, with more questions and answers. For example, Kaine is asked where the baby was the morning Kyron disappeared, and he says the baby was with Terri at the school.

Direct link to video with transcription below:

I just paraphrased the reporter, but I transcribed Kaine and Desiree word for word.

Reporter asks where was the baby on the morning Kyron went missing.

Kaine: She was with Terri.

Reporter: Was she with Terri at the school.

Kaine: Yes.

Reporter asks was working at home normal routine.

Kaine: I have the ability to work from home periodically, so on days like that day where Kyron has something special going on I can't always make it to the events, but I can usually get home early and work from home and that way I can meet him at the bus and we can talk about his day. So that's not abnormal at all.

Reporter asks what was that day like and what was night before was like, was it routine?

Kaine: Yeah. Everything just seemed normal. It was normal until he didn't get off the bus, and it went from normal to horrific in, you know, five seconds.

Reporter asks his reaction.

Kaine: I thought he would still be up at school potentially because we had talked about going for a special treat after school because of the fair and his project and everything, so I, my first reaction was well he's probably just waiting up there for us, he didn't take the bus home. Then the bus driver called up to the school, and they confirmed that he hadn't been there all day, and it was just panic after that.

Video is edited. No question from reporter, but Desiree says:

Desiree: At 4:25 I got a call from Susan Hall at the school and um... she told me that I was listed as the emergency notification for Kyron Horman and I said, "yes, he's my son", and she told me that I need to notify you he's missing, and I said, "what?", and she said, "he's missing", and I said, "I don't understand what you mean, he's missing, how can he be missing?", and she said, "I'm sorry, they asked for me to call you", and I said, "okay", and I asked if Terri was there, and she said, "yes", and so I immediately hung up the phone and called Terri and asked her what was going on, I mean...

Reporter asks what did Terri tell you.

Desiree: She said that she had gone to the school for the science fair, that she had um, stayed for a little while, and then she waved at him as he was walking toward his classroom, and she didn't walk him to his classroom, and then she left.

Reporter asks what was your reaction hearing that.

Desiree: um, honestly, my motherly instinct kicked in and um, I said that she better not have done anything to my son because I just didn't feel right about the conversation. It didn't strike me right.

Video is edited. No question from reporter, but Desiree says:

Desiree: At first um, sadness and confusion and (pause) depression, just overwhelming fear, um, and I think now, we've gotten to that point where now we're just angry and determined and we're gonna bring him home. We're running on adrenaline and, and we just want to get it done right now.

Reporter asks Kaine if there were ever any red flags from Terri before he was briefed by LE on the info he now knows.

Kaine: I'd say most of the time since it, since that day.

Desiree: Yeah. Yeah. Each and every day it was something else that I (stumbles on words)

Reporter asks can you elaborate on what that something else was.

Kaine: Just her be..., it's just her behavior.

Desiree: Behavior. Behavior. Things that were said.

Kaine: Things that we would be doing. We would be working with investigators. We would be doing everything that we could and just in the natural course of our actions she'd just was separating herself, I don't think purposely but it was just apparent that the three of us were driving to find him and she was not.

Reporter asks when they first found out Terri failed the polygraph tests.

Kaine: The day that it happened.

Kaine: She was very vocal around family and friends about her results of the test, her apprehensions, her emotional state, everything. So the all the disclosure that we did at the press conference today, that was all straight from her.

Reporter asks if Terri gave reason why she failed the test.

Kaine: Oh lots of reasons.

Desiree: Yeah but we can't talk about them.

Video is edited. No question from reporter, but Desiree says:

At first it started out with something doesn't feel right. I don't feel right about this. And then each time, something would come up, something was said, a feeling I got, you know, it just reinforced it and I would discuss that with them, and this and this and this and this, and before I realized it and, you know, once, I would say once we found out the second polygraph was failed, we both I think kinda turned to the other side more than we were previous and, and I gotta tell you never in a million years could have imagined the horrible truth of what we know now. I mean just... this is the stuff you write in novels. It's not our life. I mean, it's just a little boy, you know. I just don't understand it. (cries)

(Note on above. Desiree stumbles on her words, chokes up, on verge of tears, several times during above. I did not note all that. She's emotional, having a hard time, and in pain. I'm declining to document 'ums' and stumbles, out of respect, and to capture instead, what she is trying to tell us, her words.)

Reporter asks about being at pressers with Terri.

Desiree: Extremely frustrating. It's hard for me because I'm not really a fake person, what you see is, I wear my emotions, and I don't have a face that I put on for other people and it's extremely difficult to stand next to somebody you know is lying about your son and where he is and to not have some emotion about that.

Reporter asks Kaine what it was like to have suspicions and hear the new info. What is reaction.

Kaine: Just reinforces that we're on the right track. Reinforces where we need to look for him as far as who and the path to go down.

Reporter asks do you think Terri could have hired someone to kidnap Kyron.

Kaine: I think there's a lot of scenarios of things that she could have done, you know, how do we, how do we... our speculation on it or our opinion is that we hope that that's the case I think but that's about as, I don't know, I don't know what else do you want to say about it (looking at Desiree), but that's what we're hoping at this point is that she did hire someone and that someone is taking care of him right now.

Reporter asks how do you know Kyron is still alive.

Desiree: I just... We haven't gotten any information that would tell us that he's not, and we just keep holding onto that, and I, I don't know, I just feel like he's still out there and he's just waiting for us and he's scared.

Reporter asks do you think he's here in Multnomah county or elsewhere.

Desiree: You know we were talking about the fact that they were kinda behind the eight ball on this, I mean having six and a half hours, you know, behind before we started searching for him before anything happened. That puts us in a precarious situation cause he could be out of state by that point. I honestly don't know, I mean he could be anywhere but I'm leaning toward somewhere in Oregon but I really truly don't know where.

Reporter asks how do you get through next 24 hours.

Kaine: He's not home. That's enough.

Desiree: Yeah. You just fight to make that happen. Whatever you gotta do.

Kaine: We're slowly integrating in with work and other activities a little bit here, a little bit there, just to make sure that we have things ready for him when he comes home. He needs to come home to a house. He needs to come home to a family, and there's certain things we have to do in order to get those things kind of back to a more normal state, but as far as day to day, you wake up, he's not home. First thing we do is talk to law enforcement and see what we have to do that day and then everything else just kinda falls into place around it.
KPTV Fox 12 Oregon
Kyron's Mom To CNN: 'I Know She's Involved'
POSTED: 8:11 am PDT July 9, 2010
UPDATED: 8:33 am PDT July 9, 2010

"I said, 'What in the hell is going on?' She informed me that she had gone to the science fair that morning and she did not walk into his classroom, but saw him walk toward his classroom and that was the last she saw him," Young told CNN. "He was marked absent at 10."


When CNN's reporter asked Young if there was any doubt in her mind that Terri Horman was involved, she replied, "No. I know she's involved."
Young also said she suspects that Terri Horman did not act alone.

CNN: "Do you think she would have done this alone?"

Desiree Young: "I don't believe so because honestly she didn't take out a contract on her husband alone, so I think she probably needed help. But that's speculation. It's not proven and I don't have any evidence to say that's the case, but I think it helps me feel better about the situation if that's the case.
The following interviews are all from July 9

ABC Good Morning America - Kyron Horman's Parents Speak Out
7-year-old's mom and dad believe his stepmom is involved in disappearance.

CBS The Early Show - Kyron Parents: We Suspect Stepmom
July 9, 2010
Say Publicly for First Time They Think She Was Involved in His Disappearance; Also Say She Flunked 2 Polygraph Tests

Fox News - Father of Missing Oregon Boy Suspects Stepmom
Published July 09, 2010 | Associated Press
Before Kyron Horman's disappearance on June 4, Kaine Horman said his relationship with his wife was "a nice clean slate, as far as I can tell."

ABC Good Morning America - Kyron Horman's Father Says 'Small' Chance of Wife Being Innocent
Kaine Horman Says Estranged Wife Became Erratic After the Birth of Couple's Daughter
July 9, 2010
Article and video:

Koin - Desiree Young: "I had feelings about this (Terri) when I got the (first) phone call"
Last Update: 8:33 am
Kaine Horman and Desiree Young lashed out at Terri Moulton Horman, telling reporters Kyron Horman’s stepmother failed two polygraph tests and stating they believe she had something to do with the 7-year-old’s disappearance.

CBS The Early Show - Kyron's Parents Suspect Stepmother
July 9, 2010 7:51 AM
The parents of Kyron Horman believe that stepmother, Terri Horman may be involved in the boy's disappearance. Priya David Clemens reports.

Oregon Public Radio - Kyron Horman's Parents Speak Out Against Step-Mother
July 9, 2010
Article includes audio file as well.

KGW Updated today at 7:26 AM
Desiree Young on Terri Horman: 'I know she's lying'
Article includes video:

People Magazine - Missing's Boy's Parents: Stepmom Failed Polygraphs
Friday July 09, 2010 12:00 PM EDT
"Law enforcement didn't need to tell us," says Kyron's mother, Desiree Young. "She was very vocal about failing those polygraphs.",,20400681,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

KGW - Raw video: Parents believe Terri capable of harm
Posted on July 9, 2010 at 10:47 AM

KGW - Raw video: Desiree describes call from Skyline
Posted on July 9, 2010 at 11:49 AM
BeanE, as always, you are an amazing source for providing all the links to interviews and media content! Thanks for all your hard work!
Today Show, Friday, November 12, 2010


- In this video, Kate Snow says for the second time (first in July 9 Today Show interview - link in this thread) that Terri denied the allegations that she tried to hire someone to murder Kaine.

- Desiree says she didn't know about Kaine's allegations that Terri abused alcohol and passed out on the couch several nights a week.

Desiree about alcohol transcribed:

Without a doubt I wish I had known it before.

I wouldn't tolerate it, and if I would have known, I would have taken him out of that house in a second.
Friday Nov 12, 2010 - Dateline NBC
A public plea from Kyron Horman's father:
[ame=""] Video Player[/ame]
June 25

Kaine: (regarding postings by Terri on Facebook) ...but we didn't know he was missing until Friday afternoon.


Reporter: And finally, as far as cooperation with investigators, have they had to search your property or execute (unintelligible) search warrants (unintelligible) your property?

Kaine: They've asked to search the property. We've opened the doors, let everybody in, multiple times, and we'll do it as many times as it takes.

Desiree: Yeah. It's part of the investigation. It's standard protocol.

Kaine: Yep.

Desiree: And we're willing and cooperating.

Kaine: Yeah. No warrants.

Desiree: Yeah.

Reporter: No warrants?

Desiree: mm mmm (negative)

Reporter: Did they take any of your computers or anything, or...?

(Desiree looks down.)

Kaine: No, just searching the property.


Also June 25:

Reporter: Detectives have told us many times that in this case they're leaving no stone unturned. Have they searched your homes, your cars and your property?

Desiree Young: They haven't needed to search our house as of yet. But they're welcome to. Anything that they need to do, we're definitely letting them do.

Reporter: Kaine, can you talk about your property?

Kaine Horman: Yeah, they've been down to search many times and they're welcome to search many more times. Whatever it takes to find him.

Reporter: Actually in the house, as well?

Kaine Horman: Yes.
June 25

Reporter: Obviously, we all know that police are keeping the details of this case very confidential and close to the vest. Are you guys privy to more information than the public? Or are you in the dark as well if there is something to know?

Desiree Young: Unfortunately, we are just reinforced every day that they have more tips and how many tips they've gotten. To date, it's 2,500 tips now. It's the biggest case they've ever handled.
Reporter: And the truck is yours and the Mustang is hers. And so she was driving your truck. Why was she driving your truck that day?

Kaine: Um... it was supposedly to pick up his science project. That's what she told me, and that's part of her story that makes no sense.

Reporter: Why would she need the truck to pick up his science... I mean, it's not like this enormous thing, right?

Kaine: Eh... she took it to drop it off too. If, if... Her trunk is relatively small. And it was just (unintelligible because Desiree interrupts and talks over him)... damage...

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah. It wouldn't have fit in the car.

Kaine: It might have fit but there was concern about damage with the diorama and that. With the truck you can put it in the back of the cab, and prop it up nice, and you can put the diorama on the seat and there's no risk of damage.

So she took it in the truck too.

Reporter: So why wouldn't that story make any sense then?

Kaine: um... because she went to take him to drop him off for the science fair and the display... it had to be on display for, until 10 o'clock.

So why would she go drop him off and then leave him there and leave with the truck and not pick up the science project? That makes no sense to me at all... now. Didn't think anything of it at the time.

She, her story was that they had walked through and done the project on Thursday, which I believe they had done.

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah. Correct.

Kaine: They had done their reports on Thursday but it still had to be on display for the science fair.

Desiree: Correct.

Kaine: So she dropped him off, and took, took the truck to drop him off and pick it up, but because it had to stay there, she left without the project, and you know, thinking about it now, it's like, well, why would you need the truck to pick it up if it had to stay there? You pick it up after school.

Reporter: Right. And the project was already up before she took him off to school that morning. I gotcha.

Kaine: Yes. Yes. So, take the truck after school to go pick him up and the project, but why would you go pick up the project at 8:45 before the science fair even starts. Makes no sense.

Desiree: She had...

Reporter: (interrupts) Obviously, it sounds like there's a more sinister motive for her to have this truck.

Desiree: Well, and she had emailed me during that day to let me know she was gonna find out when she could pick up the project so that I could see it.

So she obviously didn't know when she was supposed to pick it up.

Kaine: Yeah. Well, she was pretty concrete that she was picking it up that morning when she was dropping him off. So that's...

Again, you start to get into her story versus what law enforcement has as fact and her story is all over the place.

And law enforcement has different information that's more factual.

But that's what we have from Terri.

25 minute audio interview with the Oregonian
KATU - July 6 2010
Kyron’s mom pleas with Terri to do ‘what is right’



2:18 Desiree: It's extremely frustrating. Ummm... I think that's probably the biggest part of my frustration right now is that he's somewhere, and we don't know where, and they're not sharing.

1:54 Reporter: Now they did disclose that the day that Kyron disappeared, Terri Horman was supposed to take Kyron and drive south on I-5 to Eugene and that's where he was supposed to meet Desiree, so that Desiree could bring him here to Medford so that Kyron could spend the weekend with them, and go fishing with Tony.

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