All Sauvie Island Searches

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Here are some pictures a person from another forum took when he went and poked around on Sauvie Island:

You'll see a secluded swampy area that is easily accessible by car and if you look at the photo at the top right of the page (it's the one where you can just see part of the sign that says "Hot Deli"), you can see 3 cell towers in the background, if you look past the stop sign. That picture is looking southeast from the island, the main road that curves to the right becomes the bridge (that takes you off the island) just out of the picture.

I agree with grandmaj, the large area, heavy brush, swampiness and water in general means that the searchers will have to get extremely lucky if he is somewhere on or around the island.

I posted this in a different thread on 9/14, thought it was relevant to this discussion, so I thought I'd bring it over here. I was looking for the cell towers that TH's phone would have pinged if she had been on Morgan Rd. by Rainbow Lake (approx where that Chas person said he saw her pull onto the highway.)

So does a cellphone ping work like GPS? That REQUIRES triangulation. I didn't know that cells did. I thought they just pinged to the most accessible tower they could, which would mean not necessarily the closest. I went to a website where it showed all the cell phone towers within a 4 mile radius of that road. There were 6, more than one of which was on Sauvie Island for whatever reason, but what caught my attention was that the one on Sauvie was the tallest. I would guess that maybe these "other" towers, since not owned by the major players (AT&T, Verizon or whomever, must lease their towers?) (I feel like this should be posted in another thread, but we've created so many, I don't know where it should go )

Here's the info: and link (hope it works)

Alert! 6 Towers (Not Registered) found within 4.00 miles of NW Morgan Rd, Portland, OR 97231.

Info! The NEAREST Tower is 1.45 miles away and is owned by Att Wireless Services Of Or Inc.

Ok! No Applications for Future Towers detected as of 09/14/10.

Tower Type ID Num Site Owner Height Dist
Registered (No Towers Detected)

Not Registered (1) Att Wireless Services Of Or Inc 145 feet 1.45 miles
(2) Western Pcs Corp 140 feet 1.59 miles
(3) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co 69 feet 1.97 miles
(4) Mc Caw Communications Of The Midsouth In 160 feet 2.99 miles
(5) American Tower Corp 165 feet 3.06 miles
(6) American Tower Corporation 115 feet 3.68 miles

Future (No Towers Detected)
So Desiree knew about the huge search effort of this weekend on Friday. I guess that might explain her having a press conference, because she wants to find him alive, hence up the reward, and she was frustrated and upset that they were having this search because they would be looking for Kyron not alive?

I'm totally on the fence, but fwiw, I can easily carry my 40 lb child, and sometimes carry the 40 lber and 30 lber at the same time (UGH). And I'm not a bodybuilder or even in especially good shape.

Just wanted to add...that when your adrenalin is running high, you'd be surprised the load you could carry and for how long of a distance!
I agree follow the cell pings. They got to have something that keep leading back to Sauvie island.

Didn't they also do a search of the truck? If so, then they would have taken soil samples from the tires - which could match with some soil on Sauvie Island. ??? maybe?
I fear that this search is exactly what they are saying, just following up since he has not been found since they last searched this area. It seems like a well-organized and very spread out kind of search, not one gathered together quickly to search a small area. At least from what I've gathered...
Here are some pictures a person from another forum took when he went and poked around on Sauvie Island:

You'll see a secluded swampy area that is easily accessible by car and if you look at the photo at the top right of the page (it's the one where you can just see part of the sign that says "Hot Deli"), you can see 3 cell towers in the background, if you look past the stop sign. That picture is looking southeast from the island, the main road that curves to the right becomes the bridge (that takes you off the island) just out of the picture.

This was also reposted by Dee. I'm thinkin' those towers in the BG are TV-Radio broadcast towers, although they could have cell transmitters/repeaters attached to them? (I'm guessing here.) There are a number of tower farms in North Portland.

I truly do believe, however, cell pings are playing a big part in LE's focus on Sauvie's. Just MHO.
Terri does not have that much unverifiable time that morning -- if you assume she's guilty and factor in driving to and from wherever, doing whatever when she got there, disposing of Kyron, and possibly cleaning up, she doesn't have much time in which to do this. Baby K was probably with her, and so I doubt she'd park, leave the baby in the car, and traipse miles through brambles and woods. If Terri is guilty, she didn't swashbuckle through a forest to get to the place where she disposed of Kyron's body; the location has to be fairly easily accessible, IMHO. If she did this, he's not going to be very far away or even very well hidden, IMHO. For some reason, I've always thought that if she did it, he's in the water, but if she didn't, it's possible he's buried somewhere (re: the killer had more time to think about a plan).

1) She probably planned this for months. I believe she began planning at least back in November.

2) If she planned it, she probably had a site prepared.

3) If she had an accomplice, then her time constraints aren't that important.

I recall that LE were looking for info on where she was on the 3rd as well as the 4th.
Also Im curious if they found any kind of berry staining on her shoes, in the truck etc. You cant get a mile near those things without getting stained with smashed berry juice in my own experience with them... Anyhow, We may never know, but I sure hope this new search pans out something. I have always felt that they will get their answer this fall when the foliage dies off.

The blackberry brambles of Oregon are sort of legendary... they are semi-evergreen and don't reveal much more in winter than any other time of year.
In June, blackberries were still in flower--no berries yet.
Just wanted to add...that when your adrenalin is running high, you'd be surprised the load you could carry and for how long of a distance!

She could drag a Hefty bag with 50 pounds or even carry it, weight it down in the water with rocks or bricks. She could also swing it back and forth and launch it into the massive bushes of blackberries/poison ivy/shrubs. If he's underwater, how good are the dogs at finding things? Or in a container?
I'm really hoping this search brings home the evidence they are seeking. I also agree that a return to search sauvie would seem significant. Initially they had 42 agencies, 1,300 searchers and 200 detectives. I have to conclude the search was thorough.

We have conflicting reports some stating new evidence others saying just being thorough. At this point and how tight lipped LE have been I don't believe they would tip their hand as to what triggered the new search.

I do wonder if it was a result of the newly forming taskforce it may be new information to them after going over everything they had on hand (meaning something already known to LE but seen from a different viewpoint IE: investigative lead) There must have been a mass of info( 200 detectives, all those tips etc) that they have managed to scale down to what really needs to be looked at and i do think with fewer agencies the information may be now be more centralized.

This weekends search consisted of 8 portland area agencies and 160 searchers. I'm going to assume they had a reason to call them out and although the search may not seem specific to us perhaps they are.. depending on what leads LE are following. Nothing in this case seems to ever be how it appears...

thoughts and prayers with all the searchers out on sauvie today "godspeed"

Older quote from June 14

Multnomah County sheriff’s Capt. Monte Reiser said Sunday, “We will keep a contingent of search and rescue crews on call to respond to any tip or investigative lead that needs to be check out."
The blackberry brambles of Oregon are sort of legendary... they are semi-evergreen and don't reveal much more in winter than any other time of year.
In June, blackberries were still in flower--no berries yet.

thank you for pointing that out! I forgot that its not until later in the summer that the berries are ready!

These pictures some of you have shared here are just incredible. I had an image in my head what the area must look like but wow, the photos really depict how thick the vegetation and such is. It seems where there isn't water, its waist high weeds, thick bushes and what not. I can now see how any evidence could be nearly impossible to find!!

also someone else here mentioned the soil samples that may have been taken from the Horman truck. How much variation would it be from say Skyline, FM stores and the Horman home that it would show up as different? I don't know too much about forensics but I assume they would definitely be able to discern the difference? I wonder if that is one of those "secret bombshell" pieces of evidence they are holding, you know? Like TH claims she was nowhere near SI, yet they have indisputable proof that the soil samples say otherwise...
I thought the task force has not yet been formed?
How long would soil traces "hold"? Kaine said they used to visit certain places there. So if they had been to Sauvie Island with the truck recently, would the police be able to tell the difference between old dirt and fresh samples?
All the swamplands and water makes me wonder if she dumped Kyron in water???
I read a report once that when woman kill, they usually bundle up and put in water,
as in BACK to the womb. (Huckabee case)

Or in a place that can substitute for a proper burial, as in Casey Anthony using a childhood favorite spot.
I thought the task force has not yet been formed?

Some members of the task force are the original detectives from MCSO who have never stopped working the case since June 4th. Tirelessly I might add...
1) She probably planned this for months. I believe she began planning at least back in November.

2) If she planned it, she probably had a site prepared.

3) If she had an accomplice, then her time constraints aren't that important.

I recall that LE were looking for info on where she was on the 3rd as well as the 4th.

They WERE????!!!! How did I miss that? Wow. Oh wow. This is major and I feel so silly for not having known. Where can I find that? TIA.
I posted this in a different thread on 9/14, thought it was relevant to this discussion, so I thought I'd bring it over here. I was looking for the cell towers that TH's phone would have pinged if she had been on Morgan Rd. by Rainbow Lake (approx where that Chas person said he saw her pull onto the highway.)

So does a cellphone ping work like GPS? That REQUIRES triangulation. I didn't know that cells did. I thought they just pinged to the most accessible tower they could, which would mean not necessarily the closest. I went to a website where it showed all the cell phone towers within a 4 mile radius of that road. There were 6, more than one of which was on Sauvie Island for whatever reason, but what caught my attention was that the one on Sauvie was the tallest. I would guess that maybe these "other" towers, since not owned by the major players (AT&T, Verizon or whomever, must lease their towers?) (I feel like this should be posted in another thread, but we've created so many, I don't know where it should go )

Here's the info: and link (hope it works)

Alert! 6 Towers (Not Registered) found within 4.00 miles of NW Morgan Rd, Portland, OR 97231.

Info! The NEAREST Tower is 1.45 miles away and is owned by Att Wireless Services Of Or Inc.

Ok! No Applications for Future Towers detected as of 09/14/10.

Tower Type ID Num Site Owner Height Dist
Registered (No Towers Detected)

Not Registered (1) Att Wireless Services Of Or Inc 145 feet 1.45 miles
(2) Western Pcs Corp 140 feet 1.59 miles
(3) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co 69 feet 1.97 miles
(4) Mc Caw Communications Of The Midsouth In 160 feet 2.99 miles
(5) American Tower Corp 165 feet 3.06 miles
(6) American Tower Corporation 115 feet 3.68 miles

Future (No Towers Detected)

Thank you just isn't enough! I recalled that we'd discussed before that there were no cellphone towers on the island. Now you've not only saved me a search through my notes and bookmarks, but you've also added more information, and in great depth.
Based on what I know about soil samples - they are comprised of tons of different minerals and varieties of materials. Even if the soil sample is taken from the same regional area (e.g., where the soil consistency would be similar) if it is not taken from exactly the same location, it will definitely be different. Therefore, if they took soil samples from the truck tires or her shoes & then found some similar to that on Sauvie Island, then that would be a perfectly logical explanation of why they keep focusing on Sauvie.

this link is informative:
I am totally on the fence here again. Day one, before all the stuff came out, my reaction was someone saw an opportunity to take a child on a busy day at school. We did a thread on how it could be done. Then we get the info about Sauvie Island and TH and all the media stuff, and then comes DD. So many things that confuse me. I keep in mind, just because YOUR phone is pinging somewhere, it doesn't mean YOU have that phone. I look at DD and she could pass for TH. So what if: TH passed her phone off to somebody else to fool LE into thinking she is somewhere she's not. But then why lie about where you were the phone pings are going to get you caught? So maybe that was an accident on her part. IDK but DY is so sure that he is alive and was passed off to somebody and LE keep looking in places that don't add up to a live child. So this confuses me. The logical place to search is where HER phone was pinging, so did they ever check out or verify that she was not there? If so, who had the phone?

I want to think Kyron is alive and not dead on that Island. But if TH sold him or gave him to somebody, that didn't happen in a void. There would be planning and money and some sort of trail that would lead up to that day.

All this cellphone stuff is driving me crazy! Crazy! Is it possible that somehow TH and KH inadvertently grabbed each other's phones? Wasn't there a The Closer episode that included that? Or some other show? Ack.

Did KH ever mention why he came home early that day? Did TH know he was coming? Did he have lunch first or at home? Is it possible that if he had the phone he swung by the island to check out an idea for a picnic or fun day out after school was out? I recall that the family had enjoyed activities out there before.

Just thinking outside the box. Anything to do with cellphones drives me mad. My new one is useless and is aggravating me. So I'm really driven nuts by triangulation and GPS and..and. Wait! Did KH geocache? Or TH? I've been reading about that. And apparently if I can get my cell's GPS to work--I think I have one--I could enjoy geocaching.

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