All sorts of people suing casey

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I'm glad to see a thread on this topic. I was wondering if George Anthony could bring a civil suit against Casey, similar to the civil suit that the Goldmans brought against OJ and won. Cindy would never do it, but if I were GA, I'd consider it especially given how she slandered him with the molestation claim.
I'm glad to see a thread on this topic. I was wondering if George Anthony could bring a civil suit against Casey, similar to the civil suit that the Goldmans brought against OJ and won. Cindy would never do it, but if I were GA, I'd consider it especially given how she slandered him with the molestation claim.

I just read in the lawyer thread that the only relation that bring a wrongful death against her would be Caylee's father but since he never knew her he would probably get nothing.
I read the answer to this one in the lawyer thread. The only relation that could sue for wrongful death would be Caylee's father but since he never knew her, he would most likely get nothing.
Wow! That surprises me. I assumed there was a Grandparent's law in re to that.

With all due respect, if she had told the authorities that Caylee "accidentally drowned" (not that I believe that for a second) instead of lying to them about some bogus nanny who stole her child, she would not have had to be prosecuted for murder. Why shouldn't she have to pay for the State's expenses??? Along with getting away with murder based on this "drowning," she expects the State to foot the bill, too? All the monies the State of Florida (and many others) have expended for investigation, and subsequent prosecution, would never have happened if she had told of this "drowning" rather than to lie that her daughter was missing.

Caylee getting no justice.... that's what I find unfair.


It boils down to this: The Justice system of Florida, America and indeed every civilized western democracy works on the basis that after an acquittal a person is presumed for the purposes of the criminal system to be innocent of the crime which they are acquitted of. (in some places a final acquittal).

KC has been acquitted of homicide and child abuse. Therefore, she should not be expected to pay the costs of prosecuting her for a crime which it is considered that she did not commit.
I'm glad to see a thread on this topic. I was wondering if George Anthony could bring a civil suit against Casey, similar to the civil suit that the Goldmans brought against OJ and won. Cindy would never do it, but if I were GA, I'd consider it especially given how she slandered him with the molestation claim.
Yes I was wondering the same thing. Fred Goldman sued OJ civilly and won! Why can't George? And OK this should be in Part 5, Section III of the sub thread to the Lawyer's thread, etc., etc., so sue me!
I wonder how long the Orlando and County Police Departments will continue spending money to "protect" the Anthony family now that the trial is over. I heard on the news that police cars were parked in front of the Anthony home due to "death threath" against the Anthonys.
If the Anthonys continue to encourgage media attention - are the police required to provide this expensive "protection?"

I hope that IF the Anthonys make any more money off of publicity from this case, that the OCSO can somehow find a way to recoup funds spent protecting them. BHopeful yet kinda doubtful that would ever happen.
Since TES is a not for profit and if it could be proven that Cindy Caylee was deceased when she called and asked for them to search for a live Caylee, couldn't that be considered fraud?

What are you suggesting? That Cindy Anthony knew Caylee was deceased when she called TES?
Linda! Doing everything she can to make sure that Casey is not going to profit from the blood money. Bless you, LDB.
It was just said on Hannity that KC can easily make 750k just from a few interviews.
Bloody amazing!
She will make millions in book sales and interviews.

Maybe not. Not if good and decent folks who are outraged at this write and call media and publishers and let them know we will not buy any such books and will not only not watch their interviews but will boycott them entirely for giving money to this woman, her family, her lawyers and the jurors.
I read the answer to this one in the lawyer thread. The only relation that could sue for wrongful death would be Caylee's father but since he never knew her, he would most likely get nothing.

IANAL and AZLawyer selflessly answers questions time and time again(thanks, AZ!), but in this area, I hope AZ is wrong.

Seems to me with Casey being Casey and manipulating people/events to her liking, Caylee's father may very well never have known he had a beautiful baby girl. Maybe he has seen the coverage but not come forward because he thought there was nothing to be gained other than unwanted publicity, and he thought her killer was going to be put away for a very long time, at a minimum.

Here's what I'm praying - that he, like so many people across the US and in other countries :seeya:, is sickened and angered by this verdict. That he/anyone that thinks they may be Caylee's daddy come forward for a DNA test. Caylee's profile is already on file. That once he's shown to be the daddy, he sues Casey for wrongful death, parental alienation, and/or anything else that could possibly apply. I think she likely prevented him and Caylee from knowing each other. I can easily see it being a one night stand and him having to make it clear to Casey, that's all it was. She is bitter and when she finds out she's pregnant, she says screw him, and doesn't let him know. IMO perfectly possible given how she acts.

A la OJ, I hope Caylee's dad can make sure Casey never sees a dime of any profit from Caylee's death. I don't even care if it's just because he wants to cash in. I was thinking yesterday about how all of us felt so sickened and helpless about this travesty of justice. I was thinking, but what can we DO to make a difference. I wonder if we can put a bug in the media's ear to publicize a search for Caylee's dad. Or create a fund to help anyone who might be her dad to get a DNA test??? IDK. I just think he might be able to bring justice where the jury failed. (And yes, I believe they failed to use logic and reason, or to deliberate slowly through all that had been presented.)

ETA: I :heart: LDB/the state attorneys, TES, Zenaida, and anyone else that remembers this is about justice for a sweet, helpless little girl. I believe Caylee's dancing, singing, and feeling joy and love in heaven, but she should have had more time to bless this world first.
It boils down to this: The Justice system of Florida, America and indeed every civilized western democracy works on the basis that after an acquittal a person is presumed for the purposes of the criminal system to be innocent of the crime which they are acquitted of. (in some places a final acquittal).

KC has been acquitted of homicide and child abuse. Therefore, she should not be expected to pay the costs of prosecuting her for a crime which it is considered that she did not commit.

She was found guilty of providing false information to LE. They have the right to recoup the costs of the investigation into Caylee's disappearance since she has admitted in court that Caylee died on June 16th.
They may be able to file fraud against the Anthony family. Not sure.

You know who else I feel really bad for? The countless volunteers that searched night and day for baby Caylee. I can only imagine the frustration and sorrow they must feel.
SNAP! :great: Go Linda!

The sign of a winner. Getting right back up, moving forward and fighting the good fight!

With all the hating and the financial armageddon heading towards Casey and company she is going to find the world a hard place to live in and she could indeed end up behind bars somehow, someway, someday. She certainly won't be able to associate with any people or men of quality. Can you see a guy telling his mom I am dating Casey Anthony? Would you let her in your house or ever believe a word she said?
Maybe not. Not if good and decent folks who are outraged at this write and call media and publishers and let them know we will not buy any such books and will not only not watch their interviews but will boycott them entirely for giving money to this woman, her family, her lawyers and the jurors.

Yes! Ask OJ Simpson how many books he sold. They printed 400,000 and recalled all of them in response to public outrage...
She was found guilty of providing false information to LE. They have the right to recoup the costs of the investigation into Caylee's disappearance since she has admitted in court that Caylee died on June 16th.

The costs of investgating the murder case have nothing to do with her lying to LEO charges.
If she had not lied to LE and admitted what happened to Caylee, then there would have been no need to waste resources looking into the child's disappearance. It's as simple as that.
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