All Texas Equusearch-Related Filings #1

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Well, only if Casey is suffering damages. If they already KNOW that the TES documents don't contain anything that will help her, then why waste the money to look at them? ;)

I know I am exaggerating....but they are making a mockery of the court's time with their silly motions and their recent ones imply that TES and or Mark have done things out of bounds just gets to me. You are right, since they may know that Casey is responsible....the TES records may hold no key for them...any more than the boxes and CDs of tips did.

It is too funny that he made the appointment, then canceled it. One of these situations may not make Casey suffer damages, but when you put them all is getting absurd, imo.
I wonder if JS gets a hold of this if he can order Casey to get a new lawyer, because at this point I see her filing an appeal based on incompetent counsel(<---I know thats not the real name can't think of it right now.) She will say that she was pleased with her lawyers but once she found out about all this she now realizes they did not represent her accordingly.
I wonder if JS gets a hold of this if he can order Casey to get a new lawyer, because at this point I see her filing an appeal based on incompetent counsel(<---I know thats not the real name can't think of it right now.) She will say that she was pleased with her lawyers but once she found out about all this she now realizes they did not represent her accordingly.

This is my concern also. I actually wonder if this is part of JB's plan. There is no way he can be this incompetent. Is there?
I wonder if JS gets a hold of this if he can order Casey to get a new lawyer, because at this point I see her filing an appeal based on incompetent counsel(<---I know thats not the real name can't think of it right now.) She will say that she was pleased with her lawyers but once she found out about all this she now realizes they did not represent her accordingly.

Well, according to Cindy and George (I know... I know) they do write Casey through the regular mail and since they went as far as reaching out to other attorneys to represent Casey, I don't see how they wouldn't include their displeasure of her defense within their letters.

Maybe we could start sending her all the newspaper articles, motions, transcripts and whatever else she might need so that there in no way could be a claim that she didn't know how utterly incompetent Jose is.

I honestly don't think this is ever going to be a problem. JS asked Casey point blank (the day she plead to the fraud charges) if she was happy with her defense and she said she was. JS, IMO, is watching this carefully and is going to try his best to make sure she couldn't win an appeal for inadequate representation.
This is my concern also. I actually wonder if this is part of JB's plan. There is no way he can be this incompetent. Is there?

I would hope not, but then again how many times did it take him to pass the bar?
In law, malpractice is a type of negligence in which the misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance of a professional, under a duty to act, fails to follow generally accepted professional standards, and that breach of duty is the proximate cause of injury to a plaintiff who suffers damages.

The money they spent sending Mort and Andrea's brother to interview four people who once knew Roy Kronk rather than do this or start deposing at least the LE outrageous!! In my opinion.
No wonder mom, pop and Brad had a meeting with another lawyer to try to hire him to replace the one Casey has. I know it is not literal malpractice....but is is a two ways about it.

When it's all said and done and Casey is convicted - I am pretty certain Cindy will be on every tv show, defiant as ever, instructing the media on all of the things Jose did wrong and how Casey was never represented fairly (assuming Cindy and George aren't in legal trouble of their own).
When it's all said and done and Casey is convicted - I am pretty certain Cindy will be on every tv show, defiant as ever, instructing the media on all of the things Jose did wrong and how Casey was never represented fairly (assuming Cindy and George aren't in legal trouble of their own).

And I'll bet there's an allegation that being in jail so long because an incompetent attorney kept stalling for time instead of requesting a speedy trial forced her to eat close to $2500 of commissary junk food that ruined her complexion and her figure. Because we all know that if Ms KC hadn't been in jail for all this time, she'd have had a rocket tied to her *advertiser censored* and been a world famous event planner after she was quite naturally acquitted for simply having told some minor mistruths and half truths while she was consumed with ugly coping over the tragic kidnapping and subsequent death of her daughter, which she was powerless to prevent.
Wow. He can't even try to be deceitful. You're going to claim you got no access when you made an appointment and canceled it? How ridiculous is he for that? I mean seriously!

Even if he knew there was nothing there, he shouldn't go ON RECORD making an appointment and canceling it! Good Lord, I didn't last but one year in law school and HE made it through and passed the bar? Where is the justice in THAT?

I swear, sometimes it seems like he's waiting for a My Cousin Vinny AHA! moment to happen to get Casey off. Sorry Baez. You ain't no Vinny Gambini, and AL is certainly NOT your Mona Lisa Vito.
This is my concern also. I actually wonder if this is part of JB's plan. There is no way he can be this incompetent. Is there?

Yes, he can and is this incompetent.
Exactly what happened with the Fraud Case -

No way will she ever plead guilty to killing Caylee!!! She will take this all the way to the end of the hallway just like she did at Universal, and then claim she is a victim.... but she will never admit guilt, NOt to this!
It's a Smiley Friday for me!!

Thankyou World and bless you MN!!!
I sooooo would be unhappy if I were a taxpayer having my hard earned dollars wasted like this.

Can't the state or the court demand the defense pay costs related to the frivolous filings subsequent to the defense cancelling this meeting?
Are they up to something or just incompetent? It's not like they've been too busy with getting their witness list out or taking important players' depos. What are they doing?

Waiting for Casey to grow old in jail :behindbar :blushing:
Rubbing my hands with glee- can't wait to hear Kathi Belich ask him what this is all about. :innocent: He will be doing his best to dodge her next time out.
Wait. Whoa. Hold the phone. This is dated Feb 26 2010. It says these additional records were just recently obtained when OCSO members went to Texas to interview Tim.

I missed something. When and why did OCSO members go to Texas and interview Tim?

Anybody have a link handy that 'splains it? I've been busy with Gabriel Johnson and although I keep reading here to keep up, it looks like this slipped by me.

ETA: Could this be the evidence the State is holding?
I swear, sometimes it seems like he's waiting for a My Cousin Vinny AHA! moment to happen to get Casey off. Sorry Baez. You ain't no Vinny Gambini, and AL is certainly NOT your Mona Lisa Vito.

LOL EXCELLENT! Well said! :)

The lawyer for TES expected that the defense would retract their accusation that he released the TES documents to the press. When they did not, he filed a motion with the court, responding to that and their requests for all of the documents. The very experienced Mr. Nejame, sets out the defense is out of line, and has their facts wrong. Again.

Nejame asks the court to award TES attorney fees.

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.


Baaaaam!Now this is a motion.
In law, malpractice is a type of negligence in which the misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance of a professional, under a duty to act, fails to follow generally accepted professional standards, and that breach of duty is the proximate cause of injury to a plaintiff who suffers damages.

The money they spent sending Mort and Andrea's brother to interview four people who once knew Roy Kronk rather than do this or start deposing at least the LE outrageous!! In my opinion.
No wonder mom, pop and Brad had a meeting with another lawyer to try to hire him to replace the one Casey has. I know it is not literal malpractice....but is is a two ways about it.

They can't get Baez replaced and their arrogance once again, shines through. KC is in charge, remember??? Only KC can make that determination to replace her attorney and IMO, she will not replace Baez. He is enabling KC, so he took over where mom left off! Where does this family come from???

Baez is a lazy lawyer, IMO. He'll send people to be deposed out of state but hasn't done any depos since, what, last summer? He has a long way to go but is stuttering over the little things that make no sense to me. His digging up dirt on RK, shows me, he hasn't a leg to stand on and is approaching this all wrong. But that's KC's choice and I feel she feels very comfortable with Baez and Co, especially with this innocence and acquittals being spouted to the court, she must feel Baez will get her acquitted. :furious:
BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Evidence Released 02/16/10

He explained that it is clear the defense is still on a fishing expedition to muster up something to back up Todd's claims. "If they had the proof ...they would produce the exculpatory evidence required by the rules of procedure. That coupled with the fact that they keep going off into the area that they need the Texas Equusearch records....they are still fishing , trying to come up with something that they do not have, that they never did have . They missed their deadline. They have not produced their proof and that is because THEY DON'T HAVE IT!!" This whole defense response was entirely inappropriate"

Where is the defense's witness list that was due February 1st?
If the hold up of reviewing these documents is money...why don't they just declare her indigent ...and get on with their work? Did they want the documents copied and delivered to Andrea's classes?
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