All Things Heath Ledger - Thread No. 2

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Its about time he was laid to seems to be taking forever to get him home.
I'm not surprised that the feds are now involved

No one doctor would have prescribed all that and Heath would have had to have a pretty bad physical pain problem (which I find unlikely) to warrant both hydrocodone and oxycodone prescriptions.

My husband says that oxycodone alone is one of the most powerful and dangerous pain killers in the WORLD. (I know I tend to dramatize, but that's exactly what he said)

You should be prescribed that only for a serious operation or pain, for a short period time, and NOT REFILLED.

My husband gets constant calls for refills after an operation- "Oh, Doc, I need more...I'm in pain". It's because it makes you feel good, and very addictive.
My husband says that oxycodone alone is one of the most powerful and dangerous pain killers in the WORLD. (I know I tend to dramatize, but that's exactly what he said)

You should be prescribed that only for a serious operation or pain, for a short period time, and NOT REFILLED.

My husband gets constant calls for refills after an operation- "Oh, Doc, I need more...I'm in pain". It's because it makes you feel good, and very addictive.

I agree with your husband 100%. Oxycodone is the substantive ingredient in oxycontin - it's just time-released in that medication. But if you crush it up and break through that time-release mechanism - you've got a huge dose of oxycodone and a huge potential for accidental OD.

I am not saying that's what happened to Heath.

I am saying that 6 of the drugs found in his system are highly addictive and have a huge recreational street value. I do think the OD was 100% accidental, but I think he had all that medicine in his system, in part, because he was struggling with drug addiction.
On one hand, I am so glad that the rumors of cocaine or heroin have come to nothing. On the other hand....I'm really kind of pi$$ed off at him now. SIX different drugs, and even a very ignorant, as far as pharmaceuticals go, person as myself could recognize that Valium, Xanax, and the sleeping pills look like a very unwise combination. The doctor on Greta last night said 5 of the six (excluding the oxycodone) were bad to mix in any combination. Just really, really insanely stupid on his part. Go to a sleep clinic if you're having that much trouble, geez!

The video of his family arriving back in Austrailia this week, it looked to me like his dad has aged tremendously in the past two weeks. So unbelievably sad.
On one hand, I am so glad that the rumors of cocaine or heroin have come to nothing. On the other hand....I'm really kind of pi$$ed off at him now. SIX different drugs, and even a very ignorant, as far as pharmaceuticals go, person as myself could recognize that Valium, Xanax, and the sleeping pills look like a very unwise combination. The doctor on Greta last night said 5 of the six (excluding the oxycodone) were bad to mix in any combination. Just really, really insanely stupid on his part. Go to a sleep clinic if you're having that much trouble, geez!

The video of his family arriving back in Austrailia this week, it looked to me like his dad has aged tremendously in the past two weeks. So unbelievably sad.
It is hard to know exactly what Heath was thinking with this cocktail.I suspect that he may have used this combo before though. i watched a couple of You Tube videos regarding Oxycodone and addiction. Must say that what I saw was really is a very abused drug..not unlike Heroin in its behaviour.
Unfortunately we will never know what he was thinking or why he took all of these together...prescription drugs need to be carefully considered and as you say, it does not take much knowledge to realize the danger of these combos.
Sounds like Heath shopped around to get all these. No doc is gonna prescribe all of those at once. I wonder how he got those hardcore pain killers....did he have any injuries we have not heard of?
I'm not surprised that the feds are now involved

No one doctor would have prescribed all that and Heath would have had to have a pretty bad physical pain problem (which I find unlikely) to warrant both hydrocodone and oxycodone prescriptions.

When i had my leg surgery i was prescribed both...first oxy then hydro..and every few weeks during my checks up my doctor would just prescribe me more and more refills that i didnt ask for/need! We never went and bought them...but i was suprised at how easy it is to get all the painkillers.
I'm not surprised that the feds are now involved

No one doctor would have prescribed all that and Heath would have had to have a pretty bad physical pain problem (which I find unlikely) to warrant both hydrocodone and oxycodone prescriptions.
Honestly? My gf's medicine cab looks just like this. She gets all these drugs prescribed for her with no probelm. She takes over 400 norco which is a stronger strength vicodin, a month. She picks up this huge bottleful if it wasn't so scary it would be funny.She is prescribed sedatives, anti-anxiety,anti-depressants, sleeping aids and several pain pills. She opted to stop the oxycontin and methadone because they made her sleepy :eek:
Honestly? My gf's medicine cab looks just like this. She gets all these drugs prescribed for her with no probelm. She takes over 400 norco which is a stronger strength vicodin, a month. She picks up this huge bottleful if it wasn't so scary it would be funny.She is prescribed sedatives, anti-anxiety,anti-depressants, sleeping aids and several pain pills. She opted to stop the oxycontin and methadone because they made her sleepy :eek:
Oh Boy! No doctor I have ever been too would give out meds like that. Doctors here are not too keen on prescribing pain killers. My hubby has bulged dics and he is lucky to even get anti inflammatories for the pain. Occcasionally he has had Valium but only one lot no repeat scripts.
Honestly? My gf's medicine cab looks just like this. She gets all these drugs prescribed for her with no probelm. She takes over 400 norco which is a stronger strength vicodin, a month. She picks up this huge bottleful if it wasn't so scary it would be funny.She is prescribed sedatives, anti-anxiety,anti-depressants, sleeping aids and several pain pills. She opted to stop the oxycontin and methadone because they made her sleepy :eek:

:eek: :eek: Thank God they made her sleepy hey?
It is hard to know exactly what Heath was thinking with this cocktail.I suspect that he may have used this combo before though. i watched a couple of You Tube videos regarding Oxycodone and addiction. Must say that what I saw was really is a very abused drug..not unlike Heroin in its behaviour.
Unfortunately we will never know what he was thinking or why he took all of these together...prescription drugs need to be carefully considered and as you say, it does not take much knowledge to realize the danger of these combos.
Sounds like Heath shopped around to get all these. No doc is gonna prescribe all of those at once. I wonder how he got those hardcore pain killers....did he have any injuries we have not heard of?

Anyone who likes heroin, likes oxy and hydro. They are all just a form of morphine and have similar effects.
Honestly? My gf's medicine cab looks just like this. She gets all these drugs prescribed for her with no probelm. She takes over 400 norco which is a stronger strength vicodin, a month. She picks up this huge bottleful if it wasn't so scary it would be funny.She is prescribed sedatives, anti-anxiety,anti-depressants, sleeping aids and several pain pills. She opted to stop the oxycontin and methadone because they made her sleepy :eek:

Norco (and oxy and vicodin and methadone) helped send me to treatment. But you can maintain a long time on that stuff - the pure opiates. Mixing it with the benzos and sleeping stuff (and alcohol) is the great danger with opiates - too much of those
When i had my leg surgery i was prescribed both...first oxy then hydro..and every few weeks during my checks up my doctor would just prescribe me more and more refills that i didnt ask for/need! We never went and bought them...but i was suprised at how easy it is to get all the painkillers.

Yeah - I got oxy, then hydro when recovering from my c-section. A round of each is fairly standard after major surgery. Also, if you have ongoing chronic pain problems, oxy and hydro can be used for breakthrough pain in combination with longer acting opiates like methadone or fentanyl.

But had Ledger had any type of major trauma that would indicate a need for both those opiates or a chronic pain problem? No that I know of.

My experience has been that very few docs (save those in pain management) really know how to prescribe those things - they either give you all you want willy nilly or won't give you a thing even iof you might need it.

A friend of mine who is a recovering drug addict and an MD told me they study addiction for like one hour in medical school!
Bingo. From what I hear, this was his recreational drug of choice.

For all intense purposes, a solid does of oxy is equivalent in its high to heroin - method of ingestion being the same. Plenty of people even prefer the "pharmaceutical" high to the "street" high of heroin.
For all intense purposes, a solid does of oxy is equivalent in its high to heroin - method of ingestion being the same. Plenty of people even prefer the "pharmaceutical" high to the "street" high of heroin.

Wow - I never knew that before. Thanks southcitymom!
A US newspaper columnist has sparked controversy by describing Heath Ledger as "reckless and greedy" and "selfish".
Andrea Peyser, in her column in Friday's New York Post, wrote she was disgusted the 28-year-old Australian actor chose to "self-destruct" with prescription drugs.

He was reckless and greedy.
"He was fundamentally selfish.
"Now his daughter will grow up never knowing the man she worshipped from birth; his parents must bury a son they cherished."

I think some coloumlists are a bit upset that they arent getting their pound of was ruled an accidental death by legal drugs...the poor bloke may aswell been found with needles and crackpipes hanging out of him.

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