All things swine flu (H1N1)

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I'm edgy too, Tichad. Trying to talk myself out of it and calm myself a bit, but it's difficult. Hang in there.
I know there is a topic about the swine influenza outbreak in a few states.
However, breaking news from the CDC has just been delivered to my Inbox.

Sunday April 26, 2009
Twenty cases of swine flu now confirmed, triggering an emergency declaration by HHS. Homeland Security releases 25% of stockpiled antivirals -- oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).
Developing story.

I urge everyone here to read, and to take the precautions you believe are necessary for your family.

My family and I will be getting prescriptions for Tamiflu from our doctor tomorrow, because the window to start taking the anti-viral medication after the onset of symptoms of flu ( fever, aches, etc) is only 24-48 hours at best.
This flu is killing people betweeen the ages of 25-44 in Mexico, where it was first reported, rather than the usual pattern of killing infants and the elderly.
It is the same H1N1 variant which produced the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed between 40 and 50 million people world wide.

The best first line defenses, if the flu outbreak is in your immediate geographical area, are:
1) WASH HANDS thoroughly with soap and warm water and dry with a disposable paper towel.
This is the most important and most basic thing all of us can do. Also, the use of non- water hand sanitizers is effective against most viruses. ( H1N1 influenza is like all flu- a virus).
2) IF children at your child's school are sickened, keep your children home.
3) IF there is an outbreak at your work place, stay home.
4) Avoid public places during times of reported flu outbreak in your immediate area.
5) Obtain a full dose of either Relenza or Tamiflu for each family member from your doctor unless you have a compelling reason not to do so. If the anti-viral medications are not present or not started and a member of your family contracts this virulent flu, prepare to be quarantined in your home if anyone in the household contracts the flu severely enough to require medical attention.

As the head of the CDC said today, this situation is " changing rapidly". All of North America, from Canada to Mexico, is affected.
This is not a drill. This is not a catastrophe. This is information to help each of us stay alive and well.


According to WHO, the current swine flu could mutate into a more deadly form.

People shouldn't panic, but it is wise to stay on top of this, and take precautions as you deem appropriate for you and your families. case confirmed in Ohio.

We are in the earliest stages of what could become a pandemic if this strain mutates. This is nothing to sneeze at.

If you're going to err, err on the side of caution. Basically, we are all still in the dark on what's going to happen with this swine flu. Two months down the road it could be of little concern or it could turn out to be a nightmare.
(bold above by me)

Pun intended???

Humor aside, this is all good advice.

Especially the part about not panicking. The media will do that for you. Let them.
This pig farmer is about to go psycho paranoid!! :(
(bold above by me)

Pun intended???

Humor aside, this is all good advice.

Especially the part about not panicking. The media will do that for you. Let them.

Does this mean that I shouldn't go out to the barn and just set it on fire??? Because I'm thinking about it.

I love your posts, your always the "voice" of reason. I'm just scared $h!tless right now. I don't know if I should call my dr and get some tamiflu or sit back and wait.
(bold above by me)

Pun intended???

Humor aside, this is all good advice.

Especially the part about not panicking. The media will do that for you. Let them.

ITA. I'm seeing Headlines all over the net that the CDC has declared a health emergency. Only the LA times, albeit buried in the article, explained that this action is not nearly as sinister as it sounds.

I haven't revisited the bird flu breakout, but I don't recall it becomming the worldwide epidemic that was feared then. And the bird flu was, IMO, much more deadly than the current strain of Swine flu appears to be.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn't mutate or something....that's when I'll freak.
Does this mean that I shouldn't go out to the barn and just set it on fire??? Because I'm thinking about it.

I love your posts, your always the "voice" of reason. I'm just scared $h!tless right now. I don't know if I should call my dr and get some tamiflu or sit back and wait.

I would leave the tamiflu for others that come down with this and actually need it.
Thanks SeekingJana...I too will be making that call to our physician tomorrow morning for the Tamiflu. We are a family of 11 in our home, with older kids and little grandchildren in and out all the time. Better to be cautious especially since we are in Texas and our children are in rather large public schools.
This really is some scary stuff.
I don't think this means that all pigs have it.

Anyone know why they call this "swine" flu, and not "pig" flu? Is it only from pigs originally...or warthogs and other pig relatives too?
I think we only have to worry about pigs that have vacationed in Mexico lately. :)
I think it's a wise thing to use the precautions that we all would use during a regular flu outbreak, which happens most years.

When we know that a flu outbreak has been in our communities or schools, we all take measures such as frequent washing of hands, avoiding close contact with those that are ill, covering our mouths and noses when we cough or sneeze.

And to and see what happens and if it comes to our own town or community. If it does, then be prepared. That's what I am going to do. If there is an outbreak here, I will take measures to protect myself and my children from exposure as much as possible. If I can't do that, I will get to the doctor's as soon a possible. Instead of waiting to see if it is just a common viral infection most children get at schools, I'll be going directly to the doc if they show symptoms of flu.

It doesn't hurt to be aware, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. I can honestly say that many times in the past I have prepared for severe storms, power outages etc.. only to have them blow past...but I was prepared in case they didn't.

Thanks to everyone that is scouring the internet at this time and posting information to help us all be informed. That way if this does end up being wide spread, we can be prepared.
Right now, I think our pigs are more at danger than we are. Isn't this a mutated version of swine flu?
Honestly I'm wondering if this came from a pig to begin with. Obviously part of it came from pigs originally, but what is odd is that it is, as the CDC has said, a combination of 4 different flu strains; 2 from pigs, 1 from birds, and 1 from humans.
To the person who wants to burn their barn down, if you mean that you are planning on killing your pigs, please do it more humanely...I can't think of a worse thing than to hear some poor animal screaming from being burned alive.
Thanks SeekingJana...I too will be making that call to our physician tomorrow morning for the Tamiflu. We are a family of 11 in our home, with older kids and little grandchildren in and out all the time. Better to be cautious especially since we are in Texas and our children are in rather large public schools.
This really is some scary stuff.

Yes, it is scary because apparently the CDC believes the strain is already mutating. Mutating into what, they don't say.. IF the reports continue as they are, that the USA cases are much milder compared to the Mexico cases which have caused deaths, and perhaps the mutation will be/ is to a form of influenza we have SOME conferred immunity to through past flu illness or flu vaccines.

Also, I just read on a M.D. only site that a husband and wife from Kansas were diagnosed with this strain of flu, and are being isolated in their home.
This means that the government is using the quarantine method, which they first outlined in the H5N1 Avian Influenza disaster plan, for anyone who isn't familiar with this new- again, very old way of containing infectious disease.
If you have family members with special dietary and supply needs ( infant formula, diapers, insulin, or so forth) I would have a 2 week supply on hand until the danger passes, just in case. More than likely, the National Guard will be cordoning off the infected housholds and will be in charge of dropping off needed supplies.

Those of us in Texas are more vulnerable right now.. but cases have been reported as far north as NY state and Canada. ( probably recent airline passengers with an infected person).
Right now, I think our pigs are more at danger than we are. Isn't this a mutated version of swine flu?

I don't think it has mutated yet, but it can. Which is a charactaristic of all flu viruses, which is why flu vaccine's are so hard and lengthy to make.

The H1N1 strain of swine flu is usually associated with pigs. When the flu spreads person-to-person, instead of from animals to humans, it can continue to mutate, making it a tougher strain that is harder to treat or fight off.
Don't have a link but heard on the news there may be a diagnosed case in Quebec.
Honestly I'm wondering if this came from a pig to begin with. Obviously part of it came from pigs originally, but what is odd is that it is, as the CDC has said, a combination of 4 different flu strains; 2 from pigs, 1 from birds, and 1 from humans.

I'll have to go back and check, but I think that statement was referring to the three viruses vaccine manufactuerers are currently working on, as they do every year. It was stated that IF a new and 4th vaccine is needed that there was a question as to whether the manufacturers could add that to their current work.
To the person who wants to burn their barn down, if you mean that you are planning on killing your pigs, please do it more humanely...I can't think of a worse thing than to hear some poor animal screaming from being burned alive.

I would never, ever just butcher all my animals. It was a poor attempt at humor in my panicky state. Sorry.

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