**all things zfg lawsuit merged **

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I agree. ZFG's attorneys are taking this far beyond trying to clear her name, which has already been cleared repeatedly. It appears that they are actually trying to investigate Caylee's disappearance and murder, which could, IMO, be construed as interfering in a criminal case.
I wonder if ZFG feels that way?
I wonder if ZFG feels that way?

Right on!

I wonder if any of us would feel this way if we were the ones defamed in such a way?
Let's not forget, KC counter-sued.
ZFG has all the right to ask all of the questions she wants.
She is being sued too, remember?
Why would she be sued if KC didn't believe this to be THE ZFG? That doesn't make any sense.
What does the counter-suit by KC specifically say? I am sure it isn't "I am counter-suing you for believing you were the ZFG I was referring to."
Under oath or not, I don't think these people know how to tell the truth. I think they spin whatever they need to and then convince themselves it is true.

You took the words right out of my mind! I don't think any of the family really knows how to talk truth.
LA lawyer just said on JVM that LA knew kc lied and never heard the name of Zanny or ZFG before kc was arrested................
if kc would of told the truth and said 'this is NOT ZFG,
and if JB didn't talk kc into counter suing ,
then ZFG would have her life again;
but JB wants to drag everyone into this mess,
kc ruins lives.........
Right on!

I wonder if any of us would feel this way if we were the ones defamed in such a way?
Let's not forget, KC counter-sued.
ZFG has all the right to ask all of the questions she wants.
She is being sued too, remember?
Why would she be sued if KC didn't believe this to be THE ZFG? That doesn't make any sense.
What does the counter-suit by KC specifically say? I am sure it isn't "I am counter-suing you for believing you were the ZFG I was referring to."

KC's counter suit says :She sued me first, so there!":)

I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV but,from all that I have read, Z F-G has a legitimate suit. Obviously the Judge though so too or he would not have agreed to the written questions. Does the Judge not have to approve these questions before KC answers? Did KC & lawyers already receive the list of questions?
and remember there is that darn pesky little counter suit of kc's that she filed....and really got the ball rolling...:bang::waitasec:


It would seem they are gonna have to drop the counter suit.imo

My favorite line from Luka: MORGAN turning this into a circus.:bang:Really??

J.Morgan is my favorite person today. Good for him. Don't think it will get answers, but reaction on video to the questions would be VERY interesting.
I can not find in the docs where Casey says that ZFG drives a 2008 Ford Focus. I could swear it's there somewhere.

On Google, every mention I'm finding of a Ford Focus is attributed to the Nanny in the park story as relayed by LP. I'm almost certain we heard about the Focus long before that. Someone help me out here, please?

Chilly, I believe that was in the first jail house visit with George and Cindy.. She did give a description of the car along with what she looks like. She was saying the windows were not tinted, and that there was a car seat on the drivers side backseat that she used for Caylee.
I have no doubt that Casey knew someone who worked in the office of Sawgrass Apt.'s. If I remember correctly someone who worked for Sawgrass initially refused to talk to Law Enforcement. She may have easily allowed Casey to hang out behind the desk with her and Casey could have seen the guest card filled out by ZFG. I think that Casey's use of the name "Zanny" was a nickname for Xanax originally and when she seen the name Zenaida she immediately seen how that coud easily fit with Zanny.

Zenaida should and could have a lawsuit against Sawgrass Apt.'s if this is true... and yes, am speculating but it does make sense when you look at it this way. Taking depositions from George, Lee and Cindy does make sense simply because Casey's story when she was tracked down by Cindy was that a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales of Sawgrass Apt.'s was resposible for kidnapping Caylee. They (Zenaida and her attorneys) have a right to question anyone who has/had any knowledge of this nanny in order to clear her name.

Do I think this lawsuit is silly? Depends? Casey has already said that "this" Zenaida is not the one who kidnapped Caylee but with the information that she gave Law Enforcement in her original interviews clearly shows that she was able to obtain this womans name from Sawgrass Apt.'s.
I have no doubt that Casey knew someone who worked in the office of Sawgrass Apt.'s. If I remember correctly someone who worked for Sawgrass initially refused to talk to Law Enforcement. She may have easily allowed Casey to hang out behind the desk with her and Casey could have seen the guest card filled out by ZFG. I think that Casey's use of the name "Zanny" was a nickname for Xanax originally and when she seen the name Zenaida she immediately seen how that coud easily fit with Zanny.

Zenaida should and could have a lawsuit against Sawgrass Apt.'s if this is true... and yes, am speculating but it does make sense when you look at it this way. Taking depositions from George, Lee and Cindy does make sense simply because Casey's story when she was tracked down by Cindy was that a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales of Sawgrass Apt.'s was resposible for kidnapping Caylee. They (Zenaida and her attorneys) have a right to question anyone who has/had any knowledge of this nanny in order to clear her name.

Do I think this lawsuit is silly? Depends? Casey has already said that "this" Zenaida is not the one who kidnapped Caylee but with the information that she gave Law Enforcement in her original interviews clearly shows that she was able to obtain this womans name from Sawgrass Apt.'s.

So, this brings up some questions. Yes, the perp says she was not pointing the finger at this Zenaida. So, why won't she answer the question during the deposition?

Put another way, if she's not pointing the finger at this Z then where is she pointing the finger? It's not unreasonable to think that no matter what Z LE brought up, she would say that this is not the one. I think that the perp really slipped up with some real identifying features. It's reasonable to assume there is a link between the perp's description and poor Z who happened to be at Sawgrass. The perp impugned Z's rep and royally damaged Z's life and livelihood by those very details. Z is now seeing the consequences of that "non finger pointing". And if it wasn't her, then produce the one she was (non)pointing the finger at.

I heart Morgan and Mitnick.

I also wonder about videos of the depositions (which I would love to see, even if the A's don't say a word). I wonder if the A's lawyers can try to block the release.
I don't know what is or isn't coincidence in this case. Is it coincidence that Casey had talked about Zanny the nanny long before Caylee went missing and that ZFG just happened to view the apartment at Sawgrass?

And to which dependable and honest source do we attribute this fact-that Zanny the nanny was talked about long before Caylee went missing? And what exactly IS long before Caylee went missing? A month? A year? How long and who said? If it is ANY Anthony then it is goes on automatic lie simply due to their history. Who else said she mentioned Zanny specifically and when was that again? I recall the Rev, Gund said she mentioned a Nanny but I do not recall him saying her name was Zanny. :waitasec:

I could be mistaken of course, I have been known to make a mistake before...:crazy:
The NY tags are one more indication that this was not the ZG Casey claimed took Caylee. Casey's ZFG was a Florida resident and had been for a number of years at least. Her car should have had Florida tags. Casey never accused this particular ZG and said right from the start that it was not her.


IMO this lawsuit is totally without merit. KC may have said that the name of the 'nanny' was ZFG, but she never said it was this ZFG, and in fact specifically said it wasn't her when shown pictures of this ZFG by LE. Also, KC stated that her ZFG actually lived at Sawgrass and had done for some time. She said she dropped Caylee off on June 16 to her ZFG at her apartment. This ZFG has never lived at Sawgrass and only visited there on 17 June, a day after the date KC claims to have handed Caylee over. This ZFG has been no more implicated than all the other ZFGs living in FL.

If KC had said that the 'nanny' was called e.g. Mary Smith or Jones (2 of the most common surnames) would that mean that all women with that name in FL would have a claim against her? I also think some of the questions being asked on the deposition are irrelevant to ZFG's claim, such as what KC knows about Caylee's death, and are just included in order to turn the screws.

Also, LA, GA and CA know nothing about this ZFG and IIRC they only heard of a 'nanny' or allegedly a 'Zanny' before July 16 so I don't see any real value in questioning them.
From the way it looks they are all going to "Take The Fifth", Casey, Lee and George being in the hospital may not be deposed on such date. As for Cindy, well who knows what she is up to right now, but "IMO" if Casey and Lee will Take the Fifth so will Cindy and George. So, no live video of the depo and if so, they will write their name and DOB and Take the Fifth from what I understood from the legal panel on the JVM show and Luka. I personally feel that this law suit has more to do than clearing ZFG's name. Yes, Casey changed her story about the nanny. In her first statement to LE she gave the "FULL" name ZFG and then in another she told them she had two children, a car silver car, she lived at Saw-Grass and so fourth. So I see where ZFG is coming from. Even though Casey could not pick her out of the picture line up from LE she still claimed that the ZFG from Saw-Grass took Caylee and the family ran with Casey's story as well even though they never met her or knew her name. Lets not forget the ZFG that was looked up on one of the Anthony's computer, that is in the second doc dump. It was more than once that someone looked up the name and the last time was on July 16th around 6:30am. Now, I know that the defense keeps saying that it was not this ZFG and Casey did not pick her out of the line up. Again, this was the only ZFG that went to Saw-Grass. No one with that name ever lived at Saw-Grass, only this ZFG went to check out an apartment there as well as other's along the way. For some reason I feel like this law suit is another way of someone else that has their hands tied behind there back to try and get some justice for Caylee. It was even said way back that the reason for this suit was not so much about the money it was about clearing ZFG name and getting Casey to talk about what really happen to Caylee and what ZFG is she referring to and where is she, from what I understood reading a while back.

On another note, I read this article this morning and was wondering what it may be about. Looks like another motion will be filled this week.
Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.
"We believe that any questions she would answer could compromise her potentially in her criminal case, so that's why she's invoking her Fifth," Kasen says, adding that they'll return the questionnaire from Gonzales's attorney Keith Mitnik with Casey's name and date of birth filled in, and for the rest, she'll invoke her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself.
Kasen says the law is on his side. "The case law is abundantly clear and the Florida Supreme Court has spoken on this issue as well. Now, why the other side doesn't either acknowledge that or understand that is something I don't understand."

Another thing Kasen is unclear on is why Lee, George and Cindy Anthony received subpeonas for Gonzales's case Tuesday. "We don't quite have any understanding on why it is they're setting them for deposition. I don't know what information Mr. Mitnik hopes to glean from them."

But, Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.

"I can't go into the specifics of that yet," he says, "but we'll be filing something, and it'll probably be filed by the end of the week."

Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Are you saying that Casey said the car of 'her' ZG had NY tags? I don't recall that. I'll have to pull up Casey's statement and reread it...and then I'll have to go shower again.

I don't recall reading that Casey said ZFG had NY tags either, but last night on the JVM show the attorney Mitnik (not sure if I spelled it right) stated that Casey did tell LE that ZFG car had NY tags. So, not sure where that info came from either, but he said on National television.
From the way it looks they are all going to "Take The Fifth", Casey, Lee and George being in the hospital may not be deposed on such date. As for Cindy, well who knows what she is up to right now, but "IMO" if Casey and Lee will Take the Fifth so will Cindy and George. So, no live video of the depo and if so, they will write their name and DOB and Take the Fifth from what I understood from the legal panel on the JVM show and Luka. I personally feel that this law suit has more to do than clearing ZFG's name. Yes, Casey changed her story about the nanny. In her first statement to LE she gave the "FULL" name ZFG and then in another she told them she had two children, a car silver car, she lived at Saw-Grass and so fourth. So I see where ZFG is coming from. Even though Casey could not pick her out of the picture line up from LE she still claimed that the ZFG from Saw-Grass took Caylee and the family ran with Casey's story as well even though they never met her or knew her name. Lets not forget the ZFG that was looked up on one of the Anthony's computer, that is in the second doc dump. It was more than once that someone looked up the name and the last time was on July 16th around 6:30am. Now, I know that the defense keeps saying that it was not this ZFG and Casey did not pick her out of the line up. Again, this was the only ZFG that went to Saw-Grass. No one with that name ever lived at Saw-Grass, only this ZFG went to check out an apartment there as well as other's along the way. For some reason I feel like this law suit is another way of someone else that has their hands tied behind there back to try and get some justice for Caylee. It was even said way back that the reason for this suit was not so much about the money it was about clearing ZFG name and getting Casey to talk about what really happen to Caylee and what ZFG is she referring to and where is she, from what I understood reading a while back.

On another note, I read this article this morning and was wondering what it may be about. Looks like another motion will be filled this week.
Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.
"We believe that any questions she would answer could compromise her potentially in her criminal case, so that's why she's invoking her Fifth," Kasen says, adding that they'll return the questionnaire from Gonzales's attorney Keith Mitnik with Casey's name and date of birth filled in, and for the rest, she'll invoke her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself.
Kasen says the law is on his side. "The case law is abundantly clear and the Florida Supreme Court has spoken on this issue as well. Now, why the other side doesn't either acknowledge that or understand that is something I don't understand."

Another thing Kasen is unclear on is why Lee, George and Cindy Anthony received subpeonas for Gonzales's case Tuesday. "We don't quite have any understanding on why it is they're setting them for deposition. I don't know what information Mr. Mitnik hopes to glean from them."

But, Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.

"I can't go into the specifics of that yet," he says, "but we'll be filing something, and it'll probably be filed by the end of the week."


so now kc is helping write the motions??? What would be that surprising?
Chilly, I believe that was in the first jail house visit with George and Cindy.. She did give a description of the car along with what she looks like. She was saying the windows were not tinted, and that there was a car seat on the drivers side backseat that she used for Caylee.
She certainly has an active imagination.
I can not find in the docs where Casey says that ZFG drives a 2008 Ford Focus. I could swear it's there somewhere.

On Google, every mention I'm finding of a Ford Focus is attributed to the Nanny in the park story as relayed by LP. I'm almost certain we heard about the Focus long before that. Someone help me out here, please?

I could have sworn that it was before LP, too. It was in a LE interview or something similar. Remember, pink flowered seat covers or something to that effect? She described the car down to the last detail, complete with the NY tags and tint or no tint on the windows (I don't remember which it was). :)
I could have sworn that it was before LP, too. It was in a LE interview or something similar. Remember, pink flowered seat covers or something to that effect? She described the car down to the last detail, complete with the NY tags and tint or no tint on the windows (I don't remember which it was). :)

I can't find the right doc's either but did find one where she talks about ZFG being from NY and that she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass with ZFG, The Law suit that states that Casey gave LE; ZFG name, kids name, car descrption and old article.

Click here to read the lawsuit filed by Zenaida Gonzalez against Casey Anthony http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photogalleries/092408zenaidalawsuit/1/lg/Scan001_Page_2.htm

Casey written statement: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1473802/Statement---Casey-Anthony-Written-2008-0715
RAW AUDIO: Investigators Interview Casey Anthony On July 16 - Recording #1 http://www.wftv.com/video/17458685/index.html

RAW AUDIO: Investigators Interview Casey Anthony On July 16 - Recording #2 http://www.wftv.com/video/17461496/index.html

Kidnapping Statement - Casey Anthony Written 2008 0715


After Caylee was reported missing, Casey told detectives she dropped off the Caylee at Zenaida Gonzalez's apartment off Conway Road (SawGrass) and now has no idea where the child is.
"We know this is the right one. They not only knew she was the right Zenaida, gave the names of her two children and type of car she drove. They knew the color of the car she drove. All given to them allegedly by Casey Anthony," Morgan said. http://www.wftv.com/news/17549736/detail.html
July 16 9:42 am mass e-mail to everyone in her addy, plus out-cry on MySpace. In a response to a text message from Brittany Schieber, Casey says to keep an eye out for a Silver four-door Ford Focus.
I just really hope they don't try to put off Caylee's funeral to try to avoid these depos taking place. I think we can expect some sort of dramatic A event just before these are to go ahead.

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