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#366 06-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 20

GBC plates are SETTLED....... SETTLE and 5ETTLE belonged to the now ex partners - not sure if those two plates are still being used anymore though.
I know. No-one to my knowledge ever mentioned the make or colour of the cars with SETTLE or 5ETTLE plates. Surely police would know this though? They'd have a record of anyone the defendant knows with dark blue small 4WD. Or is this something I should pass on to them?

Was the mention of the dark blue small 4WD in MSM or just a rumour? I can 't remember. If it was something mentioned in MSM it wouldn't hurt to ring crimestoppers or give them a copy of the photo. The worst that could happen from that is that they already know or it is irrelevant, but on the other hand it could be relevant. They can decide. This is obviously all just my humble opinion.
I know. No-one to my knowledge ever mentioned the make or colour of the cars with SETTLE or 5ETTLE plates. Surely police would know this though? They'd have a record of anyone the defendant knows with dark blue small 4WD. Or is this something I should pass on to them?

I'd call it in rather than leave it to chance. If they already know, there's no harm done but if they don't, there's a lot to be gained.
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#366 06-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 20

GBC plates are SETTLED....... SETTLE and 5ETTLE belonged to the now ex partners - not sure if those two plates are still being used anymore though.

The plates may not be but the car could still be in use.
Interesting, thanks for that.

They should consider selling the SETTLED plates and if anyone really wants to buy them BWANA as last time I checked personalized plates were $2300 a piece. That means at least $4600 or perhaps more... all that money and no idea what to do = BRING ON LAWYER #4!

I think the BWANA plates would look good on Mark Ainsworths car lolol.
I am wondering what the reasons are for a prisoner being refused a contact visit with someone. Perhaps someone like Keentoknow will know the details. From my understanding if GBC was to have a contact visit he would have to strip and put on a special garment that looks like a large jumpsuit (think baby jumpsuit but heavier darker material) prior to the visit. After the visit he would then strip in front of a prison guard and put on his other prison attire. The stripping off is to make sure the visitor didn't give them anything. Keentoknow may need to correct me if this isn't true because my info is not based on Arthur Gorrie but a prison in a different state. It is not a pleasant process for a prisoner to go through to have a contact visit but then I can imagine that some of them may just crave that physical contact (like a hug or a hand hold) with a family member. A visit behind a glass wall is not very personal.

Maybe NBC is a POI, and therefore not allowed a contact visit.
Ok, here goes again ;)

  • Prado had ALLISON and C21 stickers all around - for years (abc mostly drove)
  • Black Lexus had SETTLED - for years (gbc mostly drove)
approx. 1 month before tragedy new configuration and up to tragedy:

  • Prado gets SETTLED, c21 stickers removed from everywhere except on back (gbc mostly drove)
  • Black Lexus disappears
  • Silver Captiva on the scene with new std. issue QLD plates (only ever saw ABC driving)
  • ALLISON's plates not around
I don't have any information on the blue vehicle.

They could have sold the ALLISON plates for quite a bit of money.
Was the mention of the dark blue small 4WD in MSM or just a rumour? I can 't remember. If it was something mentioned in MSM it wouldn't hurt to ring crimestoppers or give them a copy of the photo. The worst that could happen from that is that they already know or it is irrelevant, but on the other hand it could be relevant. They can decide. This is obviously all just my humble opinion.

Courier Mail I think. But I'll check. Thank you everyone for your words. I'll call in tomorrow about the car and plates. Better to be safe than sorry.
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#366 06-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 20

GBC plates are SETTLED....... SETTLE and 5ETTLE belonged to the now ex partners - not sure if those two plates are still being used anymore though.

Radster's reply to RumourSquasher's post is also interesting. So just what is the back story? :waitasec:

06-02-2012, 12:49 AM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 82

Originally Posted by RumourSquasher
GBC plates are SETTLED....... SETTLE and 5ETTLE belonged to the now ex partners - not sure if those two plates are still being used anymore though.

A real player, then, RumourSquasher. I know the back story to those plates and clearly so do you. Interesting ...
They could have sold the ALLISON plates for quite a bit of money.

Yes, but I hope the Dickies have those, either to sell or to keep for the girls. I hope GBC doesn't get them. In the old days he could have been making them in his new situation.
I am pretty sure I have seen SETTLE around.... Going outbound on Mount Crosby Road in a flash kind of car... Darker car, but not 4x4. A luxury car. I normally see it in the morning. Will have to look out some more for it.
Does anyone know if you have to pay an annual fee on those valet plates? My cousin says on some they charge an annual fee of $50 a letter, but we live in another state so it may be different in QLD.
Yes, but I hope the Dickies have those, either to sell or to keep for the girls. I hope GBC doesn't get them. In the old days he could have been making them in his new situation.

I would say the plates were bought by the business, hence are a business asset. If they were bought from personal funds, I would think GBC sold them before ABC went missing.
Does anyone know if you have to pay an annual fee on those valet plates? My cousin says on some they charge an annual fee of $50 a letter, but we live in another state so it may be different in QLD.

No, my ex had some promoting his business and it was a one off payment of about $2,500.
No, my ex had some promoting his business and it was a one off payment of about $2,500.

Thanks CC. I had just wondered if that might have been why they didn't have the "ALLISON" plates after they got the new car or if they had to pay to transfer them.
Thanks CC. I had just wondered if that might have been why they didn't have the "ALLISON" plates after they got the new car or if they had to pay to transfer them.

From memory, you have to pay a small transfer fee to allocate them to a different vehicle, but they could have sold them to pay some bills. No point having them sitting in a closet, because the name 'Allison' could have fetched a nice sum.
Originally Posted by BJsleuth
I'm with you, the car allegedly followed of being followed by the Prado but I don't have the answer about the number plate. Where did you even see that?

Outside BC Senior's house last year. I have a photo of it. Was looking through flood clean up pics the other day, saw the car in the photo and froze. I knew the plate meant something, for a while I forgot BWANA and couldn't remember how I knew it. Then after digging back here I read it was business partners. So I know they were friendly the BC Seniors last January. I want to know if they are still friendly even though no longer partners. And how friendly? Friendly enough to help dump a body?

I wonder who owned that blue car? ie male or female? I just can't get out of my mind the video footage of that woman at the letterbox at Nigelaines house. We ascertained from people who knew TM well enough that it wasn't TM. But this woman who I thought said to EBC as they were embracing before she left "Thank you for your support" or something like that. Could she be the former business partner and drive the blue Honda? Owed some money so helped out once learning the deed was done? Told about insurance money and how repayment would come soon?

Or if that woman has no connection to anything, at least the reported sighting of the blue car may now be able to be connected to someone. I think many of us assumed it might have been a silver car mistaken for blue at night time.
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