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DNA Solves
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Originally Posted by Strangeworld
There are some really good arguments for Allison's body been dumped upstream. I just can't get out of my mind the fact that if this happened, that she found her resting place right under that bridge. Seems so coincidental especially if she travelled a fair way along that creek. What are the odds that she comes to rest right under that bridge?

Strangeworld, I too wonder about the resting place being right under that bridge. I know how fast water can flow. But what if ABC's body was only put in the resting place just before discovery? It seems to me that GBC was eager for her to be found re insurance claim, so why risk that this might not happen - for a long time or never. IMO, her body was placed under the bridge so it would be discovered. But when???
I saw mention of GBC renting. My research found that they owned a home in Toowong (hope that's spelled right) in their company name in 2004, it was mortgaged for about $300000. I am not sure if I can name the company here. I can't find what happened after that.
George Simenon

yes - sorry just catching up - even dragged OH on our honeymoon in Paris to a bar and ordered 'deux marc sil vous plais' - I like cognac so the marc was a bit of a shock :)
Hey guys, first post here but have been glued reading your posts and updates for weeks now. Great site.

The latest court hearing has made me wonder about something that has crossed my mind before.

When looking at the list of debts for GBC the thing that struck me is that none of them were loans from banks, building societies or other financial institutions. I would think that these would be the most common source of loan for an adult man. Unless we have no knowledge of bank loans at this point, I wonder why all the loans have come from friends, family, colleagues etc?

Someone else pointed out that GBC and ABC rented their home for the last six years and that they lease rather than own their cars. I agree that that is 'unusual' behaviour for a man who seems so image driven.

Purely JMO...

Oh no. It's TEXTBOOK behaviour for an image driven person. It's all about how it LOOKS. Dig a little under the surface and you find a mess. People who don't care what others think can live in tiny houses, drive *****box car, wear cheap clothes, and you may have no idea how much money they have. In my experience the wealthier someone appears to be the more likely it is they live hand to mouth. Too busy keeping up appearances to actually save and invest. They spend everything they have and more in the attempt to keep up the facade. JMO.
Originally Posted by Strangeworld
There are some really good arguments for Allison's body been dumped upstream. I just can't get out of my mind the fact that if this happened, that she found her resting place right under that bridge. Seems so coincidental especially if she travelled a fair way along that creek. What are the odds that she comes to rest right under that bridge?

Strangeworld, I too wonder about the resting place being right under that bridge. I know how fast water can flow. But what if ABC's body was only put in the resting place just before discovery? It seems to me that GBC was eager for her to be found re insurance claim, so why risk that this might not happen - for a long time or never. IMO, her body was placed under the bridge so it would be discovered. But when???

It's such a curious thing - I was so certain initially that she must have been placed there, but after reading the posts here from people in the local area and those who've visited the bridge, it does seem a definite option that she did wash down.

I'm really not sure about her body been moved after she was reported missing though. The police would have been watching the family very closely I would imagine. It would have been so risky with the QPS eyes on them, as well as locals who would have been hyper-vigilant in those early days when she was missing.
It's such a curious thing - I was so certain initially that she must have been placed there, but after reading the posts here from people in the local area and those who've visited the bridge, it does seem a definite option that she did wash down.

I'm really not sure about her body been moved after she was reported missing though. The police would have been watching the family very closely I would imagine. It would have been so risky with the QPS eyes on them, as well as locals who would have been hyper-vigilant in those early days when she was missing.

I imagine GBC was getting panicked they may never find her! He may have even considered joining the search. I found her! :what:
Every time I think of the possibility that Allison was not meant to be found (or not meant to be found at the bridge) I can't help but think of gbc's face in that infamous "pie face" shot, taken the day she was found.

I realize his expression could be described as that of shock and grief, but I can't help but see it as an expression of utter shock and disbelief that she was found where she was, as if it wasn't what he was expecting. He looks really shocked!

Yes the old pie face photo...he does look very

This news article below is a direct quote from the Judge at the bail hearing and it's in regard to the issue of flight risk. After reading this can anyone tell me how they interpret the word property in this sentence. Does he own the property, manage the property, or what?

Does it mean he has assets and isn't in a dire financial state? Another poster mentioned today about going bankrupt and selling everything you own. Maybe and just maybe in my opinion because I don't have a clue, Allison took responsibility for a financial mess and she claimed bankruptcy.


"The applicant may have property and other relationship ties within Queensland ... but that would not necessarily prevent flight in someone who was determined," he said.
Re the courier mail article. This is for our legal eagles.
The prosecution have to have all evidence to the defence by 20th August ready for the committal mention on the 3rd September. To me this does not seem long for Defence to make their case(not that I am concerned) can they then ask for an extension due to this?

Sorry if this has been answered already (just catching up on the days events), but yes, the prosecution can ask for an extension. They would have to have a very good reason though as courts don't like leaving people locked up indefinitely with no clear timeline for committal, trial etc. Hence the comments from the Magistrate today.
GBC is like a can of revolting worm's, the more that is unearthed the more that oozes out......I don't contribute anything, but I want you all to know I appreciate all the effort and time that you all spend....thankyou......I am pages behind, but as usual all your post's make me giggle, cry, get grumpy and basically just feel glad I am part of this forum in a small way.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your new avatar absolutely cracked me up - just what I needed after a big day at work! Thanks ollijack!
Just GBC!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: am baby sitting 6 year old grandson :floorlaugh: he thinks i have gone mad.....I just blew coffee out of my mouth, all over everything......Rational....that was gold.......high five.....:floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: am baby sitting 6 year old grandson :floorlaugh: he thinks i have gone mad.....I just blew coffee out of my mouth, all over everything......Rational....that was gold.......high five.....:floorlaugh:

Ollijack, I think that face in your avatar needs a big sunflower in his hair. Preferably one with a caterpillar or two.
Ollijack, I think that face in your avatar needs a big sunflower in his hair. Preferably one with a caterpillar or two.

I think that's an interesting observation that all the loans made to GBC have been by non-financial institutions - either the previously bankrupt theory could apply, or perhaps the banks wouldn't touch him because didn't think he had the means to support repayments .... and as we have learned .... doesn't appear to have.

I thought WOW when I read that over 300 witness statements have been prepared ... and wait, there's more to come. My head then jumped to what it might cost for the defence to peruse all this documentation and prepare counter arguments. That alone has got to run to simply hundreds of hours .... translated into dollars, the mind boggles. And this is only part of the process. I really can't fathom how GBC will be able to keep the legal team involved unless they are doing pro bono ... and why on earth would they?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned but channel 7 news said the magistrate at the court today criticised the police and isn't happy about the progress of the case.
I saw mention of GBC renting. My research found that they owned a home in Toowong (hope that's spelled right) in their company name in 2004, it was mortgaged for about $300000. I am not sure if I can name the company here. I can't find what happened after that.

BJ does it give an address of the house at Toowong at all?? need to post it if it does...just curious.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: am baby sitting 6 year old grandson :floorlaugh: he thinks i have gone mad.....I just blew coffee out of my mouth, all over everything......Rational....that was gold.......high five.....:floorlaugh:

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