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DNA Solves
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Exactly BJ:


I had a few people close to me suicide. One of them we had warning as he'd already attempted it and took off from the hospital but he was interstate so we were powerless to do anything but we spoke to him on the phone and he said simply "I'm fed up with being fed up".
Thankyou, spot on!!!
Once again, someone has come along and condensed all of my rambling into one simple sentence. haha
Why can't I be one of those people who just write what they mean in easy to understand terms?

haha you and me both!! my head is literally buzzing sometimes and I have to get it all doesnt seem scrambled at all until I read it later :what::what::what:

you don't ramble Linni I love your posts :rocker:
For those who may have missed my post from very late last night (I had a VERY long day), the above quote is from it, and to me, this is one of the major sticking points.

WHY was NBC at the roundabout - for what purpose? If he'd arranged to meet GBC, what was wrong with meeting at the NBC home, or if he didn't want EBC involved, then "I'll see you round the corner at the bottom of our street"? Or even - I'll come round to your place.

And why sit at the bus stop? Wouldn't you sit in your car if you'd driven to a rendezvous? It's a pretty long walk from the NBC house to the Kenmore roundabout.... So where WAS the BWANA-mobile while he was sitting at the bus stop? And if he then went with GBC in the Captiva - when did he come back to wherever the BWANAmobile was parked and retrieve it?

That whole Kenmore roundabout thing has me perplexed - there are WAY too many unanswered questions. Was he actually there at all? Is that just rumour? And why are the QPS concentrating on it so much?

BIG mystery right there, for me.....

OK - back to the real world, but will be checking in from time to time. WS will show me as logged in, as the computer just sits here permanently logged in, even though I may be busy elsewhere, so please excuse any delays in replying.

I think our frustration is based on the premise that we're trying to understand this from a rational/logic perspective.

GBC having just alllegedly killed his wife would have been under enormous stress, panic even. Any decisions he made in disposing of the body, calling relatives, cleaning cars etc needs to be viewed in this light.

IMO the same goes for the alleged behaviour of NBC at the roundabout. Again, if he has just learned that his DIL is dead at the hands of his son then his ability to think and act rationally may be severly impaired.

What seems illogical to us now may have been entirely rational for GBC/NBC given their frame of mind at the time.

BTW, this by no means gives rise to a defence of diminished responsibility. Just trying to point out that when under extreme stress, decision making processes can be impaired.
haha you and me both!! my head is literally buzzing sometimes and I have to get it all doesnt seem scrambled at all until I read it later :what::what::what:

you don't ramble Linni I love your posts :rocker:

Thankyou, but I should probably change my user name to Blah! Blah!
If someone needs a post removed or edited, use the alert button and the mods will fix it for you. Please don't post about it on the thread cuz it distracts the posters who read later on. :cheers:
Thankyou, but I should probably change my user name to Blah! Blah!

Hi Linnette, your posts are fine!

And, further to my earlier reply about your comments on the plausibility of anybody believing she commited suicide, I did not make myself very clear when mentioning my brother and friend (very emotional topics for me, sorry)

I guess what I was trying to say was, that GBC possibly thought that if enough people knew Allison had been depresed for some time (and another poster has stated it was fairly common knowledge in the area) then possibly he also thought that suicide would seem pausible to enough people, for him to pull that ruse off (despite her known love for the girls).

Golly, hope that made sense?

I am very pleased you chose to stay Minni

Thankyou GG, it was never an option for me.....I didnt consider that path, I just couldnt cope anymore, because everyday was a struggle and it never got better. I just needed a break and I needed help.

For some people, though it is the only choice they can see.
I think our frustration is based on the premise that we're trying to understand this from a rational/logic perspective.

GBC having just alllegedly killed his wife would have been under enormous stress, panic even. Any decisions he made in disposing of the body, calling relatives, cleaning cars etc needs to be viewed in this light.

IMO the same goes for the alleged behaviour of NBC at the roundabout. Again, if he has just learned that his DIL is dead at the hands of his son then his ability to think and act rationally may be severly impaired.

What seems illogical to us now may have been entirely rational for GBC/NBC given their frame of mind at the time.

BTW, this by no means gives rise to a defence of diminished responsibility. Just trying to point out that when under extreme stress, decision making processes can be impaired.

Great post ActusReus!!!....absolutely agree. The stress & also adrenalin levels would have been at the maximum that night. A case of get rid of the body & clean up evidence then think about what story to tell later.

He seemed well practised in the art of lying so probably thought police would believe the story of this "fine upstanding president of everything". I don't think he figured into any of it that Inspector Ainsworth & his good men have extemely high BS meters as they deal with criminal liars/murderers on a constant basis.
Wow, Rational...I feel a new thread coming on! that is suspicious as all hell, and quite obvious the differences between the families reactions. We shall have to do some local sleuthing, you and I!

Agree Minni I have been doing some sleuthing but not getting very far. But the difference in responses by the families in this case to the BCs is remarkable. It is how you think people would react if they really worry and have nothing to hide!
Thanks and welcome Tinoca,
To me this is quite interesting, and implies the traffic camera can identify numberplates (hence they were able to identify you)

Not necessarily. QPS has access to the data of all registered cars in Qld. Its very easy to locate all blue or silver Holden Captivas owned by people in a locality. They can just go interview everyone in that demographic.

I bet they did the same to all owners of white Prados in the area too.
Hi Linnette, your posts are fine!

And, further to my earlier reply about your comments on the plausibility of anybody believing she commited suicide, I did not make myself very clear when mentioning my brother and friend (very emotional topics for me, sorry)

I guess what I was trying to say was, that GBC possibly thought that if enough people knew Allison had been depresed for some time (and another poster has stated it was fairly common knowledge in the area) then possibly he also thought that suicide would seem pausible to enough people, for him to pull that ruse off (despite her known love for the girls).

Golly, hope that made sense?


Made perfect sense. I understood what you meant. :)
Hi guys, sorry I haven't posTed for a while, have been reading along still, you are all amazing and and I so enjoy all your inputs. I was just reading dr watsons post saying he didn't think Allison's body was meant to be found and that the suicide, insurance thing wasn't planned to look like this at all, it was the rain that stuffed up his plans. Had a 'little bit' of a lightbulb moment as I think the fact that the body wasn't meant to be found when it was, doesn't necessarily rule out insurance money as a motive.

GBC and NBC are both involved in the scout movement (I think that's been mentioned somewhere :floorlaugh:). what if the plan was to hide the body somewhere (they thought) was high and dry and extremely hard to find, wait say six months or a year when the evidence would have decomposed and then organise a scout or other activity in the vicinity, so that some unsuspecting partynwould stumble upon it.I know this maynsound far fetched, but not beyond the realms of possibility. This way, he would have had a way better chance of getting off AND eventually getting the insurance money. Just putting it out there, as I say, it was just a bit of an 'aha' moment. Cheers everyone!!
Thankyou, spot on!!!
Once again, someone has come along and condensed all of my rambling into one simple sentence. haha
Why can't I be one of those people who just write what they mean in easy to understand terms?

Linette, I love your posts and don't think you ramble on at all. You put into words, what a lot of us have felt at times and think, so give yourself a pat on the back girl, I think you're great!!
Hi guys, sorry I haven't posTed for a while, have been reading along still, you are all amazing and and I so enjoy all your inputs. I was just reading dr watsons post saying he didn't think Allison's body was meant to be found and that the suicide, insurance thing wasn't planned to look like this at all, it was the rain that stuffed up his plans. Had a 'little bit' of a lightbulb moment as I think the fact that the body wasn't meant to be found when it was, doesn't necessarily rule out insurance money as a motive.

GBC and NBC are both involved in the scout movement (I think that's been mentioned somewhere :floorlaugh:). what if the plan was to hide the body somewhere (they thought) was high and dry and extremely hard to find, wait say six months or a year when the evidence would have decomposed and then organise a scout or other activity in the vicinity, so that some unsuspecting partynwould stumble upon it.I know this maynsound far fetched, but not beyond the realms of possibility. This way, he would have had a way better chance of getting off AND eventually getting the insurance money. Just putting it out there, as I say, it was just a bit of an 'aha' moment. Cheers everyone!!

Hi Dodo - the main thing I have against that theory is that he seemed to be in such a hurry - as in lodging the insurance claim before the body was even identified as that of Allison. If he was THAT desperate for the money, I can't see him planning on the body keeping hidden for so long - what would be the point? It would still be identified as that of Allison, and he would then automatically have become suspect number 1.

EDIT: I think the insurance claim thing may have been purely opportunistic. And not the intent initially.

As my forensic contacts say - if in doubt, the partner did it, unless they have a butler.... ;)
Hi Dodo - the main thing I have against that theory is that he seemed to be in such a hurry - as in lodging the insurance claim before the body was even identified as that of Allison. If he was THAT desperate for the money, I can't see him planning on the body keeping hidden for so long - what would be the point? It would still be identified as that of Allison, and he would then automatically have become suspect number 1.

As my forensic contacts say - if in doubt, the partner did it, unless they have a butler.... ;)

yes.....but. He's not as dumb as perhaps we all think. I suppose he could have put two and two together and thought 'darn, my plans are thwarted', oh well that didn't work out like I planned, bloody rain!! May as well ring the insurance company sooner rather than later!!!
yes.....but. He's not as dumb as perhaps we all think. I suppose he could have put two and two together and thought 'darn, my plans are thwarted', oh well that didn't work out like I planned, bloody rain!! May as well ring the insurance company sooner rather than later!!!

Yes, I'd say his plans were definately thwarted. You're right, he could be really dumb and clumsy and just plain stupid in many areas of his life... but when you get to the evil side, could be very smart. I think he had something planned for the future but it all came undone and happened out of the blue... therefore making it look like an 'unplanned yet planned' murder.
There's alot of evidence pointing to it being planned, yet so much stupidity that you'd think how could it have been?
I think what's making it even trickier is that he had a couple of different plans up his sleeve, and there's bits of both showing up in evidence.
Hi Dodo - the main thing I have against that theory is that he seemed to be in such a hurry - as in lodging the insurance claim before the body was even identified as that of Allison. If he was THAT desperate for the money, I can't see him planning on the body keeping hidden for so long - what would be the point? It would still be identified as that of Allison, and he would then automatically have become suspect number 1.

EDIT: I think the insurance claim thing may have been purely opportunistic. And not the intent initially.

As my forensic contacts say - if in doubt, the partner did it, unless they have a butler.... ;)
to the good Doc. my thoughts as well and i dont think it was premeditated for the insurance. i have grave doubts that it was premeditated and i dont recall prosecutors saying it was either , as someone posted yesterday
yes.....but. He's not as dumb as perhaps we all think. I suppose he could have put two and two together and thought 'darn, my plans are thwarted', oh well that didn't work out like I planned, bloody rain!! May as well ring the insurance company sooner rather than later!!!

OK - I can go with that. But I still think (opinion only, of course) that the intent was to hide the body in an area of dense bush that he knew well due to his knowledge of the scout camp area and surrounds. And the rains buggered it for him, with the premature insurance claim being a stupid, ill-thought out, opportunistic claim.

I guess we can all surmise what MIGHT have been the sequence of events and the motivation and thinking behind the, but there are still a LOT of unanswered questions, some of which I posted last night.

I'm awaiting the revelations yet to come from the QPS and prosecution.....
Yes, I'd say his plans were definately thwarted. You're right, he could be really dumb and clumsy and just plain stupid in many areas of his life... but when you get to the evil side, could be very smart. I think he had something planned for the future but it all came undone and happened out of the blue... therefore making it look like an 'unplanned yet planned' murder.
There's alot of evidence pointing to it being planned, yet so much stupidity that you'd think how could it have been?
I think what's making it even trickier is that he had a couple of different plans up his sleeve, and there's bits of both showing up in evidence.
mmmmm i really dunno. nor does anyone i spose
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