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DNA Solves
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I can't find the thread for Danielle Hibbert so this is off topic and hopefully the mods will leave the link to the thread. Danielle's body has been found :( :( More sadness) :(
I agree Makara, and Dr W. A real sticking point for me is that, if NBC WAS at the bus stop, how does this tie in with two vehicles being seen? I do believe that two vehicles were involved and I think the police think so too, given the appeals for information about both family cars right from the beginning, plus the witness reports. If NBC was at the bus stop it was presumably to be picked up so he didn't need to bring his car or be seen in his car or heard leaving and returning from his home in his car...

Unless he was waiting at the roundabout to be collected, taken back to BC residence then both family cars were driven from there. But if that is the case, why on earth wouldn't he just walk along Brookfield Rd and be collected along that route somewhere - much darker and less conspicuous? MOO

Just a thought...would there be any type of clubs or hotels in that area which would have been open that Thursday night??...maybe he'd been playing

With the roundabout I'm wondering if police were looking to identify & eliminate Prados.... if anyone had noticed one with the big ding in front.
I !!!!!! remember!!!!!! that!!!!! episode!!!!!!!!!! :)

I know people use them haphazardly, but I was talking more about the pattern in which they were used and in the context of their posts. It's not a discussion about what they did on the weekend, etc. It's about a murder. And they are making quite significant claims, considering they 'apparently' don't live in the area.

I really don't want to cross the line re sleuthing other posters though. Just find the whole thing quite interesting.

I found those posts a bit 'try hard' too. Thought the tone of some of the messages was patronising, as if to say the people who think GBC is guilty were foolish to think it. I think they were clearly an attempt to divert the spotlight from Gerard.

I can't find the thread for Danielle Hibbert so this is off topic and hopefully the mods will leave the link to the thread. Danielle's body has been found :( :( More sadness) :(

Oh no! That is just so sad. Angel here is the link for Danielle's thread.

[ame=""]Australia Australia - Danielle Hibbert, 25, Darnum, Victoria, 24-June-2012 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I agree Makara, and Dr W. A real sticking point for me is that, if NBC WAS at the bus stop, how does this tie in with two vehicles being seen? I do believe that two vehicles were involved and I think the police think so too, given the appeals for information about both family cars right from the beginning, plus the witness reports. If NBC was at the bus stop it was presumably to be picked up so he didn't need to bring his car or be seen in his car or heard leaving and returning from his home in his car...

Unless he was waiting at the roundabout to be collected, taken back to BC residence then both family cars were driven from there. But if that is the case, why on earth wouldn't he just walk along Brookfield Rd and be collected along that route somewhere - much darker and less conspicuous? MOO

I believe that 2 vehicles were involved too Thinking. So, maybe there were 3 people involved that night. NBC could well have been at the bus stop, and GBC & '?' driving the 2 cars. He may have been waiting to be picked up on either leg of the Kholo trip or could have spotting, as previously suggested?
To add to my previous post...perhaps Mrs Pash dropped him at the bus stop??...or he may have been somewhere else on that night. I think we've all been assuming he's come from the Kenmore house but he could have been out & about anywhere that night.

We know some of the things "president of everything" was involved in but what about NBC???...
Just a thought...would there be any type of clubs or hotels in that area which would have been open that Thursday night??...maybe he'd been playing

With the roundabout I'm wondering if police were looking to identify & eliminate Prados.... if anyone had noticed one with the big ding in front.

Thursday night is late-night shopping here, but that finishes at 9pm.

Nearest pokies etc would be at Kenmore Tavern, about a kilometre away towards town - but again, that would have been long closed.

No other clubs or pubs that I'm aware of any where near.

And re Prados with a ding - it would take more than that for someone to take notice and remember, I suspect. I mean - I pass countless vehicles at that roundabout every day and night, including some in the wee small hours. And although I do tend to be perhaps a bit more observant than many people, I wouldn't remember anything that I passed unless there was something startlingly different, or odd, or remarkable in some way.

And as for remembering it weeks later?? No chance!

So - what WAS it?????? Is that an overdose of question marks????????????

Meant to express frustration at having to wait for dribs and drabs of information to leak out....
Bwanna, Settled & Gold Suzuki all at NBC's house this arvo. Flag at full mast.
I can't find the thread for Danielle Hibbert so this is off topic and hopefully the mods will leave the link to the thread. Danielle's body has been found :( :( More sadness) :(

he police were very aware of what happened to her (it was just a matter of finding her). Her death is not suspicious at all. In this case, the girl was very depressed and she had a record that represented so.

Very sad for her family and friends....and very sad for her. Such a shame she couldnt sort ut her demons :( She was such a beautiful young lady.
Bwanna, Settled & Gold Suzuki all at NBC's house this arvo. Flag at full mast.

Thanks Indromum....grrrrrr @ that flag...

Another thought...maybe police were looking for the Bwanna or Suziki at roundabout also. IF Mrs Pash dropped him at bus stop she would have had to drive around roundabout??
I'm still so intrigued about the roundabout. Why were the police so interested and needing to question people who were on it that night?

If it is true that NBC was at the bus shelter near the village, then he would have been seen on cc camera so the police wouldn't need random drivers' confirmation of that. Also, the fact that at least local who knows him could verify it was definitely him, then you would think this aspect would be done and dusted in terms of verification (if this is more than a rumour).

What else was it that they were stopping drivers about? Do they really think a driver would remember if they passed a particular car on the roundabout that night - I admit I wouldn't notice at all, if they were just driving through and we passed in the night? I wonder if there really was something else bizarre that happened there.

And why, why the obsession with that roundabout....when the perp would have been better off taking RG Road... going round in circles and getting dizzy....

Yes- why would NBC be sitting at the roundabout? Why walk there?

A while back we discussed that fact he may have been a spotter - looking for police on Moggill Rd, but didn't add up; it is too far from the bridge to be 'spotting' in Kenmore.

What if he arrived there by car, and sat on watch while someone 'disposed' of something ( blanket, that Allison may have been wrapped in) in the industrial bins? The QPS were searching bins in shopping centres; it just makes no sense for him to walk there on foot, and sit in the bus stop.

Sorry if this has been discussed - just got back from scaling the Story Bridge!
But it has been puzzling me ever since we heard of the sighting at the roundabout.

And that night we were all awake into the early hours watching that traffic camera change every 60 seconds! Were we mad??????

Oops - still JMO
Thursday night is late-night shopping here, but that finishes at 9pm.

Nearest pokies etc would be at Kenmore Tavern, about a kilometre away towards town - but again, that would have been long closed.

No other clubs or pubs that I'm aware of any where near.

And re Prados with a ding - it would take more than that for someone to take notice and remember, I suspect. I mean - I pass countless vehicles at that roundabout every day and night, including some in the wee small hours. And although I do tend to be perhaps a bit more observant than many people, I wouldn't remember anything that I passed unless there was something startlingly different, or odd, or remarkable in some way.

And as for remembering it weeks later?? No chance!

So - what WAS it?????? Is that an overdose of question marks????????????

Meant to express frustration at having to wait for dribs and drabs of information to leak out....

How about it might have just seemed like a good idea at the time... by one of the QPS sleuths.
Who owns the gold Suzuki ?
It has personal number plates...don't know if I should put them on here. GBC was seen driving it regularly after the Captiva & Prado were impounded and after he crashed the Honda.
Oh ok thanks thought I might have missed something ( in reply to Indromum my quote thing not working)
I'm still so intrigued about the roundabout. Why were the police so interested and needing to question people who were on it that night?

If it is true that NBC was at the bus shelter near the village, then he would have been seen on cc camera so the police wouldn't need random drivers' confirmation of that. Also, the fact that at least local who knows him could verify it was definitely him, then you would think this aspect would be done and dusted in terms of verification (if this is more than a rumour).

What else was it that they were stopping drivers about? Do they really think a driver would remember if they passed a particular car on the roundabout that night - I admit I wouldn't notice at all, if they were just driving through and we passed in the night? I wonder if there really was something else bizarre that happened there.

And why, why the obsession with that roundabout....when the perp would have been better off taking RG Road... going round in circles and getting dizzy....

In replying to you I distinctly remember thinking deeply, at the time, because Police asked specifically:

Did motorists notice anything 'OUT OF PLACE' whilst at the roundabout.....

That means whatever they were hoping for was to hear of something that should not have been or happened there....

Like on Sesame St TV saying which picture doesn't belong here in a group of say 4 pictures....(for the children lol)
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