DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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In my opinion, I do not believe we should be posting information re affidavits that give people's names i.e. the two hairdressers.

Just imagine if that were you and you found out your name was on WS - how would you feel? JMO

good point Curious...this seems to fit in very well with the sighting at the roundabout at that exact bus stop of NBC. The QPS must have had control over who was in the carpark as much as they had control over the roads taht night they did the re enactment. Therefore it stands to reason that THEY put the car there during there testing, and at that specific time. This then could indicate that BigBwanaLama drove to the Coles carpark, then got out and sat at the bus stop (dont know why he didnt wait in his car, but he may have been agitated, and got out, kind of paced etc? then when he saw any car coming, he may have just sat to look less obvious?, havent got that detail figured just yet). So he would be there at Kenmore Village Car Park, waiting for GBC. It could also follow that GBC didn't actually drive through the roundabout at that time, but rather, straight into the Coles carpark from Brookfield Road, to meet his father!
You've got me all excited again Curious, because, as I was saying yesterday, I ran the roundabout through my mind for days and days, and one thing I kept trying to throw out there was the meeting in the carpark, to use the industrial bins, then returning after the adrenalin had eased and realising that it was not a good place to leave her. I gave up after a while, there were many good thoeries why it was unlikely, mostly because he wouldnt be able to put her in and take her out with ease. Ill stop here and go make a coffee, cos Im going over the speed limit on my keyboard!!!

This is driving me nuts too, I hope I'm not getting repetative. I thought Indromum verified that that area of the parking lot was chained off at some point at night, Maybe the Bawannamobile was was chained "in"? and NBC was hoping for a bus, head in hands , not believeing his sh!@#$ luck? In that case, I don't think they'd be asking about the roundabout per say, but the parking lots. Just thinking out loud. I agree that one could drive thru the coles carpark and dump something. Are there bins near the parcel pickup area?

Also, if someone were to pick someone else up @ the bus stop in front of the village, they would be in the left hand lane, and be forced to go straight inbound on Moggill Rd. Then I suppose they could use the Coles carpark to come back around. Otherwise, one would have to illegally ( and perhaps) cut lanes into the roundabout that would take you outbound towards Kilkivan, Brookfield, or Kholo. Or they could have continued in the left lane towads St Lucia, or Taringa..
I do not think he was a lookout. makes no sense. Do we have a link as to exactly what the QPS were doing that night? were they timing something?
I'm speeding this morn. too minni!

This is driving me nuts too, I hope I'm not getting repetative. I thought Indromum verified that that area of the parking lot was chained off at some point at night, Maybe the Bawannamobile was was chained "in"? and NBC was hoping for a bus, head in hands , not believeing his sh!@#$ luck? In that case, I don't think they'd be asking about the roundabout per say, but the parking lots. Just thinking out loud. I agree that one could drive thru the coles carpark and dump something. Are there bins near the parcel pickup area?

Also, if someone were to pick someone else up @ the bus stop in front of the village, they would be in the left hand lane, and be forced to go straight inbound on Moggill Rd. Then I suppose they could use the Coles carpark to come back around. Otherwise, one would have to illegally ( and perhaps) cut lanes into the roundabout that would take you outbound towards Kilkivan, Brookfield, or Kholo. Or they could have continued in the left lane towads St Lucia, or Taringa..
I do not think he was a lookout. makes no sense. Do we have a link as to exactly what the QPS were doing that night? were they timing something?
I'm speeding this morn. too minni!

Good point re the 'Chained in Bwana mobile' could he have driven in - waited till car park empties a little more before disposing of 'something' and then finds himself chained in - of all the rotten luck :)
5 Additional photos taken at high tide on 8/7/2012 -


  • View below the bridge from the northern bank.JPG
    View below the bridge from the northern bank.JPG
    440.2 KB · Views: 56
  • Southern side of bridge showing cleared area.JPG
    Southern side of bridge showing cleared area.JPG
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  • Southern view below bridge.JPG
    Southern view below bridge.JPG
    465.1 KB · Views: 50
  • View down southern bank from bridge.JPG
    View down southern bank from bridge.JPG
    429.5 KB · Views: 52
  • View down southern bank.JPG
    View down southern bank.JPG
    439.5 KB · Views: 49
5 Additional photos taken at high tide on 8/7/2012 -

Great pictures, Mani. Thanks! It gives those of us who aren't from the area a better idea of the topography of the place. It looks so pretty and lush (well, compared to our bushland in WA) and it's such a shame that such tragedy has now made it a sad place.
This is driving me nuts too, I hope I'm not getting repetative. I thought Indromum verified that that area of the parking lot was chained off at some point at night, Maybe the Bawannamobile was was chained "in"? and NBC was hoping for a bus, head in hands , not believeing his sh!@#$ luck? In that case, I don't think they'd be asking about the roundabout per say, but the parking lots. Just thinking out loud. I agree that one could drive thru the coles carpark and dump something. Are there bins near the parcel pickup area?

Also, if someone were to pick someone else up @ the bus stop in front of the village, they would be in the left hand lane, and be forced to go straight inbound on Moggill Rd. Then I suppose they could use the Coles carpark to come back around. Otherwise, one would have to illegally ( and perhaps) cut lanes into the roundabout that would take you outbound towards Kilkivan, Brookfield, or Kholo. Or they could have continued in the left lane towads St Lucia, or Taringa..
I do not think he was a lookout. makes no sense. Do we have a link as to exactly what the QPS were doing that night? were they timing something?
I'm speeding this morn. too minni!


I remember hearing one entrance was not chained?
how funny if he had gotten trapped haha
and imagine any of the Big Bananas doing anything illegal! NEVER! I would not be surprised if they come across as being above the law and having their own rules
I remember hearing one entrance was not chained?
how funny if he had gotten trapped haha
and imagine any of the Big Bananas doing anything illegal! NEVER! I would not be surprised if they come across as being above the law and having their own rules

Not to get picky, but it's a weird setup. It appears you can drive into the centre, access the mailboxes, bins, etc, but certain portions are "chained "off. The area where that car was parked in the screenshot would have been a chained off portion. Unless the chains were gone that night. LOL:banghead:

Yes, you're right - there is a bus stop there, although not one with a shelter or seats. And it can't be seen from the cameras, which face the other way (one along Moggill Rd heading towards town, and one along Moggil Rd inbound approaching the roundabout, monitoring that traffic stop light)...I just don't get that whole Kenmore roundabout thing.....:banghead:

IMO it seems that we just don't know where this piece of the puzzle fits yet. We just can't make sense of it yet. Same with the screams. We just don't know how they fit the puzzle yet. MOO
maybe it was allison driving erratically in a distressed state after a huge argument?

you know, I always wondered that too.. did she drive off and GBC chase after her in his car. perhaps caught up with her at the roundabout and an arguement took place. Going with this thought. perhaps he had jumped out of his car and was yelling/argueing with her she may have been still in the car or also hopped out. This of course is all just theory..not suggesting it happened that way, just looking at different possibilities. (Acknoledging GBC alleged killer)

good point Curious...this seems to fit in very well with the sighting at the roundabout at that exact bus stop of NBC. The QPS must have had control over who was in the carpark as much as they had control over the roads taht night they did the re enactment. Therefore it stands to reason that THEY put the car there during there testing, and at that specific time. This then could indicate that BigBwanaLama drove to the Coles carpark, then got out and sat at the bus stop (dont know why he didnt wait in his car, but he may have been agitated, and got out, kind of paced etc? then when he saw any car coming, he may have just sat to look less obvious?, havent got that detail figured just yet). So he would be there at Kenmore Village Car Park, waiting for GBC. It could also follow that GBC didn't actually drive through the roundabout at that time, but rather, straight into the Coles carpark from Brookfield Road, to meet his father!
You've got me all excited again Curious, because, as I was saying yesterday, I ran the roundabout through my mind for days and days, and one thing I kept trying to throw out there was the meeting in the carpark, to use the industrial bins, then returning after the adrenalin had eased and realising that it was not a good place to leave her. I gave up after a while, there were many good thoeries why it was unlikely, mostly because he wouldnt be able to put her in and take her out with ease. Ill stop here and go make a coffee, cos Im going over the speed limit on my keyboard!!!
Possible, this may indicate a lot of driving around that night by GBC? To pick up NBC at bus stop? Take him back to house to drive the other car? Or alternatively, it may indicate a third person being an accomplice as the two cars were seen in 3 different locations that night. Somebody was drivng the other car.

Meanwhile, who was looking after the 3 little girls while GBC was allegedly doing all this driving around that night? Somebody? or nobody? Just a few thoughts. My opinion only, not fact.
just having a look at the summary on aussiecriminals and this bullet point struck me. I dont remember this piece of information. Does anyone recall or even have a link....yep, Marly, I'm looking at you ;)

Summary of theories submitted thus far on where Allison was killed:

At a creek near Rafting Ground Road or at Rafting Ground Road (thus explaining the reported sighting of NGB and EBC at the scene days later).

Minni, I'm reading that is a theory? So don't imagine there is a link for factual info regarding it in MSM. (I haven't actually looked at the link you provided yet, though.. I find it so hard to navigate that other site, I usually give up!)
There is also a bus stop on the other side of the roundabout outside the NAB on Brookfield Road outbound that is not visible in the photos posted. An earlier poster proposed the theory that NBC was at the bus stop while NBC was allegedly taking Allison's body to Kholo Creek to observe the traffic on Brookfield Road and Moggill Road outbound in case police vehicles were seen and GBC could be alerted.

See, I don't understand that theory. WHy would he need to be spotter for police vehicles, in that particular spot. Police would not be out cruising expecting to come upon someone transporting a dead body in a car. They would not be stopping anyone driving past, checking for dead bodies. If GBC appeared normal, did nothing to attract attention, Police probably would not give a second look. But an olderman sitting at a bus station in the middle of the night- past when buses stop at the station, would I think be more likely to draw attention. I don't see really why they would have needed a 'spotter' there.. or is it just me?
good point Curious...this seems to fit in very well with the sighting at the roundabout at that exact bus stop of NBC. The QPS must have had control over who was in the carpark as much as they had control over the roads taht night they did the re enactment. Therefore it stands to reason that THEY put the car there during there testing, and at that specific time. This then could indicate that BigBwanaLama drove to the Coles carpark, then got out and sat at the bus stop (dont know why he didnt wait in his car, but he may have been agitated, and got out, kind of paced etc? then when he saw any car coming, he may have just sat to look less obvious?, havent got that detail figured just yet). So he would be there at Kenmore Village Car Park, waiting for GBC. It could also follow that GBC didn't actually drive through the roundabout at that time, but rather, straight into the Coles carpark from Brookfield Road, to meet his father!
You've got me all excited again Curious, because, as I was saying yesterday, I ran the roundabout through my mind for days and days, and one thing I kept trying to throw out there was the meeting in the carpark, to use the industrial bins, then returning after the adrenalin had eased and realising that it was not a good place to leave her. I gave up after a while, there were many good thoeries why it was unlikely, mostly because he wouldnt be able to put her in and take her out with ease. Ill stop here and go make a coffee, cos Im going over the speed limit on my keyboard!!!

:floorlaugh: Funny Min,

Here's my original post. My time was a little off. Originally I thought the car might have parked there and got the bus to the city or something but you're right, the police would have controlled the area with no parking perhaps?

"Oh my!!!!!!
Are they on to us???
The camera was momentarily shut down at 423am
The white car on the left has now gone??? "

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Do you think TM would have been bugged when he contacted her at this time? She was interviewed very early on, I'm sure the first long interview was when Allison was still missing?

If she didn't know she was in the radar line yet, her responses to his emails, calls etc would be interesting.
:floorlaugh: Funny Min,

Here's my original post. My time was a little off. Originally I thought the car might have parked there and got the bus to the city or something but you're right, the police would have controlled the area with no parking perhaps?

"Oh my!!!!!!
Are they on to us???
The camera was momentarily shut down at 423am
The white car on the left has now gone??? "

Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

only by one hour!!!

curiouser and curiouser...
Do you think TM would have been bugged when he contacted her at this time? She was interviewed very early on, I'm sure the first long interview was when Allison was still missing?

Great thinking again 99!! I would not be at all surprised as she was interviewed very early on in the piece and may have agreed to have her phone and mobile bugged so that any conversations he had with her would have been recorded. That would redeem her a little in my eyes if that were he case!
Usually when I see people driving erratically on the road (or do it myself, yikes! I'm talking swerving side to side a bit but still mainly in the correct lane) it's because they are reaching for something on the passenger's side or in the back seat. Looking for something in a bag or reaching for a phone. That's what I've noticed, anyway.

There eyes are off the road for a couple of seconds.

Just an observation.

As for the something 'unusual at the roundabout', yes, this is such a mystery.

If NBC was at the bus stop at the approximate 2am time frame mentioned by squzzey1 when he reported what his friend had seen, well that would definitely be strange or 'out of place'. But why would someone, even if they were on 'lookout duty' whilst GBC dumped bloody clothes or other items into a dumpster, stay out in the light? Surely he'd lurk in the shadows, not sit where he'd definitely 'stick out like a sore thumb' to any passing motorists.

Yes, the older man might have been exhausted and in shock from what he may have been doing, assisting his son - he may well have needed a sit-down to gather his thoughts - he may well have put his head in his hands trying to figure out how things could end up so terribly (thus the old man looking upset at the roundabout as we've heard)...but why do it so visibly?

Like most of you, I'm stumped on this 'something out of place'/'unusual' at the roundabout.'

LOL, I'm just 'going round in circles'!!
Hypothetically, if someone was feeling 'trapped' emotionally by something so overwhelming to them, they may seek 'a less intense environment' like a public place that is neutral and available to everyone to 'get away from it' stay for a while, sit and compose oneself. The car may have felt too confined an environment which would not allow the 'internal pressure' to dissipate.
Sitting in a public bus shelter would allow enough 'space' and distraction to process an overwhelming reaction and allow one to get some distance and eventually gain some composure. Just an alternative hypothesis about managing of internal overwhelming reactions. It may not make sense to us, but it may to someone feeling overwhelmed. MOO
only by one hour!!!

curiouser and curiouser...

That is so weird, cause I wasn't sure what you meant.
Then I realized, the snapshot was taken at 323am, exactly 1 hour later the camera went blank then the car disappeared at 423am.
Hypothetically, if someone was feeling 'trapped' emotionally by something so overwhelming to them, they may seek 'a less intense environment' like a public place that is neutral and available to everyone to 'get away from it' stay for a while, sit and compose oneself. The car may have felt too confined an environment which would not allow the 'internal pressure' to dissipate.
Sitting in a public bus shelter would allow enough 'space' and distraction to process an overwhelming reaction and allow one to get some distance and eventually gain some composure. Just an alternative hypothesis about managing of internal overwhelming reactions. It may not make sense to us, but it may to someone feeling overwhelmed. MOO

and allowing you to calm down before going home to face the loved one.
I don't think a lot of what is on that site is accurate - GBC has been charged with Allison's murder at their home
Mr Baden-Clay is accused of killing his wife and the mother of his three daughters, Allison, in their Brookfield home in April this year.

Read more:

I think you are both right, GBC is accused of killing Allison at their home inBrookfield, and of interfering with her corpse nearKholo Creek.
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