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Exactly and you would think they would mention finding the real killer etc.

That is exactly what I've always thought is missing from this... if they really don't think he is guilty why aren't they out there DEMANDING the focus go elsewhere. I know that's what I'd be doing... going to the papers, anywhere there's someone who'd listen to me. I'd be stresed because nobody was listening. Instead life goes on for them. Not the sign of a family who believes their son is innocent.
But we know why they're not.. because there ISN"T anyone else... it's him, and they know it. IMO
Right from the beginning this stood out like you know what to me... they can't even pretend. Geez!!!
Possum, you freeze framed that screen shot to the absolute funniest and perfect spot...he looks so ridiculous and untruthful! :floorlaugh:

I heard a lady on tv today say something like....'the voice is the (print?) to the soul and the soul does not accept anything but the truth - so in listening to a person's voice, you get their intent, and their guilt or innocence'

Well I dont know if thats true or not, but I don't think there is a man, woman or dog ;) on this forum (or possum for that matter) who didnt hear his whiny bullcrap tone, and know the truth, deep down. Even the ones like myself, who tried so hard to disprove it

This morning I called in sick and made sure I didn't sound like that!
Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.........oh the audacity of these people.

Why don't they at least be honest for once and call it what it is:

Gerard Baden Clays last hoorah at scamming money out of people and juicing them for all they are worth...under false pretenses appeal


Bumping Fergie's post of 30/5 :bump:
We agree with most of the websleuthers that this was a troubled marriage and GBC was increasingly finding himself in financial strife, seeking self satisfaction out of the marriage as he needed to be in a relationship where he could maintain a positive view of himself and the world rather than spending time with his wife who had come to know the real GBC. Facing financial and reputational ruin combined with ABC wanting to go her own way after finding out that the affair that she thought was over was still on there was an argument that night. GBC has lost it, killed her in the house in a DV situation ie not premeditated and he then called NBC to assist with the disposal of the body thus the investigation of cars through the Brookfield roundabout as 1 matching NBCs car was seen on CCTV but the number plate was not visible so they are trying to identify it by calling for witnesses and by a process of elimination.

We think the key to the murder of Allison was GBC needing to keep the marriage together because he could not afford financially to go through a separation and divorce. We think that Allison tried to save the marriage but realising just before that night that she could not save the marriage and that he was still having an affair she told him that the marriage was over and asked him to leave as she wanted a divorce. ABC and GBC may have been living apart based on the local rumors that they were and GBC was seen with TM out and about however we think if that is true then she had got to the point where she wanted a divorce and to move on with her life and her career as she was confident that she could succeed without him as she had many times before. The reports from a local hairdresser that she was in good spirits may reflect that she had made a decision to move on with her life without GBC and she was happy with that decision not that they were planning to have a romantic evening alone. We think Allison orchestrated this evening with a visit the hairdresser, a new look to look and be her best so she could say to GBC with confidence and dignity that she was moving on, I don't need you and On Your Bike Mate. Until then she may have tried to make it work and GBC may have thought that because she loved him and wanted to stay with him that she would tolerate his bad behaviors and failures or it was a marriage of mutual financial convenience until that evening.

We think a detective attended the house when Allison was reported missing and spoke to GBC and based on GBCs behavior and responses they had cause for suspicion and created a crime scene and investigation into her disappearance immediately. We agree with a previous poster that 2 cars were used to dispose of Allison's body as they knew enough not to want to mix up the DNA and they also knew the area well enough to know there was a risk of 1 vehicle getting bogged if they had to go off road and the 2nd vehicle would be available to pull the other 1 out if this did happen. GBC was probably also a wreck and needed NBC with him to manage the potential panic factor.

This is all our opinion only (OOO) however an opinion based on life and professional experience.

I think Fergie has made some good points here and I have felt for a long time that 2 cars are involved.
I saw this post over at aussiecriminals site. I'm sure it was also posted here. Has anyone else read this before? If this is in fact true, why would Nigelaine be sitting at the corner of Westridge Street and Rafting Ground Road at 8:30am and staring into the distance? There doesn't seem to be much on either side of the road. I wonder if they may have been looking for a mobile phone?


Sasha said it: July 2, 2012 at 5:34 pm: “Spotted the Bwanna car on rafting ground road this morning corner of Westridge St Brookfield parked at 8.30 am with Mr and Mrs Bwanna looking a bit bemused and staring into the distance. It seemed bit strange to me?”


View attachment 24424

No never read it before, could be many reasons they were there.
Thanks for posting, Makara. Maybe they just needed to get out of the (likely bugged) house for a while and be away from lots of people? Perhaps the bemused expressions were because they had had some unwelcome news or because they are shell-shocked by their current situation?

Who knows but it's interesting news, nonetheless.

now that would be good, if they scooted off down the road so they wouldn't incriminate themselves by talking where they might be bugged, and the car was bugged too.
I sometimes wonder whether they do actually have what they need on NBC, and are biding their time? They had a fair bit on GBC and waited for the right moment, so maybe they are using the same tactic? I bet GBC was starting to think they had nothing on him, yet they knew all along
Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.........oh the audacity of these people.

Why don't they at least be honest for once and call it what it is:

Gerard Baden Clays last hoorah at scamming money out of people and juicing them for all they are worth...under false pretenses appeal


Sorry, I'm confused. Are there now two appeals with the same (almost) name??

Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.........oh the audacity of these people.

Why don't they at least be honest for once and call it what it is:

Gerard Baden Clays last hoorah at scamming money out of people and juicing them for all they are worth...under false pretenses appeal


Is that what they have written now OMG
Okay everyone, i must have got confused. I just read Marly's screen shot of what I thought was the Waltons slimy email asking for money. They called it Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.

I think I misunderstood. Was that the fund for the children?
Sorry if I got it wrong. I was HORRIFIED when I read it, and thought it was the email asking for money...can someone tell me which is which now that I have confused everyone?
Okay everyone, i must have got confused. I just read Marly's screen shot of what I thought was the Waltons slimy email asking for money. They called it Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.

I think I misunderstood. Was that the fund for the children?
Sorry if I got it wrong. I was HORRIFIED when I read it, and thought it was the email asking for money...can someone tell me which is which now that I have confused everyone?
Thanks for posting, Makara. Maybe they just needed to get out of the (likely bugged) house for a while and be away from lots of people? Perhaps the bemused expressions were because they had had some unwelcome news or because they are shell-shocked by their current situation?

Who knows but it's interesting news, nonetheless.

Hope QPS got to bug the car as well.
Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.........oh the audacity of these people.

Why don't they at least be honest for once and call it what it is:

Gerard Baden Clays last hoorah at scamming money out of people and juicing them for all they are worth...under false pretenses appeal


Minni are you confusing the appeal being run by the Dickies for the children, with the appeal run by the Waltons for Gerard?

Edit: Ignore this post. I see Minni has already answered.
It's possible with an iPhone, to just remove the sim card. That's a whole lot easier to dispose of than the phone itself, IMO. For all we know, one of the BC family could be using the phone right now. I know it's possible to obtain data from the ISP though. I'm hoping he wasn't that smart and the the QPS have the phone (and sim card.)

A sim only carries the users id.

the IMEI and other identifying features of the phone are available to the telco and apple (iPhone) whenever it is turned on. Hence why you can remote wipe your phone if you think it has been stolen, or track it without a sim.
Okay everyone, i must have got confused. I just read Marly's screen shot of what I thought was the Waltons slimy email asking for money. They called it Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.

I think I misunderstood. Was that the fund for the children?
Sorry if I got it wrong. I was HORRIFIED when I read it, and thought it was the email asking for money...can someone tell me which is which now that I have confused everyone?

Around second or third page I posted a photo of the OW made me sick looking at it so I deleted my post with that photo in it...then I fiddled in photoshop with it...deleted the original details & added in the children's fund details instead....nawt of me but oh
Minni are you confusing the appeal being run by the Dickies for the children, with the appeal run by the Waltons for Gerard?

Edit: Ignore this post. I see Minni has already answered.

Thanks YN...I was nearly vomiting onto the computer screen when I read it!!!!...just another episode of me not thinking before I post....Im hopeless
Okay everyone, i must have got confused. I just read Marly's screen shot of what I thought was the Waltons slimy email asking for money. They called it Late Allison Baden Clay Childrens Appeal.

I think I misunderstood. Was that the fund for the children?
Sorry if I got it wrong. I was HORRIFIED when I read it, and thought it was the email asking for money...can someone tell me which is which now that I have confused everyone?

Hi Minni, Marly has had a byline (if that's the correct term) referring to the children's appeal set up by the Dickie family, at the bottom of her posts for some time.

I guess you saw the pic of the Walton's email, sent by Marly, and then the message down below about the valid appeal for the children, and put two and two together and came up with five, so to speak.

Easily enough done lol

Around second or third page I posted a photo of the OW made me sick looking at it so I deleted my post with that photo in it...then I fiddled in photoshop with it...deleted the original details & added in the children's fund details instead....nawt of me but oh

aaaaaahhhhhh well that explains the bank details being the same as your signature! I better start counting to ten before I type haha :blushing:
That is exactly what I've always thought is missing from this... if they really don't think he is guilty why aren't they out there DEMANDING the focus go elsewhere. I know that's what I'd be doing... going to the papers, anywhere there's someone who'd listen to me. I'd be stresed because nobody was listening. Instead life goes on for them. Not the sign of a family who believes their son is innocent.
But we know why they're not.. because there ISN"T anyone else... it's him, and they know it. IMO
Right from the beginning this stood out like you know what to me... they can't even pretend. Geez!!!

That's exactly it!
Couldn't put my finger on why I thought they were bizarre & you have absolutely just hit it on the head.
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