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DNA Solves
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Thank you, this has been driving me nuts too. I thought I remembered hearing or seeing something about this in a video, where a Baden Clay "close friend" was walking up the road near NBC Home very very early on, and wouldn't talk to reporters. She was either wearing a bank uniform or the reporter said something about her being connected with a bank. I have searched high & low, but can't find the video. If someone could lead me to it, I will happily attempt to do so myself.

I hope I can discuss this? , otherwise, please let me know, Thanks
I vaguely remember this. I've looked also for a link, but no luck yet.
Isn't it amazing that when we don't have new info we look/think back and come up with something new to discuss.
Love you guys and thank you for the warm welcome. I'm honoured. I'm sleuthing the motor dealers and real estate agents act and competition and trade practices. No toddler tonight, glass of wine and perhaps a hot bath as raining again. That also leads me to Alison's comment to hairdresser 'night off'. I know i'd have a bath so as not to steam my new do. Gives weight to drowning in bath while girls at BC house for dinner night. Chipped tooth from impact on bath porcelain maybe.

I have been under the assumption the girls were at home the night Allison was murdered...

And he and the couple's three children were alone in the house with Allison on the night of her death, a fact which was particularly relevant, Mr Boyle said.

BBM.... LOL he was P.A to a woman! Who wore the pants in that relationship.
Also,interesting to note that Mrs is the Principal??

No, read the quote again, with a comma after the word principal. GBC was the principle and EBC was the personal assistant to the principal. Hope this clarifies.
Thank you monster a very warm welcome, you have breathed some life back into this. If not for you we would have probably descended back into anarchy tonight!

Yes, I agree. Welcome monster. :welcome5: Your posts are getting the old grey matter working, always a good thing for me. Otherwise I tend to wander off and create silly animations. :blushing:
Older post from #23

Originally Posted by Makara
GBC also still has his Twitter account.!/settlewestside

He has 40 something followers but is only following two people. A female financial advisor and ABC Radio Brisbane, which gives a talkback telephone number. Perhaps GBC should give them a call and tell them what he knows.
Thank you, this has been driving me nuts too. I thought I remembered hearing or seeing something about this in a video, where a Baden Clay "close friend" was walking up the road near NBC Home very very early on, and wouldn't talk to reporters. She was either wearing a bank uniform or the reporter said something about her being connected with a bank. I have searched high & low, but can't find the video. If someone could lead me to it, I will happily attempt to do so myself.

I hope I can discuss this? , otherwise, please let me know, Thanks


[ame=""]Missing Mother - YouTube[/ame]
At 1.04
I have been under the assumption the girls were at home the night Allison was murdered...

And he and the couple's three children were alone in the house with Allison on the night of her death, a fact which was particularly relevant, Mr Boyle said.


For all of the night? Well maybe hairdresser while girls and dad dinner at BC. She said night off for a reason. I've also heard on forum somewhere a DVO callout after 10 pm hence police can timeline 11:30 roundabout, ie how long from when police left to get to roundabout from BC house to isolate time as to things happening on roundabout. If there was a callout they know when she was last seen by other than BC. Coincides with screams at 10:30 after police leave. Oh I dont know. :banghead:
I for one am sketchy about this

#902 05-20-2012, 11:44 AM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 126

Does anyone know know anything about other possible lovers of GBC?

Also... GBC financial advisor was interviewed for 4 hours the other day and also had her computer seized and a search warrant on her house. Does this mean the focus was indeed on finances????? Seems full on

Thanks so much Marly. Wow, you're good. May I ask what keywords you used to find this one? :what:
Thank you, that's what I was thinking of. I believe there was a video too.

I am unclear... so just to reinforce things

GBC was not/never declared bankrupt?- it was a Michael Clay

Is that right?

Also - I wanted to buy those affidavit docos but after seeing how long they are I doubt I can afford to spend a cool $500+ just to satisfy my curiosity. Can't see how MSM are not keen to outlay $$ on something that they could draw quite a big audience.

Liadan, do you have a link pointing to where the affidavit docs can be purchased please?

Century 21 2012 award can scroll through. He's there.

Most likely old news for you guys.

Striving becomes a beast within.

Thanks regret, Scrolling through this smartbook, look at page 22, lower photo. I am sure that has to be TM next to Allison, with 'our boy' also in the photo, together with the last remaining female agent, before C21 closure. Good find. Note the height of the woman in black, who I think is TM. She is indeed tall.
Thanks so much Marly. Wow, you're good. May I ask what keywords you used to find this one? :what:

Thanks Makara...I originally used "financial advisor searched" which took me to a post made by CaseClosed in which it mentioned "Someone mentioned yesterday another of his mistresses/financial advisor" I went to the thread prior to CC's post. Process of elimination from there as I know most of the members who wouldn't have mentioned it. Is an interesting post by CC especially if keep in mind that other post re "stalking Allison".

#142 05-21-2012, 01:13 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 2,131

I agree with you totally!!

I am now having some second thoughts about TM's involvement. What if she knows nothing of the murder and the second suspect is actually another of his mistresses? Someone mentioned yesterday (stating it was a fact, but no link to anything printed in MSM) that the husband's "financial adviser" had been interviewed, her computer confiscated and her home searched. What if this "financial adviser" is also a mistress??? Just speculating here with all of the above.

There will be no (none, zero, zilch) discussion or comments or speculation or opinions about whether or not police/law enforcement were involved in the court house bomb scare permitted.

Further discussion or comments will earn you an immediate time out.
Century 21 white label loan info - looks like there was known disclosure process

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I think once the details of the affidavit came out at the bail hearing it was pretty damaging and Olivia might not be going around with such a positive spin on things.
(love your avatar)

I hope this is the case, Bayside. Olivia looked rather shell-shocked from the photo I saw of her after the bail hearing and I am hoping her relative public quietness ever since is because her eyes and mind have been opened to the strong possibility of her brother's guilt.

Olivia before the bail hearing.

Olivia After the bail hearing.
Thanks Makara...I originally used "financial advisor searched" which took me to a post made by CaseClosed in which it mentioned "Someone mentioned yesterday another of his mistresses/financial advisor" I went to the thread prior to CC's post. Process of elimination from there as I know most of the members who wouldn't have mentioned it. Is an interesting post by CC especially if keep in mind that other post re "stalking Allison".

#142 05-21-2012, 01:13 PM
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 2,131

I agree with you totally!!

I am now having some second thoughts about TM's involvement. What if she knows nothing of the murder and the second suspect is actually another of his mistresses? Someone mentioned yesterday (stating it was a fact, but no link to anything printed in MSM) that the husband's "financial adviser" had been interviewed, her computer confiscated and her home searched. What if this "financial adviser" is also a mistress??? Just speculating here with all of the above.

Thanks again Marly. I think you've got that search engine purring with your touch.
I used "female financial advisor" and not one hit. :banghead: Ouch!

Yep, CC's post is very interesting. Where has she gone BTW?
Thanks regret, Scrolling through this smartbook, look at page 22, lower photo. I am sure that has to be TM next to Allison, with 'our boy' also in the photo, together with the last remaining female agent, before C21 closure. Good find. Note the height of the woman in black, who I think is TM. She is indeed tall.

Is that Allison in the silver dress? She is tiny. Poor darling xxxx
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