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I know I am probably barking up the wrong tree but just have been through all the photos that Manni put up as well as the media thread. The photo I am looking for has an SES worker fishing some rubbery tarpy looking thing away from the side if the creek. I thought it was in Manni s photos but it is not. Help please Marly??
i agree, they sound so un natural, like someone trying to portray a caring loving husband, in case police or someone were to read it.
and he would have texted abuse or rung her and told her to hurry up

exactly, probably more like this:

"you'd better not be pulling this crap on me today. Get you arse home now, Im not doing your job for you"

but most likely, if he woke up and she wasnt there, he'd ring her straight away. and get up her.
I know I am probably barking up the wrong tree but just have been through all the photos that Manni put up as well as the media thread. The photo I am looking for has an SES worker fishing some rubbery tarpy looking thing away from the side if the creek. I thought it was in Manni s photos but it is not. Help please Marly??

Yes, please Marly, work your magic...

graphics-computers-607987.gif gasp.gif graphics-computers-607987.gif
Im trying hard Rational, but I aint no Marly or Mak......Ill keep looking you think its the car mat from the boot?
Just reading some old reports, and found this one quoting OW.
"I spoke to her the night before she disappeared on Thursday night and she seemed fine," she said.
It really got me wondering! What was this call about? Did she call to speak to Allison specifically or to GBC? Did something said during this call trigger conflict that night? It would have to have been after Allison returned from the hairdressers, (as she says Thursday night) so say 6.45pm onwards? This may mean that she was the last person (besides GBC) that spoke to Allison, if, in fact she actually did? As she also says she saw Allison the week before, I assume that OW was in Brisbane since the week before the 19th?
Maybe we assumed that she spoke to her by phone, maybe Allison went to pick the girls up from Nigelaine and that is when OW spoke to her. So she could have not just been the last person to speak to her maybe also the last person to see her except GBC.

What bothers me the more I think about it is that what the girls can tell may be very crucial, and that is very sad.
Yes that is it Min there was a photo of that too and it looked to me like one of those boot liner thingymejigs!! I am sure there is a still photo somewhere but the screen shot is great!! Thank you!!!!

yes it does..however, it looks a bit floppy/soft? maybe just waterlogged. Its hard to see for the split second its up
Well done minni, and yes, right at the beginning and sure looks like a car mat of some sort.



It looks too thin and flimsy to be the proper car mat, but it could be a bit of tarp. If they thought it was important and from the car I don't think they'd be just pushing it around on the ground.
yes it does..however, it looks a bit floppy/soft? maybe just waterlogged. Its hard to see for the split second its up

Still trying to find the photo it was so much clearer and was snagged on those branches on the right of where the SES person was standing. Again looked like it had washed there when the creek was in flood. I kept looking at it seeing if I could place it at the time but did not make any sense till Alioop's discussion re Captiva boot etc.
yes it does..however, it looks a bit floppy/soft? maybe just waterlogged. Its hard to see for the split second its up

My boot liner is thick hard plastic. It doesn't roll up. When I take it out I have to lie it flat or lean it up against my fence. So I don't think the thing in the creek is a boot liner.

However I think it could be a cargo net, one of those nets that you put across the storage part of the car behind the seats to stop anything flying around in the car in say an accident, or if you want to keep a dog in the rear boot area.

I was just looking at my captiva manual to answer a question from a few pages back about the silver rings below the internal wheel arches. My manual says they are rings to tie a cargo net to.
Even if it is just a tarp there is a possibility its relevant. From the photos of the car and good common senseit stands to reason she was wrapped in something or placed on something. And we've talked tarps and blankets before
Yes that is it Min there was a photo of that too and it looked to me like one of those boot liner thingymejigs!! I am sure there is a still photo somewhere but the screen shot is great!! Thank you!!!!

Well done Minni. Rational, here are a few enlarged screencaps from the video. It looks to me like the SES guy is turning over a log in the first two pics. In the third pic it looks like the detective is taking a photo of the creek. Sorry for the poor quality but the pics have been enlarged by 300% and they're very pixelated. I'm not doubting that you saw the photo you mentioned but perhaps it wasn't meant to be seen by the public and has now been pulled.




Bloody hell! I just found this screencap that I'd saved weeks ago! :banghead: I could have saved myself a lot of time trying to grab the three above. :floorlaugh:

It looks like there is something draped over the dead tree to the right of the SES guy. It looks like it could be plastic or cloth but it really is difficult to say for certain.

Bloody hell! I just found this screencap that I'd saved weeks ago! :banghead: I could have saved myself a lot of time trying to grab the three above. :floorlaugh:

It looks like there is something draped over the dead tree to the right of the SES guy. It looks like it could be plastic or cloth but it really is difficult to say for certain.

View attachment 25002

Yep definitely the same pic . Thank you Makara and Minni at least I know I wasn't dreaming. I hadn't seen the video postedby Minni before but the shot has been published elsewhere. Anyway probably another dead end. Thanks again
Bloody hell! I just found this screencap that I'd saved weeks ago! :banghead: I could have saved myself a lot of time trying to grab the three above. :floorlaugh:

It looks like there is something draped over the dead tree to the right of the SES guy. It looks like it could be plastic or cloth but it really is difficult to say for certain.

View attachment 25002

Thanks Makara...looks to me like that heavy duty black plastic some folks use as a weed mat...or maybe it's insect screen type of thing?? I think a lot of things/rubbish would have washed down when the creeks were in flood from all that rain.
Even if it is just a tarp there is a possibility its relevant. From the photos of the car and good common senseit stands to reason she was wrapped in something or placed on something. And we've talked tarps and blankets before
Excellent minni! I like the picture of the detective as well. He and his companions appear to be very interested in something. Great work!
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