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After I talked with my dad today about the lowdown on caterpillars from the scientific point of view I ended up at the town library and what should be on the book cart in front of me - a book for five year olds about caterpillars. Nuff said.

A very hungry one?
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Reported fact list
Thanks JoJo

Originally Posted by Rational
Posted on 17 May 1.20 pm

A running chronology of what I think we know definitely (ie that can be substantiated by either the police, public statements by friends and or other links)
Please feel free to add subtract or correct.

April 19
-GBC was due to attend Kenmore CC meeting at 7 am. No conformation if he attended.
-around 9 am GBCmade purchase at chemist. Chemist made statement to police
-Cross country race atchildren's school at which both GBCand ABCattended
- ABC goes to hairdresser stating that she has the night off as children are at sleepover 'hairdresser interviewed by police.
- ABC speaks to best friend over phone and says she will drop in on Friday after Pathways conference
-10 pm Argument overheard by neighbours, scream and muffled scream heard, dog barking loudly


We need to get rid of the Pathways conference rumour. Wasn't it released in the Bail hearing that ABC was to attend a Real Estate conference on the Friday, and that TM was to be there as well? I'm sure I read that somewhere on MSM. Does anyone have a link?
this snippet from an early daily telegraph article is interesting, maybe allison was a regular or occasional morning walker?
article also shows a happy photo of a plumper gbc and the girls, but sadly also mentions allisons depression, almost as a reason why she hasnt "returned"to her girls.

SHE got up early every morning for a walk but Allison Baden-Clay always made sure she was home by the time her little girls woke.

Without fail, she was there to make them breakfast and get them ready for school - except last Friday morning.

For the first time, sisters H 10, S 8, and E 5, woke up without their mum.

Some time after she had tucked them up in bed the night before, Mrs Baden-Clay disappeared

Prosecution said her family told them she was not the sort to walk much.

When I read this article it reads like poetic licence. Maybe that is just me, but it's all wishy washy. No hard fact. Someone just romanticising the situation after hearing GBC say that she 'went for a walk'.

Thanks for the link though.
Can't here's my new thought for the day. It's a 'little bit' silly I confess but humour will save us - not mine perhaps though:) So...

I've always thought Bruce Overland was such a daggy aka to have. Sounds so un-sexy to use with a mistress - like one of the Leyland Brothers uncles!

If he used Bruce Overland with TM, I wonder what/if he used other aliases with the other alleged mistresses? Hmmm...lots of silly names spring to mind. Surely not Dirk Diggler - bahahaha:) All jokes aside, there are MANY men (and women) who have other mobiles and sim cards to use with their mistresses. It's possible if they found BO (hehe) the QPS might have other phone/email evidence. I bet he wasn't using the home bigpond or Optus account to correspond with these women - nor his mobile as it'd be easy to check. Let's face it, he had a lot going on that I bet he wanted to hide.

Does anyone know how/when Allison found out about TM I wonder? Just curious

ha ha, yes, i agree! a very unsexy alias! maybe it was a private joke between them, maybe he giggled and called out that name as he hovered over her about to land? creepy!
i think someone rumoured at the beginning that allison found out it was ongoing about 6 months before her death, cant remember who said it, think it was the same person who knew about the councelling
was just looking at his FB page. 360 people now....I'm surprised at these people. I can understand his family but why are the other's there. They are like voyeurs. I would be too embarrassed to be seen.

Watching and waiting. But there's no action on the pages of the family members I know. It's like the whole gang have an agreement to shut up. Can't blame them though.
ha ha, yes, i agree! a very unsexy alias! maybe it was a private joke between them, maybe he giggled and called out that name as he hovered over her about to land? creepy!
i think someone rumoured at the beginning that allison found out it was ongoing about 6 months before her death, cant remember who said it, think it was the same person who knew about the councelling

I think that sounds right. TM was sacked and the relationship suposedly ended, but three months later they started up again. ABC wrote in her diary about how badly it affected her.
ha ha, yes, i agree! a very unsexy alias! maybe it was a private joke between them, maybe he giggled and called out that name as he hovered over her about to land? creepy!
i think someone rumoured at the beginning that allison found out it was ongoing about 6 months before her death, cant remember who said it, think it was the same person who knew about the councelling

I thought that the rumour posted at the time said that Allison found out about the affair the first time at the end of the year, (not sure if it was 2010 or 2011 though) but was told it was being ended, then only recently found out it had been resumed. (or maybe it never actually ended).
Prosecution said her family told them she was not the sort to walk much.

When I read this article it reads like poetic licence. Maybe that is just me, but it's all wishy washy. No hard fact. Someone just romanticising the situation after hearing GBC say that she 'went for a walk'.

Thanks for the link though.

yes, i agree, i was going to say that. it sounds like a flowery romantic little tale to paint a picture of a perfect little family!
although i did read or see on tv in earlier reports, a neighbour was talking about how she used to see allison out walking past her place sometimes, but never spoke to her, and how she was a lovely girl.
maybe she went through a get fit phase, but like you say, those close to her seem to think she wasnt that athletic any more.
I thought that the rumour posted at the time said that Allison found out about the affair the first time at the end of the year, (not sure if it was 2010 or 2011 though) but was told it was being ended, then only recently found out it had been resumed. (or maybe it never actually ended).

ill try to find the post tomorrow.
not sure if it was msm or a poster on here, but i felt sure allison had found out about it for awhile and think the affair hadnt actually ended.
but you could be right, it may have been recently?
ill try to find the post tomorrow.
not sure if it was msm or a poster on here, but i felt sure allison had found out about it for awhile and think the affair hadnt actually ended.
but you could be right, it may have been recently?

You could be right now that I come to think of it. I had in my mind that the end of the year was relevant, either November or December, so maybe it was then. But she had found out previously, again not sure when, and then TM left C21 and Allison was told the affair had ended.
i just had a browse on the aussie crooks site, i got sidetracked trying to find out when allison found out about the affair still going on, and read that the person who reported seeing the blue and white cars actually took down the numbers and gave to police. i guess its a rumour but if anyones interested, its about 31 posts down by someone called kenmore mum. actually the whole page is quite interesting
You could be right now that I come to think of it. I had in my mind that the end of the year was relevant, either November or December, so maybe it was then. But she had found out previously, again not sure when, and then TM left C21 and Allison was told the affair had ended.

yes, gbc told everyone at the office allison had found out and tm left, but then i think she found out it was still happening awhile after that. wish the original poster could step in for a moment and confirm or deny! lots of the earlier posters seem to have left, which is a shame.
Just watched an absolutely fascinating story on Channel 7s Sunday program about a convicted wife murderer just released from prison after serving 25 years in jail. Still proclaiming his innocence incredibly -Kalajzich's situation and personality traits are similar to GBC -quite chilling really- although this fellow had a couple of attempts at murdering his poor wife before the dirty deed was completed by a hired hit man.

I also saw that story and thought how eerily similar it sounded to Allisons murder and to GBC. The whole hitman story had me thinking about previous thoughts and posters regarding this theory.(not saying it is the case, just found it really interesting)
i just had a browse on the aussie crooks site, i got sidetracked trying to find out when allison found out about the affair still going on, and read that the person who reported seeing the blue and white cars actually took down the numbers and gave to police. i guess its a rumour but if anyones interested, its about 31 posts down by someone called kenmore mum. actually the whole page is quite interesting

There is a Doc Watson over there too and they even sound like they write the same. i wonder if Doc knows she has a twin over there haha.
There is a Doc Watson over there too and they even sound like they write the same. i wonder if Doc knows she has a twin over there haha.

yes!! i thought it was our doc watson! sounds exactly like him!
i have just been browsing further there and found this post about the chains, yes, i know, not the chains again! but if you keep reading further down their page, this person posts more interesting info/gossip. hope im allowed to put this here?

Take Exception on May 23, 2012 at 9:46 am said
[ame=""]Clarifying what to do about rumors - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Please review this no discussion thread for rumor clarification.

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