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4. Dress myself.

On that note, I wonder if GBC WAS actually dressed for work as claimed in that text, when the police showed up? I wouldn't put it past him to have forgotten that, upon sending such a text, he should actually appear to be dressed for work.
I can just see GBC's "jobs for the day" list...

1. Google taking the fifth
2. Call 000
3. Make lunches

Yeah, right!
Or what about googling "how to make lunches now that I've killed wifey"

Oops, that's very naughty of me. Sorry OT.
I wanted to ask Dr Watson if he had any thoughts about sociopaths and could enlighten us - I know this might not be his field but he, along with Strangeworld and Pulps might be able to fill us in on the Anti-social personality and whether people with this have the ability to feel pain as long as it is their own, not others etc.

Any thoughts?

There has been a lot of talk on here over the weeks about sociopaths and I remember seeing or did someone suggest the book entitled 'Sociopaths amongst us'. However do any of you know any real sociopaths and does anyone have any statistics about how many sociopaths occur in the general population - as what it probably means is that we all know a few! MOO
I leave for work between 6 and 7 am and never make the kids sandwiches the night before. Yuck.

I also know lots of men who make their children's lunches either all the time or take turns with their wives.

I see a lot of comments about GBCs parenting habits and skills, but is there any proof of these rumours? The only evidence I have seen is positive. He was engaged with the kids school and extra curricular activities according to many reports in media and also posters here.

I must confess my husband does the lunches :blush: His dad always did them too apparently - who am I to complain?....
I must confess my husband does the lunches :blush: His dad always did them too apparently - who am I to complain?....

really there was nothing to suggest that GBC was domestic in any sense of the word. Hooray he did the P&C and the Chamber of Commerce and the Scouts representation . But what did he do for his family that would have been seen as something worthwhile and conducive to improving their well being.
really there was nothing to suggest that GBC was domestic in any sense of the word. Hooray he did the P&C and the Chamber of Commerce and the Scouts representation . But what did he do for his family that would have been seen as something worthwhile and conducive to improving their well being.

But wait. He used to go and bop along with the other church Mums at Mainly Music when Allison couldn't make it. From memory and sorry can't link as I am in iPhone purgatory.
That's my point CC. We know QPS were trying to exclude other similar vehicles as they did contact other car owners. But it would be interesting to know what locations QPS asked those people about. Can any of those car owners if here on websleuths help to answer this please.

The same roundabout that QPS ran their experiment on.
Ahhh Aussie-Mum nice to see you jump out of the depths to post again -I am feeling very privileged to have you post an answer my questions!
Where have you been all this time?

And honestly can you pls send these pleasant folk to my house - I am more than sure my hubby will be psyched about the task of preparing lunches being totally contracted out. Where do you get these home spun folk husbands that assist their good wives to make school lunches on a regular basis - I truly want to know! Obviously I missed out with my hubby in the 'help out the wife with kids lunch department!!!' Seriously its true!! My Hubby is totally inept at lunches!

While GBC may seem involved in the kids activitiis. What sort of ongoing respect did he have for these kids? He belittled their mother by having numerous affairs. He was not able to support his family despite apparently having a successful business. And his immediate family seemed estranged from his wife and her family. Where is the love there?Where is the care and partnership that he made a vow to keep sacred?

Making lunches and sharing this responsibility with ABC hardly measures up to the lack of actual presence this man had in his real family's lives. He wanted to be with his mistress. He wanted out of his marriage. He may have been physically present but he was mentally absent from sharing and giving the gifts of love that his family brought to the table.

So while he could go on to represent father of the year in his own eyes - I only think he was up to this title to show the world that this was another successful avenue in life for him. (Much like that truthful resume he has...) Someone who has so many mistresses you can't count them on one hand is not eligible for father of the year in my books!


seriously - don't forget the p&c, chamber of commerce and then there is all the time on the weekends at open inspections and generally talking to possible buyers - where was the time for family and Allison? Surely TM must have taken up a good deal of his time - what was left for family? MOO
really there was nothing to suggest that GBC was domestic in any sense of the word. Hooray he did the P&C and the Chamber of Commerce and the Scouts representation . But what did he do for his family that would have been seen as something worthwhile and conducive to improving their well being.

When I was P&C president I had a couple of males who came along who were really interested in helping and we had some who were the exact opposite- there only to be 'someone' in the 'world' of schooling
But wait. He used to go and bop along with the other church Mums at Mainly Music when Allison couldn't make it. From memory and sorry can't link as I am in iPhone purgatory.

For the last 5 mins before he picked his girl up!!
And the other mums got him really going!!!
Yeah, they really got me now
You got me so I don't know what Im doin, now ( and now I never doin anythin I know what I'm doin)
GBC was moving toward being an entrepreneur. I reckon he was thinking he was a Kerry Packer of real estate in the making! There was no way he was letting a family OR anyone for that matter hold him back. He and Charles would have been a tight unit. I will speak for you Charles, I will take that on for you Charles. Just send me another yellow jacket so I can send my other one to get dry cleaned. A wasp never changes his stripes!

But yes he was not really interested in being a family man. He was interested in looking like the family man.
Hopefully the Captiva, being a late model car, was fitted with a GPS. If so then maybe QPS can extract some valuable info...
It would appear that all trips are stored, for up to 16 days on some GPS units, not only entered destinations!

Take note of the Garmin description, particularly the last para and also the Cell Phone with GPS para.
Doesn't really assist us now but could turn out to be the "smoking gun".

I could stand to be corrected but this is my understanding.

Depends on the model, but this one doesn't.
really there was nothing to suggest that GBC was domestic in any sense of the word. Hooray he did the P&C and the Chamber of Commerce and the Scouts representation . But what did he do for his family that would have been seen as something worthwhile and conducive to improving their well being.

He seemed to like cooking for all of Brookfield...well I take it that's what this meant....although on second thought, perhaps he didn't cook the burgers at all, just handed them out.

April 28, 2012

The Baden-Clays were fixtures at the monthly gatherings where he was known as the "burger man" and she would bring the children, who would play with friends while dads talked and mums sipped wine.
WHO REALLY PACKED THE LUNCHES? A busy mum with a big day ahead of her would have packed the lunches the night before. Allison had, had her hair done for the conference, the conference had an early start, she was busy Thursday planning for Friday...there would be little time to get anything done in the morning so there would be lots to get done in the mean time and lunches would have been a part of that wouldn't it?
WHY SEND A TEXT ABOUT THE LUNCHES? I suppose whoever sent the text must have thought it worth mentioning. If the sender thought it was relevant and wanted it known then it must be relevant...but how?
WERE THE LUNCHES PACKED IN GLAD WRAP? Glad Wrap is a plastic used to keep air out. It can be used in all sorts of manner. It also has a sharp serrated edge quite capable of causing a cut to the palm of the hand if you apply force to the box.
I suppose if it was mentioned in a text message and then brought up at a later date,( by something like an investigation,) you could always say," Öh yes, but I did pack the lunches, Remember, I sent it in that text"
Just me, raving on. Not fact.

I was thinking just exactly the same thing. If I have an early meeting, I always do the lunches the night before. I think it was mentioned in the text to try & paint a perfect family picture...
Marly don't you think his cooking BBQ was just his way of being in the throes of everyone and showing off? It wasn't for his family...
I must confess my husband does the lunches :blush: His dad always did them too apparently - who am I to complain?.... mine does the washing up. Every night! But, if he made lunch the next day, the boy would know, by both container and content. I am quite an organised person, but i never do lunches the night before either. And my car is a pig sty. Not like Allison's. there, now I'm on topic.
For the last 5 mins before he picked his girl up!!
And the other mums got him really going!!!
Yeah, they really got me now
You got me so I don't know what Im doin, now ( and now I never doin anythin I know what I'm doin)

Love it! (dances)
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: OH BAYSIDE!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: OH BAYSIDE! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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