DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It seems incredible that only four months ago GBC had so much of what really matters in life and then, alegedly, he deliberately destroyed all of that by stealing the gift of life from Allison.

This begs the question, why? The only answer I can come up with is simply greed. Not being satisfied with what he had and wanting more.

Then inevitably came the bad decisions to try and feed the greed.

All so pathetic and pointless. One wonders, if he had succeeded in his goals (whatever they were exactly) would he ever have felt satisfied. I doubt it. No doubt he would still have hankered for more and made more bad decisions to try to get more.

I wonder what his goals are now? If he had been able to value what he had, this whole tragedy would never have happened.

Thats the million dollar question Frustrated, and the main reason I refused to believe for so long that he would do this. Its the saddest thing that Allison's life was cut short, and that her children will miss out on so much, and there is no real answer to why, other than self gratification, satisfying his own desires and needs without any consideration to how his actions will affect others.

IMO I think he has many narcissistic traits. It seems very clear to me that he planned to kill her in order to gain for himself. I am not saying that it went as planned, my thoughts are that it was planned, but he jumped the gun in a moment of anger and killed her in a different manner than first planned. But the pre planning and conception of killing her IMO shows his narcissistic characteristics.

IMO his goals now would be no different that he has always had and that is simply to make sure he satisfies his every need.

Right now he would be probably be feeling nervous, irritate and a bit empty as he is no longer getting the attention he craves. (I think they need a constant supply of admiration and affection, which they tend to sexualise, by having affairs)

I believe people that are narcissistic are masking and hiding behind a very sad existence of emptiness, insecurity, insignificance and depression. Everything is a facade, and all their actions are a reaction to these feelings they do not wish to surface. My empathatic and understanding side feels very sorry for people like this
I wonder what his goals are now?

All I can think is GBC is the ultimate reality show star now. If that was his goal, he has achieved it.
Have been out in the yard this weekend (beautiful weather finally).
Was postulating that perhaps GBC was itchy because he threw a large bag of lime over the body. It would be a practical thing to do, but would have really irritated his skin.
NBC could have been waiting at the roundabout (sigh) with a bag of lime.
The lime would have been detectable easily, leading to the 'interference with a corpse' charge.
Forgive me if this is far fetched or off topic, have hives at the moment and living on phenergan ... but it has made me think about pH.
Have been out in the yard this weekend (beautiful weather finally).
Was postulating that perhaps GBC was itchy because he threw a large bag of lime over the body. It would be a practical thing to do, but would have really irritated his skin.
NBC could have been waiting at the roundabout (sigh) with a bag of lime.
The lime would have been detectable easily, leading to the 'interference with a corpse' charge.
Forgive me if this is far fetched or off topic, have hives at the moment and living on phenergan ... but it has made me think about pH.

I'm surprised you are even awake!!
Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

My justice prevail somehow.

Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

My justice prevail somehow.


Welcome home keyboredom :skip:
Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

Good to see you're still around! Thanks for sharing your information. I agree re: the amazing restraint shown. I hope and pray that if he is guilty that justice will be served. That's all anyone really wants isn't it? That if someone has murdered someone that they are found guilty and DO NOT get off. No one wants an innocent person to be put in jail. Thanks again KeyBoredom!
The Winter Wattle has just about rendered my nose USELESS! I am surviving on anti-histamines. Otherwise my household would be bankrupt from buying tissues and toilet paper for my runny nose. I have had that Winter Lurgy and now the sinus runny nose will be here until those blinking wattles have finished completely!

Love them cause they are yellow and remind me of sun and flowers like a bright spark Allison but hate them because they just about lay me flat!
Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

My justice prevail somehow.

Welcome back keyboredom!

It makes me so sick to think that he could walk free and raise those girls :( IMO
Perhaps the BC family want custody so they can ensure the girls never have to give evidence? And other normal reasons too.
Hi all

Haven't kept up with the threads, but not sure if this was mentioned. Apparently GBC's lawyer has told him to stay silent and he will definitely get him off, due to the inconsistencies that will be found in the evidence. Only from a general but reliable source, so sadly it could be true and the way things work.

Also suggested there has been custody issues over the girls with someone from that fine family contesting the Dickies rights to have the kids in their care.

Heard from people close to the family that everyone's response from day one was "he's killed her". If this is true, there's been some amazing restraint shown.
If Alison was my daughter he'd be dead and i'd be the one in jail.

My justice prevail somehow.

Great to see you back KB!

Do you remember someone earlier in the week mentioned that the senior BC's wouldn't get access but OW would in the future. I've looked again for the post as I wanted to ask if this was rumor or fact - can't find it, I was wondering why her & not them... Perhaps that's who wants custody - good christian family & all :-(
Surely they could be made (by law) to hand over the girls possessions as having their own things must be in their best interests. That way their possessions can stay with them if by some quirk of absurdity someone else is guilty & GBC is released. Grrrr so cross... Wouldn't a normal person just want the girls to be secure & loved where they are. Sorry you felt dismissed Minni, maybe we were all just hoping it can't happen.
Exactly Mani, I watch a lot of crime shows, and the amazing thing about a lot of them is just how stupid these people are. Now, maybe they aren't always stupid, but in the aftermath of murdering someone (not so much with premeditated murder as they have at least thought it through for some time, but in an act of rage) they make rash decisions in the spur of the moment when there is adrenalin, fear, excitement, panic etc coursing through their body. They just arent thinking on a normal level at all.

So the reports of the prado (i think) driving erratically down brookfield rod, the facecall the going to the roundabout (which seems so stupid to us at first glance) all makes sense to me.

Mani and Minni this scenario sounds good. It covers a lot of the bases.

Because I only joined at about thread 32 or 33, I decided to try reading from thread 1. I was quite shocked when Alicat mentioned she got and eerie feeling when driving over Kholo Bridge and then days later Allison was found there. Freaked me out a bit because I got an eerie feeling when I saw the pics of Ugly Creek. I really hope I dont have Alicat's intuition or pyschic abilities. The pics of Ugly Creek made it look like the loneliest place out. Any place to be dumped would be lonely and horrible, but that place just seems really eerie.
Do you remember someone earlier in the week mentioned that the senior BC's wouldn't get access but OW would in the future. I've looked again for the post as I wanted to ask if this was rumor or fact - can't find it, I was wondering why her & not them... Perhaps that's who wants custody - good christian family & all :-(
Surely they could be made (by law) to hand over the girls possessions as having their own things must be in their best interests. That way their possessions can stay with them if by some quirk of absurdity someone else is guilty & GBC is released. Grrrr so cross... Wouldn't a normal person just want the girls to be secure & loved where they are. Sorry you felt dismissed Minni, maybe we were all just hoping it can't happen.

Thank you Onlyone... you are so right...for most of us, all we would ever want, ahead of our own needs, is to make the girls transition into this new and uncertain life, as easy and pain free as possible. I dont recall any talk about OW getting custody, I missed that one. I don't see a judge taking the girls away from their current situation after everything they have been through, just to hand them over to other people.

I AM scared that he may get out. In the event he does, the girls would go straight back to him, no question of custody. That is a worry.


I think if they were to gain permanent custody, maybe they could demand things of this nature, but as it so temporary, maybe they dont have to power yet? I dont know much about it, but I do feel safe in the knowledge that a judge will absolutely put the girls interests first
Mani and Minni this scenario sounds good. It covers a lot of the bases.

Because I only joined at about thread 32 or 33, I decided to try reading from thread 1. I was quite shocked when Alicat mentioned she got and eerie feeling when driving over Kholo Bridge and then days later Allison was found there. Freaked me out a bit because I got an eerie feeling when I saw the pics of Ugly Creek. I really hope I dont have Alicat's intuition or pyschic abilities. The pics of Ugly Creek made it look like the loneliest place out. Any place to be dumped would be lonely and horrible, but that place just seems really eerie.

Hi Enthralled, even now, I go back and read through the old threads, and I have to say...they are fascinating reading...if you dont read them (as painfully long as they are) you will really be missing out. SO much is covered and dissected and discussed, it is a must. It will take you quite a long time though!!!
Hi Enthralled, even now, I go back and read through the old threads, and I have to say...they are fascinating reading...if you dont read them (as painfully long as they are) you will really be missing out. SO much is covered and dissected and discussed, it is a must. It will take you quite a long time though!!!

Your right it is fascinating reading. The frustrating thing is I want to respond to some of the posts :banghead:
Do you remember someone earlier in the week mentioned that the senior BC's wouldn't get access but OW would in the future. I've looked again for the post as I wanted to ask if this was rumor or fact - can't find it, I was wondering why her & not them... Perhaps that's who wants custody - good christian family & all :-(
Surely they could be made (by law) to hand over the girls possessions as having their own things must be in their best interests. That way their possessions can stay with them if by some quirk of absurdity someone else is guilty & GBC is released. Grrrr so cross... Wouldn't a normal person just want the girls to be secure & loved where they are. Sorry you felt dismissed Minni, maybe we were all just hoping it can't happen.

This may be the post you mentioned??...

I've seen them at dancing and outwardly they look good. However you notice the stoop that Geoff now has, the anxiety on their faces, the uncomfortableness of people staring and being the subject of talk. I think the Dickie family as a whole is absolutely amazing. They are all living together to get through this. What Allisons sister and brother have given up to assist as well is just mind blowing. How sad that Allison didn't feel she could lean on this wonderful family in her time of need. How awful that GBC in his revolting treatment of her made her doubt their love and acceptance for her.

My scuttlebutt is that they have custody of the girls till the end of the year and then it will be reviewed. During that time the BC family has absolutely no access. After this OW will be given supervised access but only OW. I think this will be very stressful for them....all the what ifs etc

My belief is that there is more to come regarding charges etc for the BC's to have been cleanly cut out in this fashion. Clearly those in the know believe that they would unduly influence the girls in some way.

Interestingly the girls are not completely in the know about where GBC is and why. The Dickies whatever their beliefs and feelings have maintained some "fairytale" for the girls. Obviously being back at school and in the public arena they will hear things but clearly at home it is all about support and love and not overt GBC bashing. I bow to them on this one - I'm not sure I could do it!!

All of course MOO
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