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Wow,blown away.....Congrats Marly......

Good luck keeping us all in line. LOL
Oh, she won't be alone in that task. :saber:

hehehe. Not at all alone!

Also please note that alioop is now a verified attorney/solicitor in Australia.

The verified professionals document to be updated shortly, but I did want to let everyone know.
good morning everyone :) can someone point me in the direction of the timeline thread? hoping it's up to date with all the latest, I've missed too many threads!

edit: actually, is there a current list of rumours/verified facts.. I found the timeline, not so far behind as I thought I was
Maybe he started growing it to cover up the scratches. And he is now maintaining it to cover up for his cover up. I. Other words, pretending this is what he wanted to do when in reality he did it for another reason.

There may have also been an element that with his beard he looks remarkably like his brother!

I have two trains of thought.

1. like the incessant way he held his phone to his face every single time he was in public, or held his daughters close to him, he feels exposed and worried that people will read his facial expressions and see right through him. Its highly possible that when he saw his video with the reporter that even he knew how untruthful and pathetic his face looked, and realised that, in this case at least, he can't lie for s***, so he'd better cover up.

Either that, or in his arrogance, he googled self incriminating, flicked over a few generalised pointers thinking he is too clever and special to need to do any thorough research, and misread it, not realising that it is incriminating to change your appearance after you murder someone, not the other way round.
Haha so true. Whenever I saw him around he was always clean shaven, odd that now in jail he prefers the rugged look!

As long as he keeps the beard he can be in denial of the scratches episode ever having happened.

Maybe even has 'made up' a caterpillar phobia by now.
Anyone else notice that it could be said the opposite of Bruce Overland is Sheila Underwater...

wow Even, that is very very eerie........kind of freaks me out
As long as he keeps the beard he can be in denial of the scratches episode ever having happened.

Maybe even has 'made up' a caterpillar phobia by now.

Maybe he is trying to hide it from himself as every time he sees it it goes against what he is trying to tell himself 'it is all a bad dream, someone else did it, right Bruce!!?'
Congratulations to Marly on becoming a Mod and to Alioop on your verification.:woohoo:

Maybe he is trying to hide it from himself as every time he sees it it goes against what he is trying to tell himself 'it is all a bad dream, someone else did it, right Bruce!!?'

If someone is a 'pathological' liar - do they not believe their lies are 'real?'

It amazes me that anyone could keep lying in this situation. Is pathological lying associated with any type of personality disorder?

(I'm not a Psychologist)
As long as he keeps the beard he can be in denial of the scratches episode ever having happened.

Maybe even has 'made up' a caterpillar phobia by now.

When he was court ordered to shave the beard off, hopefully police photographs of his appearance then were obtained. If so, any proof of scarring at that time would become evidence.
If someone is a 'pathological' liar - do they not believe their lies are 'real?'

It amazes me that anyone could keep lying in this situation. Is pathological lying associated with any type of personality disorder?

(I'm not a Psychologist)

I think that is the nature of pathological lying - they can't help themselves CJ.
I've been thinking about the name 'Bruce OVERLAND'.

I found this site with a meaning of the word OVERLAND, 'adventure'.

Was he planning on getting away with murder, paying out the debts with the insurance and starting an 'adventure' with TM and the girls in Africa? Could that have been part of the reason he didn't get bail?

I was googling 'Overland' and GBC and came across a forum poster called 'kay' on another website, that made large interesting comments regarding 'Overland 4WD tours', and the Baden-Clay family. (at the bottom of the page)

I also note the similarities in the Rayney murder..

Mr Rayney had a "great deal" to gain from Mrs Rayney's death, Mr Agius said, because the couple owned numerous investment properties together and she had two superannuation policies and a life insurance policy.
Mr Agius said the death was "planned" to remove the embarrassment of a divorce and preserve his career.

In the days before she was killed, Corryn Rayney wrote an email to her sister stating her husband and accused murderer, Lloyd Rayney, was "having an affair".
I've been thinking about the name 'Bruce OVERLAND'.

I found this site with a meaning of the word OVERLAND, 'adventure'.

Was he planning on getting away with murder, paying out the debts with the insurance and starting an 'adventure' with TM and the girls in Africa? Could that have been part of the reason he didn't get bail?

I was googling 'Overland' and GBC and came across a forum poster called 'kay' on another website, that made large interesting comments regarding 'Overland 4WD tours', and the Baden-Clay family. (at the bottom of the page)
how bizarre!
That's what I thought hehe. I've always called him BO...he's a bit on the nose. But seriously, sometimes accused have done or do develop a bit of an alter ego - more so when incarcerated. Can be an attention thing but he's interesting given he was into BO before he was arrested.

Just pondering that IF GBC does have traits of Narcissist personality disorder (as has been suggested many times on this forum), then his main preoccupation would be to get his narcissistic supply of admiration, pity, attention and so on.

Now that he is restricted to the inside (with limited contact with the outside) his supply would have to come from the inside. In that case he would simply discard the previous sources of supply. It would just be a matter of moving on to the next candidates within the prison system.

My father - who I now think had NPD - discarded nearly all his previous supply when he went into a nursing home in his 80s. This included loyal friends from his childhood, one of his two daughters (me) and many others.

He was getting his supply from residents and staff who were part of his new everyday life and didn't need the others anymore.

At the time I could not comprehend his actions. But with my current understanding of NPD I can see that it was a predictable outcome for his personality type.

All very interesting to observe, but very painful to be one of the discarded ones.
1. The idea Allison was placed in or around Little Ugly Creek because she was "beautiful" is just a romantic notion I feel. I don't believe GBC would have given that line of thinking a second thought and feel it wouldn't have even occurred to him to make any such connection. He was more interested in other things. I personally think its name says it all. It is a little, ugly creek IMO. I've been there.

2. As for the water, Allison hating it and putting her there as a final punishment. Nah. I'm still going with she was put there as it was close to the Brisbane river and decomposition was thought to be speedier I'd say and cause of death harder to detect. Burying in national park is futile I feel for GBC. He needed a body to be found - eventually. If he buried her it's riskier I feel all around.

Pulps - I am a realist. Thanks for your input but it isn't delving into what I was after.

If GBC disliked Allison enough to murder her then the place he put her shows that dislike. IMO

I also think Allison was the true achiever in that relationship, as evidenced by her past and that can create anger and jealousy in a narcissist.

I was hoping for a psychological profiling from you as to what you have derived from his personality. You may have already done this in a former thread though that I have missed.

Thanks again everyone for the congrats....much appreciated.

Thanks again also to Kimster & Summer...glad I've got you guys by my side ;)
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