DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I was just looking through a folder I have on my desktop, and its obviously written earlier on, but its a bit of a compilation of theories about GBC and father mostly, but olso other theories involving financial problems. some of it is mine and some of it is grabbed from other posters theories. But this one is pretty much on the money. I think maybe its written by Keyboredom, but I didn't reference :what:

Marly you could probably find that when you have time, please?

My guess is that the eventual case will involve a son and father, underlying financial motivation, heat of the moment anger/confusion, then panic, coupled with unexpected witnesses and a lack of support from people who might be expected to help the perpetrators when everything comes out. Completely JMO. I have no evidence who the murderer/accomplice is.
You're right - it's white and grey matter.... ;)

And Psychology is 50 Shades of Grey matter.

Edit- oops, back on track.

Will the marriage counsellor Allison and the accused saw be called as a witness do you think? Reckon they'd have anything interesting to say?

Saw a true crime story on tv yesterday. Over 20 years after the crime there were advancements in DNA technology and 3 brothers were arrested simultaneously (because of their close DNA). Two of them answered questions and were cooperative. One wasn't cooperative and wouldn't talk. Guess which ones DNA ended up being the exact match and he ended up pleading guilty?
Gerard Baden-Clay has emotional reunion with parents-I am intrigued with the wording of this article that GBC was forced to talk to mother and father Elaine and Nigel, FORCED? Why FORCED and by whom? Has he taken a fall for his parents or scared they may say something during the recorded meeting?

and was forced to talk to mother and father Elaine and Nigel, and friend Rob Cheesman through a wall of glass when they came to visit him on Thursday morning.

It just means he was forced to talk through the glass partition, rather than be allowed face to face contact I think
Gerard Baden-Clay has emotional reunion with parents-I am intrigued with the wording of this article that GBC was forced to talk to mother and father Elaine and Nigel, FORCED? Why FORCED and by whom? Has he taken a fall for his parents or scared they may say something during the recorded meeting?

I think the wording means he was forced to talk to them through a glass wall. rather than meaning he was forced to talk to them.

Edit - Minni, you were too quick for me!

Don't you think being gaunt and tired looking is a great way of getting pity and attention? The narcissistic husband I had would get this hangdog look and pretend to be sick or sore or exhausted every time he saw his mother as he knew she was the only one who would be sucked in by this. Oh, I guess the floozie was too.
I was just looking through a folder I have on my desktop, and its obviously written earlier on, but its a bit of a compilation of theories about GBC and father mostly, but olso other theories involving financial problems. some of it is mine and some of it is grabbed from other posters theories. But this one is pretty much on the money. I think maybe its written by Keyboredom, but I didn't reference :what:

Marly you could probably find that when you have time, please?

My guess is that the eventual case will involve a son and father, underlying financial motivation, heat of the moment anger/confusion, then panic, coupled with unexpected witnesses and a lack of support from people who might be expected to help the perpetrators when everything comes out. Completely JMO. I have no evidence who the murderer/accomplice is.

[ame=""]Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20 - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Found it! This is my first post but I've been following Allison's sad, sad story for many weeks now.

Minni and keyboredom, your scenario sounds highly likely to me, and may be the reason we're struggling to make sense of the clues that are available to us. It's not easy for me to sit at my keyboard and try to explain the actions and motives of someone who's angry, confused, panicked, and/or unexpectedly witnessed.
I tend to think its because he has something to hide

Yes I think GBC does the beard thing cause he is morphing into a different character. He doesn't need the GBC persona of RE Agent with honesty and integrity now, he needs to change to adapt to jail. So the beard and probably the lack of 5 star lunches and no personal trainer are going to tell on his frame. So he becomes more aligned with the BO persona one that he can mould to suit his new situation. Still GBC but more BO.
Narcisissts keep things at a distance from everyone -some have been known to have double families that each of the wives knows nothing about. (albeit different cities)

Maybe he thinks that TM likes the beard. And I must say I hope TM got to give GBC a real good serve before he got to jail. I am sure she would have had her suspicions - the police practically grilled her. She probably had the most dollars invested as he was planning for a brighter future with a cash cow in TM. No disprespect intended to TM with that cow comment.

Also ****:cheer:******Congrats Marley wings************
ace work GAL
Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20 - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Found it! This is my first post but I've been following Allison's sad, sad story for many weeks now.

Minni and keyboredom, your scenario sounds highly likely to me, and may be the reason we're struggling to make sense of the clues that are available to us. It's not easy for me to sit at my keyboard and try to explain the actions and motives of someone who's angry, confused, panicked, and/or unexpectedly witnessed.

:welcome4: Woodstock!!

It's nice to meet you!! Thanks for finding it was KB!! his posts are well worth reading hey??
most of his actions seem unexplainable to the average person I suppose. (gbc's actions...not KeyBoredoms haha)
Congratulations Marly. I know you'll do an awesome job.

Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20 - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Found it! This is my first post but I've been following Allison's sad, sad story for many weeks now.

Minni and keyboredom, your scenario sounds highly likely to me, and may be the reason we're struggling to make sense of the clues that are available to us. It's not easy for me to sit at my keyboard and try to explain the actions and motives of someone who's angry, confused, panicked, and/or unexpectedly witnessed.



I just love Peanuts!
Gerard Baden-Clay has emotional reunion with parents-I am intrigued with the wording of this article that GBC was forced to talk to mother and father Elaine and Nigel, FORCED? Why FORCED and by whom? Has he taken a fall for his parents or scared they may say something during the recorded meeting?

I'm intrigued that the word 'forced' was used twice. Once in relation to the non contact visit and the other in relation to his beard removal. It's unusual to see the same adjective used twice in a news story. Usually the same adjective is re used to re- iterate a point.
It's probably nothing - but it caught my attention.
I'm intrigued that the word 'forced' was used twice. Once in relation to the non contact visit and the other in relation to his beard removal. It's unusual to see the same adjective used twice in a news story. Usually the same adjective is re used to re- iterate a point.
It's probably nothing - but it caught my attention.

I think the media are getting some satisfaction with their use of words. They may think its nice for people who believe him to be guilty (ie, the major population) to read how he is being forced against his will to do things. Maybe he reads the paper and its just a little dig at him, and small way to humiliate and belittle him the way they think he did his wife??

no idea really, just filling time!
I think the media are getting some satisfaction with their use of words. They may think its nice for people who believe him to be guilty (ie, the major population) to read how he is being forced against his will to do things. Maybe he reads the paper and its just a little dig at him, and small way to humiliate and belittle him the way they think he did his wife??

no idea really, just filling time!

I do a bit of amateur study in linguistics, and it's a VERY strong word. I read it (twice) and thought it was geared towards those who think he's innocent.

Yes, I'm filling time too :)

Haha so true. Whenever I saw him around he was always clean shaven, odd that now in jail he prefers the rugged look!

I cannot remember where I read this, but apparantly the growing of facial hair/beard is very typical of (alledged) murderers.
I do a bit of amateur study in linguistics, and it's a VERY strong word. I read it (twice) and thought it was geared towards those who think he's innocent.

Yes, I'm filling time too :)


I SEE, good one Onions!!..rather than a little celebration that he's miserable...its a statement of outrage that this wonderful man is being forced to endure terrible things?

Thats pretty interesting. Poor dear innocent Gerard. Its an abomination to the unjustly accused man

I cannot remember where I read this, but apparantly the growing of facial hair/beard is very typical of (alledged) murderers.

Yes I think I read a story years ago in one of the FBI profilers book John Douglas maybe?
Anyway, the killer grows the beard AFTER the murder but BEFORE he is accused, in an attempt to disguise their image to confuse any later witnesses. And to hide their lies and expressions from giving them away (I think, it was probably 20 years ago I read that one) and I think its popular to change their hairstyle too?
I SEE, good one Onions!!..rather than a little celebration that he's miserable...its a statement of outrage that this wonderful man is being forced to endure terrible things?

Thats pretty interesting. Poor dear innocent Gerard. Its an abomination to the unjustly accused man


That's how it read to me-like a 'boohoo poor GBC' story.
I'm openly anti GBC-so I'm going to get a linguistics friend to take a look at it, as it could just be me being overly sensitive.

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